<?php if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { require_once '../../models/book.php'; require_once '../../models/person.php'; $bookName = $_POST['bookName']; $personName = $_POST['personName']; $date = $_POST['date']; try { //获取用户对象 $personName = split("_", $personName); if (count($personName) != 3) { $errorInfo = "无效的用户名"; throw new Exception($errorInfo); } $person = PersonManager::getPerson($personName[1]); if ($person === false) { $errorInfo = "无效的用户名"; throw new Exception($errorInfo); } //获取书籍对象 $bookName = split("_", $bookName); if (count($bookName) != 3) { $errorInfo = "无效的书名"; throw new Exception($errorInfo); } $book = BookManager::getBook($bookName[1]); if ($book === false) { $errorInfo = "无效的书名"; throw new Exception($errorInfo); }
require_once '../../models/person.php'; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { $page = $_GET['page']; $pageSize = $_GET['pageSize']; $key = $_GET['searchKey']; if (empty($page)) { $page = 1; } if (empty($pageSize)) { $pageSize = 10; } if (empty($key)) { $key = ""; } $persons = PersonManager::searchPersonsWithRecordInfo($key, $page, $pageSize); if ($persons === false || count($persons["persons"]) == 0) { echo "<script>history.back();alert('没有数据');</script>"; return; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <?php require_once "../adminHead.php"; ?> </head>
<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/../../Backend/SessionManager.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../../Backend/PersonManager.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../../Backend/LanguageSupport.php"; $string = file_get_contents("template/PersonList.html"); $name = $_GET["name"]; $lastname1 = $_GET["lastname1"]; $lastname2 = $_GET["lastname2"]; $posiblePerson = PersonManager::searchPersonsByNames($name, $lastname1, $lastname2); $personList = ""; if ($posiblePerson !== NULL) { foreach ($posiblePerson as $singlePerson) { $father = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $singlePerson->getIdFather()); $mother = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $singlePerson->getIdMother()); $nameChild = $singlePerson->getNames() . ' ' . $singlePerson->getLastname1() . ' ' . $singlePerson->getLastname2(); $nameFather = "^Not Father^"; $nameMother = "^Not Mother^"; $idString = '"' . $singlePerson->getId() . '",'; if ($father !== NULL) { $nameFather = $father->getNames() . ' ' . $father->getLastname1() . ' ' . $father->getLastname2(); $idString = $idString . '"' . $father->getId() . '",'; } else { $idString = $idString . '"0",'; } if ($mother !== NULL) { $nameMother = $mother->getNames() . ' ' . $mother->getLastname1() . ' ' . $mother->getLastname2(); $idString = $idString . '"' . $mother->getId() . '",'; } else { $idString = $idString . '"0",'; }
/** * Update one baptism in the database * * @author Jonathan Sandoval <*****@*****.**> * @param Baptism $baptism The baptism to update * @return boolean if was possible to update */ static function updateBaptism($baptism = null) { if ($baptism === null) { return false; } $tableBaptism = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_BAPTISM'); $id = $baptism->getId(); $celebrationDate = $baptism->getCelebrationDate(); $bornPlace = $baptism->getBornPlace(); $bornDate = $baptism->getBornDate(); $legitimate = $baptism->getLegitimate(); $idGodFather = $baptism->getIdGodFather(); $idGodMother = $baptism->getIdGodMother(); $idBookRegistry = $baptism->getIdBookRegistry(); $idCivilRegistry = $baptism->getIdCivilRegistry(); $idChurch = $baptism->getIdChurch(); $idRector = $baptism->getIdRector(); $idOwner = $baptism->getIdOwner(); $query = "UPDATE {$tableBaptism}\r\n SET baptismDate = '{$celebrationDate}', \r\n bornPlace = '{$bornPlace}', \r\n bornDate = '{$bornDate}', \r\n legitimate = '{$legitimate}', \r\n idOwner = '{$idOwner}', \r\n idGodFather = '{$idGodFather}', \r\n idGodMother = '{$idGodMother}', \r\n idCivilRegistry = '{$idCivilRegistry}', \r\n idBookRegistry = '{$idBookRegistry}', \r\n idChurch = '{$idChurch}', \r\n idRector = '{$idRector}' \r\n WHERE {$tableBaptism}.id = {$id}"; $person = PersonManager::getSinglePerson("id", $idOwner); ChangesLogsManager::addChangesLogs("C", "Bautismo de " . $person->getFullNameBeginName()); return DatabaseManager::singleAffectedRow($query); }
