Пример #1
* This file is part of PeoplePods
* (c) xoxco, inc  
* http://peoplepods.net http://xoxco.com
* core_friends/index.php
* Handles requests to /friends 
* Handles requests to /friends/followers
* Handles requests to /friends/recommended
* Documentation for this pod can be found here:
* http://peoplepods.net/readme
include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('lockdown' => 'login', 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth'], 'debug' => 0));
if (!$POD->libOptions('enable_core_friends')) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
$max_friends = 20;
$offset = 0;
if (isset($_GET['offset'])) {
    $offset = $_GET['offset'];
$mode = "friends";
if (isset($_GET['mode'])) {
    $mode = $_GET['mode'];
if ($mode == "friends") {
    $people = $POD->currentUser()->friends($max_friends, $offset);
    $title = "My Friends";
Пример #2

* This file is part of PeoplePods
* (c) xoxco, inc  
* http://peoplepods.net http://xoxco.com
* core_invite/index.php
* Send email invitations and generate invite codes.
* Documentation for this pod can be found here:
* http://peoplepods.net/readme
include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('lockdown' => 'verified', 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
if (!$POD->libOptions('enable_core_invite')) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
$max_allowed_invites = 5;
if ($_POST) {
    // send invites.
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $max_allowed_invites; $i++) {
        if (isset($_POST["email{$i}"]) && $_POST["email{$i}"] != '') {
            $POD->currentUser()->sendInvite($_POST["email{$i}"], $_POST['message'], @$_POST['group']);
            $POD->addMessage("Invites sent!");
$POD->header('Send Invites');
Пример #3
<div class="panel">

	<h1>Images & Icons</h1>
		PeoplePods can automatically resize and create thumbnail versions of uploaded photos.
		Customize the size of these images below.

	<h2>People Images</h2>
	<form method="post">
		<p><input type="checkbox" value="peopleImageResize" name="peopleImageResize" <?php 
if ($POD->libOptions('peopleImageResize')) {
 /> Resize profile images.
		<div class="more_info">
			<P>Resize images to a maximum width of:
			<input type="text" class="text" name="peopleImageMaxWidth" value="<?php 
echo $POD->libOptions('peopleImageMaxWidth');
" />
		<P>Resize icons to a maximum width of:
Пример #4

* This file is part of PeoplePods
* (c) xoxco, inc  
* http://peoplepods.net http://xoxco.com
* core_profiles/editprofile.php
* Handles requests to /editprofile
* Documentation for this pod can be found here:
* http://peoplepods.net/readme/messaging
include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('debug' => 0, 'lockdown' => 'login', 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
if (!$POD->libOptions('enable_core_profiles')) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->libOptions('serverRoot'));
if (@$_POST['account'] != '') {
    $POD->currentUser()->set('nick', $_POST['nick']);
    if (!$POD->currentUser()->success()) {
    } else {
        $POD->addMessage("Your settings have been updated.");
        foreach ($_FILES as $filename => $file) {
            $POD->currentUser()->addFile($filename, $file);
            if (!$POD->currentUser()->success()) {
                $POD->addMessage('An error occured while attaching your file: ' . $POD->currentUser()->error());
Пример #5

include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('debug' => 0, 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
$request = 'http://twitter.com/oauth/request_token';
$access = 'http://twitter.com/oauth/access_token';
$auth = 'http://twitter.com/oauth/authorize';
$key = $POD->libOptions('twitter_api');
$secret = $POD->libOptions('twitter_secret');
if (!($key && $secret)) {
    $POD->header('Configuration Required');
    echo '<div class="info">Configuration required!</div>';
    echo '<p>To enable Twitter login, please set the Twitter API key and secret via the PeoplePods command center.</p>';
    echo '<P>To obtain the necessary details from Twitter, <a href="https://dev.twitter.com/apps">register your app</a>.</p>';
// we need to make sure sessions are on so we can store the twitter codes
if (isset($_GET['remove'])) {
    $POD->currentUser()->addMeta('twitter_name', null);
    $POD->currentUser()->addMeta('twitter_secret', null);
    $POD->currentUser()->addMeta('twitter_token', null);
    $POD->currentUser()->addMeta('twitter_id', null);
    $POD->addMessage("Your Twitter account has been removed.");
$access_token_info = array();
if (@$_GET['mode'] == 'verify') {
    if ($_SESSION['twitter_state'] == 1 && !isset($_GET['oauth_token'])) {
        $_SESSION['twitter_state'] = 0;
Пример #6

