public function getUrl() { Phpfox_Error::skip(true); $mReturn = $this->_oTwitter->getAuthorizationUrl(); Phpfox_Error::skip(false); return $mReturn; }
/** * Uses the class DOMDocument to clean HTML and make it valid XHTML. * * @link * @param string $sStr String we need to parse. * @return string Parsed string withn clean valid XHTML code. */ public function validXhtml($sStr) { if (class_exists('DOMDocument')) { static $oDoc = null; if ($oDoc === null) { $oDoc = new DOMDocument('1.0'); } Phpfox_Error::skip(true); $oDoc->loadHTML($sStr); $sStr = $oDoc->saveHTML(); $sStr = preg_replace('/^<!DOCTYPE.+?>/i', '', $sStr); $sStr = trim($sStr); if (substr($sStr, 0, 12) == '<html><body>') { $sStr = substr_replace($sStr, '', 0, 12); } if (substr($sStr, -14) == '</body></html>') { $sStr = substr_replace($sStr, '', -14); } Phpfox_Error::skip(false); } return $sStr; }
public function update($aVals) { if (isset($aVals['order'])) { foreach ($aVals['order'] as $sVar => $iOrder) { $this->database()->update($this->_sTable, array('ordering' => (int) $iOrder), "var_name = '" . $this->database()->escape($sVar) . "'"); } } if (isset($aVals['value']['admin_debug_mode']) && file_exists(PHPFOX_DIR . 'file' . PHPFOX_DS . 'cache' . PHPFOX_DS . 'debug.php')) { Phpfox::getLib('file')->unlink(PHPFOX_DIR . 'file' . PHPFOX_DS . 'cache' . PHPFOX_DS . 'debug.php'); } if (isset($aVals['value']['ftp_enabled']) && $aVals['value']['ftp_enabled']) { define('PHPFOX_FTP_LOGIN_PASS', true); if (Phpfox::getLib('ftp')->connect($aVals['value']['ftp_host'], $aVals['value']['ftp_username'], $aVals['value']['ftp_password'])) { if (!Phpfox::getLib('ftp')->test($aVals['value']['ftp_dir_path'])) { return false; } } if (!Phpfox_Error::isPassed()) { return false; } } if (isset($aVals['value']['enable_api_support']) && $aVals['value']['enable_api_support']) { if (!Phpfox::getService('api')->test()) { return false; } } if (isset($aVals['value']['enable_janrain_login']) && $aVals['value']['enable_janrain_login'] == 1 && ( (isset($aVals['value']['janrain_api_key']) && empty($aVals['value']['janrain_api_key'])) || (isset($aVals['value']['janrain_application_domain']) && empty($aVals['value']['janrain_application_domain'])) ) ) { return Phpfox_Error::set('To enable Janrain you must set the API Key and the Application domain'); } if (isset($aVals['value']['method']) && $aVals['value']['method']['value'] == 'smtp') { Phpfox_Error::skip(true); $bSent = Phpfox::getLib('mail', 'smtp')->test($aVals['value']) ->to($aVals['value']['email_from_email']) ->subject('Test SMTP E-mail') ->message('SMTP is working!') ->send(); if ($bSent === false) { $sEmailHeader = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); if (!empty($sEmailHeader)) { Phpfox_Error::set('<b>SMTP Error Message</b>: ' . $sEmailHeader); } return false; } Phpfox_Error::skip(false); } if (!empty($_FILES['watermark']['name'])) { $aImage = Phpfox::getLib('file')->load('watermark', array('jpg', 'gif', 'png')); if ($aImage === false) { return false; } $hDir = opendir(Phpfox::getParam('core.dir_watermark')); while ($sFile = readdir($hDir)) { if (!preg_match('/(.*)\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)/i', $sFile)) { continue; } Phpfox::getLib('file')->unlink(Phpfox::getParam('core.dir_watermark') . $sFile); } closedir($hDir); if (!Phpfox::getLib('file')->upload('watermark', Phpfox::getParam('core.dir_watermark'), 'watermark', false, 0644, false)) { return false; } $aVals['value']['watermark_image'] = 'watermark%s.' . $aImage['ext']; } $aValues = array(); if (!isset($aVals['value'])) { // when logged out because of inactivity and refresh and resubmit it would throw an undefined index error $this->cache()->remove(); return true; } foreach ($aVals['value'] as $sKey => $mValue) { if (is_array($mValue)) { if ($sKey == 'captcha_font') { $aValues['value_actual'] = $mValue['value']; } else { if (isset($mValue['real']) && isset($mValue['value'])) { $mValue['value'] = trim($mValue['value']); $aSub = array(); $aSub[] = $mValue['value']; $aParts = explode(',', $mValue['real']); foreach ($aParts as $sPart) { $sPart = trim($sPart); if ($sPart == $mValue['value']) { continue; } $aSub[] = $sPart; } if ($sKey == 'admin_debug_mode' && $mValue['value'] != 'Level 0') { Phpfox::getLib('file')->writeToCache('debug.php', '<?php define(\'PHPFOX_DEBUG\', true); define(\'PHPFOX_DEBUG_LEVEL\', ' . trim(str_replace('Level', '', $mValue['value'])) . '); ?