<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../Backend/SessionManager.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../Backend/RectorManager.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../Backend/ChurchManager.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../Backend/PersonManager.php"; if (!isset($_GET) || $_GET["nameChurch"] === NULL) { die; } $church = ChurchManager::getSingleChurch('name', $_GET["nameChurch"]); $rectors = RectorManager::getAllFormerRectors($church->getId()); $response = ""; if ($rectors !== NULL) { foreach ($rectors as $singleRector) { $person = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $singleRector->getIdPerson()); $nameRector = $person->getFullNameBeginName(); $response = $response . "<li><a value='" . $singleRector->getId() . "' onclick='changeParent(\"" . $singleRector->getId() . "\", " . " \" " . $nameRector . " \")'>" . "{$nameRector}</a></li>"; } } echo $response;
$witness1->setLastname2($_POST["lastname2Witness1"]); PersonManager::addPerson($witness1, 'true'); $witness1 = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', PersonManager::getLastID()); } $marriage->setIdWitness1($witness1->getId()); } //Process The Witness1 if ($_POST["nameWitness2"] !== '') { $witness2 = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('names', $_POST["nameWitness2"], 'lastname1', $_POST["lastname1Witness2"], 'lastname2', $_POST["lastname2Witness2"]); if ($witness2 === NULL) { $witness2 = new Person(); $witness2->setNames($_POST["nameWitness2"]); $witness2->setLastname1($_POST["lastname1Witness2"]); $witness2->setLastname2($_POST["lastname2Witness2"]); PersonManager::addPerson($witness2, 'true'); $witness2 = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', PersonManager::getLastID()); } $marriage->setIdWitness2($witness2->getId()); } //Get The Book Registry Data $reverse = substr($_POST["reverseBookRegistry"], 0, 1); if ($reverse === 'Y' || $reverse === 'S') { $reverse = 'Y'; } $bookRegistry = MarriageManager::getSingleMarriageRegistry('book', $_POST["bookBookRegistry"], 'page', $_POST["pageBookRegistry"], 'number', $_POST["numBookRegistry"], 'reverse', $reverse); if ($bookRegistry === NULL) { $bookRegistry = new MarriageRegistry(); $bookRegistry->setBook($_POST["bookBookRegistry"]); $bookRegistry->setPage($_POST["pageBookRegistry"]); $bookRegistry->setNumber($_POST["numBookRegistry"]); $bookRegistry->setReverse($reverse);
</th> </tr> <tr style="text-align: center;"> <th style="text-align: center;">^Fullname^</th> <th style="text-align: center;">^Name Church^</th> <th style="text-align: center;">^Options^</th> </tr> </thead>'; $table = $table . $header; $table = $table . '<tbody>'; $i = 0; foreach ($defuntionRegistries as $singleDefuntion) { if ($i === 10) { continue; } $child = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $singleDefuntion->getIdOwner()); $nameChild = $child->getFullName(); $church = ChurchManager::getSingleChurch('id', $singleDefuntion->getIdChurch()); if ($_SESSION["user_type"] == 'A' || $singleDefuntion->getIdChurch() == $_SESSION["user_church"]) { $options = '<td data-title="^Options^" class="center-btn" style="text-align: center"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-inside" onclick="href(\'defuntionLook.php?id=' . $singleDefuntion->getID() . '\')"> <img src="../icons/eye.png" class="img-inside" height="30px"> </button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-inside" onclick="href(\'defuntionChange.php?id=' . $singleDefuntion->getID() . '\')"> <img src="../icons/refresh.png" class="img-inside" height="30px"> </button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-inside" onclick="deleteObject(\'defuntion\', \'' . $singleDefuntion->getID() . '\')"> <img src="../icons/delete.png" class="img-inside" height="30px"> </button> </td>'; } else {
