public function pieChartHamSpam($emails = '', $timespan, $title, $output) { $ham = $spam = 0; $range = $this->getRangeInSeconds($timespan); $chart = new PieChart(SIZE_X, SIZE_Y); $query = $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS SPAM FROM " . TABLE_META . " WHERE {$emails} AND arrived > {$range}"); if ($query->num_rows > 0) { $spam = $query->row['SPAM']; } $query = $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS HAM FROM " . TABLE_META . " WHERE {$emails} AND arrived > {$range}"); if ($query->num_rows > 0) { $ham = $query->row['HAM']; } if ($ham > $spam) { $chart->getPlot()->getPalette()->setPieColor(array(new Color(26, 192, 144), new Color(208, 48, 128))); } else { $chart->getPlot()->getPalette()->setPieColor(array(new Color(208, 48, 128), new Color(26, 192, 144))); } $dataSet = new XYDataSet(); $dataSet->addPoint(new Point("HAM ({$ham})", $ham)); $dataSet->addPoint(new Point("SPAM ({$spam})", $spam)); $chart->setDataSet($dataSet); $chart->setTitle($title); $this->sendOutput($chart, $output); }
require_once "{$root}/Function/libchart/classes/libchart.php"; require_once "{$root}/Function/Db.php"; require_once "{$root}/Function/Debug.php"; require_once "{$root}/Function/DataTime.php"; $Stati = GetRows("tab_stato_mch", "", "stato_mch", $db, 1); /* echo "<pre>"; print_r($Stati); echo "</pre>"; */ //Padding::Padding ($top, $right, $bottom, $left) define("ChartPath", "tmp/chart.png"); define("ChartWidth", 1000); define("ChartHeight", 400); $chart = new PieChart(ChartWidth, ChartHeight); $chart->getPlot()->setGraphPadding(new Padding("5", "5", "5", "5")); $chart->setTitle("Statistiche Magazzino RollOut"); $dataSet = new XYDataSet(); foreach ($Stati as $key => $field) { $stat = GetRows("tab_macchine", "id_stato = '" . $field['id_stato_call'] . "'", "", $db, 1, "count(id_macchina) as count"); /* echo "[Debug]: count stato: ".$stat[0]['count']." <br />"; */ $dataSet->addPoint(new Point($field['stato_call'] . " ( " . $stat[0]['count'] . " )", $stat[0]['count'])); } $chart->setDataSet($dataSet); $chart->render(ChartPath); ?> <img src="<?php
function show_page($mode_) { if (isset($_GET['from'])) { $t0 = strtotime($_GET['from']); } else { $t0 = strtotime($mode_->get_default_from()); } if (isset($_GET['to'])) { $t1 = strtotime($_GET['to']); } else { $t1 = time(); } $t0 = $mode_->transform_date($t0); $t1 = $mode_->transform_date($t1); if ($t0 > $t1) { popup_error(_('Error: "from" date is after "to" date, the dates will be reversed')); $buf = $t0; $t0 = $t1; $t1 = $buf; } if ($t1 > time()) { popup_error(_('Error: "to" field is in the future, the current time will be used')); $t1 = $mode_->transform_date(time()); } if ($t0 > time()) { popup_error(_('Error: "from" field is in the future, the current time will be used')); $t0 = $mode_->transform_date(time()); } $t2 = strtotime($mode_->get_next(), $t1); /* General system */ if (!is_writable(TMP_DIR)) { popup_error(sprintf(_("%s is not writable"), TMP_DIR)); page_header(); echo '<h1>' . _('Reporting') . '</h1>'; page_footer(); die; } list($session_number, $result, $res_server, $end_status, $end_status_by_server) = get_session_history($t0, $t2, $mode_); $info2 = get_server_history($t0, $t2, $mode_); $chart = new LineChart(); $chart->getPlot()->setLogoFileName(''); $dataSet = new XYDataSet(); $step = max(round(count($result) / MAX_STEPS), 1); $step_i = 0; foreach ($result as $day => $num) { $text = ''; if ($step_i % $step == 0) { $text = $mode_->get_pretty_date($day); } $step_i++; $dataSet->addPoint(new Point($text, $num)); } $chart->setDataSet($dataSet); $chart->setTitle(_('Number of launched sessions')); $tmpfile = tempnam(TMP_DIR, REPORT_PREFIX); $file_id = substr($tmpfile, strlen(TMP_DIR . '/' . REPORT_PREFIX)); $chart->render($tmpfile); // Foreach server $servers = array(); foreach ($res_server