Пример #1
  * 新增会员
 public function queryOp()
     $conn = (require BASE_DATA_PATH . '/../core/framework/db/mssqlpdo.php');
     $page = new Page();
     $startnum = $page->getEachNum() * ($page->getNowPage() - 1);
     $endnum = $page->getEachNum() * $page->getNowPage();
     $sql = 'from healthfile a  , personalinfo b , sam_taxempcode emp, district dist ' . ' where a.fileno = b.fileno  and a.inputpersonid = emp.loginname and a.districtnumber = dist.id
              and emp.org_id in(' . implode(',', $this->orgidarray) . ')';
     if ($_GET['query_start_time']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.inputdate >=\'' . $_GET['query_start_time'] . '\'';
     if ($_GET['query_end_time']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.inputdate < dateadd(day,1,\'' . $_GET['query_end_time'] . '\')';
     if ($_GET['idnumber']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and b.idnumber  = \'' . $_GET['idnumber'] . '\'';
     if ($_GET['name']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.name  like \'' . $_GET['name'] . '%\'';
     $checkednode = $_GET['checkednode'];
     if ($checkednode && isset($checkednode) && count($checkednode) > 0) {
         $sql = $sql . " and emp.org_id  in ({$checkednode}) ";
     $countsql = " select count(*)  {$sql} ";
     //        echo $countsql;
     $stmt = $conn->query($countsql);
     //        echo $countsql;
     $total = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
     $tsql = "SELECT * FROM  ( SELECT  * FROM (SELECT TOP {$endnum} row_number() over( order by  a.inputdate desc) rownum,\n                        a.fileno,\n                        a.name,\n                        a.address,\n                        a.tel,\n                        b.sex,\n                        b.birthday,\n                        b.idnumber,\n                        emp.username,\n                        a.inputdate\n                        {$sql} order by  a.inputdate desc )zzzz where rownum>{$startnum} )zzzzz order by rownum";
     //        echo $sql;
     $stmt = $conn->query($tsql);
     $data_list = array();
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         array_push($data_list, $row);
     $totalsql = " select '总数:' as fileno,\n                        count(a.fileno) name,\n                        null as address,\n                        null as sex,\n                        null as birthday,\n                        null as idnumber,\n                        null as username,\n                        null as inputdate\n                        {$sql}  ";
     //        echo $sql;
     $totalstmt = $conn->query($totalsql);
     while ($row = $totalstmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         array_push($data_list, $row);
     Tpl::output('data_list', $data_list);
     //--0:期初入库 1:采购入库 2:购进退回 3:盘盈 5:领用 12:盘亏 14:领用退回 50:采购计划
     Tpl::output('page', $page->show());
Пример #2
	 * 买家中心店铺动态
	public function stracelistOp(){

		$model_favorites = Model('favorites');
		$where = array('member_id' => $_SESSION['member_id']);
		$fav_store_id = $model_favorites->getStoreFavoritesList($where, 'fav_id');
		// 整理
		if(!empty($fav_store_id) && is_array($fav_store_id)){
			$storeid_array = '';
			foreach($fav_store_id as $val){
				$storeid_array[] = $val['fav_id'];
			$where = array(
			$model_stracelog = Model('store_sns_tracelog');
			$count = $model_stracelog->getStoreSnsTracelogCount($where);
			$page	= new Page();
			$delaypage = intval($_GET['delaypage'])>0?intval($_GET['delaypage']):1;//本页延时加载的当前页数
			$lazy_arr = lazypage(10,$delaypage,$count,true,$page->getNowPage(),$page->getEachNum(),$page->getLimitStart());
			$limit = $lazy_arr['limitstart'].",".$lazy_arr['delay_eachnum'];
			$strace_array = $count = $model_stracelog->getStoreSnsTracelogList($where, '*', 'strace_id desc', $limit);
			if (!empty($strace_array)){
				foreach ($strace_array as $key=>$val){
					if($val['strace_content'] == ''){
						$val['strace_goodsdata'] = json_decode($val['strace_goodsdata'],true);
						if( CHARSET == 'GBK') {
							foreach ((array)$val['strace_goodsdata'] as $k=>$v){
								$val['strace_goodsdata'][$k] = Language::getGBK($v);
						$content = $model_stracelog->spellingStyle($val['strace_type'], $val['strace_goodsdata']);
						$strace_array[$key]['strace_content'] = str_replace("%siteurl%", SHOP_SITE_URL.DS, $content);
Пример #3
	 * SNS动态列表
	public function tracelistOp(){
		$friend_model = Model('sns_friend');
		$friend_list = $friend_model->listFriend(array('friend_frommid'=>"{$_SESSION['member_id']}"),'*','','simple');
		$mutualfollowid_arr = array();
		$followid_arr = array();
		if (!empty($friend_list)){
			foreach ($friend_list as $k=>$v){
				$followid_arr[] = $v['friend_tomid'];
				if ($v['friend_followstate'] == 2){
					$mutualfollowid_arr[] = $v['friend_tomid'];
		$tracelog_model = Model('sns_tracelog');