require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../Backend/SessionManager.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../Backend/RectorManager.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../Backend/ChurchManager.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../Backend/PersonManager.php"; if (!isset($_GET) || $_GET["name"] === NULL) { echo "KO"; die; } $status = $_GET["status"]; $rector = new Rector(); $person = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('names', $_GET["name"], 'lastname1', $_GET["lastname1"], 'lastname2', $_GET["lastname2"]); if ($person === NULL) { $person = new Person(0, $_GET["name"], $_GET["lastname1"], $_GET["lastname2"]); PersonManager::addPerson($person); $person = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('names', $_GET["name"], 'lastname1', $_GET["lastname1"], 'lastname2', $_GET["lastname2"]); } $church = ChurchManager::getSingleChurch('name', $_GET["actualChurch"]); $rector->setIdPerson($person->getId()); $rector->setType($_GET["type"]); $rector->setPosition($_GET["position"]); $rector->setIdActualChurch($church->getId()); if ($_GET["statusR"] === 'Activo' || $_GET["statusR"] === 'Active') { $rector->setStatus('A'); } else { $rector->setStatus('I'); } if ($status === 'update') { $rector->setId($_GET["id"]); if (RectorManager::updateRector($rector)) { echo "OK";
$marriageDate = DatabaseManager::databaseDateToSingleDate($marriage->getCelebrationDate()); SessionManager::validateUserInPage('marriageChange.php', $churchMarriageId, $churchProcessId); $idRector = $marriage->getIdRector(); $objRector = RectorManager::getSingleRector('id', $idRector); $objPerRect = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $objRector->getIdPerson()); $nameRector = $objPerRect->getFullNameBeginName(); $idBookRegistry = $marriage->getIdBookRegistry(); $bookRegistry = MarriageManager::getSingleMarriageRegistry('id', $idBookRegistry); $idGodFather = $marriage->getIdGodFather(); $idGodMother = $marriage->getIdGodMother(); $godMother = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $idGodMother); $godFather = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $idGodFather); $idWitness1 = $marriage->getIdWitness1(); $idWitness2 = $marriage->getIdWitness2(); $witness1 = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $idWitness1); $witness2 = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $idWitness2); if ($godFather === NULL) { $godFather = new Person(); } if ($godMother === NULL) { $godMother = new Person(); } if ($witness1 === NULL) { $witness1 = new Person(); } if ($witness2 === NULL) { $witness2 = new Person(); } //Create a String of options of Last Church $churchString = ""; $churchs = ChurchManager::getAllChurchs('name');
/** * update one ProofTalks in the database * * @author Jonathan Sandoval <*****@*****.**> * @param ProofTalks $ProofTalks The ProofTalks to update * @return boolean If was posible to update */ static function updateProofTalks($ProofTalks = null) { if ($ProofTalks === null) { return false; } $tableProofTalks = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_PROFF_TALKS'); $idOwner = $ProofTalks->getIdOwner(); $type = $ProofTalks->getType(); $id = $ProofTalks->getId(); $idGodFather = $ProofTalks->getIdGodFather(); $idGodMother = $ProofTalks->getIdGodMother(); $idChurch = $ProofTalks->getIdChurch(); if ($idGodFather === NULL) { $idGodFather = 'NULL'; } if ($idGodMother === NULL) { $idGodMother = 'NULL'; } $query = "UPDATE {$tableProofTalks}\r\n SET idOwner = '{$idOwner}', type = '{$type}', idGodMother = {$idGodMother}, \r\n idGodFather = {$idGodFather}, idChurch = '{$idChurch}'\r\n WHERE {$tableProofTalks}.id = {$id}"; $person = PersonManager::getSinglePerson("id", $idOwner); ChangesLogsManager::addChangesLogs("C", "Comprobante de " . $person->getFullNameBeginName()); return DatabaseManager::singleAffectedRow($query); }
