// *** Make sure the file isn't accessed directly
defined('APPHP_EXEC') or die('Restricted Access');
if (Modules::IsModuleInstalled('payments')) {
    $mode = ModulesSettings::Get('payments', 'mode');
    if (ModulesSettings::Get('payments', 'is_active') == 'yes') {
        define('LOG_MODE', false);
        define('LOG_TO_FILE', false);
        define('LOG_ON_SCREEN', false);
        define('TEST_MODE', $mode == 'TEST MODE' ? true : false);
        $log_data = '';
        $msg = '';
        $nl = "\n";
        // --- Get PayPal response
        $objPaymentIPN = new PaymentIPN($_REQUEST, 'paypal');
        $status = $objPaymentIPN->GetPaymentStatus();
        $order_number = $objPaymentIPN->GetParameter('custom');
        $transaction_number = $objPaymentIPN->GetParameter('txn_id');
        $payer_status = $objPaymentIPN->GetParameter('payer_status');
        $pp_payment_type = $objPaymentIPN->GetParameter('payment_type');
        $total = $objPaymentIPN->GetParameter('mc_gross');
        // Payment Types   : 0 - Online Order, 1 - PayPal, 2 - 2CO, 3 - Authorize.Net
        // Payment Methods : 0 - Payment Company Account, 1 - Credit Card, 2 - E-Check
        if ($status == 'Completed') {
            if ($payer_status == 'verified') {
                $payment_method = '0';
            } else {
                $payment_method = '1';
        } else {
Пример #2
     * Draw prepayment info
     * 		@param $draw
    public static function DrawPrepayment($plan_id = '', $payment_type = '', $currency = '', $draw = true)
        global $objSettings, $objLogin;
        $plan_id = empty($plan_id) ? MicroGrid::GetParameter('plan_id', false) : $plan_id;
        $payment_type = empty($payment_type) ? MicroGrid::GetParameter('payment_type', false) : $payment_type;
        $currency = empty($currency) ? MicroGrid::GetParameter('currency', false) : $currency;
        $output = '';
        // retrieve module parameters
        $paypal_email = ModulesSettings::Get('payments', 'paypal_email');
        $collect_credit_card = ModulesSettings::Get('payments', 'online_collect_credit_card');
        $two_checkout_vendor = ModulesSettings::Get('payments', 'two_checkout_vendor');
        $authorize_login_id = ModulesSettings::Get('payments', 'authorize_login_id');
        $authorize_transaction_key = ModulesSettings::Get('payments', 'authorize_transaction_key');
        $mode = ModulesSettings::Get('payments', 'mode');
        $vat_value = ModulesSettings::Get('payments', 'vat_value');
        // retrieve credit card info
        $cc_type = isset($_REQUEST['cc_type']) ? prepare_input($_REQUEST['cc_type']) : '';
        $cc_holder_name = isset($_POST['cc_holder_name']) ? prepare_input($_POST['cc_holder_name']) : '';
        $cc_number = isset($_POST['cc_number']) ? prepare_input($_POST['cc_number']) : "";
        $cc_expires_month = isset($_POST['cc_expires_month']) ? prepare_input($_POST['cc_expires_month']) : "1";
        $cc_expires_year = isset($_POST['cc_expires_year']) ? prepare_input($_POST['cc_expires_year']) : date("Y");
        $cc_cvv_code = isset($_POST['cc_cvv_code']) ? prepare_input($_POST['cc_cvv_code']) : "";
        // prepare datetime format
        $field_date_format = get_datetime_format();
        $currency_format = get_currency_format();
        $arr_durations = self::PrepareDurationsArray();
        // prepare clients info
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' WHERE id = ' . (int) $objLogin->GetLoggedID();
        $result = database_query($sql, DATA_AND_ROWS, FIRST_ROW_ONLY);
        $client_info = array();
        $client_info['first_name'] = isset($result[0]['first_name']) ? $result[0]['first_name'] : '';
