Пример #1
function users_contact_post()
    $user = Users::loggedInUser();
    if (!$user) {
        throw new Users_Exception_NotLoggedIn();
    $app = Pie_Config::expect('pie', 'app');
    $subject = "Welcome! Activate your email.";
    $view = "{$app}/email/setEmail.php";
    $fields = array();
    $p = array();
    $p['subject'] =& $subject;
    $p['view'] =& $view;
    $p['fields'] =& $fields;
    Pie::event('users/setEmail', $p, 'before');
    // may change the fields
    if (isset($first_name)) {
        $user->first_name = $first_name;
    if (isset($last_name)) {
        $user->last_name = $last_name;
    $user->addEmail($_REQUEST['email_address'], $subject, $view, true, $fields);
    // If no exceptions were throw, save this user row
    if (isset($first_name) or isset($last_name)) {
Пример #2
function pie_response_content()
    $serve_fbml = Pie_Request::accepts('text/fbml');
    if ($serve_fbml) {
        // add more fbjs files here
    } else {
        // the js files for your app
        // See views/layout/html.php for a facebook script at the top of the <body>
    $app = Pie_Config::expect('pie', 'app');
    $url = Pie_Request::url();
    $module = Pie_Dispatcher::uri()->module;
    if (empty($module)) {
        return Pie::event("{$app}/notFound/response/content");
    $action = Pie_Dispatcher::uri()->action;
    $event = "{$module}/{$action}/response/content";
    if (!Pie::canHandle($event)) {
        return Pie::event("{$app}/notFound/response/content");
    // Go ahead and fire the event, returning the result.
    return Pie::event($event);
Пример #3
function pie_init()
    Pie::log('To stop logging database queries, change pie/init.php');
    Pie_Config::set('pie', 'handlersBeforeEvent', 'db/query/execute', 'temp_query');
Пример #4
 * Override pie/noModule handler.
 * just goes on to render our app's response,
 * which will echo a 404 view.
function pie_noModule($params)
    if (!Pie_Request::accepts('text/fbml')) {
        header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
    Pie_Dispatcher::uri()->module = Pie_Config::expect('pie', 'app');
    Pie_Dispatcher::uri()->action = '';
    Pie::event('pie/response', $params);
Пример #5
 * Override pie/notFound handler.
 * just goes on to render our app's response,
 * which will echo a 404 view.
function pie_notFound($params)
    if (!Pie_Dispatcher::uri()->facebook) {
        header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
    Pie_Dispatcher::uri()->module = Pie_Config::expect('pie', 'app');
    Pie_Dispatcher::uri()->action = 'notFound';
    Pie::event('pie/response', $params);
Пример #6
function users_after_pie_reroute($params, &$stop_dispatch)
    $uri = Pie_Dispatcher::uri();
    $app = Pie_Config::expect('pie', 'app');
    $ma = $uri->module . '/' . $uri->action;
    $requireComplete = Pie_Config::get('users', 'requireComplete', array());
    if (isset($requireComplete[$ma])) {
        $redirect_action = is_string($requireComplete[$ma]) ? $requireComplete[$ma] : "{$app}/login";
        $test_complete = true;
    } else {
        $requireLogin = Pie_Config::get('users', 'requireLogin', array());
        if (!isset($requireLogin[$ma])) {
            // We don't have to require complete or login here
        $redirect_action = is_string($requireLogin[$ma]) ? $requireLogin[$ma] : "{$app}/login";
    // First, try to get the user
    $user = Users::loggedInUser();
    if (!$user) {
        // Try authenticating with facebook
        $module = Pie_Dispatcher::uri()->module;
        $app_id = Pie_Config::expect('users', 'facebookApps', $module, 'appId');
        $user = Users::authenticate('facebook', $app_id);
    if (!$user) {
        $uri->onSuccess = $uri->module . '/' . $uri->action;
        $uri->onCancel = "{$app}/welcome";
        if ($uri->onSuccess === $redirect_action) {
            // avoid a redirect loop
            $uri->onSuccess = "{$app}/home";
        $parts = explode('/', $redirect_action);
        $uri->action = $parts[0];
        $uri->action = $parts[1];
    // If have requireLogin but not requireComplete, then
    // simply change the underlying URI without redirecting
    if (empty($test_complete)) {
    // If we are here, we should check if the user account is complete
    $complete = Pie::event('users/account/complete');
    if ($complete) {
        // good, nothing else to complete
    // redirect to account page
    $account_action = Pie_Config::expect('users', 'accountAction', $uri->module);
    if ($ma != $account_action) {
        // Make the user launch into setting up their account.
        // If they want to return to this URL later, they can do it on their own.
        $stop_dispatch = true;
Пример #7
function pie_response_title()
    // The default title
    $title = Pie_Config::get('pie', 'app', basename(APP_DIR));
    $action = Pie_Dispatcher::uri()->action;
    if ($action) {
        $title .= ": {$action}";
    return $title;
Пример #8
function users_before_pie_init()
    $facebook_apps = Pie_Config::get('users', 'facebookApps', array());
    foreach ($facebook_apps as $app_id => $fb_info) {
        if (isset($fb_info['url'])) {
            $subpath = isset($fb_info['subpath']) ? $fb_info['subpath'] : '';
            Pie_Config::set('pie', 'proxies', Pie_Request::baseUrl(true) . $subpath, $fb_info['url']);
Пример #9
 * This is a tool for selecting photos (to possibly add)
 * @param $facebook
 *  Optional. You can provide instance of the Facebook class.