>'); } // Prepare the array for the database $aValues['value_actual'] = serialize(array( 'default' => $mValue['value'], 'values' => $aSub ) ); } else { $aCached = array(); foreach ($mValue as $iValueKey => $sValueKey) { // Make sure we don't have any duplicate values if (isset($aCached[$sValueKey])) { // Remove the duplicate value unset($mValue[$iValueKey]); } // Cache for duplicate value check $aCached[$sValueKey] = $sValueKey; } // Prepare the array for the database $aValues['value_actual'] = serialize(str_replace('array ', 'array', var_export($mValue, true)) . ';'); } } } else { if ($sKey == 'title_delim' || $sKey == 'required_symbol') { $mValue = Phpfox::getLib('parse.input')->convert($mValue); } // Encode the ftp password with the server salt if ($sKey == 'ftp_password') { $mValue = base64_encode(base64_encode($mValue . md5(Phpfox::getParam('core.salt')))); } if ($sKey == 'session_prefix') { $mValue = substr(preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $mValue), 0, 15); } // clear the cache from the featured users if ($sKey == 'how_many_featured_members') { $this->cache()->remove('featured_users'); } $aValues['value_actual'] = $mValue; if ($sKey == 'admin_cp' && $mValue != 'admincp') { if (!Phpfox::getLib('parse.input')->allowTitle($mValue, Phpfox::getPhrase('admincp.admincp_name_not_allowed') . ': ' . strip_tags($mValue))) { return false; } } if ($sKey == 'allow_video_uploading' && $mValue == '1') { $aVals['value']['ffmpeg_path'] = Phpfox::getParam('video.ffmpeg_path'); $aVals['value']['mencoder_path'] = Phpfox::getParam('video.mencoder_path'); if (!($mReturn = Phpfox::getService('video')->requirementCheck($aVals['value']))) { return false; } } if ($sKey == 'profile_use_id' && $mValue == '1') { $aUsers = $this->database()->select('user_id') ->from(Phpfox::getT('user')) ->execute('getRows'); foreach ($aUsers as $aUser) { $this->database()->update(Phpfox::getT('user'), array('user_name' => 'profile-' . $aUser['user_id']), 'user_id = ' . $aUser['user_id']); } } } $this->database()->update($this->_sTable, $aValues, "var_name = '" . $this->database()->escape($sKey) . "'"); } // Clear the setting cache $this->cache()->remove(); // Phpfox::getLib('setting')->set(); return true; }
public function upload($aVals, $iAlbumId = 0) { if (!isset($_FILES['mp3'])) { return Phpfox_Error::set(Phpfox::getPhrase('music.select_an_mp3')); } $aSong = Phpfox::getLib('file')->load('mp3', 'mp3', Phpfox::getUserParam('music.music_max_file_size')); if (function_exists('finfo_open')) { $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); if (!in_array(finfo_file($finfo, $_FILES['mp3']['tmp_name']), Phpfox::getService('music')->getMimeTypes())) { return Phpfox_Error::set(Phpfox::getPhrase('core.uploaded_file_is_not_valid')); } finfo_close($finfo); } if ($aSong === false) { return false; } if (empty($aVals['title'])) { $aVals['title'] = $aSong['name']; } if (!isset($aVals['privacy'])) { $aVals['privacy'] = 0; } if (!isset($aVals['privacy_comment'])) { $aVals['privacy_comment'] = 0; } if ($iAlbumId < 1 && isset($aVals['album_id'])) { $iAlbumId = (int) $aVals['album_id']; } if ($iAlbumId > 0) { $aAlbum = $this->database()->select('*')->from(Phpfox::getT('music_album'))->where('album_id = ' . (int) $iAlbumId)->execute('getSlaveRow'); $aVals['privacy'] = $aAlbum['privacy']; $aVals['privacy_comment'] = $aAlbum['privacy_comment']; if (!empty($aAlbum['module_id'])) { $aVals['callback_module'] = $aAlbum['module_id']; } if (!empty($aAlbum['item_id'])) { $aVals['callback_item_id'] = $aAlbum['item_id']; } } if (!empty($aVals['new_album_title'])) { $iAlbumId = $this->database()->insert(Phpfox::getT('music_album'), array('user_id' => Phpfox::getUserId(), 'name' => $this->preParse()->clean($aVals['new_album_title']), 'privacy' => isset($aVals['privacy']) ? $aVals['privacy'] : '0', 'privacy_comment' => isset($aVals['privacy_comment']) ? $aVals['privacy_comment'] : '0', 'time_stamp' => PHPFOX_TIME, 'module_id' => isset($aVals['callback_module']) ? $aVals['callback_module'] : null, 'item_id' => isset($aVals['callback_item_id']) ? (int) $aVals['callback_item_id'] : '0')); $aAlbum = $this->database()->select('*')->from(Phpfox::getT('music_album'))->where('album_id = ' . (int) $iAlbumId)->execute('getSlaveRow'); $this->database()->insert(Phpfox::getT('music_album_text'), array('album_id' => $iAlbumId)); if ($aVals['privacy'] == '4') { // Phpfox::getService('privacy.process')->add('music_album', $iAlbumId, (isset($aVals['privacy_list']) ? $aVals['privacy_list'] : array())); } } Phpfox::getService('ban')->checkAutomaticBan($aVals['title']); $aInsert = array('view_id' => Phpfox::getUserParam('music.music_song_approval') ? '1' : '0', 'privacy' => isset($aVals['privacy']) ? $aVals['privacy'] : '0', 'privacy_comment' => isset($aVals['privacy_comment']) ? $aVals['privacy_comment'] : '0', 'album_id' => $iAlbumId, 'genre_id' => isset($aVals['genre_id']) ? (int) $aVals['genre_id'] : '0', 'user_id' => Phpfox::getUserId(), 'title' => Phpfox::getLib('parse.input')->clean($aVals['title'], 255), 'description' => isset($aVals['status_info']) ? Phpfox::getLib('parse.input')->clean($aVals['status_info'], 255) : null, 'explicit' => isset($aVals['explicit']) && $aVals['explicit'] ? 1 : 0, 'time_stamp' => PHPFOX_TIME, 'module_id' => isset($aVals['callback_module']) ? $aVals['callback_module'] : null, 'item_id' => isset($aVals['callback_item_id']) ? (int) $aVals['callback_item_id'] : '0'); $iId = $this->database()->insert($this->_sTable, $aInsert); if (!$iId) { return false; } $sFileName = Phpfox::getLib('file')->upload('mp3', Phpfox::getParam('music.dir'), $iId); $sDuration = null; if (file_exists(PHPFOX_DIR_LIB . 'getid3' . PHPFOX_DS . 'getid3' . PHPFOX_DS . 'getid3.php')) { // Temp. disable error reporting Phpfox_Error::skip(true); require_once PHPFOX_DIR_LIB . 'getid3' . PHPFOX_DS . 'getid3' . PHPFOX_DS . 'getid3.php'; $oGetId3 = new getID3(); $aMetaData = $oGetId3->analyze(Phpfox::getParam('music.dir') . sprintf($sFileName, '')); if (isset($aMetaData['playtime_string'])) { $sDuration = $aMetaData['playtime_string']; } } $aInsert['song_id'] = $iId; $aInsert['duration'] = $sDuration; $aInsert['song_path'] = $sFileName; $aInsert['full_name'] = $sFileName; $aInsert['is_featured'] = 0; $aInsert['user_name'] = Phpfox::getUserBy('user_name'); // Return back error reporting Phpfox_Error::skip(false); $this->database()->update($this->_sTable, array('song_path' => $sFileName, 'server_id' => Phpfox::getLib('request')->getServer('PHPFOX_SERVER_ID'), 'duration' => $sDuration), 'song_id = ' . (int) $iId); // Update user space usage if (!Phpfox::getUserParam('music.music_song_approval')) { Phpfox::getService('')->update(Phpfox::getUserId(), 'music', filesize(Phpfox::getParam('music.dir') . sprintf($sFileName, ''))); } if ($aVals['privacy'] == '4') { Phpfox::getService('privacy.process')->add('music_song', $iId, isset($aVals['privacy_list']) ? $aVals['privacy_list'] : array()); } $aCallback = null; if (!empty($aVals['callback_module']) && Phpfox::hasCallback($aVals['callback_module'], 'uploadSong')) { $aCallback = Phpfox::callback($aVals['callback_module'] . '.uploadSong', $aVals['callback_item_id']); } if ($iAlbumId > 0) { if (!Phpfox::getUserParam('music.music_song_approval')) { $this->database()->updateCounter('music_album', 'total_track', 'album_id', $iAlbumId); Phpfox::isModule('feed') ? Phpfox::getService('feed.process')->callback($aCallback)->add('music_album', $iId, $aAlbum['privacy'], isset($aAlbum['privacy_comment']) ? (int) $aAlbum['privacy_comment'] : 0, isset($aVals['callback_item_id']) ? (int) $aVals['callback_item_id'] : '0') : null; } } else { if (!Phpfox::getUserParam('music.music_song_approval')) { Phpfox::isModule('feed') ? Phpfox::getService('feed.process')->callback($aCallback)->add('music_song', $iId, $aVals['privacy'], isset($aVals['privacy_comment']) ? (int) $aVals['privacy_comment'] : 0, isset($aVals['callback_item_id']) ? (int) $aVals['callback_item_id'] : '0') : null; } } if (!Phpfox::getUserParam('music.music_song_approval')) { Phpfox::getService('user.activity')->update(Phpfox::getUserId(), 'music_song'); } // plugin call if ($sPlugin = Phpfox_Plugin::get('music.service_process_upload__end')) { eval($sPlugin); } return $aInsert; }
private function _check($sDestination) { if (!file_exists($sDestination)) { $this->_debug(Phpfox::getPhrase('video.unable_to_convert_video')); if (!empty($this->_sLastLineCode)) { Phpfox_Error::set($this->_sLastLineCode); } return Phpfox_Error::set(Phpfox::getPhrase('video.unable_to_convert_video')); } // Temp. disable error reporting Phpfox_Error::skip(true); require_once PHPFOX_DIR_LIB . 'getid3' . PHPFOX_DS . 'getid3' . PHPFOX_DS . 'getid3.php'; $oGetId3 = new getID3(); $aMetaData = $oGetId3->analyze($sDestination); // Return back error reporting Phpfox_Error::skip(false); if (isset($aMetaData['error']) && count($aMetaData['error'])) { if (!empty($this->_sLastLineCode)) { Phpfox_Error::set($this->_sLastLineCode); } return Phpfox_Error::set(implode('<br />', array_map('ucfirst', $aMetaData['error']))); } return true; }
