$success_message = T_('Your comment is now visible by the blog members.'); break; case 'review': if (is_logged_in() && $current_User->check_perm('blog_comment!review', 'create', false, $blog)) { $success_message = T_('Your comment is now visible by moderators only (+You).'); break; } default: $success_message = T_('Your comment has been submitted. It will appear once it has been approved.'); break; } $Messages->add($success_message, 'success'); if (!is_logged_in()) { if ($Settings->get('newusers_canregister') == 'yes' && $Settings->get('registration_is_public') && $Comment->Item->Blog->get_setting('comments_register')) { // Redirect to the registration form $Messages->add(T_('ATTENTION: Create a user account now so that other users can contact you after reading your comment.'), 'error'); $register_user = array('name' => $Comment->author, 'email' => $Comment->author_email); $Session->set('core.register_user', $register_user); header_redirect(get_user_register_url($Comment->Item->get_url('public_view'), 'reg after comment', false, '&')); } // Not logged in user. We want him to see his comment has not vanished if he checks back on the Item page // before the cache has expired. Invalidate cache for that page: // Note: this is approximative and may not cover all URLs where the user expects to see the comment... // TODO: fp> solution: touch dates? load_class('_core/model/_pagecache.class.php', 'PageCache'); $PageCache = new PageCache($Comment->Item->Blog); $PageCache->invalidate($Comment->Item->get_single_url()); } } header_redirect(); // Will save $Messages into Session