 * @param $upload
 *  Defaults to false. If true, shows an option to upload, as well.
 * @param $action_uri
 *  Defaults to 'items/addPhoto'. The URI to submit the form to.
 * @param $filter_visible
 *  Optional string. Set to 'everyone' to only display albums visible to everyone.
 * @param $on_success
 *  Optional string. The url to redirect to after a photo is added or uploaded.
function items_addPhoto_tool($params)
    if (isset(Users::$facebook)) {
        $facebook = Users::$facebook;
    } else {
        $app = Pie_Config::expect('pie', 'app');
        if (!isset(Users::$facebooks[$app])) {
            throw new Pie_Exception_MissingObject(array('name' => 'Users::$facebooks[' . $app . ']'));
        $facebook = Users::$facebooks[$app];
    $defaults = array('facebook' => $facebook, 'upload' => false, 'action_uri' => 'items/addPhoto', 'on_success' => Pie_Request::url());
    extract(array_merge($defaults, $params));
    if (!$facebook instanceof Facebook) {
        throw new Pie_Exception_WrongType(array('field' => '$facebook', 'type' => 'Facebook'));
    if (isset($_REQUEST['_pie']['onSuccess'])) {
        $on_success = $_REQUEST['_pie']['onSuccess'];
    $sn = Pie_Session::name();
    $sid = Pie_Session::id();
    $photos = array();
    if (isset($aid)) {
        $photos = Items::facebookPhotos($facebook, $aid);
        return Pie::view('items/tool/addPhotoList.php', compact('photos'));
    $album_rows = Items::facebookAlbums($facebook);
    $albums = array();
    foreach ($album_rows as $ar) {
        if (isset($filter_visible) and $ar['visible'] != $filter_visible) {
        $albums[$ar['aid']] = $ar['name'];
    $albums = $albums;
    if (count($album_rows)) {
        $row = reset($album_rows);
        $photos = Items::facebookPhotos($facebook, $row['aid']);
    $throbber_url = Pie_Html::themedUrl('plugins/items/img/anim/throbber.gif');
    $url_json = json_encode(Pie_Uri::url($action_uri));
    if (Pie_Request::accepts('text/fbml')) {
    } else {
    if (is_bool($upload)) {
        $upload = uniqid('up.', false);
    $addPhoto_url_json = json_encode(Pie_Uri::url('items/addPhoto'));
    Pie_Response::addScriptLine("\tPie.Items.urls['items/addPhoto'] = {$addPhoto_url_json};");
    return Pie::view('items/tool/addPhoto.php', compact('action_uri', 'on_success', 'on_added', 'albums', 'photos', 'throbber_url', 'upload'));
Пример #10
function users_after_pie_addScriptLines()
    $app = Pie_Config::expect('pie', 'app');
    $app_json = json_encode($app);
    $fb_app_info = Pie_Config::get('users', 'facebookApps', $app, array());
    if ($fb_app_info) {
        $fb_app_info_json = json_encode($fb_app_info);
        Pie_Response::addScriptLine("// users {{ \n" . "\t\tif (!Pie) Pie = {}; if (!Pie.Users) Pie.Users = {};\n" . "\t\tif (!Pie.Users.facebookApps) Pie.Users.facebookApps = {};\n" . "\t\tPie.Users.facebookApps[{$app_json}] = {$fb_app_info_json}\n" . "// }} users \n");
Пример #11
 static function execute()
     // Fixes for different platforms:
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL'])) {
         // ISAPI 3.0
     // Define a constant
     if (!defined('PIE_CONTROLLER')) {
         define('PIE_CONTROLLER', 'Pie_ActionController');
     try {
         $parts = explode('/', Pie_Request::tail());
         $parts_len = count($parts);
         if ($parts_len >= 1) {
             $module = $parts[0];
         if ($parts_len >= 2) {
             $action = $parts[1];
         // Make sure the 'pie'/'web' config fields are set,
         // otherwise URLs will be formed pointing to the wrong
         // controller script.