/** * Checks if path is writable * * @param string $sPath Path to file or directory * @param bool $bForce If set to TRUE we will disable error reporting and force a check on the file/folder * @return boolean If file/folder is writable we return TRUE otherwise we return FALSE */ public function isWritable($sPath, $bForce = false) { clearstatcache(); if ($bForce === false) { if (!is_writable($sPath)) { if (!stristr(PHP_OS, "win")) { return false; } } } if ($bForce === true) { Phpfox_Error::skip(true); } /** * Checking if writable on windows OS */ if (stristr(PHP_OS, "win") || $bForce === true) { /** * need to check whether we can really create files in this directory or not */ if (is_dir($sPath)) { /** * Trying to create a new file */ $fp = @fopen($sPath . PHPFOX_DS . 'win-test.txt', 'w'); if (!$fp) { if ($bForce === true) { Phpfox_Error::skip(false); } return false; } if (!@fwrite($fp, 'test')) { if ($bForce === true) { Phpfox_Error::skip(false); } return false; } fclose($fp); /** * clean up after ourselves */ if (file_exists($sPath . 'win-test.txt')) { unlink($sPath . 'win-test.txt'); } } else { if (!file_exists($sPath)) { if ($bForce === true) { Phpfox_Error::skip(false); } return false; } $sContent = @file_get_contents($sPath); if (!($fp = @fopen($sPath, 'w'))) { if ($bForce === true) { Phpfox_Error::skip(false); } return false; } if (!@fwrite($fp, $sContent)) { if ($bForce === true) { Phpfox_Error::skip(false); } return false; } fclose($fp); } } if ($bForce === true) { Phpfox_Error::skip(false); } return true; }
public function getLink($sUrl) { if (substr($sUrl, 0, 7) != 'http://' && substr($sUrl, 0, 8) != 'https://') { $sUrl = 'http://' . $sUrl; } $aParts = parse_url($sUrl); if (!isset($aParts['host'])) { return Phpfox_Error::set(Phpfox::getPhrase('link.not_a_valid_link')); } $aReturn = array(); $oVideo = json_decode(Phpfox::getLib('request')->send('' . urlencode($sUrl), array(), 'GET', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); // if (!isset($oVideo->thumbnail_url)) { if (preg_match('/facebook/i', $sUrl)) { $aRegexes = array('/https?:\\/\\/www\\.facebook\\.com\\/v\\/([0-9]+)/i', '/https?:\\/\\/www\\.facebook\\.com\\/.*\\?v=([0-9]+)/i', '/https?:\\/\\/www\\.facebook\\.com\\/video\\/embed\\?video_id=([0-9]+)/i'); foreach ($aRegexes as $sRegex) { if (preg_match($sRegex, $sUrl, $aMatches)) { $iId = $aMatches[1]; } } $oThumbnail = json_decode(Phpfox::getLib('request')->send('' . $iId . '/picture?redirect=false', array(), 'GET', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); $oVideo->thumbnail_url = $oThumbnail->data->url; $oVideo->type = 'video'; $oVideo->html = '<iframe src="' . $iId . '" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0"></iframe>'; } } // END // => object->photo does not exist as response if (isset($oVideo->provider_url) || isset($oVideo->photo)) { $aReturn = array('link' => $sUrl, 'title' => isset($oVideo->title) ? strip_tags($oVideo->title) : '', 'description' => isset($oVideo->description) ? strip_tags($oVideo->description) : '', 'default_image' => $oVideo->type == 'photo' ? $oVideo->url : (isset($oVideo->thumbnail_url) ? $oVideo->thumbnail_url : ''), 'embed_code' => $oVideo->type == 'video' ? $oVideo->html : ''); return $aReturn; } $aParseBuild = array(); $sContent = Phpfox::getLib('request')->send($sUrl, array(), 'GET', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); preg_match_all('/<(meta|link)(.*?)>/i', $sContent, $aRegMatches); if (isset($aRegMatches[2])) { foreach ($aRegMatches as $iKey => $aMatch) { if ($iKey !== 2) { continue; } foreach ($aMatch as $sLine) { $sLine = rtrim($sLine, '/'); $sLine = trim($sLine); preg_match('/(property|name|rel)=("|\')(.*?)("|\')/ise', $sLine, $aType); if (count($aType) && isset($aType[3])) { $sType = $aType[3]; preg_match('/(content|type)=("|\')(.*?)("|\')/i', $sLine, $aValue); if (count($aValue) && isset($aValue[3])) { if ($sType == 'alternate') { $sType = $aValue[3]; preg_match('/href=("|\')(.*?)