		$condition = array();
		$condition['allowshow'] = '1';
		$condition['allowshow_memberid'] = "{$_SESSION['member_id']}";
		$condition['allowshow_followerin'] = "";
		if (!empty($followid_arr)){
			$condition['allowshow_followerin'] = implode("','",$followid_arr);
		$condition['allowshow_friendin'] = "";
		if (!empty($mutualfollowid_arr)){
			$condition['allowshow_friendin'] = implode("','",$mutualfollowid_arr);
		$condition['trace_state'] = "0";
		$count = $tracelog_model->countTrace($condition);
		$page	= new Page();
		$delaypage = intval($_GET['delaypage'])>0?intval($_GET['delaypage']):1;//本页延时加载的当前页数
		$lazy_arr = lazypage(10,$delaypage,$count,true,$page->getNowPage(),$page->getEachNum(),$page->getLimitStart());
		$condition['limit'] = $lazy_arr['limitstart'].",".$lazy_arr['delay_eachnum'];
		$tracelist = $tracelog_model->getTracelogList($condition);
		if (!empty($tracelist)){
			foreach ($tracelist as $k=>$v){
				if ($v['trace_title']){
					$v['trace_title'] = str_replace("%siteurl%", SHOP_SITE_URL.DS, $v['trace_title']);
					$v['trace_title_forward'] = '|| @'.$v['trace_membername'].Language::get('nc_colon').preg_replace("/<a(.*?)href=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)>@(.*?)<\/a>([\s|:|:]|$)/is",'@${4}${5}',$v['trace_title']);
					$v['trace_content'] = str_replace("%siteurl%", SHOP_SITE_URL.DS, $v['trace_content']);
				$tracelist[$k] = $v;
Пример #4
  * 某会员的SNS动态列表
 public function tracelistOp()
     $tracelog_model = Model('sns_tracelog');
     $condition = array();
     $condition['trace_memberid'] = $this->master_id;
     switch ($this->relation) {
         case 3:
             $condition['trace_privacyin'] = "";
         case 2:
             $condition['trace_privacyin'] = "0','1";
         case 1:
             $condition['trace_privacyin'] = "0";
             $condition['trace_privacyin'] = "0";
     $condition['trace_state'] = "0";
     $count = $tracelog_model->countTrace($condition);
     $page = new Page();
     $delaypage = intval($_GET['delaypage']) > 0 ? intval($_GET['delaypage']) : 1;
     $lazy_arr = lazypage(10, $delaypage, $count, true, $page->getNowPage(), $page->getEachNum(), $page->getLimitStart());
     $condition['limit'] = $lazy_arr['limitstart'] . "," . $lazy_arr['delay_eachnum'];
     $tracelist = $tracelog_model->getTracelogList($condition);
     if (!empty($tracelist)) {
         foreach ($tracelist as $k => $v) {
             if ($v['trace_title']) {
                 $v['trace_title'] = str_replace("%siteurl%", SHOP_SITE_URL . DS, $v['trace_title']);
                 $v['trace_title_forward'] = '|| @' . $v['trace_membername'] . Language::get('nc_colon') . preg_replace("/<a(.*?)href=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)>@(.*?)<\\/a>([\\s|:|:]|\$)/is", '@${4}${5}', $v['trace_title']);
             if (!empty($v['trace_content'])) {
                 $v['trace_content'] = str_replace("%siteurl%", SHOP_SITE_URL . DS, $v['trace_content']);
             $tracelist[$k] = $v;
     Tpl::output('hasmore', $lazy_arr['hasmore']);
     Tpl::output('tracelist', $tracelist);
     Tpl::output('show_page', $page->show());
     Tpl::output('type', 'home');
     Tpl::output('nchash', substr(md5(SHOP_SITE_URL . $_GET['act'] . $_GET['op']), 0, 8));
     Tpl::output('menu_sign', 'snstrace');
     Tpl::showpage('sns_tracelist', 'null_layout');
Пример #5
 * 封装分页操作到函数,方便调用
 * @param string $cmd 命令类型
 * @param mixed $arg 参数
 * @return mixed
function pagecmd($cmd = '', $arg = '')
    if (!class_exists('page')) {
    static $page;
    if ($page == null) {
        $page = new Page();
    switch (strtolower($cmd)) {
        case 'seteachnum':
        case 'settotalnum':
        case 'setstyle':
        case 'show':
            return $page->show($arg);
        case 'obj':
            return $page;
        case 'gettotalnum':
            return $page->getTotalNum();
        case 'gettotalpage':
            return $page->getTotalPage();
Пример #6
  * 新增会员
 public function indexOp()
     $conn = (require BASE_DATA_PATH . '/../core/framework/db/mssqlpdo.php');
     $page = new Page();
     $startnum = $page->getEachNum() * ($page->getNowPage() - 1);
     $endnum = $page->getEachNum() * $page->getNowPage();
     $sql = 'from spotcheck_main a  left join spotcheck_spot spot on a.id = spot.spotid, spotcheck_type b , healthfile hf, personalinfo info
      where a.checktype = b.code  and a.fileno = hf.fileno and hf.fileno = info.fileno ';
     if ($_REQUEST['search_phone']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.phone like \'%' . $_REQUEST['search_phone'] . '%\'';
     if ($_REQUEST['search_name']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and hf.name like \'%' . $_REQUEST['search_name'] . '%\'';
     if ($_REQUEST['spot_start_time']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.checkdate >=\'' . $_REQUEST['spot_start_time'] . '\'';