* This file is part of PeoplePods
* (c) xoxco, inc  
* http://peoplepods.net http://xoxco.com
* core_authentication/logout.php
* Handles requests to /logout
* Documentation for this pod can be found here:
* http://peoplepods.net/readme
include_once "../../lib/Core.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod();
if (!$POD->libOptions('enable_core_authentication_login')) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
setcookie('pp_user', '', 0, "/");
setcookie('pp_pass', '', 0, "/");
setcookie('pp_auth', '', 0, "/");
    header("Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
} else {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
Пример #7
* as defined in my_theme/people/dashboard.php

* Displays a welcome page for non-members
* as defined in my_theme/people/welcome.php

* Documentation for this pod can be found here:
* http://peoplepods.net/readme
include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
if ($_POST) {
    $lockdown = 'verified';
} else {
    $lockdown = null;
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('debug' => 0, 'lockdown' => $lockdown, 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
if (!$POD->libOptions('enable_core_dashboard')) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
if (@$_GET['msg']) {
if ($POD->isAuthenticated()) {
    if (!isset($_GET['replies'])) {
    } else {
} else {
Пример #8

* This file is part of PeoplePods
* (c) xoxco, inc  
* http://peoplepods.net http://xoxco.com
* core_api_simple/index.php
* Handles simple requests to /api
* Documentation for this pod can be found here:
* http://peoplepods.net/readme
include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth'], 'debug' => 2));
if ($POD->libOptions('enable_core_api_simple')) {
    $method = $_GET['method'];
    $POD->tolog("API CALL METHOD: {$method}");
    if ($method == "alert.markAsRead") {
        if ($POD->isAuthenticated()) {
            $alert = $POD->getAlert(array('id' => $_GET['id']));
            if ($alert->success()) {
                echo json_encode($alert->asArray());
            } else {
                echo json_encode(array('error' => $alert->error(), 'id' => $_GET['id']));
        } else {
            echo json_encode(array('error' => 'PERMISSION DENIED', 'id' => $_GET['docId']));
Пример #9

include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('lockdown' => 'adminUser', 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
$themesDir = opendir($POD->libOptions('installDir') . "/themes/");
$themes = array();
while ($theme = readdir($themesDir)) {
    if (file_exists($POD->libOptions('installDir') . "/themes/{$theme}/theme.info")) {
        $themeinfo = file_get_contents($POD->libOptions('installDir') . "/themes/{$theme}/theme.info");
        $lines = explode("\n", $themeinfo);
        $info = array();
        $info['theme'] = $theme;
        foreach ($lines as $line) {
            list($key, $value) = explode("=", $line, 2);
            $key = trim($key);
            $value = trim($value);
            $info[$key] = $value;
        if ($info['name'] && $info['theme']) {
            array_push($themes, $info);
if ($_GET['activate']) {
    $POD->setLibOptions('currentTheme', $_GET['activate']);
    if (!$POD->success()) {
        $message = $POD->error();
    } else {
Пример #10
    echo $message;
<div class="panel">

	<h1>Email Options</h1>
		PeoplePods sends a variety of emails during the course of operation.
		These settings effect all emails.

	<form method="post" class="valid">
		<p class="input"><label for="fromAddress">From Address:</label><input name="fromAddress" id="fromAddress" class="text required" value="<?php 
echo htmlspecialchars($POD->libOptions('fromAddress'));
" type="text" /></p>
		<p><input type="submit" value="Update Email Options" class="button" /></p>
Пример #11

include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('debug' => 0, 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
$key = $POD->libOptions('fb_connect_api');
$secret = $POD->libOptions('fb_connect_secret');
// we need to make sure sessions are on so we can store the twitter codes
if (isset($_GET['rfb'])) {
    $POD->addMessage("Your Facebook account has been removed.");
$display = 'page';
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "iPhone") || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "Android")) {
    //	$display='touch';
if (!($key && $secret)) {
    $POD->header('Configuration Required');
    echo '<div class="info">Configuration required!</div>';
    echo '<p>To enable Facebook login, please set the Facebook API key and secret via the PeoplePods command center.</p>';
    echo '<P>To obtain the necessary details from Facebook, <a href="http://www.facebook.com/developers/">register your app</a>.</p>';
$user = null;
if (isset($_GET['code'])) {
    $code = $_GET['code'];
    $oauth_token = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=" . $key . "&redirect_uri=" . $POD->siteRoot(false) . "/facebook&client_secret=" . urlencode($secret) . "&code=" . urlencode($code));
    list($junk, $oauth_token) = explode("=", $oauth_token);
    // if authenticated, add to user
Пример #12

