Пример #1
 private static function sendData($data)
     $pest = new \PestJSON(Functions::BASE_URL);
     try {
         $pest->post('/import/orders.json', $data);
     } catch (\Pest_Json_Decode $e) {
         // can be safely ignored
Пример #2
 public function getTokens($options)
     // Generate merchant hash code
     $hash = \HashGenerator::generate($this->veritrans->merchant_id, $this->veritrans->merchant_hash_key, $this->veritrans->order_id);
     // populate parameters for the post request
     $data = array('version' => $this->veritrans->version, 'merchant_id' => $this->veritrans->merchant_id, 'merchanthash' => $hash, 'order_id' => $this->veritrans->order_id, 'billing_different_with_shipping' => $this->veritrans->billing_different_with_shipping, 'required_shipping_address' => $this->veritrans->required_shipping_address, 'email' => $this->veritrans->email, 'first_name' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->first_name, 'name'), 'last_name' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->last_name, 'name'), 'postal_code' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->postal_code, 'postalCode'), 'address1' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->address1, 'address'), 'address2' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->address2, 'address'), 'city' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->city, 'city'), 'country_code' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->country_code, 'countryCode'), 'phone' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->phone, 'phone'), 'finish_payment_return_url' => $this->veritrans->finish_payment_return_url, 'unfinish_payment_return_url' => $this->veritrans->unfinish_payment_return_url, 'error_payment_return_url' => $this->veritrans->error_payment_return_url);
     if ($this->veritrans->required_shipping_address && $this->veritrans->billing_different_with_shipping) {
         $data = array_merge($data, array('shipping_first_name' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->shipping_first_name, 'name'), 'shipping_last_name' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->shipping_last_name, 'name'), 'shipping_address1' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->shipping_address1, 'address'), 'shipping_address2' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->shipping_address2, 'address'), 'shipping_city' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->shipping_city, 'city'), 'shipping_country_code' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->shipping_country_code, 'countryCode'), 'shipping_postal_code' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->shipping_postal_code, 'postalCode'), 'shipping_phone' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->shipping_phone, 'phone')));
     } else {
         if ($this->veritrans->required_shipping_address && !$this->veritrans->billing_different_with_shipping) {
             $data = array_merge($data, array('shipping_first_name' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->first_name, 'name'), 'shipping_last_name' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->last_name, 'name'), 'shipping_address1' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->address1, 'address'), 'shipping_address2' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->address2, 'address'), 'shipping_city' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->city, 'city'), 'shipping_country_code' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->country_code, 'countryCode'), 'shipping_postal_code' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->postal_code, 'postalCode'), 'shipping_phone' => $this->_sanitize($this->veritrans->phone, 'phone')));
     $optional_features = array('enable_3d_secure', 'bank', 'installment_terms', 'promo_bins', 'point_banks', 'payment_methods', 'installment_banks');
     foreach ($optional_features as $feature) {
         if (!is_null($this->veritrans->{$feature})) {
             $data[$feature] = $this->veritrans->{$feature};
     // Populate items
     $data['repeat_line'] = 0;
     foreach ($this->veritrans->items as $item) {
         $item_id[] = $this->_sanitize($item['item_id'], 'itemId');
         $item_name1[] = $this->_sanitize($item['item_name1'], 'itemName');
         $item_name2[] = $this->_sanitize($item['item_name2'], 'itemName');
         $price[] = $this->_sanitize($item['price'], 'price');
         $quantity[] = $item['quantity'];
     $data['item_id'] = $item_id;
     $data['item_name1'] = $item_name1;
     $data['item_name2'] = $item_name2;
     $data['price'] = $price;
     $data['quantity'] = $quantity;
     // Call Veritrans API
     try {
         $pest = new \PestJSON('');
         $result = $pest->post(self::REQUEST_KEY_URL, $data);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     // Check result
     if (!empty($result['token_merchant'])) {
         // OK
         return $result;
     } else {
         // Veritrans doesn't return tokens
         $this->veritrans->errors = $result['errors'];
         return false;
Пример #3
  * Request a token from the OAuth server
  * @param string $code An authorization code provided by the OAuth server
  * @param string $tokenType Type of token being requested (IDENTITY_TOKEN|API_TOKEN)
  * @return void Updates session variables
  * @throws OAuthNegotiator_Exception TOKEN_RESPONSE if a token no token is received or on any other uanticipated response from the OAuth server
 private function requestToken($code, $tokenType)
     $authApi = new PestJSON("{$_SESSION[self::SESSION][self::OAUTH_ENDPOINT]}");
     try {
         $response = $authApi->post('token', array(self::CLIENT_ID => $_SESSION[self::SESSION][self::CLIENT_ID], self::REDIRECT_URI => $_SESSION[self::SESSION][self::REDIRECT_URI], self::STATE => self::$SCOPES[$tokenType][self::TOKEN_PROVIDED], self::CLIENT_SECRET => $_SESSION[self::SESSION][self::CLIENT_SECRET], self::CODE => $code));
     } catch (Pest_ServerError $e) {
         echo $e->getMessage();
     if ($response) {
         if (isset($response['access_token'])) {
             $_SESSION[self::SESSION][self::TOKEN] = $response['access_token'];
             return true;
         } else {
             throw new OAuthNegotiator_Exception('Access token not received', OAuthNegotiator_Exception::TOKEN_RESPONSE);
     } else {
         throw new OAuthNegotiator_Exception('Unexpected OAuth response', OAuthNegotiator_Exception::TOKEN_RESPONSE);
Пример #4
 //Update login user
 if ($_POST['login_user'] != $login_user) {
     $sth = $dbcore->prepare("UPDATE EMAIL SET LOGIN_USER = ? WHERE ID = '0'");
     $sth->bindParam(1, $_POST['login_user']);
     $updates .= '"Login User" ';
 // Update auth password
 if ($_POST["password"] != "nochange" && strlen($_POST["password"]) > 0) {
     // do passwords match ?