     if ($_REQUEST['spot_end_time']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.checkdate < dateadd(day,1,\'' . $_REQUEST['spot_end_time'] . '\')';
     if ($_REQUEST['input_start_time']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.inputdate >=\'' . $_REQUEST['input_start_time'] . '\'';
     if ($_REQUEST['input_end_time']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.inputdate < dateadd(day,1,\'' . $_REQUEST['input_end_time'] . '\')';
     if ($_REQUEST['search_spot']) {
         $search_spot = $_REQUEST['search_spot'];
         if ($search_spot == 10) {
             $sql = $sql . ' and  exists ( select 1 from spotcheck_spot where spotid = a.id)';
         } elseif ($search_spot == 20) {
             $sql = $sql . ' and not exists ( select 1 from spotcheck_spot where spotid = a.id)';
     if ($_REQUEST['search_result']) {
         $search_result = $_REQUEST['search_result'];
         if ($search_result && count($search_result) > 0) {
             $sql = $sql . ' and  spot.result = \'' . $search_result . '\'';
     if ($_REQUEST['search_spottype']) {
         $search_result = $_REQUEST['search_spottype'];
         if ($search_result && count($search_result) > 0) {
             $sql = $sql . ' and  a.checktype = \'' . $search_result . '\'';
     $countsql = " select count(*)  {$sql} ";
     //        echo $countsql;
     $stmt = $conn->query($countsql);
     //        echo $countsql;
     $total = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
     $tsql = "SELECT * FROM  ( SELECT  * FROM (SELECT TOP {$endnum} row_number() over( order by  a.inputdate) rownum,\n                        a.id,\n                        a.checkdate\n                        ,a.checkopt\n                        ,b.value  'checktype'\n                        ,a.checktable\n                        ,a.checktableid\n                        ,a.fileno\n                        ,a.name\n                        ,a.sex\n                        ,a.birthday\n                        ,a.phone\n                        ,a.address\n                        ,a.itype\n                        ,a.getgift\n                        ,a.bischronic\n                        ,a.bisservant\n                        ,a.serversatisfaction\n                        ,a.oftenbuydrug\n                        ,a.acceptreason\n                        ,a.advices\n                        ,a.elseneed\n                        ,a.remark\n                        ,a.inputdate\n                        ,a.updatedate\n                        ,a.inputperson\n                        ,a.orgid\n                            {$sql} order by  a.inputdate)zzzz where rownum>{$startnum} )zzzzz order by rownum";
     $stmt = $conn->query($tsql);
     $data_list = array();
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         array_push($data_list, $row);
         $newstmt = $conn->query(" select * from spotcheck_spot where spotid = '{$row->id}'");
         $row->spotinfo = $newstmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
     Tpl::output('data_list', $data_list);
     Tpl::output('page', $page->show());
Пример #7
  * 库存管理
 public function stockOp()
     $conn = (require BASE_DATA_PATH . '/../core/framework/db/mssqlpdo.php');
     $treesql = 'select  b.id , b.name,b.districtnumber,b.parentid pId from map_org_wechat a, Organization b where a.orgid = b.id ';
     $treestmt = $conn->query($treesql);
     $treedata_list = array();
     while ($row = $treestmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         array_push($treedata_list, $row);
     Tpl::output('treelist', $treedata_list);
     if (!isset($_GET['orgid'])) {
         $_GET['orgid'] = $treedata_list[0]->id;
     $page = new Page();
     $startnum = $page->getEachNum() * ($page->getNowPage() - 1);
     $endnum = $page->getEachNum() * $page->getNowPage();
     $sql = 'from Center_DrugStock stock  left join shopnc_goods_common good   on good.goods_commonid = stock.iDrug_ID
         left join Organization org on stock.orgid = org.id
      where good.idrug_rectype in (0,1,3) ';
     if ($_GET['search_goods_name'] != '') {
         $sql = $sql . ' and good.goods_name like \'%' . trim($_GET['search_goods_name']) . '%\'';
     if (intval($_GET['search_commonid']) > 0) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and good.goods_commonid = ' . intval($_GET['search_commonid']);
     if ($_GET['search_store_name'] != '') {
         $sql = $sql . ' and good.store_name like \'%' . trim($_GET['search_store_name']) . '%\'';
     if (intval($_GET['search_brand_id']) > 0) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and good.brand_id = ' . intval($_GET['search_brand_id']) . '';
     if (intval($_GET['cate_id']) > 0) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and good.gc_id = ' . intval($_GET['cate_id']);