<div class="panel">

	<h1>Database Options</h1>

	<p>Connect to this database via the command line MySQL tool:</p>

	<p>mysql -u <?php 
echo $POD->libOptions('mysql_user');
 -p -h <?php 
echo $POD->libOptions('mysql_server');
echo $POD->libOptions('mysql_db');

	<form method="post" id="database_options" class="valid">
	<p class="input"><label for="siteName">MySQL Server:</label><input name="mysql_server" id="mysql_server" class="text required" type="text" value="<?php 
echo htmlspecialchars($POD->libOptions('mysql_server'));
" /></p>
Пример #13

include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('lockdown' => 'adminUser', 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
if ($_POST) {
    $pod = $_POST['pod'];
    if (!$POD->libOptions('enable_' . $pod)) {
        $msg = "{$pod} is not enabled.";
    } else {
        if (!$POD->libOptions('settings_' . $pod)) {
            $msg = "No settings found for {$pod}";
        } else {
            if (!function_exists($POD->libOptions('settings_' . $pod))) {
                $msg = "Settings function missing.  Should be " . $POD->libOptions('settings_' . $pod) . " in " . $POD->libOptions('include_' . $pod);
            } else {
                $func = $POD->libOptions('settings_' . $pod);
                $fields = $func($POD);
                foreach ($fields as $field => $label) {
                    $POD->setLibOptions($field, $_POST['libOption_' . $field]);
                if (!$POD->success()) {
                    $msg = $POD->error();
                } else {
                    $msg = "Settings updated.";
} else {
Пример #14
* This file is part of PeoplePods
* (c) xoxco, inc  
* http://peoplepods.net http://xoxco.com
* core_usercontent/list.php
* Handles the blog style reverse chronological list this type of content
* Documentation for this pod can be found here:
* http://peoplepods.net/readme/new-content-type
include_once "content_type.php";
// this defines some variables for use within this pod
include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth'], 'debug' => 0));
if (!$POD->libOptions("enable_contenttype_{$content_type}_list")) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
$offset = 0;
if (isset($_GET['offset'])) {
    $offset = $_GET['offset'];
$wikis = $POD->getContents(array('type' => $content_type));
$POD->header('List of supported wikis!');

	<div class="column_8">
		if ($POD->libOptions("enable_contenttype_wiki_add")) 
			if($POD->isAuthenticated() && $POD->currentUser()->get('adminUser')){ ?>
Пример #15

* This file is part of PeoplePods
* (c) xoxco, inc  
* http://peoplepods.net http://xoxco.com
* core_private_messaging/inbox.php
* Handles requests to /inbox
* Documentation for this pod can be found here:
* http://peoplepods.net/readme/messaging
include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('debug' => 2, 'lockdown' => 'verified', 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
if (!$POD->libOptions('enable_core_private_messaging')) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
$offset = 0;
if (isset($_GET['offset'])) {
    $offset = $_GET['offset'];
$inbox = $POD->getInbox(20, $offset);
$inbox->output('thread_short', 'header', 'pager', 'Conversations', 'You don\'t have any messages. :(');
Пример #16
* This file is part of PeoplePods
* (c) xoxco, inc  
* http://peoplepods.net http://xoxco.com
* core_files/index.php
* Handles simple requests to /download
* Allows files to be downloaded with their original file name
* Documentation for this pod can be found here:
* http://peoplepods.net/readme
include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('debug' => 0));
// no parameters, we want the most basic pod we can get to serve images
if (!$POD->libOptions('enable_core_files')) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
$f = $POD->getFile(array('id' => $_GET['id']));
if (!$f->success()) {
    header("Status: 404 Not Found");
    echo "404 Not Found";
if (!$f->success()) {
    header("Status: 404 Not Found");
    echo "Download Failed";
Пример #17

