Пример #1
 function indexAction()
     $ParamsArray = $this->_request->getParams();
     $Pages = new PagesIndex();
     $Select = $Pages->select()->setIntegrityCheck(false)->from('PagesIndex')->join('Languages', 'Languages.L_ID = PagesIndex.PI_LanguageID')->join('Pages', 'Pages.P_ID = PagesIndex.PI_PageID')->join('Page_Themes', 'Page_Themes.PT_ID = Pages.P_ThemeID')->join('Views', 'Views.V_ID = Pages.P_ViewID')->where('Pages.P_Home = ?', 1)->where('PagesIndex.PI_LanguageID = ?', $this->_config->defaultInterfaceLanguage)->limit(1);
     $Row = $Pages->fetchRow($Select);
     // if the controller is found in the database
     if (count($Row) == 1) {
         // call page controller to display blocks
         $this->_helper->actionStack('index', 'page', 'default', array('Row' => $Row, 'Param' => $ParamsArray));
Пример #2
 public static function getPageDetails($PageID, $langId = null)
     $langId = is_null($langId) ? Zend_Registry::get('currentEditLanguage') : $langId;
     $Pages = new PagesIndex();
     $Select = $Pages->select()->setIntegrityCheck(false)->from('Pages')->joinLeft('PagesIndex', 'Pages.P_ID = PagesIndex.PI_PageID')->joinLeft('Views', 'Pages.P_ViewID = Views.V_ID')->where('PagesIndex.PI_LanguageID = ?', $langId)->where('PagesIndex.PI_PageID= ?', $PageID);
     $row = $Pages->fetchRow($Select);
     if (empty($row)) {
         $Pages = new Pages();
         $Select = $Pages->select()->where('P_ID = ?', $PageID);
         $row = $Pages->fetchRow($Select);
     return $row;
Пример #3
 function indexAction()
     // retrieve the ID of the requested page
     $pageID = $this->view->pageID = $this->_getParam('ID');
     $pageDetails = new PagesIndex();
     $pageDetailsSelect = $pageDetails->select();
     $pageDetailsSelect->where('PI_PageID = ?', $pageID)->where('PI_LanguageID = ?', $this->_defaultEditLanguage);
     $pageDetailsData = $pageDetails->fetchRow($pageDetailsSelect)->toArray();
     $this->view->assign("pageTitle", $pageDetailsData["PI_PageTitle"]);
     $authData = $this->view->user;
     $authID = $authData['EU_ID'];
     if (Cible_FunctionsAdministrators::checkAdministratorPageAccess($authID, $pageID, "data")) {
         $authData = $this->view->user;
         $authID = $authData['EU_ID'];
         if (Cible_FunctionsAdministrators::checkAdministratorPageAccess($authID, $pageID, "structure")) {
             $this->view->assign('hasAccessToStructure', true);
         // Retrieve the page view layout
         $page = new Pages();
         $page_select = $page->select()->setIntegrityCheck(false);
         $page_select->from('Pages')->join('Views', 'Pages.P_ViewID = Views.V_ID')->where('P_ID = ?', $pageID);
         $page_info = Cible_FunctionsPages::getPageViewDetails($pageID);
         $template_file = 'index/' . $page_info['V_Path'];
         $_zone_count = $page_info['V_ZoneCount'];
         // make a request to get all the blocks to be displayed
         $blocks = new Blocks();
         $select = $blocks->select()->setIntegrityCheck(false);
         $select->from('Blocks')->join('Modules', 'Modules.M_ID = Blocks.B_ModuleID')->join('Pages', 'Blocks.B_PageID = P_ID')->join('BlocksIndex', 'Blocks.B_ID = BlocksIndex.BI_BlockID')->where('Blocks.B_PageID = ?', $pageID)->where('BlocksIndex.BI_LanguageID = ?', Zend_Registry::get('languageID'))->order('Blocks.B_Position ASC');
         //Send the results to the view
         $rows = $blocks->fetchAll($select);
         $_blocks = array();
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             // create the placeholder object if not already defined
             if (!isset($_blocks[$row['B_ZoneID']])) {
                 $_blocks[$row['B_ZoneID']] = array();
             $_blocks[$row['B_ZoneID']][] = $row->toArray();
         $this->view->assign('template_file', $template_file);
         $this->view->assign('zone_count', $_zone_count);
         $this->view->assign('blocks', $_blocks);
         // Load the modules in the view
         $Modules = new Modules();
         $modules = $Modules->fetchAll();
         $this->view->assign('modules', $modules->toArray());
     } else {
         $this->view->assign('template_file', "");
         $this->view->assign('error_message_permission', $this->view->getCibleText('error_message_permission'));
Пример #4
 function deleteAction()
     $this->view->title = "Supprimer une page";
     // retrieve the ID of the parent page
     $PageID = $this->_getParam('ID');
     if (Cible_ACL::hasAccess($PageID)) {
         // generates tree by Language and send the result to the view
         Zend_Registry::set('baseUrl', $this->view->baseUrl());
         $this->view->TreeView = $this->view->getTreeView();
         if ($this->_request->isPost()) {
             //$PageID = (int)$this->_request->getPost('PageID');
             // if is set delete, then delete
