Пример #1
 public static function compile($path, $source = null)
     $conf = Pimcore_Config::getSystemConfig();
     $compiledContent = "";
     // check if the file is already compiled in the cache
     $cacheKey = "less_file_" . md5_file($path);
     if ($contents = Pimcore_Model_Cache::load($cacheKey)) {
         return $contents;
     // use the original less compiler if configured
     if ($conf->outputfilters->lesscpath) {
         $output = array();
         exec($conf->outputfilters->lesscpath . " " . $path, $output);
         $compiledContent = implode($output);
         // add a comment to the css so that we know it's compiled by lessc
         if (!empty($compiledContent)) {
             $compiledContent = "\n\n/**** compiled with lessc (node.js) ****/\n\n" . $compiledContent;
     // use php implementation of lessc if it doesn't work
     if (empty($compiledContent)) {
         $less = new lessc();
         $less->importDir = dirname($path);
         $compiledContent = $less->parse(file_get_contents($path));
         // add a comment to the css so that we know it's compiled by lessphp
         $compiledContent = "\n\n/**** compiled with lessphp ****/\n\n" . $compiledContent;
     if ($source) {
         // correct references inside the css
         $compiledContent = self::correctReferences($source, $compiledContent);
     // put the compiled contents into the cache
     Pimcore_Model_Cache::save($compiledContent, $cacheKey, array("less"));
     return $compiledContent;
Пример #2
 protected function getStorage()
     if ($this->cachedItems === null) {
         $this->cachedItems = array();
         if ($items = Pimcore_Model_Cache::load(self::cacheKey)) {
             $this->cachedItems = $items;
     return $this->cachedItems;
Пример #3
 public function start()
     if ($this->editmode && !$this->force) {
         return false;
     if ($content = Pimcore_Model_Cache::load($this->key)) {
         echo $content;
         return true;
     $this->captureEnabled = true;
     return false;
Пример #4
  * @static
  * @return mixed|Zend_Config
 public static function getWebsiteConfig()
     try {
         $config = Zend_Registry::get("pimcore_config_website");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $cacheKey = "website_config";
         if (!($config = Pimcore_Model_Cache::load($cacheKey))) {
             $websiteSettingFile = PIMCORE_CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY . "/website.xml";
             $settingsArray = array();
             if (is_file($websiteSettingFile)) {
                 $rawConfig = new Zend_Config_Xml($websiteSettingFile);
                 $arrayData = $rawConfig->toArray();
                 foreach ($arrayData as $key => $value) {
                     $s = null;
                     if ($value["type"] == "document") {
                         $s = Document::getByPath($value["data"]);
                     } else {
                         if ($value["type"] == "asset") {
                             $s = Asset::getByPath($value["data"]);
                         } else {
                             if ($value["type"] == "object") {
                                 $s = Object_Abstract::getByPath($value["data"]);
                             } else {
                                 if ($value["type"] == "bool") {
                                     $s = (bool) $value["data"];
                                 } else {
                                     if ($value["type"] == "text") {
                                         $s = (string) $value["data"];
                     if ($s) {
                         $settingsArray[$key] = $s;
             $config = new Zend_Config($settingsArray, true);
             Pimcore_Model_Cache::save($config, $cacheKey, array("websiteconfig", "system", "config"), null, 998);
     return $config;
Пример #5
  * @param string $domain
  * @return Site
 public static function getByDomain($domain)
     // cached because this is called in the route (Pimcore_Controller_Router_Route_Frontend)
     $cacheKey = "site_domain_" . str_replace(array(".", "-"), "_", $domain);
     if (!($site = Pimcore_Model_Cache::load($cacheKey))) {
         $site = new self();
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $site = "failed";
         Pimcore_Model_Cache::save($site, $cacheKey, array("system", "site"));
     if ($site == "failed" || !$site) {
         throw new Exception("there is no site for the requested domain");
     return $site;
Пример #6
  * @param string $table
  * @param bool $cache
  * @return array|mixed
 protected function getValidTableColumns($table, $cache = true)