("|\')/i', $sLine, $aHref); if (isset($aHref[2])) { $aValue[3] = $aHref[2]; } } $aParseBuild[$sType] = $aValue[3]; } } } } if (isset($aParseBuild['og:title'])) { $aReturn['link'] = $sUrl; $aReturn['title'] = $aParseBuild['og:title']; $aReturn['description'] = isset($aParseBuild['og:description']) ? $aParseBuild['og:description'] : ''; $aReturn['default_image'] = isset($aParseBuild['og:image']) ? $aParseBuild['og:image'] : ''; if (isset($aParseBuild['application/json+oembed'])) { $oJson = json_decode(Phpfox::getLib('request')->send($aParseBuild['application/json+oembed'], array(), 'GET', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); if (isset($oJson->html)) { $aReturn['embed_code'] = $oJson->html; } } return $aReturn; } } $sContent = Phpfox::getLib('request')->send($sUrl, array(), 'GET', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], null, true); if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) { $sContent = mb_convert_encoding($sContent, 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8"); } $aReturn['link'] = $sUrl; Phpfox_Error::skip(true); $oDoc = new DOMDocument(); $oDoc->loadHTML($sContent); Phpfox_Error::skip(false); if (($oTitle = $oDoc->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)) && !empty($oTitle->nodeValue)) { $aReturn['title'] = strip_tags($oTitle->nodeValue); } if (empty($aReturn['title'])) { if (preg_match('/^(.*?)\\.(jpg|png|jpeg|gif)$/i', $sUrl, $aImageMatches)) { return array('link' => $sUrl, 'title' => '', 'description' => '', 'default_image' => $sUrl, 'embed_code' => ''); } return Phpfox_Error::set(Phpfox::getPhrase('link.not_a_valid_link_unable_to_find_a_title')); } $oXpath = new DOMXPath($oDoc); $oMeta = $oXpath->query("//meta[@name='description']")->item(0); if (method_exists($oMeta, 'getAttribute')) { $sMeta = $oMeta->getAttribute('content'); if (!empty($sMeta)) { $aReturn['description'] = strip_tags($sMeta); } } $aImages = array(); $oMeta = $oXpath->query("//meta[@property='og:image']")->item(0); if (method_exists($oMeta, 'getAttribute')) { $aReturn['default_image'] = strip_tags($oMeta->getAttribute('content')); $aImages[] = strip_tags($oMeta->getAttribute('content')); } $oMeta = $oXpath->query("//link[@rel='image_src']")->item(0); if (method_exists($oMeta, 'getAttribute')) { if (empty($aReturn['default_image'])) { $aReturn['default_image'] = strip_tags($oMeta->getAttribute('href')); } $aImages[] = strip_tags($oMeta->getAttribute('href')); } if (!isset($aReturn['default_image'])) { $oMeta = $oXpath->query("//meta[@itemprop='image']")->item(0); if (method_exists($oMeta, 'getAttribute')) { $aReturn['default_image'] = strip_tags($oMeta->getAttribute('content')); if (strpos($aReturn['default_image'], $sUrl) === false) { $aReturn['default_image'] = $sUrl . '/' . $aReturn['default_image']; } } } if (!isset($aReturn['default_image'])) { $oImages = $oDoc->getElementsByTagName('img'); $iIteration = 0; foreach ($oImages as $oImage) { $sImageSrc = $oImage->getAttribute('src'); if (substr($sImageSrc, 0, 7) != 'http://' && substr($sImageSrc, 0, 1) != '/') { continue; } if (substr($sImageSrc, 0, 2) == '//') { continue; } $iIteration++; if (substr($sImageSrc, 0, 1) == '/') { $sImageSrc = 'http://' . $aParts['host'] . $sImageSrc; } if ($iIteration === 1 && empty($aReturn['default_image'])) { $aReturn['default_image'] = strip_tags($sImageSrc); } if ($iIteration > 10) { break; } $aImages[] = strip_tags($sImageSrc); } } if (count($aImages)) { $aReturn['images'] = $aImages; } $oLink = $oXpath->query("//link[@type='text/xml+oembed']")->item(0); if (method_exists($oLink, 'getAttribute')) { $aXml = Phpfox::getLib('xml.parser')->parse(Phpfox::getLib('request')->send($oLink->getAttribute('href'), array(), 'GET', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); if (isset($aXml['html'])) { $aReturn['embed_code'] = $aXml['html']; } } return $aReturn; }
/** * Try to find the full path of where we are currently located based on the relative position * we are allowed to access on the FTP server. * * @return mixed FALSE if we cannot find where we are, STRING if we can; which is the full path to where we are */ public function getPath() { Phpfox_Error::skip(true); if (ftp_chdir($this->_oFtp, PHPFOX_DIR)) { return ''; } Phpfox_Error::skip(false); $sCurrentDirectory = ftp_pwd($this->_oFtp); $aCache = array(); $aParts = explode(PHPFOX_DS, PHPFOX_DIR); foreach ($aParts as $sPart) { if (empty($sPart)) { continue; } $aCache[$sPart] = true; } $sBase = ''; $aList = ftp_nlist($this->_oFtp, '.'); foreach ($aList as $sList) { if ($sList == '.' || $sList == '..') { continue; } $sList = trim($sList, '.'); $sList = trim($sList, '/'); $sList = trim($sList, '\/'); if (isset($aCache[$sList])) { $sBase = $sList; break; } } if (!empty($sBase)) { $aBaseParts = explode($sBase, PHPFOX_DIR); return PHPFOX_DS . $sBase . $aBaseParts[1]; } return false; }