             $delete = isset($_POST['delete']);
             if ($delete && $PageID > 0) {
                 $pageSelect = new PagesIndex();
                 $select = $pageSelect->select()->where('PI_PageID = ?', $PageID);
                 $pageData = $pageSelect->fetchAll($select)->toArray();
                 foreach ($pageData as $page) {
                     $indexData['moduleID'] = 0;
                     $indexData['contentID'] = $PageID;
                     $indexData['languageID'] = $page['PI_LanguageID'];
                     $indexData['action'] = 'delete';
                 $Page = new Pages();
                 $Where = 'P_ID = ' . $PageID;
                 $PageIndex = new PagesIndex();
                 $Where = 'PI_PageID = ' . $PageID;
                 if (!$this->_request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
             } else {
                 if (!$this->_isXmlHttpRequest) {
                     $this->_redirect('/page/edit/ID/' . $PageID);
         } else {
             if ($PageID > 0) {
                 $Page = new Pages();
                 $this->view->page = $Page->fetchRow('P_ID=' . $PageID);
                 $PageIndex = new PagesIndex();
                 $Select = $PageIndex->select()->where("PI_PageID = ?", $PageID)->where("PI_LanguageID = ?", $this->_defaultEditLanguage);
                 $this->view->pageindex = $PageIndex->fetchRow($Select);
Пример #5
    public function errorAction()
        $errors = $this->_getParam('error_handler');
        //$exception = $errors->exception;
        Zend_Registry::set('baseUrl', $this->getFrontController()->getBaseUrl());
        switch ($errors->type) {
            // if it is a controller error
            case Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_CONTROLLER:
                // grab the controller, action and settings requested by the user
                $ParamsArray = $errors->request->getParams();
                if ($this->_request->controller == "robots.txt") {
                $ControllerName = $ParamsArray['controller'];
                $ActionName = $ParamsArray['action'];
                // check if the name of the controller is in the database
                $Pages = new PagesIndex();
                $Select = $Pages->select()->setIntegrityCheck(false)->from('PagesIndex')->join('Languages', 'Languages.L_ID = PagesIndex.PI_LanguageID')->join('Pages', 'Pages.P_ID = PagesIndex.PI_PageID')->join('Page_Themes', 'Page_Themes.PT_ID = Pages.P_ThemeID')->join('Views', 'Views.V_ID = Pages.P_ViewID')->where('PagesIndex.PI_PageIndex = ?', $ControllerName)->where('PI_Status = 1')->limit(1);
                $Row = $Pages->fetchRow($Select);
                // if the controller is found in the database
                if (count($Row) == 1) {
                    // call page controller to display blocks
                    $this->_helper->actionStack('index', 'page', 'default', array('Row' => $Row, 'Param' => $ParamsArray));
                    // does not render the page Error404
                } else {
                    $session = new Cible_Sessions();
                    $currentLanguageID = !empty($session->languageID) ? $session->languageID : $this->_config->defaultInterfaceLanguage;
                    $page_not_found_id = $this->_config->page_not_found->pageID;
                    $pageIndexName = Cible_FunctionsPages::getPageNameByID($page_not_found_id, $currentLanguageID);
                    // check if the name of the controller is in the database
                    $Pages = new PagesIndex();
                    $Select = $Pages->select()->setIntegrityCheck(false)->from('PagesIndex')->join('Languages', 'Languages.L_ID = PagesIndex.PI_LanguageID')->join('Pages', 'Pages.P_ID = PagesIndex.PI_PageID')->join('Page_Themes', 'Page_Themes.PT_ID = Pages.P_ThemeID')->join('Views', 'Views.V_ID = Pages.P_ViewID')->where('PagesIndex.PI_PageIndex = ?', $pageIndexName)->where('PI_Status = 1')->limit(1);
                    $Row = $Pages->fetchRow($Select);
                    if (count($Row) == 1) {
                        // call page controller to display blocks
                        $this->_helper->actionStack('index', 'page', 'default', array('Row' => $Row, 'Param' => $ParamsArray));
                        // does not render the page Error404
                    } else {
                        echo "404 Page not found.";
                    $this->getResponse()->setRawHeader('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
            case Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_ACTION:
                // does not render the page Error404
                echo "Erreur d'action   ";
                // application error; display error page, but don't change
                // status code
                // ...