         $ar = Pie_Config::get('pie', 'web', 'appRootUrl', null);
         if (!isset($ar)) {
             throw new Pie_Exception_MissingConfig(array('fieldpath' => 'pie/web/appRootUrl'));
         $cs = Pie_Config::get('pie', 'web', 'controllerSuffix', null);
         if (!isset($cs)) {
             throw new Pie_Exception_MissingConfig(array('fieldpath' => 'pie/web/controllerSuffix'));
         // Dispatch the request
         $uri = Pie_Uri::from(compact('module', 'action'));
         $dispatch_result = Pie_Dispatcher::result();
         if (!isset($dispatch_result)) {
             $dispatch_result = 'Ran dispatcher';
         $uri = Pie_Dispatcher::uri();
         $module = $uri->module;
         $action = $uri->action;
         if ($module and $action) {
             $slot_names = Pie_Request::slotNames();
             $requested_slots = empty($slot_names) ? '' : implode(',', array_keys($slot_names));
             Pie::log("~" . ceil(Pie::microtime()) . 'ms+' . ceil(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1000) . 'kb.' . " {$dispatch_result} for {$module}/{$action}" . " ({$requested_slots})");
         } else {
             Pie::log("~" . ceil(Pie::microtime()) . 'ms+' . ceil(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1000) . 'kb.' . " No route for " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         Pie::event('pie/exception', compact('exception'));
Пример #12
function users_register_post_download($url, $folder, $size = 80)
    $url_parts = parse_url($url);
    if (substr($url_parts['host'], -12) != 'gravatar.com') {
        return false;
    $dir = Pie_Config::get('users', 'paths', 'icons', 'files/users/icons');
    $ch = curl_init(Pie_Uri::url($_REQUEST['icon'] . '?s=' . $size));
    $dir2 = Pie::realPath($dir) . DS . $folder;
    if (!file_exists($dir2)) {
        mkdir($dir2, 0777);
        chmod($dir2, 0777);
    $fp = fopen($dir2 . DS . "{$size}.png", 'wb');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
    return true;
Пример #13
function pie_exception($params)
     * @var Exception $exception 
    $message = $exception->getMessage();
    $file = $exception->getFile();
    $line = $exception->getLine();
    if ($is_ajax = Pie_Request::isAjax()) {
        // Render a JSON layout for ajax
        switch (strtolower($is_ajax)) {
            case 'json':
                $json = json_encode(array('errors' => Pie_Exception::toArray(array($exception))));
                $callback = Pie_Request::callback();
                echo "{$callback}({$json})";
    } else {
        if (is_callable(array($exception, 'getTraceAsStringEx'))) {
            $trace_string = $exception->getTraceAsStringEx();
        } else {
            $trace_string = $exception->getTraceAsString();
        if (Pie::textMode()) {
            $result = "{$message}\n" . "in {$file} ({$line})\n" . $trace_string;
        } else {
            if ($exception instanceof Pie_Exception_PhpError or !empty($exception->messageIsHtml)) {
                // do not sanitize $message
            } else {
                $message = Pie_Html::text($message);
            $result = "<h1>{$message}</h1>" . "<h3>in {$file} ({$line})</h3>" . "<pre>" . $trace_string . "</pre>";
        echo $result;
    $app = Pie_Config::get('pie', 'app', null);
    Pie::log("{$app}: Exception in " . ceil(Pie::microtime()) . "ms\n");
    Pie::log("{$message}\n  in {$file} ({$line})");
Пример #14
function pie_addScriptLines()
    $app = Pie_Config::expect('pie', 'app');
    $uri = Pie_Dispatcher::uri();
    $proxies_json = json_encode(Pie_Config::get('pie', 'proxies', array()));
    $uri_json = json_encode($uri->toArray());
    $url = Pie_Request::url();
    $url_json = json_encode($url);
    $proxy_url_json = json_encode(Pie_Uri::url($url));
    $base_url = json_encode(Pie_Request::baseUrl());
// pie {{
\t\tPie.info = {
\t\t\t"proxies": {$proxies_json},
\t\t\t"uri": {$uri_json},
\t\t\t"url": {$url_json},
\t\t\t"proxyUrl": {$proxy_url_json},
\t\t\t"baseUrl": {$base_url}
    $uris = Pie_Config::get('pie', 'javascript', 'uris', array());
    $urls = array();
    foreach ($uris as $u) {
        $urls["{$u}"] = Pie_Uri::url("{$u}");
    $urls_json = json_encode($urls);
    Pie_Response::addScriptLine("\t\tPie.urls = {$urls_json};");
    // Export more variables to inline js
    $app = Pie_Config::expect('pie', 'app');
    $app_json = json_encode($app);
    Pie_Response::addScriptLine("\t\tPie.app = {$app_json};\n" . "// }} pie");
    $snf = Pie_Config::get('pie', 'session', 'nonceField', 'nonce');
    $nonce = isset($_SESSION[$snf]) ? $_SESSION[$snf] : null;
    if ($nonce) {
        $nonce_json = json_encode($nonce);
        Pie_Response::addScriptLine("\t\tPie.nonce = {$nonce_json};");
Пример #15
function items_addPhoto_response_result()
