function execute($subpage) { global $wgRequest, $wgParser, $wgOut; $this->setHeaders(); $this->isNewParser = is_callable(array($wgParser, 'preprocessToDom')); $titleStr = $wgRequest->getText('contexttitle'); $title = Title::newFromText($titleStr); $selfTitle = $this->getTitle(); if (!$title) { $title = $selfTitle; } $input = $wgRequest->getText('input'); $this->generateXML = $this->isNewParser ? $wgRequest->getBool('generate_xml') : false; if (strlen($input)) { $this->removeComments = $wgRequest->getBool('removecomments', false); $this->removeNowiki = $wgRequest->getBool('removenowiki', false); $options = new ParserOptions(); $options->setRemoveComments($this->removeComments); $options->setTidy(true); $options->setMaxIncludeSize(self::MAX_INCLUDE_SIZE); if ($this->generateXML) { $wgParser->startExternalParse($title, $options, OT_PREPROCESS); $dom = $wgParser->preprocessToDom($input); if (is_callable(array($dom, 'saveXML'))) { $xml = $dom->saveXML(); } else { $xml = $dom->__toString(); } } $output = $wgParser->preprocess($input, $title, $options); } else { $this->removeComments = $wgRequest->getBool('removecomments', true); $this->removeNowiki = $wgRequest->getBool('removenowiki', false); $output = false; } $wgOut->addWikiText(wfMsg('expand_templates_intro')); $wgOut->addHTML($this->makeForm($titleStr, $input)); if ($output !== false) { global $wgUseTidy, $wgAlwaysUseTidy; if ($this->generateXML) { $wgOut->addHTML($this->makeOutput($xml, 'expand_templates_xml_output')); } $tmp = $this->makeOutput($output); if ($this->removeNowiki) { $tmp = preg_replace(array('_<nowiki>_', '_</nowiki>_', '_<nowiki */>_'), '', $tmp); } if ($wgUseTidy && $options->getTidy() || $wgAlwaysUseTidy) { $tmp = MWTidy::tidy($tmp); } $wgOut->addHTML($tmp); $this->showHtmlPreview($title, $output, $wgOut); } }
function WidgetWikiPage($id, $params) { global $wgTitle, $wgParser; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); if (!is_object($wgTitle)) { $wgTitle = new Title(); } // clean up inputs $params['source'] = trim($params['source']); $params['name'] = trim($params['name']); //stopgap for 67038 $source = Title::newFromText($params['source']); if (is_object($source) && !$source->userCan('read')) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return array('body' => '', 'title' => $params['name']); } // // parse message and clean it up // // fixes #2774 if (isset($params['_widgetTag'])) { // work-around for WidgetTag $parser = new Parser(); } else { $parser =& $wgParser; } $options = new ParserOptions(); $options->setMaxIncludeSize(2048); if (empty($params['source'])) { // blank source pagename, use default message $ret = $parser->parse(wfMsg('widgetwikipage', $params['source']), $wgTitle, $options)->getText(); } else { // has a source value // get contents $article = WidgetFramework::getArticle($params['source']); if ($article == false) { // failed to get text, show error message, failed pagename is in $1 $ret = $parser->parse('<span class="widget-error-wikipage-missing">' . wfMsg('widgetwikipagemissing', $params['source']) . '</span>', $wgTitle, $options)->getText(); // TODO: change title if page missing? } else { // got text, parse it! $ret = $parser->parse($article, $wgTitle, $options)->getText(); } } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return array('body' => $ret, 'title' => $params['name']); }
function WidgetShoutBox($id, $params) { global $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgRequest, $wgSitename, $wgLang, $wgEnableWidgetShoutbox; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); // check if widget is enabled for this wiki and quit early if not if (isset($wgEnableWidgetShoutbox) && !$wgEnableWidgetShoutbox) { return wfMsg('widget-shoutbox-disabled'); } // maybe user is trying to add a message to chat if ($wgRequest->getVal('message') && $wgRequest->getVal('rs') == 'WidgetFrameworkAjax') { $showChat = WidgetShoutBoxAddMessage($wgRequest->getVal('message')); } elseif ($wgRequest->getVal('msgid') && $wgRequest->getVal('rs') == 'WidgetFrameworkAjax') { //remove a message WidgetShoutBoxRemoveMessage($wgRequest->getVal('msgid')); } $ret = ''; // should we show "chat" part of widget? $showChat = isset($showChat) || isset($_COOKIE[$id . '_showChat']) && intval($_COOKIE[$id . '_showChat']) == 1; $online = WidgetShoutBoxGetOnline(); //WhosOnline is turned on if (is_array($online)) { // generate HTML for "who's online" part of widget $ret .= '<div id="' . $id . '_online"' . ($showChat ? ' style="display:none"' : '') . '>'; $ret .