as $server_id => $value) { $servers[$server_id] = array(); $server = $_SESSION['service']->server_info($server_id); if ($server) { $servers[$server_id]['name'] = $server->getDisplayName(); } else { $servers[$server_id]['name'] = $server_id; } } if ($session_number > 0) { $dataSet = new XYDataSet(); foreach ($res_server as $server_id => $c) { if ($server_id === "") { $server_id = _("unknown"); } $tot = 0; foreach ($c as $k => $v) { $tot += $v; } $value = $tot * 100 / $session_number; $dataSet->addPoint(new Point(str_replace(array('%SERVER%', '%TOTAL%'), array($servers[$server_id]['name'], (int) $tot), ngettext(_('%SERVER% (%TOTAL% session)'), _('%SERVER% (%TOTAL% sessions)'), $value)), $value)); } $chart = new PieChart(); $chart->getPlot()->setLogoFileName(''); $chart->setTitle(_('Session repartition')); $chart->setDataSet($dataSet); $tmpfile = tempnam(TMP_DIR, REPORT_PREFIX); $file_id2 = substr($tmpfile, strlen(TMP_DIR . '/' . REPORT_PREFIX)); $chart->render($tmpfile); if (count($end_status) > 0) { $dataSet = new XYDataSet(); foreach ($end_status as $status_session => $number_status) { $dataSet->addPoint(new Point(str_replace(array('%STATUS%', '%TOTAL%'), array(Session::textEndStatus($status_session), (int) $number_status), ngettext(_('%STATUS% (%TOTAL% session)'), _('%STATUS% (%TOTAL% sessions)'), $number_status)), $number_status)); } $chart = new PieChart(); $chart->getPlot()->setLogoFileName(''); $chart->setTitle(_('Session end status')); $chart->setDataSet($dataSet); $tmpfile = tempnam(TMP_DIR, REPORT_PREFIX); $file_id3 = substr($tmpfile, strlen(TMP_DIR . '/' . REPORT_PREFIX)); $chart->render($tmpfile); } } // Foreach server foreach ($res_server as $server_id => $value) { $chart = new LineChart(); $chart->getPlot()->setLogoFileName(''); $dataSet = new XYDataSet(); $step = max(round(count($value) / MAX_STEPS), 1); $step_i = 0; foreach ($value as $day => $num) { $text = $step_i % $step == 0 ? substr($day, -2) : ''; $step_i++; $dataSet->addPoint(new Point($text, $num)); } $chart->setDataSet($dataSet); $chart->setTitle(_('Number of launched sessions')); $tmpfile = tempnam(TMP_DIR, REPORT_PREFIX); $servers[$server_id]['session_file'] = substr($tmpfile, strlen(TMP_DIR . '/' . REPORT_PREFIX)); $chart->render($tmpfile); $dataSet = new XYDataSet(); $end_status2 = array(); if (array_key_exists($server_id, $end_status_by_server)) { $end_status2 = $end_status_by_server[$server_id]; } if (count($end_status2) > 0) { foreach ($end_status2 as $status_session => $number_status) { $dataSet->addPoint(new Point(str_replace(array('%STATUS%', '%TOTAL%'), array(Session::textEndStatus($status_session), (int) $number_status), ngettext(_('%STATUS% (%TOTAL% session)'), _('%STATUS% (%TOTAL% sessions)'), $number_status)), $number_status)); } $chart = new PieChart(); $chart->getPlot()->setLogoFileName(''); $chart->setTitle(_('Session end status')); $chart->setDataSet($dataSet); $tmpfile = tempnam(TMP_DIR, REPORT_PREFIX); $servers[$server_id]['session_end_status'] = substr($tmpfile, strlen(TMP_DIR . '/' . REPORT_PREFIX)); $chart->render($tmpfile); } if (!isset($info2[$server_id])) { continue; } $dataSet_cpu = new XYDataSet(); $step = max(round(count($info2[$server_id]['cpu']) / MAX_STEPS), 1); $step_i = 0; foreach ($info2[$server_id]['cpu'] as $day => $num) { $text = $step_i % $step == 0 ? substr($day, -2) : ''; $step_i++; $b = get_avg_value($num); $dataSet_cpu->addPoint(new Point($text, $b)); } $chart = new LineChart(); $chart->getPlot()->setLogoFileName(''); $chart->setDataSet($dataSet_cpu); $chart->setTitle(_('CPU usage')); $tmpfile = tempnam(TMP_DIR, REPORT_PREFIX); $servers[$server_id]['cpu_file'] = substr($tmpfile, strlen(TMP_DIR . '/' . REPORT_PREFIX)); $chart->render($tmpfile); $dataSet_ram = new XYDataSet(); $step = max(round(count($info2[$server_id]['ram']) / MAX_STEPS), 