Пример #1
  * Constructor.
  * @param Zikula_ServiceManager $serviceManager ServiceManager.
  * @param string                $moduleName     Module name ("zikula" for system plugins).
  * @param integer|null          $caching        Whether or not to cache (Zikula_View::CACHE_*) or use config variable (null).
 public function __construct(Zikula_ServiceManager $serviceManager, $moduleName = '', $caching = null)
     $this->serviceManager = $serviceManager;
     $this->eventManager = $this->serviceManager->get('event_dispatcher');
     $this->request = \ServiceUtil::get('request');
     // set the error reporting level
     $this->error_reporting = isset($GLOBALS['ZConfig']['Debug']['error_reporting']) ? $GLOBALS['ZConfig']['Debug']['error_reporting'] : E_ALL;
     $this->error_reporting &= ~E_USER_DEPRECATED;
     $this->allow_php_tag = true;
     // get variables from input
     $module = FormUtil::getPassedValue('module', null, 'GETPOST', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     $type = FormUtil::getPassedValue('type', 'user', 'GETPOST', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     $func = FormUtil::getPassedValue('func', 'main', 'GETPOST', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     // set vars based on the module structures
     $this->homepage = PageUtil::isHomepage();
     $this->type = strtolower(!$this->homepage ? $type : System::getVar('starttype'));
     $this->func = strtolower(!$this->homepage ? $func : System::getVar('startfunc'));
     // Initialize the module property with the name of
     // the topmost module. For Hooks, Blocks, API Functions and others
     // you need to set this property to the name of the respective module!
     $this->toplevelmodule = ModUtil::getName();
     if (!$moduleName) {
         $moduleName = $this->toplevelmodule;
     $this->modinfo = ModUtil::getInfoFromName($moduleName);
     $this->module = array($moduleName => $this->modinfo);
     // initialise environment vars
     $this->language = ZLanguage::getLanguageCode();
     $this->baseurl = System::getBaseUrl();
     $this->baseuri = System::getBaseUri();
     // system info
     $this->themeinfo = ThemeUtil::getInfo(ThemeUtil::getIDFromName(UserUtil::getTheme()));
     $this->theme = $theme = $this->themeinfo['directory'];
     $themeBundle = ThemeUtil::getTheme($this->themeinfo['name']);
     //---- Plugins handling -----------------------------------------------
     // add plugin paths
     switch ($this->modinfo['type']) {
         case ModUtil::TYPE_MODULE:
             $mpluginPathNew = "modules/" . $this->modinfo['directory'] . "/Resources/views/plugins";
             $mpluginPath = "modules/" . $this->modinfo['directory'] . "/templates/plugins";
         case ModUtil::TYPE_SYSTEM:
             $mpluginPathNew = "system/" . $this->modinfo['directory'] . "/Resources/views/plugins";
             $mpluginPath = "system/" . $this->modinfo['directory'] . "/templates/plugins";
             $mpluginPathNew = "system/" . $this->modinfo['directory'] . "/Resources/views/plugins";
             $mpluginPath = "system/" . $this->modinfo['directory'] . "/templates/plugins";
     // add standard plugin search path
     $this->plugins_dir = array();
     // Official override
     // Core plugins
     $this->addPluginDir(isset($themeBundle) ? $themeBundle->getRelativePath() . '/plugins' : "themes/{$theme}/plugins");
     // Theme plugins
     // Smarty core plugins
     // Plugins for current module
     // Plugins for current module
     // check if the 'type' parameter in the URL is admin or adminplugin
     $legacyControllerType = FormUtil::getPassedValue('lct', 'user', 'GETPOST', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     if ($type === 'admin' || $type === 'adminplugin' || $legacyControllerType === 'admin') {
         // include plugins of the Admin module to the plugins_dir array
         if (!$this instanceof Zikula_View_Theme) {
         } else {
             $this->load_filter('output', 'admintitle');
     // theme plugins module overrides
     $themePluginsPath = isset($themeBundle) ? $themeBundle->getRelativePath() . '/modules/$moduleName/plugins' : "themes/{$theme}/templates/modules/{$moduleName}/plugins";
     //---- Cache handling -------------------------------------------------
     if ($caching && in_array((int) $caching, array(0, 1, 2))) {
         $this->caching = (int) $caching;
     } else {
         $this->caching = (int) ModUtil::getVar('ZikulaThemeModule', 'render_cache');
     $this->compile_id = '';
     $this->cache_id = '';
     // template compilation
     $this->compile_dir = CacheUtil::getLocalDir('view_compiled');
     $this->compile_check = ModUtil::getVar('ZikulaThemeModule', 'render_compile_check');
     $this->force_compile = ModUtil::getVar('ZikulaThemeModule', 'render_force_compile');
     // template caching
     $this->cache_dir = CacheUtil::getLocalDir('view_cache');
     $this->cache_lifetime = ModUtil::getVar('ZikulaThemeModule', 'render_lifetime');
     $this->expose_template = ModUtil::getVar('ZikulaThemeModule', 'render_expose_template') == true ? true : false;
     // register resource type 'z' this defines the way templates are searched
     // during {include file='my_template.tpl'} this enables us to store selected module
     // templates in the theme while others can be kept in the module itself.