/** * Text we need to parse, usually text added via a <textarea>. * * @param string $sTxt is the string we need to parse * @return string Parsed string */ public function parse($sTxt) { if (empty($sTxt)) { return $sTxt; } if ($sPlugin = Phpfox_Plugin::get('phpfox_parse_output_parse__start')) { eval($sPlugin); } $sTxt = ' ' . $sTxt; if (!Phpfox::getParam('core.allow_html')) { $oFilterBbcode = Phpfox::getLib('parse.bbcode'); if (Phpfox::isModule('emoticon')) { $sTxt = Phpfox::getService('emoticon')->parse($sTxt); } $sTxt = $oFilterBbcode->preParse($sTxt); $sAllowedTags = '<p><b><i><u><br><br />'; $sTxt = strip_tags($sTxt, $sAllowedTags); // Add breaks without messing up HTML $sTxt = str_replace("\n", "[br]", $sTxt); $sTxt = preg_replace('/<(.*?)>/ise', "'<'. stripslashes(str_replace('[br]', '', '\\1')) .'>'", $sTxt); $sTxt = str_replace("[br]", "<br />", $sTxt); // Parse BBCode $sTxt = $oFilterBbcode->parse($sTxt); } $sTxt = Phpfox::getService('ban.word')->clean($sTxt); /* if (Phpfox::getParam('core.xhtml_valid')) { $sTxt = Phpfox::getLib('parse.format')->validXhtml($sTxt); } */ $sTxt = $this->parseUrls($sTxt); $sTxt = preg_replace_callback('/<object(.*?)>(.*?)<\\/object>/is', array($this, '_embedWmode'), $sTxt); // $sTxt = preg_replace_callback('/<iframe(.*?)>(.*?)<\/iframe>/is', array($this, '_embedWmode'), $sTxt); if (Phpfox::getParam('core.enable_html_purifier') && file_exists(PHPFOX_DIR_LIB . 'htmlpurifier/')) { static $purifier = null; Phpfox_Error::skip(true); if ($purifier === null) { require_once PHPFOX_DIR_LIB . 'htmlpurifier/'; $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(); if (file_exists(PHPFOX_DIR_SETTING . 'htmlpurifier.sett.php')) { require_once PHPFOX_DIR_SETTING . 'htmlpurifier.sett.php'; } else { require_once PHPFOX_DIR_SETTING . ''; } $config->set('Attr.AllowedRel', array('nofollow')); $config->set('Attr.AllowedFrameTargets', array('_blank')); $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config); } $sTxt = $purifier->purify($sTxt); Phpfox_Error::skip(false); } $sTxt = preg_replace_callback('/\\[PHPFOX_PHRASE\\](.*?)\\[\\/PHPFOX_PHRASE\\]/i', array($this, '_getPhrase'), $sTxt); if (Phpfox::getParam('core.resize_images')) { $sTxt = preg_replace_callback('/<img(.*?)>/i', array($this, '_fixImageWidth'), $sTxt); } if (Phpfox::getParam('tag.enable_hashtag_support')) { $sTxt = $this->replaceHashTags($sTxt); } return $sTxt; }
/** * Uploads the file to Rackspace server. * * @param string $sFile Full path to where the file is located. * @param string $sName Optional name of the file once it is uploaded. By default we just use the original file name. * @return bool We only return a bool false if we were not able to upload the item. */ public function put($sFile, $sName = null) { $this->connect(); Phpfox_Error::skip(true); if (empty($sName)) { $sName = str_replace("\\", '/', str_replace(PHPFOX_DIR, '', $sFile)); } $object = $this->_oContainer->create_object($sName); try { $object->load_from_filename($sFile); } catch (Exception $hException) { Phpfox_Error::trigger($hException->getMessage()); } $this->_bIsUploaded = true; if (Phpfox::getParam('core.keep_files_in_server') == false) { $oSess = Phpfox::getLib('session'); $aFiles = $oSess->get('deleteFiles'); if (is_array($aFiles)) { $aFiles[] = $sFile; } else { $aFiles = array($sFile); } $oSess->set('deleteFiles', $aFiles); } Phpfox_Error::skip(false); return true; }
public function getLink($sUrl) { if (substr($sUrl, 0, 7) != 'http://') { $sUrl = 'http://' . $sUrl; } $aParts = parse_url($sUrl); if (!isset($aParts['host'])) { return Phpfox_Error::set('Not a valid link.'); } $aReturn = array(); $sCacheId = $this->cache()->set('api_embed_ly'); $aSites = array(); if (!($aSites = $this->cache()->get($sCacheId))) { $aSites[] = '#http://.