    return Pie_Config::get('items', 'addPhoto', 'result', 'added') . ' ' . Pie_Config::get('items', 'addPhoto', 'item_id', null) . ' ' . Pie_Config::get('items', 'addPhoto', 'state', null);
Пример #16

 * This file gets included when someone wants to use the Facebook class
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PS . dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'Facebook');
if (Pie_Config::get('users', 'facebook', 'new', false)) {
    include 'facebook_new.php';
} else {
    include 'facebook.php';
Пример #17
 private static function do_dump(&$var, $var_name = NULL, $indent = NULL, $reference = NULL, $as_text = false)
     static $n = null;
     if (!isset($n)) {
         $n = Pie_Config::get('pie', 'newline', "\n");
     $do_dump_indent = $as_text ? "  " : "<span style='color:#eeeeee;'>|</span> &nbsp;&nbsp; ";
     $reference = $reference . $var_name;
     $keyvar = 'the_do_dump_recursion_protection_scheme';
     $keyname = 'referenced_object_name';
     $max_indent = self::$var_dump_max_levels;
     if (strlen($indent) >= strlen($do_dump_indent) * $max_indent) {
         echo $indent . $var_name . " (...){$n}";
     if (is_array($var) && isset($var[$keyvar])) {
         $real_var =& $var[$keyvar];
         $real_name =& $var[$keyname];
         $type = ucfirst(gettype($real_var));
         if ($as_text) {
             echo "{$indent}{$var_name}<{$type}> = {$real_name}{$n}";
         } else {
             echo "{$indent}{$var_name} <span style='color:#a2a2a2'>{$type}</span> = <span style='color:#e87800;'>&amp;{$real_name}</span><br>";
     } else {
         $var = array($keyvar => $var, $keyname => $reference);
         $avar =& $var[$keyvar];
         $type = ucfirst(gettype($avar));
         if ($type == "String") {
             $type_color = "green";
         } elseif ($type == "Integer") {
             $type_color = "red";
         } elseif ($type == "Double") {
             $type_color = "#0099c5";
             $type = "Float";
         } elseif ($type == "Boolean") {
             $type_color = "#92008d";
         } elseif ($type == "NULL") {
             $type_color = "black";
         } else {
             $type_color = '#92008d';
         if (is_array($avar)) {
             $count = count($avar);
             if ($as_text) {
                 echo "{$indent}" . ($var_name ? "{$var_name} => " : "") . "<{$type}>({$count}){$n}{$indent}({$n}";
             } else {
                 echo "{$indent}" . ($var_name ? "{$var_name} => " : "") . "<span style='color:#a2a2a2'>{$type} ({$count})</span><br>{$indent}(<br>";
             $keys = array_keys($avar);
             foreach ($keys as $name) {
                 $value =& $avar[$name];
                 $display_name = is_string($name) ? "['" . addslashes($name) . "']" : "[{$name}]";
                 self::do_dump($value, $display_name, $indent . $do_dump_indent, $reference, $as_text);
             if ($as_text) {
                 echo "{$indent}){$n}";
             } else {
                 echo "{$indent})<br>";
         } elseif (is_object($avar)) {
             $class = get_class($avar);
             if ($as_text) {
                 echo "{$indent}{$var_name}<{$type}>[{$class}]{$n}{$indent}({$n}";
             } else {
                 echo "{$indent}{$var_name} <span style='color:{$type_color}'>{$type} [{$class}]</span><br>{$indent}(<br>";
             if ($avar instanceof Exception) {
                 $code = $avar->getCode();
                 $message = addslashes($avar->getMessage());
                 echo "{$indent}{$do_dump_indent}" . "code: {$code}, message: \"{$message}\"";
                 if ($avar instanceof Pie_Exception) {
                     echo " inputFields: " . implode(', ', $avar->inputFIelds());
                 echo $as_text ? $n : "<br />";
             if (class_exists('Pie_Parameters') and $avar instanceof Pie_Parameters) {
                 $getall = $avar->getAll();
                 self::do_dump($getall, "", $indent . $do_dump_indent, $reference, $as_text);
             } else {
                 if ($avar instanceof Pie_Uri) {
                     $arr = $avar->toArray();
                     self::do_dump($arr, 'fields', $indent . $do_dump_indent, $reference, $as_text);
                     self::do_dump($route_pattern, 'route_pattern', $indent . $do_dump_indent, $reference, $as_text);
             if ($avar instanceof Db_Row) {
                 foreach ($avar as $name => $value) {
                     $modified = $avar->wasModified($name) ? "<span style='color:blue'>*</span>:" : '';
                     self::do_dump($value, "{$name}{$modified}", $indent . $do_dump_indent, $reference, $as_text);
             } else {
                 foreach ($avar as $name => $value) {