echo "<script src='../JS/functions.js'></script><script>href('churchMenu.php')</script>"; } //Getting all registries $churchRegistries = RectorManager::getAllFormerChurchs($idRector, $sortType, $numberPage); //Get the total of registries $totalRegistries = DatabaseManager::getAffectedRows(); $affectedRegistries = DatabaseManager::registriesAffectedLastQuery(); $lastPage = floor($affectedRegistries / 10); if ($affectedRegistries % 10 === 0) { $lastPage = floor($affectedRegistries / 10) - 1; } if ($totalRegistries === 0 && $numberPage !== 0) { echo "<script src='../JS/functions.js'></script><script>href('churchrMenu.php')</script>"; } $person = $rector->getIdPerson(); $person = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $person); //Display the name of the church $string = str_replace("|Rector|", "«" . $person->getNames() . " " . $person->getLastname1() . " " . $person->getLastname2() . "»", $string); //Create contest for button next and prev $nextButtonString = '<button type="button" class="btn btn-warning" onclick="nextPage(\'true\')"> ^Next^</button>'; $prevButtonString = '<button type="button" class="btn btn-warning" onclick="nextPage(\'false\')"> ^Previus^</button>'; $beggButtonString = '<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="nextPage(\'set\', \'0\')"> ^Begin^</button>';
<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../Backend/SessionManager.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../Backend/RectorManager.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../Backend/ChurchManager.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../Backend/DefuntionManager.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../Backend/PersonManager.php"; if (!isset($_POST) || $_POST["idChild"] === NULL) { echo "KO"; die; } $church = ChurchManager::getSingleChurch('name', $_POST["celebrationChurch"]); $child = new Person(); if ($_POST["idChild"] !== '0') { $child = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $_POST["idChild"]); } $child->setId($_POST["idChild"]); $child->setNames($_POST["nameChild"]); $child->setLastname1($_POST["lastname1Child"]); $child->setLastname2($_POST["lastname2Child"]); $defuntion = new Defuntion(); $defuntion->setId($_POST["idDefuntion"]); $defuntion->setDeadDate(DatabaseManager::singleDateToDatabaseDate($_POST["celebrationDate"])); $defuntion->setIdChurch($church->getId()); $defuntion->setIdOwner($child->getId()); //Get the defuntion Crypt if ($_POST["idCrypt"] == '0') { if ($_POST["inCrypt"] == "true") { $myCrypt = new Crypt(); $myCrypt->setIdNiche($church->getIdNiche()); $myCrypt->setCol($_POST["cryptColumn"]);
<?php require_once '../../models/person.php'; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $person = new Person(); $person->name = $_POST['name']; $person->sunccoNo = $_POST['personNo']; $ok = PersonManager::addPerson($person); if ($ok === false) { echo "添加失败"; } else { echo "<script>alert('添加成功');</script>"; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <?php require_once "../adminHead.php"; ?> </head> <body> <?php require_once "../adminNav.html"; ?> <div class="container-fluid">
<?php require_once '../adminHeader.html'; ?> <?php require_once '../../models/person.php'; require_once '../../models/record.php'; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { $personId = $_GET['personId']; $person = PersonManager::getPersonWithBorrowCount($personId); if ($person === false) { echo "<script>history.back();alert('没有数据');</script>"; return; } $records = RecordManager::searchRecordsWithBookName($personId); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <?php require_once "../adminHead.php"; ?> </head> <body> <?php require_once "../adminNav.html";