     if (in_array($_GET['search_state'], array('0', '1', '10'))) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and good.goods_state  =' . $_GET['search_state'];
     if (in_array($_GET['search_verify'], array('0', '1', '10'))) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and good.goods_verify = ' . $_GET['search_verify'];
     if ($_GET['allowzero'] && $_GET['allowzero'] == 'true') {
         $sql = $sql . '   ';
     } else {
         $sql = $sql . ' and (stock.fDS_OStock <> 0 or  stock.fDS_LeastOStock  <> 0)  ';
     if ($_GET['orgid'] != '') {
         $sql = $sql . ' and stock.orgid =\'' . $_GET['orgid'] . '\'';
     $countsql = " select count(*)  {$sql} ";
     //        echo $countsql;
     $stmt = $conn->query($countsql);
     //        echo $countsql;
     $total = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
     $tsql = "SELECT * FROM  ( SELECT  * FROM (SELECT TOP {$endnum} row_number() over( order by  good.goods_commonid) rownum,\n                        org.name as OrgName,  *\n                            {$sql} order by  good.goods_commonid)zzzz where rownum>{$startnum} )zzzzz order by rownum";
     $stmt = $conn->query($tsql);
     $goods_list = array();
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         $goods_list[] = $row;
         //            $newstmt = $conn->query(" select * from Center_DrugStocksub where idrug_id = '$row->goods_commonid'");
         //            $row->detail = $newstmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
     //        var_dump($goods_list);
     Tpl::output('goods_list', $goods_list);
     Tpl::output('page', $page->show());
     $goods_class = Model('goods_class')->getTreeClassList(1);
     // 品牌
     $condition = array();
     $condition['brand_apply'] = '1';
     $brand_list = Model('brand')->getBrandList($condition);
     Tpl::output('search', $_GET);
     Tpl::output('goods_class', $goods_class);
     Tpl::output('brand_list', $brand_list);
     Tpl::output('state', array('1' => '出售中', '0' => '仓库中', '10' => '违规下架'));
     Tpl::output('verify', array('1' => '通过', '0' => '未通过', '10' => '等待审核'));
Пример #8
  * 新增会员
 public function detailOp()
     $conn = (require BASE_DATA_PATH . '/../core/framework/db/mssqlpdo.php');
     $page = new Page();
     $startnum = $page->getEachNum() * ($page->getNowPage() - 1);
     $endnum = $page->getEachNum() * $page->getNowPage();
     $sql = 'from Center_Buy a  , Center_Drug b , Organization c, Organization d,shopnc_goods_common good ,
         Center_codes storetype
         where a.iDrug_ID = b.iDrug_ID ' . ' and a.SaleOrgID = -( c.id +1000) and a.orgid = d.id and a.iDrug_ID = good.goods_commonid
          and a.iBuy_Type = storetype.code and storetype.type=\'iBuy_Type\' ';
     if (!isset($_GET['search_type'])) {
         $_GET['search_type'] = '1';
     if (gettype($_GET['search_type']) == 'string' && intval($_GET['search_type']) >= 0) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and  a.iBuy_Type = \'' . $_GET['search_type'] . '\'';
     if ($_GET['query_start_time']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.dBuy_Date >=\'' . $_GET['query_start_time'] . '\'';
     if ($_GET['query_end_time']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.dBuy_Date < dateadd(day,1,\'' . $_GET['query_end_time'] . '\')';
     if ($_GET['search_goods_name'] != '') {
         $sql = $sql . ' and good.goods_name like \'%' . trim($_GET['search_goods_name']) . '%\'';
     if (intval($_GET['search_commonid']) > 0) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and good.goods_commonid = ' . intval($_GET['search_commonid']);
     if ($_GET['orgids']) {
         if ($_GET['search_type'] == 0 || $_GET['search_type'] == 1) {
             $orgarray = array();
             foreach ($_GET['orgids'] as $v) {
                 $orgarray[] = -($v + 1000);
             $sql = $sql . ' and a.SaleOrgID in (' . implode(',', $orgarray) . ' )';
         } else {
             $sql = $sql . ' and a.OrgID in ( ' . implode(',', $_GET['orgids']) . ')';
     $checkednode = $_GET['checkednode'];
     if ($checkednode && isset($checkednode) && count($checkednode) > 0) {
         $sql = $sql . " and a.SaleOrgID  in ({$checkednode}) ";
     $countsql = " select count(*)  {$sql} ";
     $stmt = $conn->query($countsql);
     $total = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
     $tsql = "SELECT * FROM  ( SELECT  * FROM (SELECT TOP {$endnum} row_number() over( order by  a.dBuy_Date) rownum,\n                        a.iBuy_TicketID,\n                        a.sBuy_A6,\n                        a.iBuy_ID,\n                        a.dBuy_Date,\n                        b.iDrug_RecType,\n                        storetype.name as 'iBuy_Type',\n                        d.name OrgId,\n                        c.name SaleOrgID,\n                        good.sdrug_chemname,\n                        good.spec_name,\n                        good.sdrug_unit,\n                        a.iDrug_ID,\n                        a.fBuy_FactNum,\n                        a.sBuy_DrugUnit,\n                        a.fBuy_TaxMoney,\n                        a.fBuy_RetailMoney,\n                        a.fBuy_RetailMoney - a.fBuy_TaxMoney as diffmoney\n\n                        {$sql} order by  a.dBuy_Date)zzzz where rownum>{$startnum} )zzzzz order by rownum";