     $cacheKey = "system_resource_columns_" . $table;
     if (Zend_Registry::isRegistered($cacheKey)) {
         $columns = Zend_Registry::get($cacheKey);
     } else {
         $columns = Pimcore_Model_Cache::load($cacheKey);
         if (!$columns || !$cache) {
             $columns = array();
             $data = $this->db->fetchAll("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $table);
             foreach ($data as $d) {
                 $columns[] = $d["Field"];
             Pimcore_Model_Cache::save($columns, $cacheKey, array("system", "resource"), null, 997);
         Zend_Registry::set($cacheKey, $columns);
     return $columns;
Пример #7
 public function load()
     $client = Pimcore_Google_Api::getSimpleClient();
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     $perPage = $this->getPerPage();
     $offset = $this->getOffset();
     $query = $this->getQuery();
     if ($client) {
         $search = new apiCustomsearchService($client);
         // determine language
         $language = "";
         if (Zend_Registry::isRegistered("Zend_Locale")) {
             $locale = Zend_Registry::get("Zend_Locale");
             $language = $locale->getLanguage();
         if (!array_key_exists("hl", $config) && !empty($language)) {
             $config["hl"] = $language;
         if (!array_key_exists("lr", $config) && !empty($language)) {
             $config["lr"] = "lang_" . $language;
         if ($query) {
             if ($offset) {
                 $config["start"] = $offset + 1;
             if ($perPage) {
                 $config["num"] = $perPage;
             $cacheKey = "google_cse_" . md5($query . serialize($config));
             if (!($result = Pimcore_Model_Cache::load($cacheKey))) {
                 $result = $search->cse->listCse($query, $config);
                 Pimcore_Model_Cache::save($result, $cacheKey, array("google_cse"), 3600, 999);
             return $this->getResults();
         return array();
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Google Simple API Key is not configured in System-Settings.");
Пример #8
 public function getAllTranslations()
     $cacheKey = static::getTableName() . "_data";
     if (!($translations = Pimcore_Model_Cache::load($cacheKey))) {
         $itemClass = static::getItemClass();
         $translations = array();
         $translationsData = $this->db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM " . static::getTableName());
         foreach ($translationsData as $t) {
             if (!$translations[$t["key"]]) {
                 $translations[$t["key"]] = new $itemClass();
             $translations[$t["key"]]->addTranslation($t["language"], $t["text"]);
             if ($translations[$t["key"]]->getDate() < $t["date"]) {
         Pimcore_Model_Cache::save($translations, $cacheKey, array("translator", "translate"), 999);
     return $translations;
Пример #9
 public function translateAdmin($key = "")
     if ($key) {
         $locale = $_REQUEST["systemLocale"];
         if (!$locale) {
             if (Zend_Registry::isRegistered("Zend_Locale")) {
                 $locale = Zend_Registry::get("Zend_Locale");
             } else {
                 $locale = new Zend_Locale("en");
         if ($locale) {
             $cacheKey = "translator_admin";
             if (!($translate = Pimcore_Model_Cache::load($cacheKey))) {
                 $translate = new Pimcore_Translate_Admin($locale);
                 Pimcore_Model_Cache::save($translate, $cacheKey, array("translator", "translator_admin", "translate"), null, 804);
             return call_user_func_array(array($this, "translate"), func_get_args());
     return $key;
Пример #10
 public function initTranslation()
     if (Zend_Registry::isRegistered("Zend_Translate")) {
         $translator = Zend_Registry::get("Zend_Translate");
     } else {
         // setup Zend_Translate
         try {
             $locale = Zend_Registry::get("Zend_Locale");
             $cacheKey = "translator_website";
             if (!($translate = Pimcore_Model_Cache::load($cacheKey))) {
                 $translate = new Pimcore_Translate_Website($locale);
                 Pimcore_Model_Cache::save($translate, $cacheKey, array("translator", "translator_website", "translate"), null, 999);
             if (Pimcore_Tool::isValidLanguage($locale)) {
             } else {
                 Logger::error("You want to use an invalid language which is not defined in the system settings: " . $locale);
                 // fall back to the first (default) language defined
                 $languages = Pimcore_Tool::getValidLanguages();
                 if ($languages[0]) {
