$access_denied = true; } else { // Тип активности (активно/неактивно). $folder = Text::get_get('folder'); $query = 'CALL get_table_row_count(:table_name, :select_row, :select_value)'; $params = array(':table_name' => PREF . 'modules', ':select_row' => 'folder', ':select_value' => $folder); $count = PdoWrap::selectRow($query, $params); // Проверка существования записи. if ($count['count'] == 0) { $query = 'CALL get_max_position(:table_name, :table_column)'; $params = array(':table_name' => PREF . 'modules', ':table_column' => 'position'); $tmp = PdoWrap::selectRow($query, $params); $query = 'CALL modules_insert(:folder_field, :active_field, :position_field)'; $params = array(':folder_field' => $folder, ':active_field' => 1, ':position_field' => $tmp['max'] + 1); // Добавление записи в таблицу. PdoWrap::execute($query, $params); } /* // Подключение модуля if (is_file(DOC.'modules/'.$folder.'/'.$folder.'.class.php')) { require_once(DOC.'modules/'.$folder.'/'.$folder.'.class.php'); if (class_exists($folder)) { $$folder = new $folder(); $$folder->smarty = $smarty; $$folder->db = &$DB; $$folder->lang = $current_lang; $$folder->deflang = $default_lang; $$folder->langs = $langs; $$folder->createModuleTables();
//if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '') $re = ''; //if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '') $re = ''; if (preg_match('/^\\/novosti\\/(\\d+)-([^\\/]+)\\/$/i', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $alias)) { if (isset($alias[2])) { $re = '/novosti/' . $alias[2] . '/'; } } if (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/kukhni/') || strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/mebel/')) { $tmp = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); array_pop($tmp); $alias = end($tmp); $query = 'SELECT `to_url` FROM `' . PREF . 'redirect_urls` WHERE `from_url` = :url'; $check_redirect = PdoWrap::selectCell($query, array(':url' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); if ($check_redirect != '') { $re = $check_redirect; } else { $query = 'SELECT CONCAT(`g`.`link`, `i`.`alias`, ".html") AS `link` FROM `cms_catalog_items` `i` INNER JOIN `cms_catalog_groups` `g` ON `g`.`id` = `i`.`group_id` INNER JOIN `zkymf_zoo_item` `z` ON `z`.`id` = `i`.`old_id` WHERE `z`.`alias` = :url'; $params = array(':url' => $alias); $check = PdoWrap::selectCell($query, $params); if ($check != "" && $check != $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) { $query = 'INSERT INTO `' . PREF . 'redirect_urls` (`from_url`, `to_url`) VALUES (:from_url, :to_url)'; PdoWrap::execute($query, array(':from_url' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ':to_url' => $check)); $re = $check; } } } if ($re != '') { header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header('location: ' . $re); exit; }
/** * Транслитерация строк * @param string $str * @param int $db_flag * @return string */ static function transliterate($str, $db_flag = 0) { // транслитерация корректно работает на страницах с любой кодировкой // (c)Imbolc http://php.imbolc.name static $tbl = array('а' => 'a', 'б' => 'b', 'в' => 'v', 'г' => 'g', 'д' => 'd', 'е' => 'e', 'ж' => 'g', 'з' => 'z', 'и' => 'i', 'й' => 'y', 'к' => 'k', 'л' => 'l', 'м' => 'm', 'н' => 'n', 'о' => 'o', 'п' => 'p', 'р' => 'r', 'с' => 's', 'т' => 't', 'у' => 'u', 'ф' => 'f', 'ы' => 'i', 'э' => 'e', 'А' => 'A', 'Б' => 'B', 'В' => 'V', 'Г' => 'G', 'Д' => 'D', 'Е' => 'E', 'Ж' => 'G', 'З' => 'Z', 'И' => 'I', 'Й' => 'Y', 'К' => 'K', 'Л' => 'L', 'М' => 'M', 'Н' => 'N', 'О' => 'O', 'П' => 'P', 'Р' => 'R', 'С' => 'S', 'Т' => 'T', 'У' => 'U', 'Ф' => 'F', 'Ы' => 'I', 'Э' => 'E', 'ё' => "yo", 'х' => "h", 'ц' => "ts", 'ч' => "ch", 'ш' => "sh", 'щ' => "shch", 'ъ' => "", 'ь' => "", 'ю' => "yu", 'я' => "ya", 'Ё' => "YO", 'Х' => "H", 'Ц' => "TS", 'Ч' => "CH", 'Ш' => "SH", 'Щ' => "SHCH", 'Ъ' => "", 'Ь' => "", 'Ю' => "YU", 'Я' => "YA"); $data = strtr($str, $tbl); if ($db_flag == 1) { $data = preg_replace('/[[:punct:]]/', '', $data); $data = self::strtolow(preg_replace('/\\s+/', '_', $data)); $query = 'CALL set_transliterate(:string_field, :value_field)'; $params = array(':string_field' => $str, ':value_field' => $data); PdoWrap::execute($query, $params); } return $data; }