     //        echo $sql;
     $exportsql = "SELECT\n                        a.iBuy_TicketID,\n                        a.iBuy_ID,\n                        a.dBuy_Date,\n                        b.iDrug_RecType,\n                        storetype.name as 'iBuy_Type',\n                        d.name OrgId,\n                        a.iDrug_ID,\n                        good.sdrug_chemname,\n                        good.spec_name,\n                        good.sdrug_unit,\n                        a.fBuy_FactNum,\n                        a.fBuy_TaxMoney,\n                        a.fBuy_RetailMoney,\n                        a.fBuy_RetailMoney - a.fBuy_TaxMoney as diffmoney\n                        {$sql} order by  a.dBuy_Date ";
     $exporttotalsql = "SELECT\n                        '总计:' as iBuy_TicketID,\n                        null as iBuy_ID,\n                        null as dBuy_Date,\n                        null as iDrug_RecType,\n                        null as iBuy_Type,\n                        null as OrgId,\n                        null as iDrug_ID,\n                        null as sdrug_chemname,\n                        null as spec_name,\n                        null as sdrug_unit,\n                        null as fBuy_FactNum,\n                        sum(fBuy_TaxMoney) as fBuy_TaxMoney,\n                        sum(fBuy_RetailMoney) as fBuy_RetailMoney,\n                        sum(fBuy_RetailMoney)-sum(fBuy_TaxMoney) as diffmoney\n                        {$sql}   ";
     if (isset($_GET['export']) && $_GET['export'] == 'true') {
         $this->exportxlsx(array(0 => $exportsql, 1 => $exporttotalsql), array('总票据', '明细号', '发生日期', '商品类型', '单据类型', '机构', '商品编码', '商品名称', '规格', '单位', '数量', '进价金额', '零价金额', '进销差'), '仓库单据明细');
     $stmt = $conn->query($tsql);
     $data_list = array();
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         array_push($data_list, $row);
     $totalsql = " select '总计:' as iBuy_TicketID,\n                        null as sBuy_A6,\n                        null as iBuy_ID,\n                        null as dBuy_Date,\n                        null as iDrug_RecType,\n                        null as iBuy_Type,\n                        null as OrgId,\n                        null as SaleOrgID,\n                        null as iDrug_ID,\n                        null as fBuy_FactNum,\n                        null as sBuy_DrugUnit,\n                        sum(fBuy_TaxMoney) as fBuy_TaxMoney,\n                        sum(fBuy_RetailMoney) as fBuy_RetailMoney,\n                        sum(fBuy_RetailMoney)-sum(fBuy_TaxMoney) as diffmoney\n                        {$sql}  ";
     //        echo $sql;
     $totalstmt = $conn->query($totalsql);
     while ($row = $totalstmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         array_push($data_list, $row);
     Tpl::output('data_list', $data_list);
     //--0:期初入库 1:采购入库 2:购进退回 3:盘盈 5:领用 12:盘亏 14:领用退回 50:采购计划
     Tpl::output('page', $page->show());
Пример #9
 public function changepriceOp()
     $conn = (require BASE_DATA_PATH . '/../core/framework/db/mssqlpdo.php');
     $admininfo = $this->getAdminInfo();
     Tpl::output('adminname', $admininfo['name']);
     $treesql = 'select  b.id , b.name,b.districtnumber,b.parentid pId from map_org_wechat a, Organization b where a.orgid = b.id ';
     $treestmt = $conn->query($treesql);
     $treedata_list = array();
     $org_map = array();
     $treedata_list[] = (object) array('id' => 0, 'name' => '全部机构', 'districtnumber' => '', 'parentid' => '');
     while ($row = $treestmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         $treedata_list[] = $row;
         $org_map[$row->id] = $row->name;
     Tpl::output('treelist', $treedata_list);
     $org_map[0] = '全部机构';
     Tpl::output('org_map', $org_map);
     if (!isset($_GET['orgid'])) {
         $_GET['orgid'] = $treedata_list[0]->id;
     $orderbys = array(array('txt' => '调价日期', 'col' => ' dPrice_Date '), array('txt' => '执行开始日期', 'col' => ' dPrice_BeginDate '), array('txt' => '执行结束日期', 'col' => ' dPrice_EndDate '), array('txt' => '项目主键', 'col' => ' iDrug_ID '), array('txt' => '项目名称', 'col' => ' ItemName '), array('txt' => '审核日期', 'col' => ' dPrice_CheckDate '), array('txt' => '调价状态', 'col' => ' iPrice_State '), array('txt' => '项目类型', 'col' => ' ItemType '), array('txt' => '调前价', 'col' => ' fPrice_Before '), array('txt' => '调后价', 'col' => ' fPrice_After '));