                // Log the exception:
                $exception = $errors->exception;
                /*$log = new Zend_Log(
                      new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(
                  $log->debug($exception->getMessage() . "\n" .
                echo <<<End_of_error
                    <strong>Stack Trace</strong>
Пример #6
 public function deleteBlockAction()
     // variables
     $_pageID = (int) $this->_getParam('ID');
     $_blockID = (int) $this->_getParam('blockID');
     if (Cible_ACL::hasAccess($_pageID)) {
         if ($this->_request->isPost()) {
             // if is set delete, then delete
             $delete = isset($_POST['delete']);
             if ($delete && $_blockID > 0) {
                 // never remove the news themselves
                 /* DELETE ROW IN BLOCK TABLE(S)   */
                 if (method_exists($this, 'delete')) {
                 if ($this->_isXmlHttpRequest) {
                     echo Zend_Json::encode(array('result' => true));
             $this->_redirect('/page/manage/index/ID/' . $_pageID);
         } else {
             if ($_pageID > 0) {
                 // get page information
                 $page = new Pages();
                 $this->view->page = $page->fetchRow('P_ID=' . $_pageID);
                 $pageIndex = new PagesIndex();
                 $select = $pageIndex->select()->where("PI_PageID = ?", $_pageID)->where("PI_LanguageID = ?", Zend_Registry::get("languageID"));
                 $this->view->pageIndex = $pageIndex->fetchRow($select);
                 // get block information
                 $blockIndex = new BlocksIndex();
                 $select = $blockIndex->select()->where('BI_BlockID = ?', $_blockID)->where('BI_LanguageID = ?', Zend_Registry::get("languageID"));
                 $this->view->blockIndex = $blockIndex->fetchRow($select);
Пример #7
 public function indexAction()
     $params['keywords'] = $searchParams['words'] = $searchWords = $this->_getParam('words');
     $this->view->assign('words', $searchParams['words']);
     $languageID = $lang = Zend_Registry::get('languageID');
     $db = Zend_Registry::get("db");
     $searchResults = array();
     $searchCount = 0;
     $searchResult = Cible_FunctionsIndexation::indexationSearch($searchParams);
     /*         * ********* TEXT ************* */
     $moduleID = 1;
     $i = 0;
     $y = 0;
     $pageSelect = new PagesIndex();
     $searchPage = array();
     $pageIDArray = array();
     foreach ($searchResult as $result) {
         if ($result['moduleID'] == $moduleID && $result['languageID'] == $languageID || $result['moduleID'] == 0 && $result['languageID'] == $languageID) {
             $select = $pageSelect->select()->where('PI_PageID = ?', $result['pageID'])->where('PI_LanguageID = ?', $result['languageID'])->where('PI_Status = 1');
             $pageData = $pageSelect->fetchRow($select);
             if ($pageData && !in_array($result['pageID'], $pageIDArray)) {
                 $pageIDArray[] = $result['pageID'];
                 $searchPage[$y]['moduleID'] = $result['moduleID'];
                 $searchPage[$y]['pageID'] = $result['pageID'];
                 $searchPage[$y]['contentID'] = $result['contentID'];
                 $searchPage[$y]['languageID'] = $result['languageID'];
                 $searchPage[$y]['title'] = $result['title'];
                 $searchPage[$y]['text'] = $result['text'];
                 $searchPage[$y]['link'] = $result['link'];
                 $searchPage[$y]['pageTitle'] = $pageData['PI_PageTitle'];
                 $searchPage[$y]['pageIndex'] = $pageData['PI_PageIndex'];
             array_splice($searchResult, $i, 1);
         } else {
     $this->view->assign('searchPage', $searchPage);
     /*         * *************************** */
     /*         * ********* NEWS ************* */
     $moduleID = 2;
     $i = 0;
     $y = 0;
     $searchNews = array();
     foreach ($searchResult as $result) {
         if ($result['moduleID'] == $moduleID && $result['languageID'] == $languageID) {
             $newsSelect = new NewsData();
             $select = $newsSelect->select()->where('ND_ID = ?', $result['contentID']);
             $newsData = $newsSelect->fetchRow($select);
             $link = Cible_FunctionsCategories::getPagePerCategoryView($result['pageID'], 'details');