                     self::do_dump($value, "{$name}", $indent . $do_dump_indent, $reference, $as_text);
             if ($as_text) {
                 echo "{$indent}){$n}";
             } else {
                 echo "{$indent})<br>";
         } elseif (is_int($avar)) {
             $avar_len = strlen((string) $avar);
             if ($as_text) {
                 echo sprintf("{$indent}{$var_name} = <{$type}(%d)>{$avar}{$n}", $avar_len);
             } else {
                 echo sprintf("{$indent}{$var_name} = <span style='color:#a2a2a2'>{$type}(%d)</span>" . " <span style='color:{$type_color}'>{$avar}</span><br>", $avar_len);
         } elseif (is_string($avar)) {
             $avar_len = strlen($avar);
             if ($as_text) {
                 echo sprintf("{$indent}{$var_name} = <{$type}(%d)> ", $avar_len), $avar, "{$n}";
             } else {
                 echo sprintf("{$indent}{$var_name} = <span style='color:#a2a2a2'>{$type}(%d)</span>", $avar_len) . " <span style='color:{$type_color}'>" . Pie_Html::text($avar) . "</span><br>";
         } elseif (is_float($avar)) {
             $avar_len = strlen((string) $avar);
             if ($as_text) {
                 echo sprintf("{$indent}{$var_name} = <{$type}(%d)>{$avar}{$n}", $avar_len);
             } else {
                 echo sprintf("{$indent}{$var_name} = <span style='color:#a2a2a2'>{$type}(%d)</span>" . " <span style='color:{$type_color}'>{$avar}</span><br>", $avar_len);
         } elseif (is_bool($avar)) {
             $v = $avar == 1 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
             if ($as_text) {
                 echo "{$indent}{$var_name} = <{$type}>{$v}{$n}";
             } else {
                 echo "{$indent}{$var_name} = <span style='color:#a2a2a2'>{$type}</span>" . " <span style='color:{$type_color}'>{$v}</span><br>";
         } elseif (is_null($avar)) {
             if ($as_text) {
                 echo "{$indent}{$var_name} = NULL{$n}";
             } else {
                 echo "{$indent}{$var_name} = " . " <span style='color:{$type_color}'>NULL</span><br>";
         } else {
             $avar_len = strlen((string) $avar);
             if ($as_text) {
                 echo sprintf("{$indent}{$var_name} = <{$type}(%d)>{$avar}{$n}", $avar_len);
             } else {
                 echo sprintf("{$indent}{$var_name} = <span style='color:#a2a2a2'>{$type}(%d)</span>", $avar_len) . " <span style='color:{$type_color}'>" . gettype($avar) . "</span><br>";
         $var = $var[$keyvar];
Пример #18
  * Use this to determine whether or not the request is to be treated
  * as a POST request by our application.
  * @return boolean
  *  Returns true if the request should be treated as a POST.
 static function isPost()
     static $result;
     if (!isset($result)) {
         $result = Pie::event('pie/request/isPost', array(), 'before');
     if (!isset($result)) {
         $query_param = Pie_Config::get('pie', 'queryField', '_pie');
         if (isset($_REQUEST[$query_param]['post'])) {
             return true;
     return !empty($_POST);
Пример #19
  * Gets the url and filename of a themed file
  * @param string $file_path
  *  Basically the subpath of the file underneath the web or theme directory
 static function themedUrlAndFilename($file_path)
     $filename = false;
     $theme_url = Pie_Uri::url(self::themeUrl());
     $theme_urls = Pie_Config::get('pie', 'theme_urls', array(null));
     if (!Pie_Valid::url($file_path)) {
         $c = count($theme_urls);
         if ($c > 1) {
             // At least two theme URLs have been loaded
             // Do the cascade
             for ($i = $c - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
                 try {
                     $filename = Pie_Uri::filenameFromUrl($theme_urls[$i] . '/' . $file_path);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                 if (file_exists($filename)) {
                     $theme_url = $theme_urls[$i];
         $file_path = $theme_url . '/' . $file_path;
     if (empty($filename)) {
         try {
             $filename = Pie_Uri::filenameFromUrl($file_path);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $filename = null;
     return array($file_path, $filename);
Пример #20
function pie_response_dashboard()
    $app = Pie_Config::expect('pie', 'app');
    $slogan = "Powered by PHP ON PIE.";
    return Pie::view("{$app}/dashboard.php", compact('slogan'));
Пример #21
 * Default pie/response handler.
 * 1. Gets some slots, depending on what was requested.
 * 2. Renders them in a layout
 *    The layout expects "title", "dashboard" and "contents" slots to be filled.
function pie_response($params)
     * @var Exception $exception
     * @var array $errors
    // Redirect to success page, if requested.