     if ($_POST["password"] != $_POST["password2"]) {
         throw new Exception('Passwords do not match!');
     //Connect to internal webservice
     $pest = new PestJSON('');
     $authhash = $pest->post('/api/v1.0/crypto/encrypt/', array('string' => $_POST["password"]));
     // insert into DB
     $sth = $dbcore->prepare("UPDATE EMAIL SET LOGIN_PASS = ? WHERE ID = '0'");
     $sth->bindParam(1, $authhash['result']);
     $updates .= '"Login User Password" ';
 //Reset vars to new (or keep as old) values
 // If exception happens on any item new values
 // will get thrown out (never makes it here)
 $enabled = $_POST['enabled'];
 $sender = $_POST['sender'];
 $sender_title = $_POST['sender_title'];
 $recipients = $_POST['recipients'];
 $subject = $_POST['subject'];
 $hide = $_POST['hide'];
 public static function pageSlurp()
     require_once CART66_PATH . "/models/Pest.php";
     require_once CART66_PATH . "/models/PestJSON.php";
     $page_id = Cart66Common::postVal('page_id');
     $page = get_page($page_id);
     $slurp_url = get_permalink($page->ID);
     $html = false;
     $job_id = $slurp_url;
     if (wp_update_post(array('ID' => $page->ID, 'post_status' => 'publish'))) {
         $access_key = Cart66Setting::getValue('mijireh_access_key');
         $rest = new PestJSON(MIJIREH_CHECKOUT);
         $rest->setupAuth($access_key, '');
         $data = array('url' => $slurp_url, 'page_id' => $page->ID, 'return_url' => add_query_arg('task', 'mijireh_page_slurp', $slurp_url));
         try {
             $response = $rest->post('/api/1/slurps', $data);
             $job_id = $response['job_id'];
         } catch (Pest_Unauthorized $e) {
             header('Bad Request', true, 400);
     } else {
         $job_id = 'did not update post successfully';
     echo $job_id;
Пример #6
 public function initCheckout($amount)
     $cart = Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart');
     $tax = $this->getTaxAmount();
     $order = array('return_url' => Cart66Common::appendWurlQueryString('task=mijireh_notification'), 'tax' => $tax, 'shipping' => $cart->getShippingCost(), 'discount' => $cart->getDiscountAmount(), 'subtotal' => $cart->getSubTotal(), 'total' => number_format($cart->getGrandTotal() + $tax, 2, '.', ''), 'items' => array());
     // Prepare the shipping address if it is available
     if (strlen($this->_shipping['address']) > 3) {
         $order['shipping_address'] = array('first_name' => $this->_shipping['firstName'], 'last_name' => $this->_shipping['lastName'], 'street' => $this->_shipping['address'], 'apt_suite' => $this->_shipping['address2'], 'city' => $this->_shipping['city'], 'state_province' => $this->_shipping['state'], 'zip_code' => $this->_shipping['zip'], 'country' => $this->_shipping['country'], 'phone' => $this->_payment['phone']);
     // Add shipping method and promotion code as meta_data
     $order['meta_data'] = array('shipping_method' => Cart66Session::get('Cart66Cart')->getShippingMethodName(), 'coupon' => Cart66Common::getPromoMessage(), 'custom-field' => $this->_payment['custom-field']);
     // Add logged in users id to the meta_data for membership product upgrades/extensions
     $account_id = Cart66Common::isLoggedIn();
     if ($account_id) {
         $order['meta_data']['account_id'] = $account_id;
     // Add coupon code as meta_data
     foreach ($cart->getItems() as $key => $item) {
         $sku = $item->getItemNumber();
         $order_item_data = array('sku' => $sku, 'name' => $item->getFullDisplayName(), 'price' => $item->getProductPrice(), 'quantity' => $item->getQuantity());
         if ($custom_desc = $item->getCustomFieldDesc()) {
             $order_item_data['name'] .= "\n" . $custom_desc;
         if ($custom_info = $item->getCustomFieldInfo()) {
             $order_item_data['name'] .= "\n" . $custom_info;
         $order['items'][$key] = $order_item_data;
         $option_info = trim($item->getOptionInfo());
         if (!empty($option_info)) {
             $order['meta_data']['options_' . $sku] = $option_info;
         if ($item->hasAttachedForms()) {
             $form_ids = $item->getFormEntryIds();
             if (is_array($form_ids) && count($form_ids)) {