     Tpl::output('orderbys', $orderbys);
     $page = new Page();
     $startnum = $page->getEachNum() * ($page->getNowPage() - 1);
     $endnum = $page->getEachNum() * $page->getNowPage();
     $sql = 'from Center_OrgPrice a where 1=1 ';
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['orgids'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.OrgID in ( ' . implode(',', $_GET['orgids']) . ')';
     //调价日期 起
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['dPrice_Date_begin'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.dPrice_Date >=  \'' . $_GET['dPrice_Date_begin'] . '\' ';
     //调价日期 止
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['dPrice_Date_end'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.dPrice_Date < dateadd(day,1,\'' . $_GET['dPrice_Date_end'] . '\') ';
     //执行开始日期 起
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['dPrice_BeginDate_begin'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.dPrice_BeginDate >=  \'' . $_GET['dPrice_BeginDate_begin'] . '\' ';
     //执行开始日期 止
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['dPrice_BeginDate_end'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.dPrice_BeginDate < dateadd(day,1,\'' . $_GET['dPrice_BeginDate_end'] . '\') ';
     //执行结束日期 起
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['dPrice_EndDate_begin'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.dPrice_EndDate >=  \'' . $_GET['dPrice_EndDate_begin'] . '\' ';
     //执行结束日期 止
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['dPrice_EndDate_end'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.dPrice_EndDate < dateadd(day,1,\'' . $_GET['dPrice_EndDate_end'] . '\') ';
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['sPrice_Person'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.sPrice_Person =  \'' . $_GET['sPrice_Person'] . '\' ';
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['iPrice_State'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.iPrice_State =  ' . intval($_GET['iPrice_State']) . ' ';
     $map_iPrice_State = array('' => '全部', '0' => '新增', '1' => '提交', '2' => '审核');
     Tpl::output('map_iPrice_State', $map_iPrice_State);
     //审核日期 起
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['dPrice_CheckDate_begin'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.dPrice_CheckDate >=  \'' . $_GET['dPrice_CheckDate_begin'] . '\' ';
     //审核日期 止
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['dPrice_CheckDate_end'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.dPrice_CheckDate < dateadd(day,1,\'' . $_GET['dPrice_CheckDate_end'] . '\') ';
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['sPrice_CheckPerson'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.sPrice_CheckPerson =  \'' . $_GET['sPrice_CheckPerson'] . '\' ';
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['iDrug_ID'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.iDrug_ID =  ' . $_GET['iDrug_ID'] . ' ';
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['ItemName'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.ItemName like \'%' . $_GET['ItemName'] . '%\' ';
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['Unit'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.Unit = \'' . $_GET['Unit'] . '\' ';
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['ItemType'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.ItemType = \'' . $_GET['ItemType'] . '\' ';
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['iPrice_Type'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.iPrice_Type = ' . intval($_GET['iPrice_Type']) . ' ';
     $map_iPrice_Type = array('' => '全部', '0' => '零售价', '1' => '特价', '2' => '二件价');
     Tpl::output('map_iPrice_Type', $map_iPrice_Type);
     //调前价 起
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['fPrice_Before_begin'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.fPrice_Before >=  ' . floatval($_GET['fPrice_Before_begin']) . ' ';
     //调前价 止
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['fPrice_Before_end'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.fPrice_Before <=  ' . floatval($_GET['fPrice_Before_end']) . ' ';
     //调后价 起
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['fPrice_After_begin'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.fPrice_After =  ' . intval($_GET['fPrice_After_begin']) . ' ';
     //调后价 止
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['fPrice_After_end'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.fPrice_After <=  ' . intval($_GET['fPrice_After_end']) . ' ';
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['sPrice_Remark'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.sPrice_Remark =  ' . intval($_GET['sPrice_Remark']) . ' ';
