public function get_array_for_db() { return array('name' => $this->get_name(), 'description' => $this->get_description(), 'code' => PhpCodeForPosts_Snippet::hash_code($this->get_code()), 'shared' => $this->get_shared()); }
private static function _update_snippet(PhpCodeForPosts_Snippet $snippet) { $db = self::get_db(); return $db->update(self::get_full_table_name(), $snippet->get_array_for_db(), $snippet->get_where_for_update(), $snippet->get_array_format_for_db(), $snippet->get_where_format_for_update()) !== false; }
private static function check_actions($post, $ajax = false) { switch ($post['action']) { case 'updateoptions': $state = PhpCodeForPosts::$options->save_posted_options($post); if ($ajax) { echo (int) $state; exit; } if ($state) { PhpCodeForPosts_Messages::add_success_message(__('Options saved', "phpcodeforposts")); } else { PhpCodeForPosts_Messages::add_error_message(__('Failed to save options - have they changed?', "phpcodeforposts")); } break; case 'save': $state = PhpCodeForPosts_Snippet::save_posted_snippet($post); if ($ajax) { echo (int) $state; exit; } if ($state) { $shortcode = '[' . PhpCodeForPosts_Shortcode::get_shortcode() . ' snippet=' . PhpCodeForPosts_Snippet::$last_saved_snippet->get_id() . ']'; PhpCodeForPosts_Messages::add_success_message(__('Snippet saved', "phpcodeforposts") . ' - ' . $shortcode); } else { PhpCodeForPosts_Messages::add_error_message(__('Failed to save snippet - has it changed?', "phpcodeforposts")); } header('location:admin.php' . html_entity_decode(PhpCodeForPosts_Snippet::$last_saved_snippet->get_snippet_edit_link())); exit; break; case 'delete': $state = PhpCodeForPosts_Database::delete_snippet_by_id($post['item']); if ($ajax) { $msg = $state ? __('Snippet Deleted', "phpcodeforposts") : __('Failed to delete snippet - it may not exist', "phpcodeforposts"); self::send_json_response($state ? 1 : 0, $msg); } if ($state) { PhpCodeForPosts_Messages::add_success_message(__('Snippet deleted', "phpcodeforposts")); } else { PhpCodeForPosts_Messages::add_error_message(__('Failed to delete snippet - it may not exist', "phpcodeforposts")); } break; case 'bulkdelete': $snippets_to_delete = $post['delete']; if (count($snippets_to_delete) == 0) { if ($ajax) { self::send_json_response(true, __('Nothing To Delete', "phpcodeforposts")); } break; //do nothing. } $deleted_count = 0; foreach ($snippets_to_delete as $record => $one) { try { if (PhpCodeForPosts_Database::delete_snippet_by_id(intval($record))) { $deleted_count++; } } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { //do nothing. } } if ($deleted_count > 0) { $msg = sprintf(_n('%d Snippet deleted', '%d Snippets deleted', $deleted_count, "phpcodeforposts"), $deleted_count); if ($ajax) { self::send_json_response(true, $msg); } else { PhpCodeForPosts_Messages::add_success_message($msg); } } else { $msg = __('Failed to delete snippets', "phpcodeforposts"); if ($ajax) { self::send_json_response(false, $msg); } else { PhpCodeForPosts_Messages::add_error_message($msg); } } break; } }