  * Gets the expected cost category of a short number  when dialled from a region (however, nothing is
  * implied about its validity). If it is important that the number is valid, then its validity
  * must first be checked using {@link isValidShortNumberForRegion}. Note that emergency numbers
  * are always considered toll-free.
  * Example usage:
  * <pre>{@code
  * $shortInfo = ShortNumberInfo::getInstance();
  * $shortNumber = "110";
  * $regionCode = "FR";
  * if ($shortInfo->isValidShortNumberForRegion($shortNumber, $regionCode)) {
  *     $cost = $shortInfo->getExpectedCostForRegion($shortNumber, $regionCode);
  *    // Do something with the cost information here.
  * }}</pre>
  * @param $shortNumber String the short number for which we want to know the expected cost category,
  *     as a string
  * @param $regionDialingFrom String the region from which the number is dialed
  * @return int the expected cost category for that region of the short number. Returns UNKNOWN_COST if
  *     the number does not match a cost category. Note that an invalid number may match any cost
  *     category.
 public function getExpectedCostForRegion($shortNumber, $regionDialingFrom)
     // Note that regionDialingFrom may be null, in which case phoneMetadata will also be null.
     $phoneMetadata = $this->getMetadataForRegion($regionDialingFrom);
     if ($phoneMetadata === null) {
         return ShortNumberCost::UNKNOWN_COST;
     // The cost categories are tested in order of decreasing expense, since if for some reason the
     // patterns overlap the most expensive matching cost category should be returned.
     if ($this->phoneUtil->isNumberMatchingDesc($shortNumber, $phoneMetadata->getPremiumRate())) {
         return ShortNumberCost::PREMIUM_RATE;
     if ($this->phoneUtil->isNumberMatchingDesc($shortNumber, $phoneMetadata->getStandardRate())) {
         return ShortNumberCost::STANDARD_RATE;
     if ($this->phoneUtil->isNumberMatchingDesc($shortNumber, $phoneMetadata->getTollFree())) {
         return ShortNumberCost::TOLL_FREE;
     if ($this->isEmergencyNumber($shortNumber, $regionDialingFrom)) {
         // Emergency numbers are implicitly toll-free.
         return ShortNumberCost::TOLL_FREE;
     return ShortNumberCost::UNKNOWN_COST;