Пример #1
 function WikiDB_backend_PearDB($dbparams)
     // Find and include PEAR's DB.php. maybe we should force our private version again...
     // if DB would have exported its version number, it would be easier.
     @(require_once 'DB/common.php');
     // Either our local pear copy or the system one
     // check the version!
     $name = check_php_version(5) ? "escapeSimple" : strtolower("escapeSimple");
     // TODO: apparently some Pear::Db version adds LIMIT 1,0 to getOne(),
     // which is invalid for "select version()"
     if (!in_array($name, get_class_methods("DB_common"))) {
         $finder = new FileFinder();
         $dir = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../pear";
         include_once "{$dir}/DB/common.php";
         // use our version instead.
         if (!in_array($name, get_class_methods("DB_common"))) {
             $pearFinder = new PearFileFinder("lib/pear");
         } else {
             include_once "{$dir}/DB.php";
     } else {
         include_once "DB.php";
     // Install filter to handle bogus error notices from buggy DB.php's.
     // TODO: check the Pear_DB version, but how?
     if (DEBUG) {
         global $ErrorManager;
         $ErrorManager->pushErrorHandler(new WikiMethodCb($this, '_pear_notice_filter'));
         $this->_pearerrhandler = true;
     // Open connection to database
     $this->_dsn = $dbparams['dsn'];
     $this->_dbparams = $dbparams;
     $this->_lock_count = 0;
     // persistent is usually a DSN option: we override it with a config value.
     //   phptype://username:password@hostspec/database?persistent=false
     $dboptions = array('persistent' => DATABASE_PERSISTENT, 'debug' => 2);
     //if (preg_match('/^pgsql/', $this->_dsn)) $dboptions['persistent'] = false;
     $this->_dbh = DB::connect($this->_dsn, $dboptions);
     $dbh =& $this->_dbh;
     if (DB::isError($dbh)) {
         trigger_error(sprintf("Can't connect to database: %s", $this->_pear_error_message($dbh)), isset($dbparams['_tryroot_from_upgrade']) ? E_USER_WARNING : E_USER_ERROR);
         if (isset($dbparams['_tryroot_from_upgrade'])) {
     $dbh->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array($this, '_pear_error_callback'));
     $prefix = isset($dbparams['prefix']) ? $dbparams['prefix'] : '';
     $this->_table_names = array('page_tbl' => $prefix . 'page', 'version_tbl' => $prefix . 'version', 'link_tbl' => $prefix . 'link', 'recent_tbl' => $prefix . 'recent', 'nonempty_tbl' => $prefix . 'nonempty');
     $page_tbl = $this->_table_names['page_tbl'];
     $version_tbl = $this->_table_names['version_tbl'];
     $this->page_tbl_fields = "{$page_tbl}.id AS id, {$page_tbl}.pagename AS pagename, {$page_tbl}.hits AS hits";
     $this->version_tbl_fields = "{$version_tbl}.version AS version, {$version_tbl}.mtime AS mtime, " . "{$version_tbl}.minor_edit AS minor_edit, {$version_tbl}.content AS content, {$version_tbl}.versiondata AS versiondata";
     $this->_expressions = array('maxmajor' => "MAX(CASE WHEN minor_edit=0 THEN version END)", 'maxminor' => "MAX(CASE WHEN minor_edit<>0 THEN version END)", 'maxversion' => "MAX(version)", 'notempty' => "<>''", 'iscontent' => "content<>''");
Пример #2
  * Creates one static PEAR Cache object and returns copies afterwards.
  * FIXME: There should be references returned
  * @access static protected
  * @return Cache  copy of the cache object
 function newCache()
     static $staticcache;
     if (!is_object($staticcache)) {
         if (!class_exists('Cache')) {
             // uuh, pear not in include_path! should print a warning.
             // search some possible pear paths.
             $pearFinder = new PearFileFinder();
             if ($lib = $pearFinder->findFile('Cache.php', 'missing_ok')) {
                 require_once $lib;
             } else {
                 // fall back to our own copy
                 require_once 'lib/pear/Cache.php';
         $cacheparams = array();
         foreach (explode(':', 'database:cache_dir:filename_prefix:highwater:lowwater' . ':maxlifetime:maxarglen:usecache:force_syncmap') as $key) {
             $cacheparams[$key] = constant('PLUGIN_CACHED_' . strtoupper($key));
         $cacheparams['imgtypes'] = preg_split('/\\s*:\\s*/', PLUGIN_CACHED_IMGTYPES);
         $staticcache = new Cache(PLUGIN_CACHED_DATABASE, $cacheparams);
         $staticcache->gc_maxlifetime = PLUGIN_CACHED_MAXLIFETIME;
     return $staticcache;
     // FIXME: use references ?