        $client_info['last_name'] = isset($result[0]['last_name']) ? $result[0]['last_name'] : '';
        $client_info['address1'] = isset($result[0]['b_address']) ? $result[0]['b_address'] : '';
        $client_info['address2'] = isset($result[0]['b_address2']) ? $result[0]['b_address2'] : '';
        $client_info['city'] = isset($result[0]['b_city']) ? $result[0]['b_city'] : '';
        $client_info['state'] = isset($result[0]['b_state']) ? $result[0]['b_state'] : '';
        $client_info['zip'] = isset($result[0]['b_zipcode']) ? $result[0]['b_zipcode'] : '';
        $client_info['country'] = isset($result[0]['b_country']) ? $result[0]['b_country'] : '';
        $client_info['email'] = isset($result[0]['email']) ? $result[0]['email'] : '';
        $client_info['company'] = isset($result[0]['company']) ? $result[0]['company'] : '';
        $client_info['phone'] = isset($result[0]['phone']) ? $result[0]['phone'] : '';
        $client_info['fax'] = isset($result[0]['fax']) ? $result[0]['fax'] : '';
        if ($cc_holder_name == '') {
            if ($objLogin->IsLoggedIn()) {
                $cc_holder_name = $objLogin->GetLoggedFirstName() . ' ' . $objLogin->GetLoggedLastName();
            } else {
                $cc_holder_name = $client_info['first_name'] . ' ' . $client_info['last_name'];
        // get order number
        $sql = 'SELECT id, order_number FROM ' . TABLE_ORDERS . ' WHERE customer_id = ' . (int) $objLogin->GetLoggedID() . ' AND status = 0 ORDER BY id DESC';
        $result = database_query($sql, DATA_AND_ROWS, FIRST_ROW_ONLY);
        if ($result[1] > 0) {
            $order_number = $result[0]['order_number'];
        } else {
            $order_number = strtoupper(get_random_string(10));
        $additional_info = '';
        $cart_total_wo_vat = 0;
        $vat_cost = 0;
        $cart_total = 0;
        $sql = 'SELECT
					LEFT OUTER JOIN ' . TABLE_ADVERTISE_PLANS_DESCRIPTION . ' apd ON ap.id = apd.advertise_plan_id AND apd.language_id = \'' . Application::Get('lang') . '\'
				WHERE ap.id = ' . (int) $plan_id;
        $result = database_query($sql, DATA_AND_ROWS, FIRST_ROW_ONLY);
        $fisrt_part = '<table border="0" width="97%" align="center">
			<tr><td colspan="3"><h4>' . _ORDER_DESCRIPTION . '</h4></td></tr>
			<tr><td width="20%">' . _ORDER_DATE . ' </td><td width="2%"> : </td><td> ' . format_datetime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $field_date_format) . '</td></tr>';
        if ($result[1] > 0) {
            if ($result[0]['price'] == 0) {
                $payment_type = 'online';
                $collect_credit_card = 'no';
            $cart_total_wo_vat = $result[0]['price'] * Application::Get('currency_rate');
            $vat_cost = $cart_total_wo_vat * ($vat_value / 100);
            $cart_total = $cart_total_wo_vat + $vat_cost;
            $duration = isset($arr_durations[$result[0]['duration']]) ? $arr_durations[$result[0]['duration']] : '';
            $fisrt_part .= '<tr><td>' . _ADVERTISE_PLAN . ' </td><td width="2%"> : </td><td> ' . $result[0]['name'] . '</td></tr>';
            $fisrt_part .= '<tr><td>' . _DURATION . ' </td><td width="2%"> : </td><td> ' . $duration . '</td></tr>';
            $fisrt_part .= '<tr><td>' . _LISTINGS . ' </td><td width="2%"> : </td><td> ' . $result[0]['listings_count'] . '</td></tr>';
            $fisrt_part .= '<tr><td>' . _PRICE . ' </td><td width="2%"> : </td><td> ' . Currencies::PriceFormat($cart_total_wo_vat) . '</td></tr>';
            $fisrt_part .= '<tr><td>' . _DESCRIPTION . ' </td><td width="2%"> : </td><td> ' . $result[0]['description'] . '</td></tr>';
