<?php require_once 'Photosphere.php'; $photosphere = new Photosphere("/home/www-data/uploads/otvnew/test.jpg"); echo "Latitude " . $photosphere->getLatitude() . " Longitude " . $photosphere->getLongitude() . " hasPano " . $photosphere->hasGPano() . " PoseHeadingDegrees:" . $photosphere->getGPanoAttribute("PoseHeadingDegrees");
<?php require_once '../../lib/functionsnew.php'; require_once '../../common/defines.php'; require_once 'Photosphere.php'; session_start(); $file = $_FILES["file1"]["tmp_name"]; $imageData = getimagesize($file); if (!isset($_SESSION["gatekeeper"])) { header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"); echo "ERROR: must be logged in."; } elseif ($imageData === false || $imageData[2] != IMAGETYPE_JPEG) { echo "ERROR: Not a JPEG image!"; } else { $photosphere = new Photosphere($file); if ($photosphere->hasGPano() === false) { echo "ERROR: This does not look like a photosphere."; } elseif ($photosphere->getLatitude() === false || $photosphere->getLongitude() === false) { echo "ERROR: Currently, photospheres must have latitude and " . "longitude information. Ensure GPS turned on when you take it."; } else { $conn = pg_connect("dbname=gis user=gis"); $id = pg_next_id("panoramas"); $result = upload_file("file1", OTV_UPLOADS, $id . ".jpg"); if ($result["error"] !== null) { echo "ERROR: {$result['error']}"; } else { $lat = $photosphere->getLatitude(); $lon = $photosphere->getLongitude(); list($e, $n) = reproject($lon, $lat, '4326', '900913'); pg_query("INSERT INTO panoramas (authorised,userid,xy) " . " VALUES (0," . get_user_id($_SESSION["gatekeeper"], "users", "username", "id", "pgsql") . "," . "GeomFromText('POINT({$e} {$n})',900913))"); echo "Successful upload";