    $is_ajax = Pie_Request::isAjax();
    if (empty($errors) and empty($exception)) {
        if (!$is_ajax and isset($_REQUEST['_pie']['onSuccess'])) {
            $on_success = $_REQUEST['_pie']['onSuccess'];
            if (Pie_Config::get('pie', 'response', 'onSuccessShowFrom', true)) {
                $on_success = Pie_Uri::url($on_success . '?_pie[fromSuccess]=' . Pie_Dispatcher::uri());
    // Get the requested module
    $uri = Pie_Dispatcher::uri();
    if (!isset($module)) {
        $module = $uri->module;
        if (!isset($module)) {
            $module = 'pie';
            Pie_Dispatcher::uri()->module = 'pie';
    // Get the main module (the app)
    $app = Pie_Config::expect('pie', 'app');
    // Add some javascript to inform the front end of important URLs
    // What to do if this is an AJAX request
    if ($is_ajax) {
        $slot_names = Pie_Request::slotNames();
        if (!isset($slot_names)) {
            $slot_names = Pie_Config::get($module, 'response', 'slotNames', array('content' => null, 'dashboard' => null, 'title' => null, 'notices' => null));
        $slots = array();
        $stylesheets = array();
        $stylesInline = array();
        $scripts = array();
        $scriptLines = array();
        if (is_array($slot_names)) {
            foreach ($slot_names as $slot_name => $v) {
                $slots[$slot_name] = Pie_Response::fillSlot($slot_name, 'default');
                $stylesheets[$slot_name] = Pie_Response::stylesheetsArray($slot_name);
                $stylesInline[$slot_name] = Pie_Response::stylesInline($slot_name);
                $scripts[$slot_name] = Pie_Response::scriptsArray($slot_name);
                $scriptLines[$slot_name] = Pie_Response::scriptLines($slot_name);
        $timestamp = microtime(true);
        $echo = Pie_Request::contentToEcho();
        // Render a JSON layout for ajax
        $to_encode = compact('slots', 'stylesheets', 'stylesInline', 'scripts', 'scriptLines', 'timestamp', 'echo');
        // Cut down on the response size
        foreach (array('slots', 'stylesheets', 'stylesInline', 'scripts', 'scriptLines') as $f) {
            $is_empty = true;
            if (is_array($to_encode[$f])) {
                foreach ($to_encode[$f] as $k => $v) {
                    if (isset($v)) {
                        $is_empty = false;
                    } else {
            } else {
                if (!empty($to_encode[$f])) {
                    $is_empty = false;
            if ($is_empty) {
        switch (strtolower($is_ajax)) {
            case 'json':
                $json = json_encode($to_encode);
                $callback = Pie_Request::callback();
                echo $callback ? "{$callback}({$json})" : $json;
    // If this is a request for a regular webpage,
    // fill the usual slots and render a layout.
    // Attach stylesheets and scripts
    if (Pie_Request::accepts('text/fbml')) {
    } else {
    // Get all the usual slots for a webpage
    $slot_names = Pie_Config::get($module, 'response', 'slotNames', array('content' => null, 'dashboard' => null, 'title' => null, 'notices' => null));
    $slots = array();
    foreach ($slot_names as $sn => $v) {
        $slots[$sn] = Pie_Response::fillSlot($sn, 'default');
    $output = Pie_Response::output();
    if (isset($output)) {
        if ($output === true) {
        if (is_string($output)) {
            echo $output;
    if (Pie_Request::accepts('text/fbml')) {
        // Render a full FBML layout
        $layout_view = Pie_Config::get($app, 'response', 'layout_fbml', "{$app}/layout/fbml.php");
        echo Pie::view($layout_view, $slots);
    } else {
        // Render a full HTML layout
        $layout_view = Pie_Config::get($app, 'response', 'layout_html', "{$app}/layout/html.php");
        echo Pie::view($layout_view, $slots);
Пример #22
  * Returns what the local filename of a local URL would typically be without any routing.
  * If not found under docroot, also checks various aliases.
  * @param string $url
  *  The url to translate, whether local or an absolute url beginning with the base URL
  * @return string 
  *  The complete filename of the file or directory.
  *  It may not point to an actual file or directory, so use file_exists() or realpath();s
 static function filenamefromUrl($url)
     if (Pie_Valid::url($url)) {
         // This is an absolute URL. Get only the part after the base URL
         // Run it through proxies first
         $url = self::proxyDestination($url);
         $local_url = Pie_Request::tail($url);
     } else {
         $local_url = $url;
     $parts = explode('?', $local_url);
     $local_url = $parts[0];
     if ($local_url == '' || $local_url[0] != '/') {
         $local_url = '/' . $local_url;
     // Try various aliases first
     $aliases = Pie_Config::get('pie', 'aliases', array());
     foreach ($aliases as $alias => $path) {
         $alias_len = strlen($alias);
         if (substr($local_url, 0, $alias_len) == $alias) {
             return $path . substr($local_url, $alias_len);
     // Otherwise, we should use the document root.
     $docroot_dir = self::documentRoot();
     return $docroot_dir . $local_url;
Пример #23
 static function facebook($key)
     if (!isset($key)) {
         if (isset(self::$facebook)) {
             return self::$facebook;
     if (isset(self::$facebooks[$key])) {
         return self::$facebooks[$key];
     $fb_prefix = 'fb_sig_';
     // Get the facebook object from POST, if any
     if (isset($_POST[$fb_prefix . 'app_id'])) {
         $app_id = $_POST[$fb_prefix . 'app_id'];
         $fb_apps = Pie_Config::get('users', 'facebookApps', array());
         $fb_info = null;
         $fb_key = null;
         foreach ($fb_apps as $key => $a) {
             if (isset($a['appId']) and $a['appId'] == $app_id) {
                 $fb_info = $a;
                 $fb_key = $key;
         if (isset($fb_info['apiKey']) && isset($fb_info['secret'])) {
             $facebook = new Facebook($fb_info['apiKey'], $fb_info['secret']);
             Users::$facebook = $facebook;
             Users::$facebooks[$app_id] = $facebook;
             Users::$facebooks[$key] = $facebook;
             return $facebook;
     $fb_info = Pie_Config::get('users', 'facebookApps', $key, array());
     if ($fb_info) {
         if (isset($_COOKIE[$fb_info['apiKey'] . '_user']) and isset($_COOKIE[$fb_info['apiKey'] . '_session_key'])) {
             $facebook = new Facebook($fb_info['apiKey'], $fb_info['secret']);
             $facebook->set_user($_COOKIE[$fb_info['apiKey'] . '_user'], $_COOKIE[$fb_info['apiKey'] . '_session_key']);
             Users::$facebooks[$fb_info['appId']] = $facebook;
             Users::$facebooks[$key] = $facebook;
         return $facebook;
     // Otherwise, this facebook object isn't there
     return null;
Пример #24
  * Use this for validating the nonce
  * @param boolean $throw_if_invalid
  *  Optional. If true, throws an exception if the nonce is invalid.
