
Fires when a user chooses a snippet in the dropdown in the PHP Snippets widget:
Given a filepath, this returns the sample shortcode for that snippet.
if (!defined('PHP_SNIPPETS_PATH')) {
    exit('No direct script access allowed');
if (!current_user_can('edit_posts')) {
    die('You do not have permission to do that.');
if (!isset($_POST['snippet_path']) || empty($_POST['snippet_path'])) {
    print 'Missing snippet_path.';
$ps_data = get_option(Phpsnippets\Base::db_key, array());
$ext = Phpsnippets\Base::get_value($ps_data, 'snippet_suffix', '.php');
$shortname = Phpsnippets\Base::get_shortname($_POST['snippet_path'], $ext);
$info = PhpSnippets\Base::get_snippet_info($_POST['snippet_path']);
print PhpSnippets\Base::get_shortcode($info, $shortname);