
echo "Updating old commit authors...\n";
$table = new PhabricatorRepositoryCommit();
$conn = $table->establishConnection('w');
$data = new PhabricatorRepositoryCommitData();
$commits = queryfx_all($conn, 'SELECT c.id id, c.authorPHID authorPHID, d.commitDetails details
    FROM %T c JOIN %T d ON d.commitID = c.id
    WHERE c.authorPHID IS NULL
    FOR UPDATE', $table->getTableName(), $data->getTableName());
foreach ($commits as $commit) {
    $id = $commit['id'];
    $details = json_decode($commit['details'], true);
    $author_phid = idx($details, 'authorPHID');
    if ($author_phid) {
        queryfx($conn, 'UPDATE %T SET authorPHID = %s WHERE id = %d', $table->getTableName(), $author_phid, $id);
        echo "#{$id}\n";
echo "Done.\n";
echo "Updating old commit mailKeys...\n";
$commits = queryfx_all($conn, 'SELECT id FROM %T WHERE mailKey = %s FOR UPDATE', $table->getTableName(), '');
foreach ($commits as $commit) {
    $id = $commit['id'];
    queryfx($conn, 'UPDATE %T SET mailKey = %s WHERE id = %d', $table->getTableName(), Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20), $id);
    echo "#{$id}\n";
 private function recordCommit(PhabricatorRepository $repository, $commit_identifier, $epoch, $close_immediately, array $parents)
     $commit = new PhabricatorRepositoryCommit();
     if ($close_immediately) {
     $data = new PhabricatorRepositoryCommitData();
     $conn_w = $repository->establishConnection('w');
     try {
         // If this commit has parents, look up their IDs. The parent commits
         // should always exist already.
         $parent_ids = array();
         if ($parents) {
             $parent_rows = queryfx_all($conn_w, 'SELECT id, commitIdentifier FROM %T
         WHERE commitIdentifier IN (%Ls) AND repositoryID = %d', $commit->getTableName(), $parents, $repository->getID());
             $parent_map = ipull($parent_rows, 'id', 'commitIdentifier');
             foreach ($parents as $parent) {
                 if (empty($parent_map[$parent])) {
                     throw new Exception(pht('Unable to identify parent "%s"!', $parent));
                 $parent_ids[] = $parent_map[$parent];
         } else {
             // Write an explicit 0 so we can distinguish between "really no
             // parents" and "data not available".
             if (!$repository->isSVN()) {
                 $parent_ids = array(0);
         foreach ($parent_ids as $parent_id) {
             queryfx($conn_w, 'INSERT IGNORE INTO %T (childCommitID, parentCommitID)
           VALUES (%d, %d)', PhabricatorRepository::TABLE_PARENTS, $commit->getID(), $parent_id);
         $this->insertTask($repository, $commit);
         queryfx($conn_w, 'INSERT INTO %T (repositoryID, size, lastCommitID, epoch)
       VALUES (%d, 1, %d, %d)
         size = size + 1,
         lastCommitID =
           IF(VALUES(epoch) > epoch, VALUES(lastCommitID), lastCommitID),
         epoch = IF(VALUES(epoch) > epoch, VALUES(epoch), epoch)', PhabricatorRepository::TABLE_SUMMARY, $repository->getID(), $commit->getID(), $epoch);
         if ($this->repairMode) {
             // Normally, the query should throw a duplicate key exception. If we
             // reach this in repair mode, we've actually performed a repair.
             $this->log(pht('Repaired commit "%s".', $commit_identifier));
         PhutilEventEngine::dispatchEvent(new PhabricatorEvent(PhabricatorEventType::TYPE_DIFFUSION_DIDDISCOVERCOMMIT, array('repository' => $repository, 'commit' => $commit)));
     } catch (AphrontDuplicateKeyQueryException $ex) {
         // Ignore. This can happen because we discover the same new commit
         // more than once when looking at history, or because of races or
         // data inconsistency or cosmic radiation; in any case, we're still
         // in a good state if we ignore the failure.
 private function recordCommit(PhabricatorRepository $repository, $commit_identifier, $epoch, $branch = null)
     $commit = new PhabricatorRepositoryCommit();
     $data = new PhabricatorRepositoryCommitData();
     if ($branch) {
         $data->setCommitDetail('seenOnBranches', array($branch));
     try {
         $event = new PhabricatorTimelineEvent('cmit', array('id' => $commit->getID()));
         $this->insertTask($repository, $commit);
         queryfx($repository->establishConnection('w'), 'INSERT INTO %T (repositoryID, size, lastCommitID, epoch)
       VALUES (%d, 1, %d, %d)
         size = size + 1,
         lastCommitID =
           IF(VALUES(epoch) > epoch, VALUES(lastCommitID), lastCommitID),
         epoch = IF(VALUES(epoch) > epoch, VALUES(epoch), epoch)', PhabricatorRepository::TABLE_SUMMARY, $repository->getID(), $commit->getID(), $epoch);
         if ($this->repair) {
             // Normally, the query should throw a duplicate key exception. If we
             // reach this in repair mode, we've actually performed a repair.
             $this->log("Repaired commit '{$commit_identifier}'.");
         $this->setCache($repository, $commit_identifier);
         PhutilEventEngine::dispatchEvent(new PhabricatorEvent(PhabricatorEventType::TYPE_DIFFUSION_DIDDISCOVERCOMMIT, array('repository' => $repository, 'commit' => $commit)));
     } catch (AphrontQueryDuplicateKeyException $ex) {
         // Ignore. This can happen because we discover the same new commit
         // more than once when looking at history, or because of races or
         // data inconsistency or cosmic radiation; in any case, we're still
         // in a good state if we ignore the failure.
         $this->setCache($repository, $commit_identifier);