                 $form_ids = implode(',', $form_ids);
                 $order['meta_data'][$key]['gforms_' . $sku] = $form_ids;
     // DBG
     echo "<pre>";
     echo "</pre>";
     try {
         //Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Sending Order To Mijireh" . print_r($order, true));
         $access_key = Cart66Setting::getValue('mijireh_access_key');
         $rest = new PestJSON(MIJIREH_CHECKOUT);
         $rest->setupAuth($access_key, '');
         Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Sending Order To Mijireh: " . print_r($order, true));
         $result = $rest->post('/api/1/orders', $order);
         //wp_redirect(MIJIREH_CHECKOUT .  '/checkout/' . $result['order_number']);
     } catch (Pest_Unauthorized $e) {
         Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] REST Request Failed because it was unauthorized: " . $e->getMessage());
         $this->response['error_message'] = __("Your Mijireh Access key is invalid, please check your access settings and try again", "cart66");
         $this->response['error_code'] = 1;
         if (strlen($this->_shipping['address']) < 3) {
             $gatewayResponse = $this->getTransactionResponseDescription();
             $exception = Cart66Exception::exceptionMessages(66500, __('Your order could not be processed for the following reasons:', 'cart66'), array('error_code' => 'Error: ' . $gatewayResponse['errorcode'], strtolower($gatewayResponse['errormessage'])));
             echo Cart66Common::getView('views/error-messages.php', $exception);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] REST Request Failed: " . $e->getMessage());
 private function send($endpoint, $operation, $request)
     $pest = new PestJSON($this->url);
     $pest->setupAuth($this->username, $this->password);
     $pest->curl_opts[CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION] = false;
     // Not supported on hosts running safe_mode!
     $pest->curl_opts[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = "Content-Type: application/json";
     $pest->curl_opts[CURLOPT_USERAGENT] = $this->USER_AGENT . " (v" . $this->CLIENT_VERSION . ")";
     $response = "";
     try {
         // Send request to rest service
         switch ($operation) {
             case $this->OP_PUT:
                 $response = $pest->put("/{$endpoint}", $request);
             case $this->OP_GET:
                 $response = $pest->get("/{$endpoint}", $request);
             case $this->OP_POST:
                 $response = $pest->post("/{$endpoint}", $request);
             case $this->OP_DELETE:
                 $response = $pest->delete("/{$endpoint}", $request);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo "Caught exception when sending request : " . $e->getMessage();
     return $response;
Пример #8
         $error = "Login Failed.";
 } else {
     // other user login
     // What auth mode is set ?
     $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT MODE FROM AUTH");
     $mode = $sth->fetchColumn();
     switch ($mode) {
         case "ad":
             // AD auth mode
             // Make ad call to API
             require_once '/opt/f5backup/ui/include/PestJSON.php';
             $data = array('user' => $_POST["username"], 'passwd' => $_POST["password"]);
             $pest = new PestJSON('');
             $auth = $pest->post('/api/v1.0/adauth/authenticate/', $data);
             // Valid login
             if ($auth['result'] == "True") {
                 // Get auth groups
                 $sth = $dbh->query("SELECT STRING,ROLE FROM AUTHGROUPS ORDER BY ORD");
                 $groups = $sth->fetchAll();
                 //lowercase memberOf array
                 $membership = array_map("strtolower", $auth['memberOf']);
                 //loop through list until match is found
                 foreach ($groups as $i) {
                     $string = strtolower($i['STRING']);
                     // If auth group is in user's group membership allow login
                     if (preg_grep("/{$string}/", $membership)) {
                         $login = 1;
                         $role = $i['ROLE'];