function clearCacheFiles(Smarty $smarty, $cache_id = 0, $table = '', $table_id = 0, $link = '') { $cache_data = array(); // Удаление файлов кэша по ID if ((int) $cache_id > 0) { $query = 'CALL get_table_row_by_id(:current_table, :id_value)'; $params = array(':current_table' => PREF . 'cached_files', ':id_value' => $cache_id); $tmp = PdoWrap::select($query, $params); $cache_data = array_merge($cache_data, $tmp); $query = 'CALL delete_table_row_by_field(:current_table, :table_cell, :cell_value)'; $params = array(':current_table' => PREF . 'cached_files', ':table_cell' => 'id', ':cell_value' => $cache_id); PdoWrap::execute($query, $params); } // Удаление файлов кэша по ID таблицы if (!empty($table) && (int) $table_id > 0) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM `' . PREF . 'cached_files` WHERE `table_name` = :table_name AND `table_id` = :table_id'; $params = array(':table_name' => $table, ':table_id' => $table_id); $tmp = PdoWrap::select($query, $params); $cache_data = array_merge($cache_data, $tmp); $query = 'DELETE FROM `' . PREF . 'cached_files` WHERE `table_name` = :table_name AND `table_id` = :table_id'; $params = array(':table_name' => $table, ':table_id' => $table_id); PdoWrap::execute($query, $params); } // Удаление файлов кэша по всей таблице if (!empty($table) && (int) $table_id == 0) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM `' . PREF . 'cached_files` WHERE `table_name` = :table_name'; $params = array(':table_name' => $table); $tmp = PdoWrap::select($query, $params); $cache_data = array_merge($cache_data, $tmp); $query = 'DELETE FROM `' . PREF . 'cached_files` WHERE `table_name` = :table_name'; $params = array(':table_name' => $table); PdoWrap::execute($query, $params); } // Удаление файлов кэша по ссылке if (!empty($link)) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM `' . PREF . 'cached_files` WHERE `link` LIKE :link'; $params = array(':link' => '%' . $link . '%'); $tmp = PdoWrap::select($query, $params); $cache_data = array_merge($cache_data, $tmp); $query = 'DELETE FROM `' . PREF . 'cached_files` WHERE `link` LIKE :link'; $params = array(':link' => '%' . $link . '%'); PdoWrap::execute($query, $params); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($cache_data); $i++) { $smarty->clearCache($cache_data[$i]['template'], $cache_data[$i]['id']); } }
/** * Редактирование данных в таблице * При успешном добавлении возвращает TRUE * При провале возвращает массив ошибок * @param string $table * @param int $id * @param array $data * @return mixed */ public function editRow($table, $id, $data = array()) { $error = array('all' => false); if (empty($data)) { $data = $this->base->postInputDataHandler($table); $error = $this->base->getErrors(); } $parent = (int) Text::get_post('parent'); $parent = $parent > 0 ? $parent : 1; $check_alias = $this->base->checkAlias($table, $id, $data['alias'], $parent, $data['type']); if ($check_alias == 1) { $error['all'] = $error['alias'] = true; } elseif ($check_alias == 2) { $error['all'] = $error['alias2'] = true; } if ($data['type'] == 3 && $data['url'] == '') { $data['url'] = $data['alias']; } // Обновление идентификатора пользователя, добавившего запись $data['user_edit'] = $this->getUid(); if (!isset($error['all']) || $error['all'] === false) { $this->base->editTableRow($table, $data, $id, $parent); $query = 'CALL pages_update_links_after_update(:id)'; $params = array(':id' => $id); PdoWrap::execute($query, $params); return true; } $this->setErrors($error); return false; }
/** * Удаление записей из таблицы * @param string $table * @param int $id * @param array $files * @return mixed */ public function deleteTableRow($table, $id, $files = array('image', 'icon', 'file')) { // Удаление файлов if (is_array($files) && !empty($files)) { $data = $this->getAllChildren($table, $id); for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) { foreach ($files as $value) { if (isset($data[$i][$value]) && $data[$i][$value] != '') { Files::deleteFile($data[$i][$value]); } } } } // Получение ветвей дерева $tree_branches = $this->getNodeInfo($table, $id); $query = 'CALL delete_tree_table_rows(:current_table, :tree_left, :tree_right)'; $params = array(':current_table' => $this->__getPrefixTableName($table), ':tree_left' => $tree_branches['tree_left'], ':tree_right' => $tree_branches['tree_right']); PdoWrap::execute($query, $params); // Clearing blank spaces in a tree $query = 'CALL update_tree_branches_after_delete(:current_table, :tree_left, :tree_right)'; $params = array(':current_table' => $this->__getPrefixTableName($table), ':tree_left' => $tree_branches['tree_left'], ':tree_right' => $tree_branches['tree_right']); PdoWrap::execute($query, $params); // Логирование оперции $this->tableLog(PREF . $table, $id, "3"); }