return; } $bookNames = array(); $bookCount = count($books['books']); for ($i = 0; $i < $bookCount; $i++) { $book = $books['books'][$i]; $bookNames[$i] = $book->name . "_" . $book->bookId . "_" . $book->sunccoNo; } echo JSON($bookNames); return; break; case 'getpersons': if ($type == 0) { $persons = PersonManager::searchPersons($query, 1, -1); } else { $persons = PersonManager::searchPersonsBySunccoNo($query, 1, -1); } if ($persons === false) { return; } $personNames = array(); $personCount = count($persons['persons']); for ($i = 0; $i < $personCount; $i++) { $person = $persons['persons'][$i]; $personNames[$i] = $person->name . "_" . $person->personId . "_" . $person->sunccoNo; } echo JSON($personNames); return; break; case 'getBorrowerInfo': if (strlen($query) != 0) {
<th style="text-align: center;">^Fullname Boyfriend^</th> <th style="text-align: center;">^Fullname Girlfriend^</th> <th style="text-align: center;">^Name Church^</th> <th style="text-align: center;">^Options^</th> </tr> </thead>'; $table = $table . $header; $table = $table . '<tbody>'; $i = 0; foreach ($marriageRegistries as $singleMarriage) { if ($i === 10) { continue; } $boyf = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $singleMarriage->getIdBoyfriend()); $nameboyf = $boyf->getFullName(); $girlf = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $singleMarriage->getIdGirlfriend()); $namegirlf = $girlf->getFullName(); $church = ChurchManager::getSingleChurch('id', $singleMarriage->getIdChurchMarriage()); if ($_SESSION["user_type"] == 'A' || $singleMarriage->getIdChurchMarriage() == $_SESSION["user_church"] || $singleMarriage->getIdChurchProcess() == $_SESSION["user_church"]) { $options = '<td data-title="^Options^" class="center-btn" style="text-align: center"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-inside" onclick="href(\'marriageLook.php?id=' . $singleMarriage->getID() . '\')"> <img src="../icons/eye.png" class="img-inside" height="30px"> </button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-inside" onclick="href(\'marriageChange.php?id=' . $singleMarriage->getID() . '\')"> <img src="../icons/refresh.png" class="img-inside" height="30px"> </button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-inside" onclick="deleteObject(\'marriage\', \'' . $singleMarriage->getID() . '\')"> <img src="../icons/delete.png" class="img-inside" height="30px"> </button> </td>'; } else {
$ownerId = $confirmation->getIdOwner(); $owner = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $ownerId); $owner->getIdFather() !== NULL ? $fatherId = $owner->getIdFather() : ($fatherId = 0); $owner->getIdMother() !== NULL ? $motherId = $owner->getIdMother() : ($motherId = 0); $gender = $owner->getGender(); $churchId = $confirmation->getIdChurch(); $confirmationDate = DatabaseManager::databaseDateToSingleDate($confirmation->getCelebrationDate()); $idRector = $confirmation->getIdRector(); $objRector = RectorManager::getSingleRector('id', $idRector); $objPerRect = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $objRector->getIdPerson()); $nameRector = $objPerRect->getFullNameBeginName(); $idBookRegistry = $confirmation->getIdBookRegistry(); $bookRegistry = ConfirmationManager::getSingleConfirmationRegistry('id', $idBookRegistry); $idGodFather = $confirmation->getIdGodFather(); $godMother = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $idGodMother); $godFather = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $idGodFather); if ($godFather === NULL) { $godFather = new Person(); } if ($godMother === NULL) { $godMother = new Person(); } //Create a String of options of Last Church $churchString = ""; $churchs = ChurchManager::getAllChurchs('name'); foreach ($churchs as $singleChurch) { if ($singleChurch->getId() === $churchId) { $churchString = $churchString . "<option selected> " . $singleChurch->getName() . "</option>\n"; } else { $churchString = $churchString . "<option> " . $singleChurch->getName() . "</option>\n"; }
