<?php $existing_accounts = dbOne('select count(id) as ids from user_accounts', 'ids'); if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == __('remind')) { $email = $_REQUEST['email']; if (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $u = dbRow("SELECT * FROM user_accounts WHERE email='{$email}'"); if (count($u)) { $passwd = Password::getNew(); dbQuery("UPDATE user_accounts SET password=md5('{$passwd}') WHERE email='{$email}'"); mail($email, '[' . $sitedomain . '] admin password reset', 'Your new password is "' . $passwd . '". Please log into the admin area and change it to something else.', "Reply-to: {$email}\nFrom: {$email}"); } } } if (!$existing_accounts && isset($_REQUEST['email']) && isset($_REQUEST['password'])) { $email = $_REQUEST['email']; $password = md5($_REQUEST['password']); if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $message = __('Please make sure to use a valid email address'); } else { dbQuery('insert into user_accounts set id=1,email="' . addslashes($email) . '",' . 'name="Administrator",password="******",active=1,parent=0,' . 'date_created=now()'); dbQuery("insert into groups values(1,'administrators',0)"); dbQuery("insert into users_groups values(1,1)"); $message = 'User account created. Please login now (press F5 and choose ' . 'to resubmit the login data)'; } } ?> <html> <head> <title><?php echo __('Login');
/** * function for displaying the registration/reminder/login forms * * @return string HTML of the forms */ function Privacy_controller() { // { variables $action = @$_REQUEST['action']; $c = ''; global $loggedin, $sitedomain, $DBVARS, $PAGEDATA; // } if (@$_GET['hash'] && $_GET['email']) { $r = dbRow("select * from user_accounts where email='" . addslashes($_GET['email']) . "' and verification_hash='" . addslashes($_GET['hash']) . "'"); if (!count($r)) { die('that hash and email combination does not exist'); } dbQuery("update user_accounts set verification_hash='',active=1 where ema" . "il='" . addslashes($_GET['email']) . "' and verification_hash='" . addslashes($_GET['hash']) . "'"); Core_mail($_GET['email'], '[' . $sitedomain . '] user verified', "Thank you,<br/><br/>your user account with us has now been verified. You" . " can login now using your email address and password.", "noreply@{$sitedomain}"); return '<p>Thank you for registering.</p><p>Your account has now been' . ' verified.</p><p>Please <a href="/_r?type=privacy">click here</a>' . ' to login.</p>'; $action = 'Login'; $_REQUEST['email'] = $_GET['email']; $_REQUEST['password'] = $password; } if ($action == 'Login' || $loggedin) { // { variables if ($loggedin) { $email = $_SESSION['userdata']['email']; $password = $_SESSION['userdata']['password']; } else { $email = $_REQUEST['email']; $password = $_REQUEST['password']; } // } $sql = 'select * from user_accounts where email="' . $email . '" and password=md5("' . $password . '") limit 1'; $r = dbRow($sql); if ($r) { // { update session variables $loggedin = 1; $r['password'] = $password; $_SESSION['userdata'] = $r; // } $n = $_SESSION['userdata']['name']; dbQuery('update user_accounts set last_view=now() where id=' . $r['id']); if ($action == 'Login') { $redirect_url = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['login_referer']) && strpos($_REQUEST['login_referer'], '/') === 0) { $redirect_url = $_REQUEST['login_referer']; } else { if (@$PAGEDATA->vars['userlogin_redirect_to']) { $p = Page::getInstance($PAGEDATA->vars['userlogin_redirect_to']); $redirect_url = $p->getRelativeUrl(); } } dbQuery('update user_accounts set last_login=now() where id=' . $r['id']); if ($redirect_url != '') { redirect($redirect_url); } } return Privacy_profileGet(); } else { unset($_SESSION['userdata']); } } if ($c == '') { $c = $PAGEDATA->render(); } if ($action == 'Remind') { // { variables $email = @$_REQUEST['email']; // } $r = dbOne('select id from user_accounts where email="' . $email . '"', 'id'); if ($r) { $p = Password::getNew(); Core_mail($email, '[' . $sitedomain . '] user password changed', "Your new password:<br/><br/>" . $p, "noreply@{$sitedomain}"); dbQuery('update user_accounts set password=md5("' . $p . '") where email="' . $email . '"'); $c .= '<script defer="defer">$(function(){$("<strong>Please' . ' check your email for your new password.</strong>")' . '.dialog({modal:true,height:100,width:150});});</script>'; } else { $c .= '<script>$(function(){$("<strong>No user account with that email ' . 'address exists.</strong>").dialog({modal:true,height:100,width:15' . '0});});</script>'; } } if (!isset($PAGEDATA->vars['userlogin_visibility']) || !$PAGEDATA->vars['userlogin_visibility']) { $PAGEDATA->vars['userlogin_visibility'] = 3; } if (!$loggedin) { // show login and registration box $c .= '<div class="tabs"><ul>'; // { menu if ($PAGEDATA->vars['userlogin_visibility'] & 1) { $c .= '<li><a href="#Privacy_controllerLoginBox">' . __('Login', 'core') . '</a></li>' . '<li><a href="#userPasswordReminder">' . __('Password reminder', 'core') . '</a></li>'; } if ($PAGEDATA->vars['userlogin_visibility'] & 2) { $c .= '<li><a href="#userregistration">' . __('Register', 'core') . '</a></li>'; } // } $c .= '</ul>'; // { tabs if ($PAGEDATA->vars['userlogin_visibility'] & 1) { $c .= Privacy_loginForm() . Privacy_passwordReminderForm(); } if ($PAGEDATA->vars['userlogin_visibility'] & 2) { $c .= Privacy_registrationController(); } // } $c .= '</div>'; } return $c; }