include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('lockdown' => 'adminUser', 'authSecret' => $_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
$this_database_update = 0.9;
$last_version = $POD->libOptions('last_database_update');
if (!$last_version) {
    $last_version = 0;
if (isset($_GET['confirm'])) {
    echo "<ul>";
    if ($last_version < 0.7) {
        echo "<li>Checking permissions...</li>";
        if (!$POD->success()) {
            echo "<li><strong>" . $POD->error() . "</strong></li>";
        } else {
            echo "<li>Creating table meta_tmp...</li>";
            $sql = "CREATE TABLE meta_tmp(type enum('group','content','user'),itemId bigint(12), name varchar(100),value text,id bigint(12) NOT NULL UNIQUE auto_increment, unique index u (type,itemId,name));";
            $res = mysql_query($sql, $POD->DATABASE);
            if (!$res) {
                echo "<li><strong>SQL Error: " . mysql_error() . "</strong></li>";
            } else {
                echo "<li>Copying meta values into meta_tmp...</li>";
                $sql = "REPLACE INTO meta_tmp (type,itemId,name,value) SELECT type,itemId,name,value FROM meta;";
                $res = mysql_query($sql, $POD->DATABASE);
                if (!$res) {
                    echo "<li><strong>SQL Error: " . mysql_error() . "</strong></li>";
                } else {
                    echo "<li>Deleting values from meta... (If this errors, you may have to restore your db from backup)</li>";
                    $sql = "DELETE FROM meta";
Пример #18
 $POD->setLibOptions('currentTheme', 'default');
 $POD->setLibOptions('server', 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
 $POD->setLibOptions('documentIconMaxWidth', '100');
 $POD->setLibOptions('documentIconSquare', 'documentIconSquare');
 $POD->setLibOptions('documentImageMaxWidth', '530');
 $POD->setLibOptions('documentImageResize', 'documentImageResize');
 $POD->setLibOptions('peopleIconMaxWidth', '60');
 $POD->setLibOptions('peopleIconSquare', 'peopleIconSquare');
 $POD->setLibOptions('peopleImageMaxWidth', '300');
 $POD->setLibOptions('peopleImageResize', 'peopleImageResize');
 // set other default options!!
 $error = false;
 if ($POD->success()) {
     echo "<p>Defaults written to " . $POD->libOptions('etcPath') . '/options.php</p>';
     foreach ($POD->PODS as $name => $podling) {
         if (in_array($name, $required_pods)) {
     $message = $POD->writeHTACCESS($installDir . "/..");
     if (!$POD->success()) {
         $error = true;
         unlink($POD->libOptions('etcPath') . "/options.php");
         echo '<p class="error">Could not write to .htaccess file! ' . $POD->error() . "</p>";
     } else {
         echo "<p>{$message}</p>";
Пример #19

* This file is part of PeoplePods
* (c) xoxco, inc  
* http://peoplepods.net http://xoxco.com
* search/index.php
* Search content or people
* Documentation for this pod can be found here:
* http://peoplepods.net/readme/messaging
include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('debug' => 0, 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
if (!$POD->libOptions('enable_core_search')) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
if (isset($_GET['offset'])) {
    $offset = $_GET['offset'];
} else {
    $offset = 0;
$POD->tolog("DOING SEARCH");
if ($keyword = @$_GET['q']) {
    $docs = $POD->getContents(array('or' => array('headline:like' => "%{$keyword}%", 'body:like' => "%{$keyword}%")), null, 20, $offset);
} else {
    if ($keyword = @$_GET['p']) {
        $people = $POD->getPeople(array('or' => array('nick:like' => "%{$keyword}%", 'email:like' => "%{$keyword}%")), null, 20, $offset);
Пример #20
			<td valign="top" align="left">
			<td valign="top" align="left">
			<td valign="top" align="left">
				Send Email
			<td valign="top" align="right">
				<input type="checkbox" class="enabler"  name="friendEmail" value="friendEmail" <?php 
if ($POD->libOptions('friendEmail')) {
			<td valign="top" align="left">
			<td valign="top" align="left">
			<td valign="top" align="left">
Пример #21
* This file is part of PeoplePods
* (c) xoxco, inc  
* http://peoplepods.net http://xoxco.com
* core_usercontent/edit.php
* Handles the add/edit form for this type of content
* Documentation for this pod can be found here:
* http://peoplepods.net/readme/new-content-type
include_once "content_type.php";
// this defines some variables for use within this pod
include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('debug' => 0, 'lockdown' => 'verified', 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
if (!$POD->libOptions("enable_contenttype_{$content_type}_add")) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
// by default, this script will redirect to the homepage of the site.
// this can be changed by passing in an alternative via the redirect parameter
$redirect = $POD->siteRoot(false);
if ($_POST) {
    if (isset($_POST['id'])) {
        $content = $POD->getContent(array('id' => $_POST['id']));
        if (!$content->success()) {
        if (!$content->isEditable()) {
            $POD->addMessage("Access Denied");
Пример #22
    $message = "Cache Flushed!";
// lets generate some stats!
$today = date("Y-m-d");
  	$totalMembers = $POD->getPeople(array('memberSince:lte'=>$today));  
	$membersToday = $POD->getPeople(array('lastVisit:gt'=>$today),'lastVisit desc',10);
	$membersJoined = $POD->getPeople(array('memberSince:gt'=>$today));
	$docsCreated = $POD->getContents(array('date:gt'=>$today));
	$newComments = $POD->getComments(array('date:gt'=>$today),'date desc',5);
	$total = $membersJoined->totalCount()  + $totalMembers->totalCount();
$this_database_update = 0.9;
$last_version = $POD->libOptions('last_database_update');
if (!$last_version) {
    $last_version = 0;
// load each type of thing
// get total, total for today, total for the last week
// members, content, comments, files, groups
$members = $POD->getPeople(array('memberSince:gte' => date('Y-m-d') . ' 00:00:00'));
$stats['members_today'] = $members->totalCount();
$members = $POD->getPeople(array('memberSince:gte' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-7 days'))));
$stats['members_week'] = $members->totalCount();
$members = $POD->getPeople(array(), 'memberSince DESC', 10);
$stats['members_total'] = $members->totalCount();
$visitors = $POD->getPeople(array('lastVisit:gte' => date('Y-m-d') . ' 00:00:00'));
$stats['visits_today'] = $visitors->totalCount();
$visitors = $POD->getPeople(array('lastVisit:gte' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-7 days'))));
Пример #23