1); $step_i = 0; foreach ($info2[$server_id]['ram'] as $day => $num) { $text = $step_i % $step == 0 ? substr($day, -2) : ''; $step_i++; $b = get_avg_value($num); $dataSet_ram->addPoint(new Point($text, $b)); } $chart = new LineChart(); $chart->getPlot()->setLogoFileName(''); $chart->setDataSet($dataSet_ram); $chart->setTitle(_('RAM usage')); $tmpfile = tempnam(TMP_DIR, REPORT_PREFIX); $servers[$server_id]['ram_file'] = substr($tmpfile, strlen(TMP_DIR . '/' . REPORT_PREFIX)); $chart->render($tmpfile); } page_header(array('js_files' => array('media/script/lib/calendarpopup/CalendarPopup.js'))); echo '<h1>' . _('Reporting') . '</h1>'; echo '<div id="calendar_day_from" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; background: white;"></div>'; echo '<div id="calendar_day_to" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; background: white;"></div>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">'; echo ' document.write(getCalendarStyles());'; echo ' var calendar_day_from = new CalendarPopup("calendar_day_from");'; echo ' calendar_day_from.setReturnFunction(\'func_day_from\');'; echo ' function func_day_from(y,m,d) {'; echo ' if (m < 10)'; echo ' m = \'0\'+m;'; echo ' if (d < 10)'; echo ' d = \'0\'+d;'; echo ' $(\'from\').value = y+\'-\'+m+\'-\'+d;'; echo ' $(\'anchor_day_from\').innerHTML = $(\'from\').value;'; echo ' }'; echo ' var calendar_day_to = new CalendarPopup("calendar_day_to");'; echo ' calendar_day_to.setReturnFunction(\'func_day_to\');'; echo ' function func_day_to(y,m,d) {'; echo ' if (m < 10)'; echo ' m = \'0\'+m;'; echo ' if (d < 10)'; echo ' d = \'0\'+d;'; echo ' $(\'to\').value = y+\'-\'+m+\'-\'+d;'; echo ' $(\'anchor_day_to\').innerHTML = $(\'to\').value;'; echo ' }'; echo ' Event.observe(window, \'load\', function() {'; echo ' func_day_from(' . date('Y', $t0) . ', ' . date('m', $t0) . ', ' . date('d', $t0) . ');'; echo ' func_day_to(' . date('Y', $t1) . ', ' . date('m', $t1) . ', ' . date('d', $t1) . ');'; echo ' });'; echo ' function generateReport() {'; echo ' $(\'from\').value+= \' \'+$(\'hour_from\').value+\':00\';'; echo ' $(\'to\').value+= \' \'+$(\'hour_to\').value+\':00\';'; echo ' return true;'; echo ' }'; echo '</script>'; echo '<form onsubmit="return generateReport();">'; echo '<input id="from" name="from" value="" type="hidden" />'; echo '<input id="to" name="to" value="" type="hidden" />'; echo '<strong>' . _('From') . '</strong> '; echo '<a href="#" id="anchor_day_from" onclick="$(\'from\'), \'anchor_day_from\'); return false;" >' . date('Y-m-d', $t0) . '</a> '; echo '<select id="hour_from">'; for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) { echo '<option value="' . $i . '"'; if ((int) date('H', $t0) == $i) { echo ' selected="selected"'; } echo '>' . $i . ':00</option>'; } echo '</select> '; echo '<strong>' . _('to') . '</strong> '; echo '<a href="#" id="anchor_day_to" onclick="$(\'to\'), \'anchor_day_to\'); return false;" >' . date('Y-m-d', $t1) . '</a> '; echo '<select id="hour_to">'; for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) { echo '<option value="' . $i . '"'; if ((int) date('H', $t1) == $i) { echo ' selected="selected"'; } echo '>' . $i . ':00</option>'; } echo '</select> '; echo '<strong>' . _('step') . '</strong>'; echo '<select name="mode">'; echo '<option value="minute"'; if ($mode_->get_value() == 'minute') { echo ' selected="selected"'; } echo '>' . ReportMode_minute::get_name() . '</option>'; echo '<option value="hour"'; if ($mode_->get_value() == 'hour') { echo ' selected="selected"'; } echo '>' . ReportMode_hour::get_name() . '</option>'; echo '<option value="day"'; if ($mode_->get_value() == 'day') { echo ' selected="selected"'; } echo '>' . ReportMode_day::get_name() . '</option>'; echo '</select> '; echo '<input type="submit" value="' . _('Refresh') . '" />'; echo '</form>'; echo '<div>'; echo '<table><tr><td>'; echo '<img src="?img=1&file=' . $file_id . '" />'; echo '</td><td><i>'; if ($mode_->get_value() == 'day') { echo _('Abscissa: day of the month'); } else { if ($mode_->get_value() == 'hour') { echo _('Abscissa: hour of the day'); } else { if ($mode_->get_value() == 'minute') { echo _('Abscissa: minute of the hour'); } } } echo '<br/>'; echo _('Ordinate: number of sessions'); echo '</i></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>'; echo '<img src="?img=nb_sessions&mode=' . $mode_->get_value() . '&from=' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $t0) . '&to=' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $t1) . '" />'; echo '</td><td><i>'; if ($mode_->get_value() == 'day') { echo _('Abscissa: day of the month'); } else { if ($mode_->get_value() == 'hour') { echo _('Abscissa: hour of the day'); } else { if ($mode_->get_value() == 'minute') { echo _('Abscissa: minute of the hour'); } } } echo '<br/>'; echo _('Ordinate: number of sessions'); echo '</i></td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; if ($session_number > 0) { if (isset($file_id2)) { echo '<img src="?img=1&file=' . $file_id2 . '" />'; } echo ' '; if (isset($file_id3)) { echo '<img src="?img=1&file=' . $file_id3 . '" />'; } } echo '<form action="session-reporting.php">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="search_by[]" value="time" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="from" value="' . $t0 . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="to" value="' . $t1 . '" />'; echo '<input type="submit" value="' . _('See archived sessions in this time range') . '" />'; echo '</form>'; foreach ($servers as $server_id => $value) { echo '<hr/>'; echo '<h2>' . _('Server') . ' ' . $value['name'] . '</h2>'; echo '<table>'; if (isset($value['session_file'])) { echo '<tr><td>'; echo '<img src="?img=1&file=' . $value['session_file'] . '" />'; echo '</td><td><i>'; if ($mode_->get_value() == 'day') { echo _('Abscissa: day of the month'); } else { if ($mode_->get_value() == 'hour') { echo _('Abscissa: hour of the day'); } else { if ($mode_->get_value() == 'minute') { echo _('Abscissa: minute of the hour'); } } } echo '<br/>'; echo _('Ordinate: number of sessions'); echo '</i></td></tr>'; } if (isset($value['session_end_status'])) { echo '<tr><td>'; echo '<img src="?img=1&file=' . $value['session_end_status'] . '" />'; echo '</td><td></td></tr>'; } if (isset($value['cpu_file'])) { echo '<tr><td>'; echo '<img src="?img=1&file=' . $value['cpu_file'] . '" />'; echo '</td><td><i>'; if ($mode_->get_value() == 'day') { echo _('Abscissa: day of the month'); } else { if ($mode_->get_value() == 'hour') { echo _('Abscissa: hour of the day'); } else { if ($mode_->get_value() == 'minute') { echo _('Abscissa: minute of the hour'); } } } echo '<br/>'; echo _('Ordinate: CPU usage in percent'); echo '</i></td></tr>'; } if (isset($value['ram_file'])) { echo '<tr><td>'; echo '<img src="?img=1&file=' . $value['ram_file'] . '" />'; echo '</td><td><i>'; if ($mode_->get_value() == 'day') { echo _('Abscissa: day of the month'); } else { if ($mode_->get_value() == 'hour') { echo _('Abscissa: hour of the day'); } else { if ($mode_->get_value() == 'minute') { echo _('Abscissa: minute of the hour'); } } } echo '<br/>'; echo _('Ordinate: RAM usage in percent'); echo '</i></td></tr>'; } echo '</table>'; } echo '</div>'; page_footer(); die; }