**#i'; $oOutput = json_decode(Phpfox::getLib('request')->send('', array(), 'GET', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); if (!is_array($oOutput)) { return Phpfox_Error::set('Unable to build array of sites.'); } foreach ($oOutput as $aOutput) { foreach ($aOutput->regex as $sRegex) { $aSites[] = $sRegex; } } $this->cache()->save($sCacheId, $aSites); } foreach ($aSites as $sSiteRegex) { if (preg_match($sSiteRegex, $sUrl)) { $oVideo = json_decode(Phpfox::getLib('request')->send('' . urlencode($sUrl), array(), 'GET', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); if (isset($oVideo->provider_url)) { $aReturn = array( 'link' => $sUrl, 'title' => strip_tags($oVideo->title), 'description' => strip_tags($oVideo->description), 'default_image' => $oVideo->thumbnail_url, 'embed_code' => ($oVideo->type == 'video' ? $oVideo->html : '') ); return $aReturn; } } } $sContent = Phpfox::getLib('request')->send($sUrl, array(), 'GET', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if( function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') ) { $sContent = mb_convert_encoding($sContent, 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8"); } $aReturn['link'] = $sUrl; Phpfox_Error::skip(true); $oDoc = new DOMDocument(); $oDoc->loadHTML($sContent); Phpfox_Error::skip(false); if (($oTitle = $oDoc->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)) && !empty($oTitle->nodeValue)) { $aReturn['title'] = strip_tags($oTitle->nodeValue); } if (empty($aReturn['title'])) { return Phpfox_Error::set('Not a valid link. Unable to find a title.'); } $oXpath = new DOMXPath($oDoc); $oMeta = $oXpath->query("//meta[@name='description']")->item(0); if (method_exists($oMeta, 'getAttribute')) { $sMeta = $oMeta->getAttribute('content'); if (!empty($sMeta)) { $aReturn['description'] = strip_tags($sMeta); } } $aImages = array(); $oMeta = $oXpath->query("//meta[@property='og:image']")->item(0); if (method_exists($oMeta, 'getAttribute')) { $aReturn['default_image'] = strip_tags($oMeta->getAttribute('content')); $aImages[] = strip_tags($oMeta->getAttribute('content')); } $oMeta = $oXpath->query("//link[@rel='image_src']")->item(0); if (method_exists($oMeta, 'getAttribute')) { if (empty($aReturn['default_image'])) { $aReturn['default_image'] = strip_tags($oMeta->getAttribute('href')); } $aImages[] = strip_tags($oMeta->getAttribute('href')); } if (!isset($aReturn['default_image'])) { $oImages = $oDoc->getElementsByTagName('img'); $iIteration = 0; foreach ($oImages as $oImage) { $sImageSrc = $oImage->getAttribute('src'); if (substr($sImageSrc, 0, 7) != 'http://' && substr($sImageSrc, 0, 1) != '/') { continue; } if (substr($sImageSrc, 0, 2) == '//') { continue; } $iIteration++; if (substr($sImageSrc, 0, 1) == '/') { $sImageSrc = 'http://' . $aParts['host'] . $sImageSrc; } if ($iIteration === 1 && empty($aReturn['default_image'])) { $aReturn['default_image'] = strip_tags($sImageSrc); } if ($iIteration > 10) { break; } $aImages[] = strip_tags($sImageSrc); } } if (count($aImages)) { $aReturn['images'] = $aImages; } $oLink = $oXpath->query("//link[@type='text/xml+oembed']")->item(0); if (method_exists($oLink, 'getAttribute')) { $aXml = Phpfox::getLib('xml.parser')->parse(Phpfox::getLib('request')->send($oLink->getAttribute('href'), array(), 'GET', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); if (isset($aXml['html'])) { $aReturn['embed_code'] = $aXml['html']; } } return $aReturn; }
/** * Garbage collecting. * * @param int $iMaxLifetime Define how long a session can exist on the server. * @return bool Always TRUE. */ public function gc($iMaxLifetime) { Phpfox_Error::skip(true); foreach (glob($this->_sSavePath . $this->_sPrefix . '*') as $sFilename) { if (filemtime($sFilename) + $iMaxLifetime < time()) { @unlink($sFilename); } } Phpfox_Error::skip(false); return true; }
/** * get link * @param $sUrl * @return array|bool */ public function getLink($sUrl) { if (substr($sUrl, 0, 7) != 'http://' && substr($sUrl, 0, 8) != 'https://') { $sUrl = 'http://' . $sUrl; } $aParts = parse_url($sUrl); if (!isset($aParts['host'])) { return false; } $aReturn = array(); $oVideo = json_decode(Phpfox::getLib('request')->send('' . urlencode($sUrl), array(), 'GET', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); if (isset($oVideo->provider_url) && isset($oVideo->photo)) { $aReturn = array('link' => $sUrl, 'title' => isset($oVideo->title) ? strip_tags($oVideo->title) : '', 'description' => isset($oVideo->description) ? strip_tags($oVideo->description) : '', 'default_image' => $oVideo->type == 'photo' ? $oVideo->url : (isset($oVideo->thumbnail_url) ? $oVideo->thumbnail_url : ''), 'embed_code' => $oVideo->type == 'video' ? $oVideo->html : ''); return $aReturn; } $aParseBuild = array(); $sContent = Phpfox::getLib('request')->send($sUrl, array(), 'GET', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); preg_match_all('/<(meta|link)(.