     $this->register_resource('z', array('Zikula_View_Resource', 'z_get_template', 'z_get_timestamp', 'z_get_secure', 'z_get_trusted'));
     // set 'z' as default resource type
     $this->default_resource_type = 'z';
     // process some plugins specially when Render cache is enabled
     if (!$this instanceof Zikula_View_Theme && $this->caching) {
     // register the 'nocache' block to allow dynamic zones caching templates
     $this->register_block('nocache', array('Zikula_View_Resource', 'block_nocache'), false);
     // For ajax requests we use the short urls filter to 'fix' relative paths
     if ($this->serviceManager->get('zikula')->getStage() & Zikula_Core::STAGE_AJAX && System::getVar('shorturls')) {
         $this->load_filter('output', 'shorturls');
     // register prefilters
     // assign some useful settings
     $this->assign('homepage', $this->homepage)->assign('modinfo', $this->modinfo)->assign('module', $moduleName)->assign('toplevelmodule', $this->toplevelmodule)->assign('type', $this->type)->assign('func', $this->func)->assign('lang', $this->language)->assign('themeinfo', $this->themeinfo)->assign('themepath', isset($themeBundle) ? $themeBundle->getRelativePath() : $this->baseurl . 'themes/' . $theme)->assign('baseurl', $this->baseurl)->assign('baseuri', $this->baseuri)->assign('moduleBundle', ModUtil::getModule($moduleName))->assign('themeBundle', $themeBundle);
     if (isset($themeBundle)) {
         $stylePath = $themeBundle->getRelativePath() . "/Resources/public/css";
         $javascriptPath = $themeBundle->getRelativePath() . "/Resources/public/js";
         $imagePath = $themeBundle->getRelativePath() . "/Resources/public/images";
         $imageLangPath = $themeBundle->getRelativePath() . "/Resources/public/images/" . $this->language;
     } else {
         $stylePath = $this->baseurl . "themes/{$theme}/style";
         $javascriptPath = $this->baseurl . "themes/{$theme}/javascript";
         $imagePath = $this->baseurl . "themes/{$theme}/images";
         $imageLangPath = $this->baseurl . "themes/{$theme}/images/" . $this->language;
     $this->assign('stylepath', $stylePath)->assign('scriptpath', $javascriptPath)->assign('imagepath', $imagePath)->assign('imagelangpath', $imageLangPath);
     // for {gt} template plugin to detect gettext domain
     if ($this->modinfo['type'] == ModUtil::TYPE_MODULE) {
         $this->domain = ZLanguage::getModuleDomain($this->modinfo['name']);
     // make render object available to modifiers
     parent::assign('zikula_view', $this);
     // add ServiceManager, EventManager and others to all templates
     parent::assign('serviceManager', $this->serviceManager);
     parent::assign('eventManager', $this->eventManager);
     parent::assign('zikula_core', $this->serviceManager->get('zikula'));
     parent::assign('request', $this->request);
     $modvars = ModUtil::getModvars();
     // Get all modvars from any modules that have accessed their modvars at least once.
     // provide compatibility 'alias' array keys
     // @todo remove after v1.4.0
     if (isset($modvars['ZikulaAdminModule'])) {
         $modvars['Admin'] = $modvars['ZikulaAdminModule'];
     if (isset($modvars['ZikulaBlocksModule'])) {
         $modvars['Blocks'] = $modvars['ZikulaBlocksModule'];
     if (isset($modvars['ZikulaCategoriesModule'])) {
         $modvars['Categories'] = $modvars['ZikulaCategoriesModule'];
     if (isset($modvars['ZikulaExtensionsModule'])) {
         $modvars['Extensions'] = $modvars['ZikulaExtensionsModule'];
     if (isset($modvars['ZikulaGroupsModule'])) {
         $modvars['Groups'] = $modvars['ZikulaGroupsModule'];
     if (isset($modvars['ZikulaMailerModule'])) {
         $modvars['Mailer'] = $modvars['ZikulaMailerModule'];
     if (isset($modvars['ZikulaPageLockModule'])) {
         $modvars['PageLock'] = $modvars['ZikulaPageLockModule'];
     if (isset($modvars['ZikulaPermissionsModule'])) {
         $modvars['Permissions'] = $modvars['ZikulaPermissionsModule'];
     if (isset($modvars['ZikulaSearchModule'])) {
         $modvars['Search'] = $modvars['ZikulaSearchModule'];
     if (isset($modvars['ZikulaSecurityCenterModule'])) {
         $modvars['SecurityCenter'] = $modvars['ZikulaSecurityCenterModule'];
     if (isset($modvars['ZikulaSettingsModule'])) {
         $modvars['Settings'] = $modvars['ZikulaSettingsModule'];
     if (isset($modvars['ZikulaThemeModule'])) {
         $modvars['Theme'] = $modvars['ZikulaThemeModule'];
     if (isset($modvars['ZikulaUsersModule'])) {
         $modvars['Users'] = $modvars['ZikulaUsersModule'];
     // end compatibility aliases
     parent::assign('modvars', $modvars);
     // metadata for SEO
     if (!$this->serviceManager->hasParameter('zikula_view.metatags')) {
         $this->serviceManager->setParameter('zikula_view.metatags', new ArrayObject(array()));
     parent::assign('metatags', $this->serviceManager->getParameter('zikula_view.metatags'));
     if (isset($themeBundle) && $themeBundle->isTwigBased()) {
         // correct asset urls when smarty output is wrapped by twig theme
         $this->load_filter('output', 'asseturls');
     $event = new \Zikula\Core\Event\GenericEvent($this);
     $this->eventManager->dispatch('view.init', $event);
Пример #2
  * Display all blocks in a block position.