 static function nonce($throw_if_invalid = false)
     $snf = Pie_Config::get('pie', 'session', 'nonceField', 'nonce');
     if (isset($_SESSION['pie'][$snf])) {
         if (!isset($_REQUEST['_pie'][$snf]) or $_SESSION['pie'][$snf] != $_REQUEST['_pie'][$snf]) {
             if (!$throw_if_invalid) {
                 return false;
             $message = Pie_Config::get('pie', 'session', 'nonceMessage', "Your session has expired (nonce mismatch). Perhaps you logged in as a different user?");
             throw new Pie_Exception_FailedValidation(compact('message'));
     return true;
Пример #25
  * Returns connection details for a connection
  * @param $name
  * @return array|false
 static function getConnection($name)
     if (class_exists('Pie_Config')) {
         return Pie_Config::get('db', 'connections', $name, null);
     // Else standalone, no Pie
     if (!isset(self::$connections[$name])) {
         return null;
     return self::$connections[$name];
Пример #26
     * Generates base classes of the models, and if they don't exist,
     * skeleton code for the models themselves. 
     * Use it only after you have made changes to the database schema.
     * You shouldn't be using it on every request.
     * @param string $conn_name
     *  The name of a previously registered connection.
     * @param string $directory
     *  The directory in which to generate the files.
     *  If the files already exist, they are not overwritten,
     *  unless they are inside the "Base" subdirectory.
     *  If the "Base" subdirectory does not exist, it is created.
     * @param string $classname_prefix
     *  The prefix to prepend to the Base class names.
     *  If not specified, prefix becomes "Conn_Name_", 
     *  where conn_name is the name of the connection.
     * @throws Exception
     *  If the $connection is not registered, or the $directory
     *  does not exist, this function throws an exception.
    function generateModels($directory, $classname_prefix = null)
        if (!file_exists($directory)) {
            throw new Exception("Directory {$directory} does not exist.");
        $conn_name = $this->connectionName();
        $conn = Db::getConnection($conn_name);
        $prefix = empty($conn['prefix']) ? '' : $conn['prefix'];
        $prefix_len = strlen($prefix);
        if (!isset($classname_prefix)) {
            $classname_prefix = isset($conn_name) ? $conn_name . '_' : '';
        $rows = $this->rawQuery('SHOW TABLES')->execute()->fetchAll();
        if (class_exists('Pie_Config')) {
            $ext = Pie_Config::get('pie', 'extensions', 'class', 'php');
        } else {
            $ext = 'php';
        $table_classes = array();
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $table_name = $row[0];
            $table_name_base = substr($table_name, $prefix_len);
            $table_name_prefix = substr($table_name, 0, $prefix_len);
            if (empty($table_name_base) or $table_name_prefix != $prefix) {
            // no class generated
            $class_name = null;
            $base_class_string = $this->codeForModelBaseClass($table_name, $directory, $classname_prefix, $class_name);
            // sets the $class_name variable
            if (empty($class_name)) {
            // no class generated
            $class_string = <<<EOT

 * Class representing {$table_name_base} rows.
 * You can create an object of this class either to
 * access its non-static methods, or to actually
 * represent a {$table_name_base} row in the {$conn_name} database.
 * This description should be revised and expanded.
 * @package {$conn_name}
class {$class_name} extends Base_{$class_name}
\t * The setUp() method is called the first time
\t * an object of this class is constructed.
\t */
\tfunction setUp()
\t\t// e.g. \$this->hasMany(...) and stuff like that.
\t * Implements the __set_state method, so it can work with
\t * with var_export and be re-imported successfully.
\t */
\tstatic function __set_state(array \$array) {
\t\t\$result = new {$class_name}();
\t\tforeach(\$array as \$k => \$v)
\t\t\t\$result->\$k = \$v;
\t\treturn \$result;
            $class_name_parts = explode('_', $class_name);
            $class_filename = $directory . DS . implode(DS, $class_name_parts) . '.php';
            $base_class_filename = $directory . DS . 'Base' . DS . implode(DS, $class_name_parts) . '.php';
            // overwrite base class file if necessary, but not the class file
            Db_Utils::saveTextFile($base_class_filename, $base_class_string);
            if (!file_exists($class_filename)) {
                Db_Utils::saveTextFile($class_filename, $class_string);
            $table_classes[] = $class_name;
        // Generate the "module model" base class file
        $table_classes_exported = var_export($table_classes, true);
        if (!empty($conn_name)) {
            $class_name = Db::generateTableClassName($conn_name);
            $class_name_parts = explode('_', $class_name);
            $class_filename = $directory . DS . implode(DS, $class_name_parts) . '.php';
            $base_class_filename = $directory . DS . 'Base' . DS . implode(DS, $class_name_parts) . '.php';
            $base_class_string = <<<EOT

 * Autogenerated base class for the {$conn_name} model.
