write() публичный статический Метод

public static write ( array $Options = [] )
$Options array
Пример #1
include_once $this->fetchViewLocation('helper_functions');
$Session = Gdn::session();
if ($Session->checkPermission('Garden.Profiles.Edit')) {
    echo '<div class="FormWrapper FormWrapper-Condensed">';
    echo $this->Form->open(array('action' => url('/activity/post/' . $this->data('Filter')), 'class' => 'Activity'));
    echo $this->Form->errors();
    echo $this->Form->textBox('Comment', array('MultiLine' => true, 'Wrap' => TRUE));
    echo '<div class="Buttons">';
    echo $this->Form->button('Share', array('class' => 'Button Primary'));
    echo '</div>';
    echo $this->Form->close();
    echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<ul class="DataList Activities">';
$Activities = $this->data('Activities', array());
if (count($Activities) > 0) {
    include $this->fetchViewLocation('activities', 'activity', 'dashboard');
} else {
<li><div class="Empty"><?php 
    echo t('Not much happening here, yet.');
echo '</ul>';
if (count($Activities) > 0) {
    PagerModule::write(array('CurrentRecords' => count($Activities)));
Пример #2
if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
echo $this->data('Title');
helpAsset($this->data('Title'), t('Content flagged as spam is stored here for moderator review.'));
echo '<noscript><div class="Errors"><ul><li>', t('This page requires Javascript.'), '</li></ul></div></noscript>';
echo $this->Form->open();
<div class="toolbar flex-wrap">
    <div class="toolbar-buttons">
echo anchor(t('Spam'), '#', array('class' => 'SpamButton btn btn-primary'));
echo anchor(t('Not Spam'), '#', array('class' => 'NotSpamButton btn btn-primary'));
PagerModule::write(['Sender' => $this, 'Limit' => 10, 'View' => 'pager-dashboard']);
echo '<div id="LogTable">';
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/table.php';
echo '</div id="LogTable">';
$this->addDefinition('ExpandText', t('more'));
$this->addDefinition('CollapseText', t('less'));
echo $this->Form->close();
Пример #3
        $DisplayName = TagFullName($Tag);
        if ($Special) {
            echo htmlspecialchars($DisplayName) . ' ' . Wrap($Tag['CountDiscussions'], 'span', array('class' => 'Count'));
        } else {
            echo anchor(htmlspecialchars($DisplayName) . ' ' . Wrap($Tag['CountDiscussions'], 'span', array('class' => 'Count')), "/settings/tags/edit/{$Tag['TagID']}", 'TagName Tag_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $Tag['Name']));
            echo ' ' . anchor('&times;', "/settings/tags/delete/{$Tag['TagID']}", 'Delete Popup');

        <div class="add-new-tag">

if ($CanAddTags) {
    echo ' ' . anchor('Add Tag', '/settings/tags/add?type=' . $TagType, 'Popup Button');


echo $this->Form->close();
Пример #4
<div class="toolbar">
    <div class="toolbar-main">
$info = '';
$count = $this->data('RecordCount', $this->data('UserCount', null));
if ($count !== null) {
    $info = sprintf(plural($count, '%s user found.', '%s users found.'), $count);
} elseif ($this->data('UserEstimate', null) !== null) {
    $info = sprintf(t('Approximately %s users exist.'), $this->data('UserEstimate'));
echo $this->Form->searchForm('Keywords', '/user/browse', [], $info);
PagerModule::write(array('Sender' => $this, 'View' => 'pager-dashboard'));
    <div class="table-wrap">
        <table id="Users" class="table-data js-tj">
                <!--         <th class="CheckboxCell"><input id="SelectAll" type="checkbox" /></th>-->
                <th class="column-lg"><?php 
echo anchor(t('Username'), $this->_OrderUrl('Name'));
echo t('Roles');
Пример #5
    echo t('Last IP');
if ($EditUser) {
    echo t('Options');
include $this->fetchViewLocation('users');
PagerModule::write(array('Sender' => $this));
echo $this->Form->close();
Пример #6
    $Alt = '';
    if (property_exists($this, 'AnnounceData') && is_object($this->AnnounceData)) {
        foreach ($this->AnnounceData->result() as $Discussion) {
            $Alt = $Alt == ' Alt' ? '' : ' Alt';
            WriteDiscussionRow($Discussion, $this, $Session, $Alt);
    $Alt = '';
    foreach ($this->DiscussionData->result() as $Discussion) {
        $Alt = $Alt == ' Alt' ? '' : ' Alt';
        WriteDiscussionRow($Discussion, $this, $Session, $Alt);
    echo '<div class="PageControls Bottom">';
    echo Gdn_Theme::Module('NewDiscussionModule', $this->data('_NewDiscussionProperties', array('CssClass' => 'Button Action Primary')));
    echo '</div>';
} else {
    <div class="Empty"><?php 
    echo t('No discussions were found.');
Пример #7

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
echo '<div class="DataListWrap">';
echo '<h2 class="H">' . t('Notifications') . '</h2>';
if (count($this->data('Activities'))) {
    echo '<ul class="DataList Activities Notifications">';
    include $this->fetchViewLocation('activities', 'activity', 'dashboard');
    echo '</ul>';
    echo PagerModule::write(array('CurrentRecords' => count($this->data('Activities'))));
} else {
    <div class="Empty"><?php 
    echo sprintf(t('You do not have any %s yet.'), t('notifications'));
echo '</div>';
Пример #8
    //                  echo "\n<li>".
    //                     anchor($child['Summary'], $child['Url']);
    //                     '</li>';
    //                  if ($i >= 3)
    //                     break;
    //               }
    //               echo '</ul>';
    //            }
    if ($Count > 1) {
        $url = $this->data('SearchUrl') . '&discussionid=' . urlencode($Row['DiscussionID']) . '#search-results';
        echo '<div>' . anchor(Plural($Count, '%s result', '%s results'), $url) . '</div>';

echo '<div class="PageControls Bottom">';
$RecordCount = $this->data('RecordCount');
if ($RecordCount) {
    echo '<span class="Gloss">' . plural($RecordCount, '%s result', '%s results') . '</span>';
PagerModule::write(array('Wrapper' => '<div %1$s>%2$s</div>'));
echo '</div>';
Пример #9

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
<div class="toolbar">
PagerModule::write(array('Sender' => $this, 'Limit' => 20, 'CurrentRecords' => count($this->data('Bans')), 'View' => 'pager-dashboard'));
<div class="table-wrap">
    <table id="Log" class="table-data js-tj">
            <th class="column-lg"><?php 
echo t('Ban Item', 'Item');
echo t('Ban Type', 'Type');
            <th class="column-sm"><?php 
echo t('User Count', 'Users');
            <th class="column-sm"><?php 
echo '<span title="' . t('Number of blocked registrations') . '">', t('Blocked'), '</span>';