             if ($newsData['ND_ReleaseDate'] <= date('Y-m-d') && $link != '') {
                 $searchNews[$y]['moduleID'] = $result['moduleID'];
                 $searchNews[$y]['pageID'] = $result['pageID'];
                 $searchNews[$y]['contentID'] = $result['contentID'];
                 $searchNews[$y]['languageID'] = $result['languageID'];
                 $searchNews[$y]['title'] = $result['title'];
                 $searchNews[$y]['text'] = $result['text'];
                 $searchNews[$y]['link'] = $link;
             array_splice($searchResult, $i, 1);
         } else {
     $this->view->assign('searchNews', $searchNews);
     /*         * *************************** */
     /*         * ********* EVENTS ************* */
     $moduleID = 7;
     $i = 0;
     $y = 0;
     $searchEvents = array();
     foreach ($searchResult as $result) {
         if ($result['moduleID'] == $moduleID && $result['languageID'] == $languageID) {
             $link = Cible_FunctionsCategories::getPagePerCategoryView($result['pageID'], 'details');
             if ($link != '') {
                 $searchEvents[$y]['moduleID'] = $result['moduleID'];
                 $searchEvents[$y]['pageID'] = $result['pageID'];
                 $searchEvents[$y]['contentID'] = $result['contentID'];
                 $searchEvents[$y]['languageID'] = $result['languageID'];
                 $searchEvents[$y]['title'] = $result['title'];
                 $searchEvents[$y]['text'] = $result['text'];
                 $searchEvents[$y]['link'] = $link;
             array_splice($searchResult, $i, 1);
         } else {
     $this->view->assign('searchEvents', $searchEvents);
     /*         * *************************** */
     /*         * ********* NEWSLETTERS ************* */
     $moduleID = 8;
     $i = 0;
     $y = 0;
     $searchNewsletters = array();
     foreach ($searchResult as $result) {
         if ($result['moduleID'] == $moduleID && $result['languageID'] == $languageID) {
             $searchNewsletters[$y]['moduleID'] = $result['moduleID'];
             $searchNewsletters[$y]['pageID'] = $result['pageID'];
             $searchNewsletters[$y]['contentID'] = $result['contentID'];
             $searchNewsletters[$y]['languageID'] = $result['languageID'];
             $searchNewsletters[$y]['title'] = $result['title'];
             $searchNewsletters[$y]['text'] = $result['text'];
             if ($result['link'] == 'release') {
                 $searchNewsletters[$y]['link'] = Cible_FunctionsCategories::getPagePerCategoryView(0, 'details_release', 8) . "/ID/" . $result['contentID'];
             } else {
                 $searchNewsletters[$y]['link'] = Cible_FunctionsCategories::getPagePerCategoryView(0, 'details_article', 8) . "/ID/" . $result['contentID'];
             array_splice($searchResult, $i, 1);
         } else {
     $this->view->assign('searchNewsletters', $searchNewsletters);
     /*         * *************************** */
     /*         * ********* GALLERY ************* */
     $moduleID = 9;
     $i = 0;
     $y = 0;
     $searchGalleries = array();
     $galleryID = array();
     foreach ($searchResult as $result) {
         if ($result['moduleID'] == $moduleID && $result['languageID'] == $languageID) {
             $link = Cible_FunctionsCategories::getPagePerCategoryView($result['pageID'], 'details', 9);
             if ($link != '' && !in_array($result['contentID'], $galleryID)) {
                 $searchGalleries[$y]['moduleID'] = $result['moduleID'];
                 $searchGalleries[$y]['pageID'] = $result['pageID'];
                 $searchGalleries[$y]['contentID'] = $result['contentID'];
                 $searchGalleries[$y]['languageID'] = $result['languageID'];
                 $searchGalleries[$y]['title'] = $result['title'];
                 $searchGalleries[$y]['text'] = $result['text'];
                 $galleryID[] = $result['contentID'];
                  if($result['link'] == 'image')
                  $searchGalleries[$y]['link']     = $link."/ID/{$result['pageID']}";
                  $searchGalleries[$y]['link']     = $link."/ID/{$result['contentID']}";
                 $searchGalleries[$y]['link'] = $link . "/ID/{$result['contentID']}";
             array_splice($searchResult, $i, 1);
         } else {
     $this->view->assign('searchGalleries', $searchGalleries);
     $this->view->assign('searchCount', $searchCount);