        $pp_params = array('api_login' => '', 'transaction_key' => '', 'order_number' => $order_number, 'address1' => $client_info['address1'], 'address2' => $client_info['address2'], 'city' => $client_info['city'], 'zip' => $client_info['zip'], 'country' => $client_info['country'], 'state' => $client_info['state'], 'first_name' => $client_info['first_name'], 'last_name' => $client_info['last_name'], 'email' => $client_info['email'], 'company' => $client_info['company'], 'phone' => $client_info['phone'], 'fax' => $client_info['fax'], 'notify' => '', 'return' => 'index.php?page=payment_return', 'cancel_return' => 'index.php?page=payment_cancel', 'paypal_form_type' => '', 'paypal_form_fields' => '', 'paypal_form_fields_count' => '', 'collect_credit_card' => $collect_credit_card, 'cc_type' => '', 'cc_holder_name' => '', 'cc_number' => '', 'cc_cvv_code' => '', 'cc_expires_month' => '', 'cc_expires_year' => '', 'currency_code' => Application::Get('currency_code'), 'additional_info' => $additional_info, 'discount_value' => '', 'extras_param' => '', 'extras_sub_total' => '', 'vat_cost' => $vat_cost, 'cart_total' => number_format((double) $cart_total, (int) Application::Get('currency_decimals'), '.', ','), 'is_prepayment' => false, 'pre_payment_type' => '', 'pre_payment_value' => 0);
        $fisrt_part .= '
			<tr><td colspan="3" nowrap="nowrap" height="10px"></td></tr>
			<tr><td colspan="3"><h4>' . _TOTAL . '</h4></td></tr>
			<tr><td>' . _SUBTOTAL . ' </td><td> : </td><td> ' . Currencies::PriceFormat($cart_total_wo_vat, '', '', $currency_format) . '</td></tr>';
        $fisrt_part .= '<tr><td>' . _VAT . ' (' . $vat_value . '%) </td><td> : </td><td> ' . Currencies::PriceFormat($vat_cost, '', '', $currency_format) . '</td></tr>';
        $fisrt_part .= '<tr><td>' . _PAYMENT_SUM . ' </td><td> : </td><td> <b>' . Currencies::PriceFormat($cart_total, '', '', $currency_format) . '</b></td></tr>';
        $fisrt_part .= '<tr><td colspan="3" nowrap="nowrap" height="0px"></td></tr>';
        $fisrt_part .= '<tr><td colspan="3">';
        //if($additional_info != ''){
        //	$fisrt_part .= '<tr><td colspan="3" nowrap height="10px"></td></tr>';
        //	$fisrt_part .= '<tr><td colspan="3"><h4>'._ADDITIONAL_INFO.'</h4>'.$additional_info.'</td></tr>';
        $second_part = '
		</table><br />';
        if ($payment_type == 'online') {
            $output .= $fisrt_part;
            $pp_params['credit_card_required'] = $collect_credit_card;
            $pp_params['cc_type'] = $cc_type;
            $pp_params['cc_holder_name'] = $cc_holder_name;
            $pp_params['cc_number'] = $cc_number;
            $pp_params['cc_cvv_code'] = $cc_cvv_code;
            $pp_params['cc_expires_month'] = $cc_expires_month;
            $pp_params['cc_expires_year'] = $cc_expires_year;
            $output .= PaymentIPN::DrawPaymentForm('online', $pp_params, $mode == 'TEST MODE' ? 'test' : 'real', false);
            $output .= $second_part;
        } else {
            if ($payment_type == 'paypal') {
                $output .= $fisrt_part;
                $pp_params['api_login'] = $paypal_email;
                $pp_params['notify'] = 'index.php?page=payment_notify_paypal';
                $pp_params['paypal_form_type'] = 'single';
                $pp_params['paypal_form_fields'] = '';
                $pp_params['paypal_form_fields_count'] = '';
                $output .= PaymentIPN::DrawPaymentForm('paypal', $pp_params, $mode == 'TEST MODE' ? 'test' : 'real', false);
                $output .= $second_part;
            } else {
                if ($payment_type == '2co') {
                    $output .= $fisrt_part;
                    $pp_params['api_login'] = $two_checkout_vendor;
                    $pp_params['notify'] = 'index.php?page=payment_notify_2co';