<div class="panel">

	<h1>Site Options</h1>

	<form method="post" id="site_options" class="valid">
	<p class="input"><label for="siteName">What do you want to call your site?</label><input name="siteName" id="siteName" class="text required" type="text" value="<?php 
echo htmlspecialchars($POD->libOptions('siteName'));
" /></p>

	<p class="input"><label for="siteName">What is your <a href="http://peoplepods.net/">PeoplePods.net API Key</a></label><input name="peoplepods_api" id="peoplepods_api" class="text" type="text" value="<?php 
echo htmlspecialchars($POD->libOptions('peoplepods_api'));
" /></p>
	<p class="input"><label for="installDir">What is the path to your PeoplePods installation?</label><input name="installDir" id="installDir" class="text required" type="text" value="<?php 
echo htmlspecialchars($POD->libOptions('installDir'));
" />
	<span class="field_explain">Tells PeoplePods where to look for itself.</span></p>

	<p class="input"><label for="server">What is the URL for this PeoplePods website?</label><input name="server" id="server" class="text required" type="text" value="<?php 
Пример #24
* core_groups/index.php
* Handles requests to /groups
* Creates new groups
* Documentation for this pod can be found here:
* http://peoplepods.net/readme
include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
if ($_POST) {
    $lockdown = 'verified';
} else {
    $lockdown = '';
    // anyone can see the groups homepage.
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('debug' => 0, 'lockdown' => $lockdown, 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
if (!$POD->libOptions('enable_core_groups')) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
$max = 10;
$offset = 0;
if (isset($_GET['offset'])) {
    $offset = $_GET['offset'];
if ($_POST) {
    $group = $POD->getGroup();
    $group->set('groupname', $_POST['groupname']);
    $group->set('description', $_POST['description']);
    $group->set('type', $_POST['type']);
    if (!$group->success()) {
Пример #25

* Documentation for this pod can be found here:
* http://peoplepods.net/readme
include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
if (!$POD->libOptions('enable_core_feeds')) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
// lets parse the parameters we got passed in so we know what kind of feed to create
$arguments = explode("/", $_GET['args']);
$field = null;
foreach ($arguments as $arg) {
    if ($field) {
        $param[$field] = $arg;
        $field = null;
    } else {
        $field = $arg;
// set up our fail indicator var
Пример #26
* core_usercontent/view.php
* Handles permalinks, comments and voting for this type of content
* Documentation for this pod can be found here:
* http://peoplepods.net/readme/new-content-type
include_once "content_type.php";
// this defines some variables for use within this pod
include_once "../../PeoplePods.php";
if ($_POST) {
    $lockdown = 'verified';
} else {
    $lockdown = null;
$POD = new PeoplePod(array('debug' => 0, 'lockdown' => $lockdown, 'authSecret' => @$_COOKIE['pp_auth']));
if (!$POD->libOptions("enable_core_pages")) {
    header("Location: " . $POD->siteRoot(false));
if (isset($_GET['stub'])) {
    $doc = $POD->getContent(array('stub' => $_GET['stub']));
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
        $doc = $POD->getContent(array('id' => $_GET['id']));
    } else {
        if (isset($_POST['id'])) {
            $doc = $POD->getContent(array('id' => $_POST['id']));
if (!$doc->success()) {
Пример #27
	<div class="panel">
	<h1>Plugin Pods</h1>

		Plugin Pods are sets of PeoplePods functionality that can be easily turned on and off.
		Choose Pods from the list below to customize the features present on your site.
		New Pods should be placed in <i><?php 
echo $POD->libOptions('installDir');
	<form method="post" action="<?php 
	<input name="go" type="hidden" value="foo" />
	<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="stack_output">
			<th align="left">
				POD Name
			<th align="left">