  * @param string $side     Block position to render.
  * @param boolean $echo    Whether or not to echo output directly.
  * @param boolean $implode Whether or not to implode lines by \n.
  * @return void|string The rendered output.
 public static function displayPosition($side, $echo = true, $implode = true)
     static $blockplacements = array();
     static $positions = array();
     static $modname;
     static $currentlang;
     static $func;
     static $type;
     static $customargs;
     if (!isset($side)) {
         return null;
     // get the block position
     if (empty($positions)) {
         $positions = ModUtil::apiFunc('ZikulaBlocksModule', 'user', 'getallpositions');
     if (!isset($positions[$side])) {
     if (!isset($modname)) {
         if (PageUtil::isHomepage()) {
             $modname = '_homepage_';
         } else {
             $modname = ModUtil::getName();
     // get all block placements
     if (empty($blockplacements)) {
         $blockplacements = ModUtil::apiFunc('ZikulaBlocksModule', 'user', 'getallplacements');
     // get variables from input
     if (!isset($func)) {
         $func = FormUtil::getPassedValue('func', 'main', 'GETPOST');
     if (!isset($type)) {
         $type = FormUtil::getPassedValue('type', 'user', 'GETPOST');
     if (!isset($customargs)) {
         $customargs = array();
         $filtervars = array('module', 'name', 'type', 'func', 'theme', 'csrftoken');
         foreach ($_GET as $var => $value) {
             if (is_array($value)) {
                 $arguments = explode('&', urldecode(http_build_query(array($var => $value))));
                 foreach ($arguments as $argument) {
                     $args = explode('=', $argument);
                     if (!in_array($args[0], $filtervars)) {
                         $customargs[] = DataUtil::formatForOS(strip_tags($args[0])) . '=' . DataUtil::formatForOS(strip_tags($args[1]));
             } else {
                 if (!in_array($var, $filtervars)) {
                     $customargs[] = DataUtil::formatForOS(strip_tags($var)) . '=' . DataUtil::formatForOS(strip_tags($value));
     // current language
     if (!isset($currentlang)) {
         $currentlang = ZLanguage::getLanguageCode();
     // loop around the blocks and display only the ones we need
     $blockoutput = array();
     foreach ($blockplacements as $blockplacement) {
         // don't display a block if it's not in this block position
         if ($blockplacement['pid'] != $positions[$side]['pid']) {
         // get the full block info
         $blockinfo = self::getBlockInfo($blockplacement['bid']);
         // dont display the block if it's not active or not in matching langauge
         if (!$blockinfo['active'] || !empty($blockinfo['language']) && $blockinfo['language'] != $currentlang) {
         // block filtering
         if (!empty($blockinfo['filter']) && is_array($blockinfo['filter']) && count($blockinfo['filter'])) {
             $showblock = false;
             // loop for each filter
             foreach ($blockinfo['filter'] as $filter) {
                 // filter must be an array of values
                 if (!is_array($filter)) {
                 $rule1 = $filter['module'] == $modname;
                 $rule2 = empty($filter['ftype']) ? true : $filter['ftype'] == $type;
                 $rule3 = empty($filter['fname']) ? true : $filter['fname'] == $func;
                 if (empty($filter['fargs'])) {
                     $rule4 = true;
                 } else {
                     $testargs = explode('&', $filter['fargs']);
                     foreach ($testargs as $test) {
                         $key = array_search($test, $customargs);
                         if ($key === false) {
                             $rule4 = false;
                         } else {
                             $rule4 = true;
                 if ($rule1 == true && $rule2 == true && $rule3 == true && $rule4 !== false) {
                     $showblock = true;
             if (!$showblock) {
         $blockinfo['position'] = $positions[$side]['name'];
         // get the module info and display the block
         $modinfo = ModUtil::getInfo($blockinfo['mid']);
         if ($echo) {
             echo self::show($modinfo['name'], $blockinfo['bkey'], $blockinfo);
         } else {
             $blockoutput[$blockinfo['bid']] = self::show($modinfo['name'], $blockinfo['bkey'], $blockinfo);
     if ($echo) {
     } else {
         if ($implode) {
             return implode("\n", $blockoutput);
         } else {
             return $blockoutput;