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['Downloaded'])) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.Downloaded =  ' . intval($_GET['Downloaded']) . ' ';
     //是否下载 码值表
     $map_Downloaded = array('0' => '未下载', '1' => '已下载');
     Tpl::output('map_Downloaded', $map_Downloaded);
     //设置orderby 顺序
     if (!$this->notEmpty($_GET['order'])) {
         $ordersql = 'desc';
     } else {
         $ordersql = $_GET['order'];
     if ($this->notEmpty($_GET['orderby'])) {
         foreach ($orderbys as $orderby) {
             if ($orderby['txt'] == $_GET['orderby']) {
                 $order = $orderby['col'] . ' ' . $ordersql;
     if (empty($order)) {
         $order = ' ' . $orderbys[0]['col'] . ' desc';
     if (isset($_GET['export']) && $_GET['export'] == 'true') {
         $exportsql = "SELECT  row_number() over( order by   {$order}) 'rownumber',\n                        \t[iDrug_ID] ,\n                            [ItemName] ,\n                            convert(date,dPrice_Date)  'dPrice_Date' ,\n                            convert(date,dPrice_BeginDate) 'dPrice_BeginDate',\n                            convert(date,dPrice_EndDate) 'dPrice_EndDate',\n                            sPrice_Person ,\n                            [iPrice_State] ,\n                            convert(date,dPrice_CheckDate) 'date1' ,\n                            sPrice_CheckPerson ,\n                            [OrgID] ,\n                            [Unit] ,\n                            [ItemType] ,\n                            [iPrice_Type] ,\n                            [fPrice_Before] ,\n                            [fPrice_After]\n                        {$sql} order by  {$order} ";
         $titlearray = array('序号', '商品编码', '商品名称', '调价日期', '执行开始日期', '执行结束日期', '调价人', '调价状态', '审核日期', '审核人', '机构', '商品单位', '项目类型', '单价类型', '调前价', '调后价');
         $maparray = array('iPrice_Type' => $map_iPrice_Type, 'OrgID' => $org_map, 'iPrice_State' => $map_iPrice_State);
         $this->exportxlsx($exportsql, $titlearray, '商品调价审核', $maparray);
     $countsql = " select count(*)  {$sql} ";
     Log::record($countsql, 'SQL');
     $stmt = $conn->query($countsql);
     $total = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
     $tsql = "SELECT * FROM  ( SELECT  * FROM (SELECT TOP {$endnum} row_number() over( order by  {$order}) rownum,  *\n                            {$sql} order by {$order})zzzz where rownum>{$startnum} )zzzzz order by {$order}";
     Log::record($tsql, 'SQL');
     $stmt = $conn->query($tsql);
     $ret_list = array();
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         $ret_list[] = $row;
     Tpl::output('ret_list', $ret_list);
     Tpl::output('page', $page->show());
Пример #10
 public function saledetailOp()
     $conn = (require BASE_DATA_PATH . '/../core/framework/db/mssqlpdo.php');
     $page = new Page();
     $startnum = $page->getEachNum() * ($page->getNowPage() - 1);
     $endnum = $page->getEachNum() * $page->getNowPage();
     $sql = ' from Center_ClinicSale a
             left join  shopnc_goods_common good  on a.iDrug_ID = good.goods_commonid
             left join Center_Class class on   good.iDrug_StatClass = class.iClass_ID
             , Organization org
             where   a.orgid = org.id  ';
     if ($_GET['itemtype']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.itemtype =\'' . $_GET['itemtype'] . '\'';
     if ($_GET['query_start_time']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.dSale_MakeDate >=\'' . $_GET['query_start_time'] . '\'';
     if ($_GET['query_end_time']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.dSale_MakeDate < dateadd(day,1,\'' . $_GET['query_end_time'] . '\')';
     if ($_GET['orgids']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.OrgID in ( ' . implode(',', $_GET['orgids']) . ')';
     if ($_GET['search_goods_name'] != '') {
         $sql = $sql . ' and good.goods_name like \'%' . trim($_GET['search_goods_name']) . '%\'';
     if (intval($_GET['search_commonid']) > 0) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and good.goods_commonid = ' . intval($_GET['search_commonid']);
     $checkednode = $_GET['checkednode'];
     if ($checkednode && isset($checkednode) && count($checkednode) > 0) {
         $sql = $sql . " and a.SaleOrgID  in ({$checkednode}) ";
     $countsql = " select count(*)  {$sql} ";
     $stmt = $conn->query($countsql);
     $total = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
     $tsql = "SELECT * FROM  ( SELECT  * FROM (SELECT TOP {$endnum} row_number() over( order by  a.dSale_MakeDate desc) rownum,\n                        a.sSale_id ,\n                        a.dSale_MakeDate,\n                        good.sDrug_TradeName ,\n                        a.ItemType ,\n                        good.sDrug_Spec ,\n                        good.sDrug_Unit ,\n                        good.sDrug_Brand ,\n                        a.fSale_Num ,\n                        a.fSale_TaxPrice ,\n                        a.fSale_TaxFactMoney ,\n                        org.name,\n                        a.StatSection,\n                        a.DoctorName,\n                        a.sClinicKey ,\n                        a.ida_id\n                        {$sql} order by  a.dSale_MakeDate desc)zzzz where rownum>{$startnum} )zzzzz order by rownum";
