<?php /** * UK Mapping * * @package UK_Mapping * @author Steve Taylor * @license GPL-2.0+ * * @wordpress-plugin * Plugin Name: UK Mapping * Description: A WordPress plugin for managing UK postcodes and local authority areas data. * Version: 0.1 * Author: Steve Taylor * Text Domain: pukm-locale * License: GPL-2.0+ * License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt * Domain Path: /lang * GitHub Plugin URI: https://github.com/pilau/uk-mapping */ // If this file is called directly, abort. if (!defined('WPINC')) { die; } require_once plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'class-uk-mapping.php'; // Register hooks that are fired when the plugin is activated, deactivated, and uninstalled, respectively. register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array('Pilau_UK_Mapping', 'activate')); register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, array('Pilau_UK_Mapping', 'deactivate')); Pilau_UK_Mapping::get_instance();