*?)>/i', $sContent, $aRegMatches); if (isset($aRegMatches[2])) { foreach ($aRegMatches as $iKey => $aMatch) { if ($iKey !== 2) { continue; } foreach ($aMatch as $sLine) { $sLine = rtrim($sLine, '/'); $sLine = trim($sLine); preg_match('/(property|name|rel)=("|\')(.*?)("|\')/ise', $sLine, $aType); if (count($aType) && isset($aType[3])) { $sType = $aType[3]; preg_match('/(content|type)=("|\')(.*?)("|\')/i', $sLine, $aValue); if (count($aValue) && isset($aValue[3])) { if ($sType == 'alternate') { $sType = $aValue[3]; preg_match('/href=("|\')(.*?)("|\')/i', $sLine, $aHref); if (isset($aHref[2])) { $aValue[3] = $aHref[2]; } } $aParseBuild[$sType] = $aValue[3]; } } } } if (isset($aParseBuild['og:title'])) { $aReturn['link'] = $sUrl; $aReturn['title'] = $aParseBuild['og:title']; $aReturn['description'] = isset($aParseBuild['og:description']) ? $aParseBuild['og:description'] : ''; $aReturn['default_image'] = isset($aParseBuild['og:image']) ? $aParseBuild['og:image'] : ''; if (isset($aParseBuild['application/json+oembed'])) { $oJson = json_decode(Phpfox::getLib('request')->send($aParseBuild['application/json+oembed'], array(), 'GET', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); if (isset($oJson->html)) { $aReturn['embed_code'] = $oJson->html; } } return $aReturn; } } $sContent = Phpfox::getLib('request')->send($sUrl, array(), 'GET', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], null, true); if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) { $sContent = mb_convert_encoding($sContent, 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8"); } $aReturn['link'] = $sUrl; Phpfox_Error::skip(true); $oDoc = new DOMDocument(); $oDoc->loadHTML($sContent); Phpfox_Error::skip(false); if (($oTitle = $oDoc->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)) && !empty($oTitle->nodeValue)) { $aReturn['title'] = strip_tags($oTitle->nodeValue); } if (empty($aReturn['title'])) { if (preg_match('/^(.*?)\\.(jpg|png|jpeg|gif)$/i', $sUrl, $aImageMatches)) { return array('link' => $sUrl, 'title' => '', 'description' => '', 'default_image' => $sUrl, 'embed_code' => ''); } return false; } $oXpath = new DOMXPath($oDoc); $oMeta = $oXpath->query("//meta[@name='description']")->item(0); if (method_exists($oMeta, 'getAttribute')) { $sMeta = $oMeta->getAttribute('content'); if (!empty($sMeta)) { $aReturn['description'] = strip_tags($sMeta); } } $aImages = array(); $oMeta = $oXpath->query("//meta[@property='og:image']")->item(0); if (method_exists($oMeta, 'getAttribute')) { $aReturn['default_image'] = strip_tags($oMeta->getAttribute('content')); $aImages[] = strip_tags($oMeta->getAttribute('content')); } $oMeta = $oXpath->query("//link[@rel='image_src']")->item(0); if (method_exists($oMeta, 'getAttribute')) { if (empty($aReturn['default_image'])) { $aReturn['default_image'] = strip_tags($oMeta->getAttribute('href')); } $aImages[] = strip_tags($oMeta->getAttribute('href')); } if (!isset($aReturn['default_image'])) { $oMeta = $oXpath->query("//meta[@itemprop='image']")->item(0); if (method_exists($oMeta, 'getAttribute')) { $aReturn['default_image'] = strip_tags($oMeta->getAttribute('content')); if (strpos($aReturn['default_image'], $sUrl) === false) { $aReturn['default_image'] = $sUrl . '/' . $aReturn['default_image']; } } } if (!isset($aReturn['default_image'])) { $oImages = $oDoc->getElementsByTagName('img'); $iIteration = 0; foreach ($oImages as $oImage) { $sImageSrc = $oImage->getAttribute('src'); if (substr($sImageSrc, 0, 7) != 'http://' && substr($sImageSrc, 0, 1) != '/') { continue; } if (substr($sImageSrc, 0, 2) == '//') { continue; } $iIteration++; if (substr($sImageSrc, 0, 1) == '/') { $sImageSrc = 'http://' . $aParts['host'] . $sImageSrc; } if ($iIteration === 1 && empty($aReturn['default_image'])) { $aReturn['default_image'] = strip_tags($sImageSrc); } if ($iIteration > 10) { break; } $aImages[] = strip_tags($sImageSrc); } } if (count($aImages)) { $aReturn['images'] = $aImages; } $oLink = $oXpath->query("//link[@type='text/xml+oembed']")->item(0); if (method_exists($oLink, 'getAttribute')) { $aXml = Phpfox::getLib('xml.parser')->parse(Phpfox::getLib('request')->send($oLink->getAttribute('href'), array(), 'GET', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); if (isset($aXml['html'])) { $aReturn['embed_code'] = $aXml['html']; } } return $aReturn; }