function receipt_page($order_id) { $order = new WC_Order($order_id); WC()->session->ppp_order_id = $order_id; $PaymentData = AngellEYE_Gateway_Paypal::calculate($order, true); $payment = new Payment(); $payment->setId(WC()->session->paymentId); $patchReplace = new \PayPal\Api\Patch(); $patchReplace->setOp('replace')->setPath('/transactions/0/amount')->setValue(json_decode('{ "total": "' . number_format($order->get_total(), 2, '.', '') . '", "currency": "' . get_woocommerce_currency() . '", "details": { "subtotal": "' . $PaymentData['itemamt'] . '", "shipping": "' . $PaymentData['shippingamt'] . '", "tax":"' . $PaymentData['taxamt'] . '" } }')); $patchRequest = new \PayPal\Api\PatchRequest(); if ($order->needs_shipping_address() && !empty($order->shipping_country)) { //add shipping info $patchAdd = new \PayPal\Api\Patch(); $patchAdd->setOp('add')->setPath('/transactions/0/item_list/shipping_address')->setValue(json_decode('{ "recipient_name": "' . $order->shipping_first_name . ' ' . $order->shipping_last_name . '", "line1": "' . $order->shipping_address_1 . '", "city": "' . $order->shipping_city . '", "state": "' . $order->shipping_state . '", "postal_code": "' . $order->shipping_postcode . '", "country_code": "' . $order->shipping_country . '" }')); $patchRequest->setPatches(array($patchAdd, $patchReplace)); } else { $patchRequest->setPatches(array($patchReplace)); } try { $result = $payment->update($patchRequest, $this->getAuth()); $this->add_log(print_r($payment, true)); if ($result == true) { } ?> <script src=""type="text/javascript"></script> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery.blockUI({ message: "<?php echo esc_js(__('Thank you for your order. We are now redirecting you to PayPal to make payment.', 'paypal-for-woocommerce')); ?> ", baseZ: 99999, overlayCSS: { background: "#fff", opacity: 0.6 }, css: { padding: "20px", zindex: "9999999", textAlign: "center", color: "#555", border: "3px solid #aaa", backgroundColor:"#fff", cursor: "wait", lineHeight: "24px" } }); PAYPAL.apps.PPP.doCheckout(); }); </script> <?php } catch (PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $ex) { wc_add_notice(__("Error processing checkout. Please try again. ", 'woocommerce'), 'error'); $this->add_log($ex->getData()); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->add_log($ex->getMessage()); // Prints the Error Code wc_add_notice(__("Error processing checkout. Please try again.", 'woocommerce'), 'error'); } }
$id = $card->getId(); use PayPal\Api\CreditCard; use PayPal\Api\Patch; // ### Patch Object // You could update a credit card by sending patch requests. Each path object would have a specific detail in the object to be updated. $pathOperation = new Patch(); $pathOperation->setOp("replace")->setPath('/expire_month')->setValue("12"); // ### Another Patch Object // You could set more than one patch while updating a credit card. $pathOperation2 = new Patch(); $pathOperation2->setOp('add')->setPath('/billing_address')->setValue(json_decode('{ "line1": "111 First Street", "city": "Saratoga", "country_code": "US", "state": "CA", "postal_code": "95070" }')); $pathRequest = new \PayPal\Api\PatchRequest(); $pathRequest->addPatch($pathOperation)->addPatch($pathOperation2); /// ### Update Credit Card // (See bootstrap.php for more on `ApiContext`) try { $card = $card->update($pathRequest, $apiContext); } catch (Exception $ex) { // NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT USE RESULTPRINTER CLASS IN YOUR ORIGINAL CODE. FOR SAMPLE ONLY ResultPrinter::printError("Updated Credit Card", "Credit Card", $card->getId(), $pathRequest, $ex); exit(1); } // NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT USE RESULTPRINTER CLASS IN YOUR ORIGINAL CODE. FOR SAMPLE ONLY ResultPrinter::printResult("Updated Credit Card", "Credit Card", $card->getId(), $pathRequest, $card); return $card;
"details": { "subtotal": "17.50", "shipping": "6.20", "tax":"1.30" } }')); $patchAdd = new \PayPal\Api\Patch(); $patchAdd->setOp('add')->setPath('/transactions/0/item_list/shipping_address')->setValue(json_decode('{ "recipient_name": "Gruneberg, Anna", "line1": "52 N Main St", "city": "San Jose", "state": "CA", "postal_code": "95112", "country_code": "US" }')); $patchRequest = new \PayPal\Api\PatchRequest(); $patchRequest->setPatches(array($patchReplace, $patchAdd)); // ### Update payment // Update payment object by calling the // static `update` method // on the Payment class by passing a valid // Payment ID // (See bootstrap.php for more on `ApiContext`) try { $result = $createdPayment->update($patchRequest, $apiContext); } catch (Exception $ex) { ResultPrinter::printError("Update Payment", "PatchRequest", null, $patchRequest, $ex); exit(1); } ResultPrinter::printResult("Update Payment", "PatchRequest", $payment->getId(), $patchRequest, null); // ### Getting Updated Payment Object
// [ // { // "op":"replace", // "path":"/url", // "value":"" // }, // { // "op":"replace", // "path":"/event_types", // "value":[ // { // "name":"PAYMENT.SALE.REFUNDED" // } // ] // } // ] $patch = new \PayPal\Api\Patch(); $patch->setOp("replace")->setPath("/url")->setValue("" . uniqid()); $patch2 = new \PayPal\Api\Patch(); $patch2->setOp("replace")->setPath("/event_types")->setValue(json_decode('[{"name":"PAYMENT.SALE.REFUNDED"}]')); $patchRequest = new \PayPal\Api\PatchRequest(); $patchRequest->addPatch($patch)->addPatch($patch2); // ### Get Webhook try { $output = $webhook->update($patchRequest, $apiContext); } catch (Exception $ex) { ResultPrinter::printError("Updated a Webhook", "Webhook", null, $patchRequest, $ex); exit(1); } ResultPrinter::printResult("Updated a Webhook", "Webhook", $output->getId(), $patchRequest, $output); return $output;