                    $output .= PaymentIPN::DrawPaymentForm('2co', $pp_params, $mode == 'TEST MODE' ? 'test' : 'real', false);
                    $output .= $second_part;
                } else {
                    if ($payment_type == 'authorize') {
                        $output .= $fisrt_part;
                        $pp_params['api_login'] = $authorize_login_id;
                        $pp_params['transaction_key'] = $authorize_transaction_key;
                        $pp_params['notify'] = 'index.php?page=payment_notify_autorize_net';
                        // authorize.net accepts only USD, so we need to convert the sum into USD
                        $pp_params['cart_total'] = number_format($pp_params['cart_total'] * Application::Get('currency_rate'), '2', '.', ',');
                        $output .= PaymentIPN::DrawPaymentForm('authorize.net', $pp_params, $mode == 'TEST MODE' ? 'test' : 'real', false);
                        $output .= $second_part;
        if ($draw) {
            echo $output;
        } else {
// *** Make sure the file isn't accessed directly
defined('APPHP_EXEC') or die('Restricted Access');
if (Modules::IsModuleInstalled('payments')) {
    $mode = ModulesSettings::Get('payments', 'mode');
    if (ModulesSettings::Get('payments', 'is_active') == 'yes') {
        define('LOG_MODE', false);
        define('LOG_TO_FILE', false);
        define('LOG_ON_SCREEN', false);
        define('TEST_MODE', $mode == 'TEST MODE' ? true : false);
        $log_data = '';
        $msg = '';
        $nl = "\n";
        // --- Get 2CO response
        $objPaymentIPN = new PaymentIPN($_REQUEST, '2co');
        $status = $objPaymentIPN->GetPaymentStatus();
        $payment_method = $objPaymentIPN->GetParameter('pay_method');
        $total = $objPaymentIPN->GetParameter('total');
        $transaction_number = $objPaymentIPN->GetParameter('order_number');
        $order_number = $objPaymentIPN->GetParameter('custom');
        // Payment Types   : 0 - Online Order, 1 - PayPal, 2 - 2CO, 3 - Authorize.Net
        // Payment Methods : 0 - Payment Company Account, 1 - Credit Card, 2 - E-Check
        if ($payment_method != '') {
            $payment_method = '1';
        } else {
            $payment_method = '0';
        if (TEST_MODE) {
            $status = 'approved';
// *** Make sure the file isn't accessed directly
defined('APPHP_EXEC') or die('Restricted Access');
if (Modules::IsModuleInstalled('payments')) {
    $mode = ModulesSettings::Get('payments', 'mode');
    if (ModulesSettings::Get('payments', 'is_active') == 'yes') {
        define('LOG_MODE', false);
        define('LOG_TO_FILE', false);
        define('LOG_ON_SCREEN', false);
        define('TEST_MODE', $mode == 'TEST MODE' ? true : false);
        $log_data = '';
        $msg = '';
        $nl = "\n";
        // --- Get Authorize.Net response
        $objPaymentIPN = new PaymentIPN($_REQUEST, 'authorize.net');
        $status = $objPaymentIPN->GetPaymentStatus();
        $order_number = $objPaymentIPN->GetParameter('custom');
        $transaction_number = $objPaymentIPN->GetParameter('x_trans_id');
        $x_method = $objPaymentIPN->GetParameter('x_method');
        $total = $objPaymentIPN->GetParameter('x_amount');
        $reason_text = $objPaymentIPN->GetParameter('x_response_reason_text');
        // Payment Types   : 0 - Online Order, 1 - PayPal, 2 - 2CO, 3 - Authorize.Net
        // Payment Methods : 0 - Payment Company Account, 1 - Credit Card, 2 - E-Check
        if (strtolower($x_method) == '1' || strtolower($x_method) == 'cc') {
            $payment_method = '1';
        } else {
            $payment_method = '2';
        if (TEST_MODE) {
            $status = '1';