                     Logger::error("Using '" . $languages[0] . "' as a fallback, because the language '" . $locale . "' is not defined in system settings");
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception("You have not defined a language in the system settings (Website -> Frontend-Languages), please add at least one language.");
             // register the translator in Zend_Registry with the key "Zend_Translate" to use the translate helper for Zend_View
             Zend_Registry::set("Zend_Translate", $translate);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Logger::error("initialization of Pimcore_Translate failed");
     return $translator;
Пример #11
 public function routeStartup(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     $requestUri = $request->getRequestUri();
     $excludePatterns = array();
     // only enable GET method
     if (!$request->isGet()) {
         return $this->disable();
     try {
         $conf = Pimcore_Config::getSystemConfig();
         if ($conf->cache) {
             $conf = $conf->cache;
             if (!$conf->enabled) {
                 return $this->disable();
             if ($conf->lifetime) {
                 $this->setLifetime((int) $conf->lifetime);
             if ($conf->excludePatterns) {
                 $confExcludePatterns = explode(",", $conf->excludePatterns);
                 if (!empty($confExcludePatterns)) {
                     $excludePatterns = $confExcludePatterns;
             if ($conf->excludeCookie) {
                 $cookies = explode(",", strval($conf->excludeCookie));
                 foreach ($cookies as $cookie) {
                     if (isset($_COOKIE[trim($cookie)])) {
                         return $this->disable();
         } else {
             return $this->disable();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return $this->disable();
     foreach ($excludePatterns as $pattern) {
         if (preg_match($pattern, $requestUri)) {
             return $this->disable();
     $appendKey = "";
     // this is for example for the image-data-uri plugin
     if ($request->getParam("pimcore_cache_tag_suffix")) {
         $tags = $request->getParam("pimcore_cache_tag_suffix");
         if (is_array($tags)) {
             $appendKey = "_" . implode("_", $tags);
     $this->cacheKey = "output_" . md5(Pimcore_Tool::getHostname() . $requestUri) . $appendKey;
     if ($cacheItem = Pimcore_Model_Cache::load($this->cacheKey, true)) {
         header("X-Pimcore-Cache-Tag: " . $this->cacheKey, true, 200);
         header("X-Pimcore-Cache-Date: " . $cacheItem["date"]);
         foreach ($cacheItem["rawHeaders"] as $header) {
         foreach ($cacheItem["headers"] as $header) {
             header($header['name'] . ': ' . $header['value'], $header['replace']);
         echo $cacheItem["content"];
Пример #12
 protected function getData()
     if (Zend_Registry::isRegistered("Zend_Locale")) {
         $locale = Zend_Registry::get("Zend_Locale");
     } else {
         return array();
     $siteId = "";
     try {
         $site = Site::getCurrentSite();
         if ($site instanceof Site) {
             $siteId = $site->getId();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // not inside a site
     $cacheKey = "glossary_" . $locale->getLanguage() . "_" . $siteId;
     try {
         $data = Zend_Registry::get($cacheKey);
         return $data;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     if (!($data = Pimcore_Model_Cache::load($cacheKey))) {
         $list = new Glossary_List();
         $list->setCondition("(language = ? OR language IS NULL OR language = '') AND (site = ? OR site IS NULL OR site = '')", array($locale->getLanguage(), $siteId));
         $list->setOrderKey("LENGTH(`text`)", false);
         $data = $list->getDataArray();
         $data = $this->prepareData($data);
         Pimcore_Model_Cache::save($data, $cacheKey, array("glossary"), null, 995);
         Zend_Registry::set($cacheKey, $data);
     return $data;
Пример #13
  * Checks for a suitable redirect
  * @throws Exception
  * @param bool $override
  * @return void
 protected function checkForRedirect($override = false)
     try {
         $cacheKey = "system_route_redirect";
         if (empty($this->redirects) && !($this->redirects = Pimcore_Model_Cache::load($cacheKey))) {
             $list = new Redirect_List();
             $this->redirects = $list->load();
             Pimcore_Model_Cache::save($this->redirects, $cacheKey, array("system", "redirect", "route"), null, 998);
         foreach ($this->redirects as $redirect) {
             // if override is true the priority has to be 99 which means that overriding is ok