 * Don't change this file, since it can be overwritten.
 * Instead, change the {$class_name}.php file.
 * @package {$conn_name}
abstract class Base_{$class_name}
\tstatic \$table_classes = {$table_classes_exported};

\t/** @return Db_Mysql */
\tstatic function db()
\t\treturn Db::connect('{$conn_name}');

\tstatic function connectionName()
\t\treturn '{$conn_name}';
            $class_string = <<<EOT

 * Static methods for the {$conn_name} models.
 * This description should be revised and expanded.
 * @package {$conn_name}
abstract class {$class_name} extends Base_{$class_name}
\t * This is where you would place all the
\t * static methods for the models, the ones
\t * that don't strongly pertain to a particular row
\t * or table.
\t */
            // overwrite base class file if necessary, but not the class file
            Db_Utils::saveTextFile($base_class_filename, $base_class_string);
            if (!file_exists($class_filename)) {
                Db_Utils::saveTextFile($class_filename, $class_string);
Пример #27
  * Merges parameters over the top of existing parameters
  * @param array|Pie_Parameters $second
  *  The array or Pie_Parameters to merge on top of the existing one
  * @author Gregory
 static function merge($second)
     $args = func_get_args();
     if (!isset(self::$parameters)) {
         self::$parameters = new Pie_Parameters();
     return call_user_func_array(array(self::$parameters, __FUNCTION__), $args);
Пример #28
  * Connect to database
  * @method dbConnect
  * @static
  * @return {boolean}
 static function dbConnect()
     if (isset(self::$db)) {
         return false;
     $driver_options = array('3' => 2);
     $arr = Pie_Config::get('db', 'connections', 'rs', false);
     if (!$arr) {
         throw new Exception("Missing connection details for rs");
     self::$db = new PDO($dsn, $username, $password, $driver_options);
     if (!self::$db) {
         throw new Exception("Could not connect to db");
     return true;
Пример #29
  * Starts the process of adding a mobile to a saved user object.
  * Also modifies and saves this user object back to the database.
  * @param string $mobile_number
  *  The mobile number to add.
  * @param string $activation_mobile_view
  *  The view to use for the body of the activation mobile to send.
  * @param boolean $html
  *  Defaults to true. Whether to send as HTML mobile.
  * @param array $fields
  *  An array of additional fields to pass to the mobile view.
  * @return boolean
  *  Returns true on success.
  *  Returns false if this mobile number is already verified for this user.
  * @throws Pie_Exception_WrongType
  *  If the mobile number is in an invalid format, this is thrown.
  * @throws Users_Exception_AlreadyVerified
  *  If the mobile number already exists and has been verified for
  *  another user, then this exception is thrown.
 function addMobile($mobile_number, $activation_mobile_subject = null, $activation_mobile_view = null, $html = true, $fields = array())
     // TODO: Implement Users_Mobile::sendMessage
     if (!Pie_Valid::mobile($mobile_number)) {
         throw new Pie_Exception_WrongValue(array('field' => 'Mobile phone', 'range' => 'a valid number'), 'mobile_number');
     Pie::event('users/validate/mobile_number', array('mobile_number' => &$mobile_number));
     $m = new Users_Mobile();
     $m->number = $mobile_number;
     if ($m->retrieve() and $m->state !== 'unverified') {
         if ($m->user_id === $this->id) {
             return false;
         // Otherwise, say it's verified for another user,
         // even if it unsubscribed or was suspended.
         throw new Users_Exception_AlreadyVerified(array('key' => $m->number, 'user_id' => $m->user_id), 'mobile_number');
     // If we are here, then the mobile record either
     // doesn't exist, or hasn't been verified yet.
     // In either event, update the record in the database,
     // and re-send the mobile.
     $minutes = Pie_Config::get('users', 'activationCodeExpires', 60 * 24 * 7);
     $m->state = 'unverified';
     $m->user_id = $this->id;
     $m->activation_code = Pie_Utils::unique(5);
     $m->activation_code_expires = new Db_Expression("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + INTERVAL {$minutes} MINUTE");
     $m->auth_code = md5(microtime() + mt_rand());
     if (!isset($activation_message_view)) {
         $activation_message_view = Pie_Config::get('users', 'activationMessageView', 'users/message/activation.php');
     $fields2 = array_merge($fields, array('user' => $this, 'message' => $m));
     $m->sendMessage($activation_mobile_view, $fields2, array('html' => $html));
     Pie::event('users/addMobile', compact('mobile_number'), 'after');
Пример #30
 static function setNonce()
     $snf = Pie_Config::get('pie', 'session', 'nonceField', 'nonce');
     if (!isset($_SESSION[$snf])) {
         $_SESSION[$snf] = md5(mt_rand() . microtime());