protected function getValueFromRequest(AphrontRequest $request, $key) { $list = $this->getListFromRequest($request, $key); $phids = array(); $slugs = array(); $project_type = PhabricatorProjectProjectPHIDType::TYPECONST; foreach ($list as $item) { $type = phid_get_type($item); if ($type == $project_type) { $phids[] = $item; } else { if (PhabricatorTypeaheadDatasource::isFunctionToken($item)) { // If this is a function, pass it through unchanged; we'll evaluate // it later. $phids[] = $item; } else { $slugs[] = $item; } } } if ($slugs) { $projects = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())->setViewer($this->requireViewer())->withSlugs($slugs)->execute(); foreach ($projects as $project) { $phids[] = $project->getPHID(); } $phids = array_unique($phids); } return $phids; }
protected function getUsersFromRequest(AphrontRequest $request, $key, array $allow_types = array()) { $list = $this->getListFromRequest($request, $key); $phids = array(); $names = array(); $allow_types = array_fuse($allow_types); $user_type = PhabricatorPeopleUserPHIDType::TYPECONST; foreach ($list as $item) { $type = phid_get_type($item); if ($type == $user_type) { $phids[] = $item; } else { if (isset($allow_types[$type])) { $phids[] = $item; } else { if (PhabricatorTypeaheadDatasource::isFunctionToken($item)) { // If this is a function, pass it through unchanged; we'll evaluate // it later. $phids[] = $item; } else { $names[] = $item; } } } } if ($names) { $users = id(new PhabricatorPeopleQuery())->setViewer($this->getViewer())->withUsernames($names)->execute(); foreach ($users as $user) { $phids[] = $user->getPHID(); } $phids = array_unique($phids); } return $phids; }
protected function canEvaluateFunction($function) { if (!$this->getViewer()->getPHID()) { return false; } return parent::canEvaluateFunction($function); }
protected function buildQueryFromParameters(array $map) { $query = $this->newQuery(); if (strlen($map['name'])) { $tokens = PhabricatorTypeaheadDatasource::tokenizeString($map['name']); $query->withNameTokens($tokens); } if ($map['memberPHIDs']) { $query->withMemberPHIDs($map['memberPHIDs']); } if ($map['watcherPHIDs']) { $query->withWatcherPHIDs($map['watcherPHIDs']); } if ($map['status']) { $status = idx($this->getStatusValues(), $map['status']); if ($status) { $query->withStatus($status); } } if ($map['icons']) { $query->withIcons($map['icons']); } if ($map['colors']) { $query->withColors($map['colors']); } return $query; }
public function updateDatasourceTokens() { $table = self::TABLE_DATASOURCE_TOKEN; $conn_w = $this->establishConnection('w'); $id = $this->getID(); $slugs = queryfx_all($conn_w, 'SELECT * FROM %T WHERE projectPHID = %s', id(new PhabricatorProjectSlug())->getTableName(), $this->getPHID()); $all_strings = ipull($slugs, 'slug'); $all_strings[] = $this->getName(); $all_strings = implode(' ', $all_strings); $tokens = PhabricatorTypeaheadDatasource::tokenizeString($all_strings); $sql = array(); foreach ($tokens as $token) { $sql[] = qsprintf($conn_w, '(%d, %s)', $id, $token); } $this->openTransaction(); queryfx($conn_w, 'DELETE FROM %T WHERE projectID = %d', $table, $id); foreach (PhabricatorLiskDAO::chunkSQL($sql) as $chunk) { queryfx($conn_w, 'INSERT INTO %T (projectID, token) VALUES %Q', $table, $chunk); } $this->saveTransaction(); }
/** * Populate the nametoken table, which used to fetch typeahead results. When * a user types "linc", we want to match "Abraham Lincoln" from on-demand * typeahead sources. To do this, we need a separate table of name fragments. */ public function updateNameTokens() { $table = self::NAMETOKEN_TABLE; $conn_w = $this->establishConnection('w'); $tokens = PhabricatorTypeaheadDatasource::tokenizeString($this->getUserName() . ' ' . $this->getRealName() . ' ' . GetPinyin($this->getRealName())); $sql = array(); foreach ($tokens as $token) { $sql[] = qsprintf($conn_w, '(%d, %s)', $this->getID(), $token); } queryfx($conn_w, 'DELETE FROM %T WHERE userID = %d', $table, $this->getID()); if ($sql) { queryfx($conn_w, 'INSERT INTO %T (userID, token) VALUES %Q', $table, implode(', ', $sql)); } }
private function loadHandles() { if ($this->handles === null) { $viewer = $this->getUser(); if (!$viewer) { throw new Exception(pht('Call %s before rendering tokenizers. ' . 'Use %s on %s to do this easily.', 'setUser()', 'appendControl()', 'AphrontFormView')); } $values = nonempty($this->getValue(), array()); $phids = array(); foreach ($values as $value) { if (!PhabricatorTypeaheadDatasource::isFunctionToken($value)) { $phids[] = $value; } } $this->handles = $viewer->loadHandles($phids); } return $this->handles; }
protected function getDatasourceTemplate(PhabricatorTypeaheadDatasource $datasource) { return array('markup' => new AphrontTokenizerTemplateView(), 'uri' => $datasource->getDatasourceURI(), 'placeholder' => $datasource->getPlaceholderText(), 'browseURI' => $datasource->getBrowseURI()); }
public function renderFunctionTokens($function, array $argv_list) { foreach ($this->getUsableDatasources() as $source) { if ($source->canEvaluateFunction($function)) { return $source->renderFunctionTokens($function, $argv_list); } } return parent::renderFunctionTokens($function, $argv_list); }
private function buildJoinClause($conn_r) { $joins = array(); if (!$this->needMembers !== null) { $joins[] = qsprintf($conn_r, 'LEFT JOIN %T vm ON vm.src = p.phid AND vm.type = %d AND vm.dst = %s', PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TABLE_NAME_EDGE, PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_PROJ_MEMBER, $this->getViewer()->getPHID()); } if ($this->memberPHIDs !== null) { $joins[] = qsprintf($conn_r, 'JOIN %T e ON e.src = p.phid AND e.type = %d', PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TABLE_NAME_EDGE, PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_PROJ_MEMBER); } if ($this->slugs !== null) { $joins[] = qsprintf($conn_r, 'JOIN %T slug on slug.projectPHID = p.phid', id(new PhabricatorProjectSlug())->getTableName()); } if ($this->datasourceQuery !== null) { $tokens = PhabricatorTypeaheadDatasource::tokenizeString($this->datasourceQuery); if (!$tokens) { throw new PhabricatorEmptyQueryException(); } $likes = array(); foreach ($tokens as $token) { $likes[] = qsprintf($conn_r, 'token.token LIKE %>', $token); } $joins[] = qsprintf($conn_r, 'JOIN %T token ON token.projectID = AND (%Q)', PhabricatorProject::TABLE_DATASOURCE_TOKEN, '(' . implode(') OR (', $likes) . ')'); } $joins[] = $this->buildApplicationSearchJoinClause($conn_r); return implode(' ', $joins); }
private function assertTokenization($input, $expect) { $this->assertEqual($expect, PhabricatorTypeaheadDatasource::tokenizeString($input), pht('Tokenization of "%s"', $input)); }