             if (!$override || $override && $redirect->getPriority() == 99) {
                 if (@preg_match($redirect->getSource(), $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], $matches)) {
                     $target = $redirect->getTarget();
                     if (is_numeric($target)) {
                         $d = Document::getById($target);
                         if ($d instanceof Document_Page) {
                             $target = $d->getFullPath();
                         } else {
                             throw new Exception("Target of redirect no found!");
                     $url = vsprintf($target, $matches);
                     header("Location: " . $url);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // no suitable route found
Пример #14
  * Checks for a suitable redirect
  * @throws Exception
  * @param bool $override
  * @return void
 protected function checkForRedirect($override = false)
     try {
         $cacheKey = "system_route_redirect";
         if (empty($this->redirects) && !($this->redirects = Pimcore_Model_Cache::load($cacheKey))) {
             $list = new Redirect_List();
             $this->redirects = $list->load();
             Pimcore_Model_Cache::save($this->redirects, $cacheKey, array("system", "redirect", "route"), null, 998);
         foreach ($this->redirects as $redirect) {
             // if override is true the priority has to be 99 which means that overriding is ok
             if (!$override || $override && $redirect->getPriority() == 99) {
                 if (@preg_match($redirect->getSource(), $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], $matches)) {
                     $target = $redirect->getTarget();
                     if (is_numeric($target)) {
                         $d = Document::getById($target);
                         if ($d instanceof Document_Page) {
                             $target = $d->getFullPath();
                         } else {
                             throw new Exception("Target of redirect no found!");
                     // replace escaped % signs so that they didn't have effects to vsprintf (PIMCORE-1215)
                     $target = str_replace("\\%", "###URLENCODE_PLACEHOLDER###", $target);
                     $url = vsprintf($target, $matches);
                     $url = str_replace("###URLENCODE_PLACEHOLDER###", "%", $url);
                     header("Location: " . $url, true, $redirect->getStatusCode());
                     // log all redirects to the redirect log
                     Pimcore_Log_Simple::log("redirect", Pimcore_Tool::getClientIp() . " \t Source: " . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . " -> " . $url);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // no suitable route found
Пример #15
  * @return Property[]
 public function getProperties()
     if ($this->properties === null) {
         // try to get from cache
         $cacheKey = "asset_properties_" . $this->getId();
         if (!($properties = Pimcore_Model_Cache::load($cacheKey))) {
             $properties = $this->getResource()->getProperties();
             Pimcore_Model_Cache::save($properties, $cacheKey, array("asset_properties", "properties"));
     return $this->properties;
Пример #16
  * @param string $name
  * @return Staticroute
 public static function getByName($name)
     // check if pimcore already knows the id for this $name, if yes just return it
     /*if(array_key_exists($name, self::$nameIdMappingCache)) {
           return self::getById(self::$nameIdMappingCache[$name]);
     //cache staticroutes by name
     $cacheKey = 'staticroute_' . preg_replace("/[^0-9a-zA-Z_]/", "_", $name);
     if (!($route = Pimcore_Model_Cache::load($cacheKey))) {
         // create a tmp object to obtain the id
         $route = new self();
         try {
             Pimcore_Model_Cache::save($route, $cacheKey, array('staticroute'));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return null;
     return $route;
     // to have a singleton in a way. like all instances of Element_Interface do also, like Object_Abstract
     /*if($route->getId() > 0) {
           // add it to the mini-per request cache
           self::$nameIdMappingCache[$name] = $route->getId();
           return self::getById($route->getId());
Пример #17
 protected function getData()
     try {
         $locale = Zend_Registry::get("Zend_Locale");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return array();
     $cacheKey = "glossary_" . $locale->getLanguage();
     try {
         $data = Zend_Registry::get($cacheKey);