$color = ""; $time = ""; $gender = ""; ?> <a href="http://greeny.cs.tlu.ee/~helepuh/eksam/table.php">Vaata tabelit</a> <?php //VÄRVIDE LISAMINE //uus instants klassist $ColorManager = new ColorManager($mysqli); $PersonManager = new PersonManager($mysqli); //aadressirealt muutuja if (isset($_GET["new_color"])) { $add_new_color = $ColorManager->addColor($_GET["new_color"]); var_dump($add_new_color); } //rippmenüü valiku kõrval vajutati nuppu if (isset($_POST["add_person"])) { var_dump($_POST); $add_new_person_response = $PersonManager->addPerson($_POST["new_dd_selection"], $_POST["date_time"], $_POST["gender"], $POST["add_person"]); } ?> <h2>Lisa uus värv</h2>
$string = file_get_contents("template/AddRelationChurchRector.html"); //Remplace the nav $string = str_replace("|NavBar|", SessionManager::getNavBar(), $string); //Create a String of Church Options $churchString = ""; $churchs = ChurchManager::getAllChurchs('name', -1); foreach ($churchs as $singleChurch) { $churchString = $churchString . "<option> " . $singleChurch->getName() . "</option>\n"; } $string = str_replace("|ChurchOption|", $churchString, $string); //Create a String of Rector Options $rectorString = ""; $rectors = RectorManager::getAllRectors('name'); foreach ($rectors as $singleRector) { $idRector = $singleRector->getId(); $person = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $idRector); $fullname = $person->getFullName(); $rectorString = $rectorString . "<option lang='{$idRector}' id='{$fullname}'> " . $fullname . "</option>\n"; } $string = str_replace("|RectorOption|", $rectorString, $string); //Create Button contest $saveButton = '<button type="button" class="btn btn-success" onclick=\'validateData("addRelationChurchRector.php", "' . SessionManager::getLastPage() . '")\'> <img src="../icons/save.png" width="50px"><br> <strong>^Save^</strong> </button>'; $cancelButton = '<button type="button" class="btn btn-success" onclick=\'href("' . SessionManager::getLastPage() . '")\'> <img src="../icons/delete.png" width="50px"><br> <strong>^Cancel^</strong> </button>'; $returnButton = ''; //Create a action for button cancel
require_once __DIR__ . "/../../Backend/PersonManager.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../../Backend/LanguageSupport.php"; SessionManager::validateUserInPage('defuntionLook.php'); //Get File contest from template $string = file_get_contents("template/DefuntionInsertion.html"); if (!isset($_GET) || $_GET["id"] === NULL) { echo "<script src='../JS/functions.js'></script><script>href('main.php')</script>"; } //Remplace the nav $string = str_replace("|title|", 'Look Defuntion', $string); $string = str_replace("|NavBar|", SessionManager::getNavBar(), $string); //Get The Data of the Defuntion $idDefuntion = $_GET["id"]; $defuntion = DefuntionManager::getSingleDefuntion('id', $idDefuntion); $ownerId = $defuntion->getIdOwner(); $owner = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $ownerId); $churchId = $defuntion->getIdChurch(); $defuntionDate = DatabaseManager::databaseDateToSingleDate($defuntion->getDeadDate()); //Create a String of options of Last Church $churchString = ""; $churchs = ChurchManager::getAllChurchs('name'); foreach ($churchs as $singleChurch) { if ($singleChurch->getId() === $churchId) { $churchString = $churchString . "<option selected> " . $singleChurch->getName() . "</option>\n"; } else { $churchString = $churchString . "<option> " . $singleChurch->getName() . "</option>\n"; } } $string = str_replace("|ChurchOption|", $churchString, $string); $saveButton = ''; $cancelButton = '';