/** * Удаление связей * @param string $table * @param string $col1 * @param string $col2 * @param int $val1 * @param int $val2 * @return bool */ public function deleteRelations($table, $col1, $col2, $val1, $val2) { if ((int) $val1 > 0 && (int) $val2 > 0) { $query = 'CALL delete_relations(:table_name,:col1,:col2,:val1,:val2)'; $params = array(':table_name' => $table, ':col1' => $col1, ':col2' => $col2, ':val1' => $val1, ':val2' => $val2); PdoWrap::execute($query, $params); return true; } return false; }
/** * Обязательная функция для компонента. * */ public function start() { $this->setObject(); // Определение полей формы $this->form = isset($this->params['form']) && (int) $this->params['form'] > 0 ? $this->params['form'] : ""; $success = (int) Text::get_get('success'); // Получение иформации формы $form = $this->__getFormInfo($this->form); // Получение полей формы $form_rows = $this->__getFormFields($this->form); if (Text::get_get('do') == 'ajaxUploadFile') { $file = load_file('Filedata', 'userfiles/', 1); echo $file['name']; exit; } if (Text::get_get('do') == 'ajaxDeleteFile') { $file = Text::get_get('file'); if (file_exists(DOC . 'userfiles/' . $file)) { unlink(DOC . 'userfiles/' . $file); } exit; } $e = array('all' => false); if (Text::get_post('do') == 'send_order') { $ext = array('do', 'send'); $values = array(); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, $ext)) { if (!is_array($value)) { $values[$key] = htmlspecialchars(stripcslashes(Text::get_post($key))); } else { $values[$key] = Text::get_post($key); } } } foreach ($values as $k => $v) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($form_rows); $i++) { if ($k == $form_rows[$i]['alias']) { $form_rows[$i]['default'] = $v; if ($form_rows[$i]['check'] == 1) { if ($k == 'email') { if (Text::check_mail($v) === false) { $e['all'] = $e[$k] = true; } } else { if (empty($v)) { $e['all'] = $e[$k] = true; } } } } } } // Обработка изображений $files = array(); if (isset($values['file'])) { foreach ($values['file'] as $v) { $files[] = array('name' => $v, 'orig' => $v); } } else { foreach ($_FILES as $key => $value) { if ($value['error'] == 0) { $files[$key] = load_file($key); } } } if ($e['all'] === false) { ob_start(); $this->smarty->assign('data', $values); $this->smarty->assign('form_rows', $form_rows); $this->smarty->assign('options', getSiteOptions()); $this->smarty->assign('site_url', 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/'); $this->smarty->display($this->doc . 'mail.tpl'); $mail_body = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); $test = sendMail($form['email'], $form['subj'], $mail_body, '', $files); //sendMail($form['email'], $form['subj'], $mail_body, $files); if ($form['admin'] == 1) { $v = array($form_rows, $values, $files); $val = serialize($v); $query = 'CALL form_orders_insert(:field_name, :field_value)'; $params = array(':field_name' => $form['name'], ':field_value' => $mail_body); PdoWrap::execute($query, $params); } header("Location: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . (preg_match('/\\?/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? '&' : '?') . 'success=1'); exit; } } $this->smarty->assign('e', $e); $this->smarty->assign('form', $form); $this->smarty->assign('form_rows', $form_rows); $this->smarty->assign('success', $success); return; }
/** * Редкатирование ячейки * @param $table * @param $field * @param $value * @param $id */ public function editCell($table, $field, $value, $id) { $query = 'CALL edit_cell(:current_table,:current_field,:field_value,:row_id)'; $params = array(':current_table' => $this->__getPrefixTableName($table), ':current_field' => $field, ':field_value' => $value, ':row_id' => $id); PdoWrap::execute($query, $params); }
/** * Удаление записей из таблицы по названию поля * @param $table * @param $filed_name * @param $field_value * @return mixed */ public function deleteTableRowByField($table, $filed_name, $field_value) { $query = 'CALL delete_table_row_by_field(:current_table, :table_cell, :cell_value)'; $params = array(':current_table' => $this->__getPrefixTableName($table), ':table_cell' => $filed_name, ':cell_value' => $field_value); PdoWrap::execute($query, $params); }
/** * Обновление импортированных данных * @param XMLReader $reader * @return int */ public function updateImportProduction(XMLReader $reader) { $count = 0; $tmp_data = $this->parseXML($reader, 'Предложения'); if (is_array($tmp_data) && !empty($tmp_data)) { foreach ($tmp_data as $key => $item) { $xml_id = $item['Ид']; $data_item = $this->checkCatalogItem($xml_id); if ((int) $data_item > 0) { $price = (double) $item['Цены']['Цена']['ЦенаЗаЕдиницу']; $query = 'CALL catalog_item_update_price(:id, :price)'; $params = array(':id' => $data_item, ':price' => $price); PdoWrap::execute($query, $params); $count++; } } } return $count; }