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ /** * Pie chart demonstration * */ include "../libchart/classes/libchart.php"; $chart = new PieChart(); $chart->getPlot()->getPalette()->setPieColor(array(new Color(255, 0, 0), new Color(255, 255, 255))); $dataSet = new XYDataSet(); $dataSet->addPoint(new Point("Amanita abrupta", 80)); $dataSet->addPoint(new Point("Amanita arocheae", 75)); $dataSet->addPoint(new Point("Clitocybe dealbata", 50)); $dataSet->addPoint(new Point("Cortinarius rubellus", 70)); $dataSet->addPoint(new Point("Gyromitra esculenta", 37)); $dataSet->addPoint(new Point("Lepiota castanea", 37)); $chart->setDataSet($dataSet); $chart->setTitle("Deadly mushrooms"); $chart->render("generated/pie_chart_color.png"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>Libchart pie chart color demonstration</title>
<div class="box-header"><i class="fa fa-bar-chart-o"></i><h3 class="box-title">Fréquences des visites d'abonnés, année <?php echo $year; ?> </h3></div> <div class="box-body"> <?php //Initialisation graphique $chartF = new PieChart(400, 280); $dataSetF = new XYDataSet(); $row = getStatFrequence($year, $epn); //debug($row); $dataSetF->addPoint(new Point("1 à 2 fois par semaine", $row['f1'])); $dataSetF->addPoint(new Point("2 à 3 fois par semaine", $row['f2'])); $dataSetF->addPoint(new Point("+3 fois par semaine", $row['f3'])); $chartF->setDataSet($dataSetF); $chartF->getPlot()->getPalette()->setPieColor(array(new Color(255, 133, 4), new Color(234, 42, 83), new Color(44, 173, 135))); $chartF->setTitle("Frequence des visites (" . $year . ") "); $chartF->render("img/chart/" . $year . "/resa_frequenceSemaine_" . $namepn . ".png"); ?> <img src="img/chart/<?php echo $year; ?> /resa_frequenceSemaine_<?php echo $namepn; ?> .png" > </div><!-- /.box-body--> </div><!-- /.box --> <!-- Classement des réservations : les adhérents par classe d'âge--> <div class="box box-primary">
// assume year has always 4 digits // e.g. 2005 $curTimestamp = substr($curTimestamp, 0, 4); // $curTimestamp is oldest year, if $oldestYear is not set if (strlen($oldestYear) === 0) { $oldestYear = $curTimestamp; } if (!isset($matches[$curTimestamp]['year'])) { $matches[$curTimestamp]['year'] = $curTimestamp; } if (strcmp($curTimestamp, $oldTimestamp) === 0) { // if we are still in the same month: 1 more match in the month $matches[$curTimestamp]['matches']++; } else { // otherwise initialise with 1 (at least one match at that month) $matches[$curTimestamp]['matches'] = '1'; } // done with this month $oldTimestamp = $curTimestamp; } $chart = new PieChart(450, 250); $dataSet = new XYDataSet(); $chart->getPlot()->setGraphPadding(new Padding(0, 15, 15, 50)); // add a data point for each month foreach ($matches as $matchesPerYear) { $dataSet->addPoint(new Point($matchesPerYear['year'], $matchesPerYear['matches'])); } $chart->setDataSet($dataSet); $chart->setTitle('Official GU Matches [ ' . $oldestYear . ' - ' . date('Y') . ' ]'); // FIXME: Where should the graph be saved? $chart->render(dirname(__FILE__) . '/img/yearPie.png');
//ateliers $chartA = new PieChart(400, 280); $dataSetA = new XYDataSet(); $dataSetA->addPoint(new Point("Présences", $nbpresentatelier)); $dataSetA->addPoint(new Point("Absences", $nbabsentatelier)); $chartA->setDataSet($dataSetA); $chartA->getPlot()->getPalette()->setPieColor(array(new Color(44, 173, 135), new Color(234, 42, 83))); $chartA->setTitle("Taux de présence aux ateliers (" . $year . ") "); $chartA->render("img/chart/" . $year . "/txpresencea_" . $id_user . ".png"); //sessions $chartS = new PieChart(400, 280); $dataSetS = new XYDataSet(); $dataSetS->addPoint(new Point("Présences", $nbpresentsession)); $dataSetS->addPoint(new Point("Absences", $nbabsentsession)); $chartS->setDataSet($dataSetS); $chartS->getPlot()->getPalette()->setPieColor(array(new Color(44, 173, 135), new Color(234, 42, 83))); $chartS->setTitle("Taux de présence aux session (" . $year . ") "); $chartS->render("img/chart/" . $year . "/txpresences_" . $id_user . ".png"); ?> <img src="img/chart/<?php echo $year; ?> /txpresencea_<?php echo $id_user; ?> .png" > <img src="img/chart/<?php echo $year; ?> /txpresences_<?php echo $id_user;