/** * update one defuntion in the database * * @author Jonathan Sandoval <*****@*****.**> * @param Defuntion $defuntion The defuntion to update * @return boolean if was possible to update */ static function updateDefuntion($defuntion = null) { if ($defuntion === null) { return false; } $tableDefuntion = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_DEFUNTION'); $id = $defuntion->getId(); $deadDate = $defuntion->getDeadDate(); $idOwner = $defuntion->getIdOwner(); $idChurch = $defuntion->getIdChurch(); $idCrypt = $defuntion->getIdCrypt(); if ($idCrypt == "") { $idCrypt = "NULL"; } $query = "UPDATE {$tableDefuntion}\r\n SET deadDate = '{$deadDate}', idOwner = '{$idOwner}', idChurch = '{$idChurch}', \r\n idCrypt = {$idCrypt} \r\n WHERE {$tableDefuntion}.id = {$id}"; $person = PersonManager::getSinglePerson("id", $idOwner); ChangesLogsManager::addChangesLogs("C", "Defuncion de " . $person->getFullNameBeginName()); return DatabaseManager::singleAffectedRow($query); }
} $proof->setIdGodFather($godFather->getId()); } else { $proof->setIdGodFather(NULL); } //Process The GodFather if ($_POST["nameGodMother"] !== '') { $godMother = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('names', $_POST["nameGodMother"], 'lastname1', $_POST["lastname1GodMother"], 'lastname2', $_POST["lastname2GodMother"]); if ($godMother === NULL) { $godMother = new Person(); $godMother->setNames($_POST["nameGodMother"]); $godMother->setLastname1($_POST["lastname1GodMother"]); $godMother->setLastname2($_POST["lastname2GodMother"]); $godMother->setGender('F'); PersonManager::addPerson($godMother, 'true'); $godMother = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', PersonManager::getLastID()); } $proof->setIdGodMother($godMother->getId()); } else { $proof->setIdGodMother(NULL); } //Add the registry if ($_SESSION["user_type"] != 'A') { if ($_SESSION["user_church"] == $church->getId()) { if ($_POST["status"] === 'insert') { if (ProofManager::addProofTalks($proof)) { echo "OK"; } else { echo "KO"; } } else {
/** * update one confirmation in the database * * @author Jonathan Sandoval <*****@*****.**> * @param Confirmation $confirmation The confirmation to update * @return boolean if was possible to update */ static function updateConfirmation($confirmation = null) { if ($confirmation === null) { return false; } $tableConfirmation = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_CONFIRMATION'); $id = $confirmation->getId(); $celebrationDate = $confirmation->getCelebrationDate(); $idGodFather = $confirmation->getIdGodFather(); $idBookRegistry = $confirmation->getIdBookRegistry(); $idChurch = $confirmation->getIdChurch(); $idRector = $confirmation->getIdRector(); $idOwner = $confirmation->getIdOwner(); $query = "UPDATE {$tableConfirmation}\r\n SET confirmationDate = '{$celebrationDate}', \r\n idOwner = '{$idOwner}', \r\n idGodFather = '{$idGodFather}', \r\n idConfirmationRegistry = '{$idBookRegistry}', \r\n idChurch = '{$idChurch}', \r\n idRector = '{$idRector}' \r\n WHERE {$tableConfirmation}.id = {$id}"; $person = PersonManager::getSinglePerson("id", $idOwner); ChangesLogsManager::addChangesLogs("C", "Confirmacion de " . $person->getFullNameBeginName()); return DatabaseManager::singleAffectedRow($query); }
</thead>'; $table = $table . $header; $table = $table . '<tbody>'; $i = 0; foreach ($baptismRegistries as $singleBaptism) { if ($i === 10) { continue; } $child = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $singleBaptism->getIdOwner()); $nameChild = $child->getFullName(); $mother = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $child->getIdMother()); $nameMother = ""; if ($mother != NULL) { $nameMother = $mother->getFullName(); } $father = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $child->getIdFather()); $nameFather = ""; if ($father != NULL) { $nameFather = $father->getFullName(); } $church = ChurchManager::getSingleChurch('id', $singleBaptism->getIdChurch()); if ($_SESSION["user_type"] == 'A' || $singleBaptism->getIdChurch() == $_SESSION["user_church"]) { $options = '<td data-title="^Options^" class="center-btn" style="text-align: center"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-inside" onclick="href(\'baptismLook.php?id=' . $singleBaptism->getID() . '\')"> <img src="../icons/eye.png" class="img-inside" height="30px"> </button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-inside" onclick="href(\'baptismChange.php?id=' . $singleBaptism->getID() . '\')"> <img src="../icons/refresh.png" class="img-inside" height="30px"> </button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-inside" onclick="deleteObject(\'baptism\', \'' . $singleBaptism->getID() . '\')"> <img src="../icons/delete.png" class="img-inside" height="30px">
} $stringResponse = ""; $child = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $_GET["id"]); $father = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $child->getIdFather()); $mother = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $child->getIdMother()); $gpp = NULL; $gmp = NULL; $gpm = NULL; $gmm = NULL; if ($father !== NULL) { $gpp = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $father->getIdFather()); $gmp = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $father->getIdMother()); } if ($mother !== NULL) { $gpm = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $mother->getIdFather()); $gmm = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $mother->getIdMother()); } //Abouth The Child $stringResponse = $stringResponse . "namec=" . $child->getNames() . "&lastname1c=" . $child->getLastname1() . "&lastname2c=" . $child->getLastname2(); if ($father === NULL) { $stringResponse = $stringResponse . "&namef=&lastname1f=&lastname2f="; } else { $stringResponse = $stringResponse . "&namef=" . $father->getNames() . "&lastname1f=" . $father->getLastname1() . "&lastname2f=" . $father->getLastname2(); } if ($mother === NULL) { $stringResponse = $stringResponse . "&namem=&lastname1m=&lastname2m="; } else { $stringResponse = $stringResponse . "&namem=" . $mother->getNames() . "&lastname1m=" . $mother->getLastname1() . "&lastname2m=" . $mother->getLastname2(); } if ($gpp === NULL) { $stringResponse = $stringResponse . "&namegpp=&lastname1gpp=&lastname2gpp=";
/** * update one marriage in the database * * @author Jonathan Sandoval <*****@*****.**> * @param Marriage $marriage The marriage to update * @return boolean if was possible to update */ static function updateMarriage($marriage = null) { if ($marriage === null) { return false; } $tableMarriage = DatabaseManager::getNameTable('TABLE_MARRIAGE'); $idBoyfriend = $marriage->getIdBoyfriend(); $idGirlfriend = $marriage->getIdGirlfriend(); $id = $marriage->getId(); $marriageDate = $marriage->getCelebrationDate(); $idGodFather = $marriage->getIdGodFather(); $idGodMother = $marriage->getIdGodMother(); $idChurchMarriage = $marriage->getIdChurchMarriage(); $idRector = $marriage->getIdRector(); $idWitness1 = $marriage->getIdWitness1(); $idWitness2 = $marriage->getIdWitness2(); $idChurchProcess = $marriage->getIdChurchProcess(); $idMarriageRegistry = $marriage->getIdBookRegistry(); $query = "UPDATE {$tableMarriage}\r\n SET idBoyfriend = '{$idBoyfriend}', \r\n idGirlfriend = '{$idGirlfriend}', \r\n idGodFather = '{$idGodFather}', \r\n idGodMother = '{$idGodMother}', \r\n idWitness1 = '{$idWitness1}', \r\n idWitness2 = '{$idWitness2}',\r\n idMarriageRegistry = '{$idMarriageRegistry}', \r\n idChurchProcess = '{$idChurchProcess}', \r\n idRector = '{$idRector}', \r\n idChurchMarriage = '{$idChurchMarriage}', \r\n marriageDate = '{$marriageDate}'\r\n WHERE {$tableMarriage}.id = {$id}"; $personA = PersonManager::getSinglePerson("id", $idBoyfriend); $personB = PersonManager::getSinglePerson("id", $idGirlfriend); ChangesLogsManager::addChangesLogs("C", "Matrimonio de" . $personA->getFullNameBeginName() . " y " . $personB->getFullNameBeginName()); return DatabaseManager::singleAffectedRow($query); }