<?php kekezu::admin_check_role(138); $unit = array('times' => $_lang['times'], 'month' => $_lang['month'], 'year' => $_lang['year'], 'day' => $_lang['day']); $payitem_arr = PayitemClass::getPayitemConfig(0, null); $url = "index.php?do={$do}&view={$view}"; $kekezu->_cache_obj->gc(); if ($item_id) { switch ($op) { case 'close': $res = PayitemClass::editPayitem($item_id, array('is_open' => '2')); kekezu::admin_system_log($_lang['close'] . $payitem_name); $res and kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['payitem_close_success'], $url, 3, '', 'success') or kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['payitem_close_fail'], $url, 3, '', 'warning'); case 'open': $res = PayitemClass::editPayitem($item_id, array('is_open' => '1')); kekezu::admin_system_log($_lang['open'] . $payitem_name); $res and kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['payitem_open_success'], $url, 3, '', 'success') or kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['payitem_open_fail'], $url, 3, '', 'warning'); break; } } require $template_obj->template(ADMIN_DIRECTORY . '/tpl/admin_payitem_' . $view);
$i = intval($i); $pd = intval($pd); $strUrl = "index.php?do=goodslist"; $m and $strUrl .= "&m=" . intval($m); $intPage and $strUrl .= "&intPage=" . intval($intPage); $i and $strUrl .= "&i=" . intval($i); $pd and $strUrl .= "&pd=" . intval($pd); $o and $strUrl .= "&o=" . strval($o); $p and $strUrl .= "&p=" . intval($p); $ky and $strUrl .= "&ky=" . $ky; $arrCashCoves = TaskClass::getTaskCashCove(); $pd and $arrIndusPInfo = kekezu::get_indus_info($pd); $i and $arrIndusInfo = kekezu::get_indus_info($i); $arrCityInfo = CommonClass::getDistrictById($p); $arrDisplaypro = CommonClass::getDistrictByPid('0', 'id,upid,name'); $arrItemConfig = PayitemClass::getPayitemConfig(null, null, null, 'item_id'); $arrIndusP = $kekezu->_indus_goods_arr; $arrIndusC = $kekezu->get_classify_indus('shop', 'child'); if (is_array($arrIndusC)) { $arrNewIndusC = array(); foreach ($arrIndusC as $k => $v) { $arrNewIndusC[$v['indus_pid']][] = $v; } } if (isset($ky)) { $ky = htmlspecialchars($ky); $ky = kekezu::escape($ky); $arrHwStatus = db_factory::query("select v from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_basic_config where k='hot_words_status'"); $arrUpdateStatus = db_factory::query("select v from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_basic_config where k='update_status'"); $arrSearch = db_factory::query("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_hotwords where words = '{$ky}'"); if ($arrHwStatus[0]['v'] == 'open') {
<?php defined('ADMIN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied'); $payitem = PayitemClass::getPayitemConfig($item_code, 0); if ($sbt_edit) { $payitem_obj = keke_table_class::get_instance("witkey_payitem"); $res = $payitem_obj->save($fds, $pk); kekezu::admin_system_log($_lang['edit'] . $payitem['item_name']); kekezu::admin_show_msg($payitem['item_name'] . $_lang['edit_success'], $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "3", '', 'success'); } else { $model_list = $kekezu->_model_list; } $kekezu->_cache_obj->gc(); require keke_tpl_class::template(ADMIN_DIRECTORY . "/tpl/admin_payitem_edit"); function get_fid($path) { if (!path) { return false; } $querystring = substr(strstr($path, '?'), 1); parse_str($querystring, $query); return $query['fid']; }