= '<h5>' . wfMsg('monaco-whos-online') . ' (<a onclick="WidgetShoutboxTabToogle(\'' . $id . '\', 0)" style="cursor: pointer">chat! »</a>)</h5>' . '<p style="margin:8px 0">Guests: ' . $online['anons'] . ' <span style="margin-left: 10px">Users: ' . $online['users'] . '</span></p>'; $list = array(); foreach ($online['whosonline'] as $user) { $url = Title::newFromText($user['user'], NS_USER); $list[] = array('href' => $url->getLocalURL(), 'name' => $user['user']); } $more = Title::newFromText('WhosOnline', NS_SPECIAL); $ret .= WidgetFramework::wrapLinks($list) . WidgetFramework::moreLink($more->getLocalURL()); unset($list, $more); $ret .= '</div>'; } else { // fallback when WhosOnline is turned off $showChat = true; } // generate HTML for "chat" part of widget $ret .= '<div id="' . $id . '_chat" class="WidgetShoutBoxChat"' . (!$showChat ? ' style="display:none"' : '') . '>'; #temp disable header. (remove hardcoded 'Chat' text + WhosOnline has been disabled forever, and not coming back?) #$ret .= '<h5>Chat' . ($online !== false ? ' (<a onclick="WidgetShoutboxTabToogle(\''.$id.'\', 1)" style="cursor: pointer">'. # wfMsg('monaco-whos-online').'? »</a>)' : '') . '</h5>'; $msgs = WidgetShoutBoxGetMessages(); // date limiter - dates after that timestamp will be outputed in HH:mm (9:38) format, before in d M (8 Sep) $midnight = strtotime('today 00:00'); // time offset (set by user in his preferences) $time_offset = $wgUser->getOption('timecorrection') ? (int) $wgUser->getOption('timecorrection') * 3600 : 0; $count = 0; // limit amount of messages $limit = intval($params['limit']); $limit = $limit <= 0 || $limit > 50 ? 15 : $limit; $msgs = array_slice($msgs, 0, $limit); // last message author $last_msg_author = ''; $last_msg_time = 0; $ret .= '<ul>'; $id = intval(substr($id, 7)); if (count($msgs) == 0) { $ret .= '<li><' . htmlspecialchars($wgSitename) . '> ' . wfMsg('wt_shoutbox_initial_message') . '</li>'; } else { // create parser instance $options = new ParserOptions(); $options->setMaxIncludeSize(100); // refs #1939 $parser = new Parser(); // display messages foreach (array_reverse($msgs) as $msg) { // trim message $msg['message'] = trim($msg['message']); // include offset in timestamp $msg['time'] += $time_offset; //add remove link for privlidged users $removeLink = ''; if (!isset($params['_widgetTag']) && $wgUser->isAllowed('shoutboxremove')) { $removeLink = '<a href="#" onclick="WidgetShoutBoxRemoveMsg(' . $id . ', ' . $msg['id'] . '); return false;">x</a> '; } // time //adjust user's timezone $msg['time'] = intval($wgLang->sprintfDate('U', $wgLang->userAdjust(wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $msg['time'])))); $ret .= '<li' . ($count++ % 2 ? ' class="msgOdd"' : '') . '>' . $removeLink . htmlspecialchars('[' . date($msg['time'] < $midnight ? 'j M' : 'G:i', $msg['time']) . ']') . ' '; // user page link $userPage = Title::newFromText($msg['user'], NS_USER); $userLink = '<a href="' . $userPage->getLocalURL() . '">' . htmlspecialchars($msg['user']) . '</a>'; // interprete IRC-like command (e.g. /me is going away for a while) // // @see // if (substr($msg['message'], 0, 1) == '/') { $cmd = substr($msg['message'], 1, strpos($msg['message'], ' ') - 1); $msg['message'] = substr($msg['message'], 2 + strlen($cmd)); } else { $cmd = ''; } // parse message $parsedMsg = $parser->parse($msg['message'], $wgTitle, $options)->getText(); // remove unwanted HTML tags $parsedMsg = strip_tags($parsedMsg, '<i><b><a>'); // remove wrapping <p></p> tags $parsedMsg = trim(str_replace(array('<p>', '</p>'), '', $parsedMsg)); // interpret irc-like command switch ($cmd) { case 'me': // macbre: that's the only one that might me useful for us - ideas? $ret .= '<strong>* ' . $userLink . ' <span class="shoutBoxMsg">' . $parsedMsg . '</span></strong>'; $last_msg_author = ''; $last_msg_time = 0; break; default: // repeating authors folding (Skype a'like ;) $ret .= ($last_msg_author == $msg['user'] && $msg['time'] - $last_msg_time < 1200 ? '<strong>...</strong> ' : '<' . $userLink . '> ') . '<span class="shoutBoxMsg">' . $parsedMsg . '</span>'; $last_msg_author = $msg['user']; $last_msg_time = $msg['time']; } // close message $ret .= '</li>'; } } $ret .= '</ul>'; // show form only for non-blocked and logged in users if ($wgUser->isLoggedIn() && !$wgUser->isBlocked() && !isset($params['_widgetTag'])) { $ret .= '<form onsubmit="WidgetShoutBoxSend(' . $id . '); return false;" action="">' . "\n"; $ret .= '<input type="text" name="message" autocomplete="off" id="widget_' . $id . '_message" maxlength="100" />' . "\n"; $ret .= '<input type="submit" value="' . wfMsg('send') . '" />' . "\n"; $ret .= '</form>'; } $ret .= '</div>'; // close chat div wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $ret; }