         return $data;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     if (!($data = Pimcore_Model_Cache::load($cacheKey))) {
         $list = new Glossary_List();
         $list->setCondition("language = ?", $locale->getLanguage());
         $list->setOrderKey("LENGTH(`text`)", false);
         $data = $list->getDataArray();
         $data = $this->prepareData($data);
         Pimcore_Model_Cache::save($data, $cacheKey, array("glossary"), null, 995);
         Zend_Registry::set($cacheKey, $data);
     return $data;
Пример #18
 public function dispatchLoopShutdown()
     if (!Pimcore_Tool::isHtmlResponse($this->getResponse())) {
     $cacheKey = "outputfilter_tagmngt";
     $tags = Pimcore_Model_Cache::load($cacheKey);
     if (!is_array($tags)) {
         $dir = Tool_Tag_Config::getWorkingDir();
         $tags = array();
         $files = scandir($dir);
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if (strpos($file, ".xml")) {
                 $name = str_replace(".xml", "", $file);
                 $tags[] = Tool_Tag_Config::getByName($name);
         Pimcore_Model_Cache::save($tags, $cacheKey, array("tagmanagement"), null, 100);
     if (empty($tags)) {
     include_once "simple_html_dom.php";
     $body = $this->getResponse()->getBody();
     $html = str_get_html($body);
     $requestParams = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
     if ($html) {
         foreach ($tags as $tag) {
             $method = strtolower($tag->getHttpMethod());
             $pattern = $tag->getUrlPattern();
             $textPattern = $tag->getTextPattern();
             if (($method == strtolower($this->getRequest()->getMethod()) || empty($method)) && (empty($pattern) || @preg_match($pattern, $this->getRequest()->getRequestUri())) && (empty($textPattern) || strpos($body, $textPattern) !== false)) {
                 $paramsValid = true;
                 foreach ($tag->getParams() as $param) {
                     if (!empty($param["name"])) {
                         if (!empty($param["value"])) {
                             if (!array_key_exists($param["name"], $requestParams) || $requestParams[$param["name"]] != $param["value"]) {
                                 $paramsValid = false;
                         } else {
                             if (!array_key_exists($param["name"], $requestParams)) {
                                 $paramsValid = false;
                 if (is_array($tag->getItems()) && $paramsValid) {
                     foreach ($tag->getItems() as $item) {
                         if (!empty($item["element"]) && !empty($item["code"]) && !empty($item["position"])) {
                             $element = $html->find($item["element"], 0);
                             if ($element) {
                                 if ($item["position"] == "end") {
                                     $element->innertext = $element->innertext . "\n\n" . $item["code"] . "\n\n";
                                 } else {
                                     // beginning
                                     $element->innertext = "\n\n" . $item["code"] . "\n\n" . $element->innertext;
                                 // we havve to reinitialize the html object, otherwise it causes problems with nested child selectors
                                 $body = $html->save();
                                 $html = str_get_html($body);
Пример #19
    if ($num != 1) {
        throw new Exception("Database query faulty response.");
    // === FILESYSTEM ===
    try {
        $putData = sha1(time());
        file_put_contents(PIMCORE_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY . '/check_write.tmp', $putData);
        $getData = file_get_contents(PIMCORE_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY . '/check_write.tmp');
        unlink(PIMCORE_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY . '/check_write.tmp');
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        throw new Exception('Unable to read/write a file. [' . $e->getCode() . ']');
    if ($putData !== $getData) {
        throw new Exception('Error writing/reading a file.');
    // === CACHE ===
    try {
        Pimcore_Model_Cache::save($putData, $putData, array('check_write'));
        $getData = Pimcore_Model_Cache::load($putData);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        throw new Exception('Pimcore cache error [' . $e->getCode() . ']');
    if ($putData !== $getData) {
        throw new Exception('Pimcore cache failure - content mismatch.');
    echo "SUCCESS";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "FAILURE: " . $e->getMessage();