     //        echo $sql;
     $exportsql = "SELECT  row_number() over( order by  a.dSale_MakeDate desc) rownum,\n                        a.sSale_id ,\n                        a.dSale_MakeDate,\n                        good.sDrug_TradeName ,\n                        a.ItemType ,\n                        good.sDrug_Spec ,\n                        good.sDrug_Unit ,\n                        good.sDrug_Brand ,\n                        a.fSale_Num ,\n                        a.fSale_TaxPrice ,\n                        a.fSale_TaxFactMoney ,\n                        org.name,\n                        a.StatSection,\n                        a.DoctorName,\n                        a.sClinicKey ,\n                        a.ida_id\n                        {$sql} order by  a.dSale_MakeDate desc ";
     if (isset($_GET['export']) && $_GET['export'] == 'true') {
         $this->exportxlsx($exportsql, array('序号', '单据编号', '制单日期', '项目名称', '项目类型', '规格', '单位', '产地/厂商', '数量', '单价', '金额', '机构', '科室', '医生', '就诊流水', '处方流水'), '销售明细');
     $stmt = $conn->query($tsql);
     $data_list = array();
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         array_push($data_list, $row);
     Tpl::output('data_list', $data_list);
     //--0:期初入库 1:采购入库 2:购进退回 3:盘盈 5:领用 12:盘亏 14:领用退回 50:采购计划
     Tpl::output('page', $page->show());
Пример #11
 public function checkOp()
     $orderbys = array(array('txt' => '会员编号', 'col' => ' member_id '), array('txt' => '机构编码', 'col' => ' orgid '), array('txt' => '预存余额', 'col' => ' available_predeposit '), array('txt' => '赠送余额', 'col' => ' fConsumeBalance '), array('txt' => '消费积分', 'col' => ' member_points '));
     Tpl::output('orderbys', $orderbys);
     $conn = (require BASE_DATA_PATH . '/../core/framework/db/mssqlpdo.php');
     $page = new Page();
     $startnum = $page->getEachNum() * ($page->getNowPage() - 1);
     $endnum = $page->getEachNum() * $page->getNowPage();
     $sql = '';
     if ($_GET['orgids']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and CreateOrgID in ( ' . implode(',', $_GET['orgids']) . ')';
     if (isset($_GET['cardtype']) and $_GET['cardtype'] != '') {
         $condition['cardtype'] = $_GET['cardtype'];
         $sql = $sql . ' and cardtype  =  \'' . $_GET['cardtype'] . '\'';
     if (isset($_GET['cardgrade']) and $_GET['cardgrade'] != '') {
         $sql = $sql . ' and cardgrade  =  \'' . $_GET['cardgrade'] . '\'';
     if (!isset($_GET['order'])) {
         $ordersql = 'desc';
     } else {
         $ordersql = $_GET['order'];
     if ($_GET['orderby']) {
         foreach ($orderbys as $orderby) {
             if ($orderby['txt'] == $_GET['orderby']) {
                 $order = $orderby['col'] . ' ' . $ordersql;
     if ($_GET['search_field_value'] != '') {
         switch ($_GET['search_field_name']) {
             case 'member_name':
                 $sql = $sql . ' and member_name  like  \'%' . $_GET['search_field_value'] . '%\'';
             case 'member_email':
                 $sql = $sql . ' and member_email  like  \'%' . $_GET['search_field_value'] . '%\'';
             case 'member_truename':
                 $sql = $sql . ' and member_truename  like  \'%' . $_GET['search_field_value'] . '%\'';
     if ($_GET['member_id'] != '') {
         $sql = $sql . ' and member_id  like  \'%' . $_GET['member_id'] . '%\'';
     switch ($_GET['search_state']) {
         case 'no_informallow':
             $sql = $sql . ' and inform_allow  =  \'2\' ';
         case 'no_isbuy':
             $sql = $sql . ' and is_buy  =  \'0\' ';
         case 'no_isallowtalk':
             $sql = $sql . ' and is_allowtalk  =  \'0\' ';
         case 'no_memberstate':
             $sql = $sql . ' and member_state  =  \'0\' ';
     //		if (!$_GET ['flag1'] && !$_GET ['flag2'] && !$_GET ['flag3']){
     //			$_GET ['flag1'] = '1';
     //		}
     if ($_GET['flag1'] && $_GET['flag1'] == '1') {
         $flag1 = 1;
     } else {
         $flag1 = 0;
     if ($_GET['flag2'] && $_GET['flag2'] == '1') {
         $flag2 = 1;
     } else {
         $flag2 = 0;
     if ($_GET['flag3'] && $_GET['flag3'] == '1') {
         $flag3 = 1;
     } else {
         $flag3 = 0;
      * 排序
     $orderbysql = ' member_id ';
     $ordersql = 'desc';
     if (!isset($_GET['orderby'])) {
         $_GET['orderby'] = '会员编号';
     if (!isset($_GET['order'])) {
         $ordersql = 'desc';
     } else {
         $ordersql = $_GET['order'];
     foreach ($orderbys as $orderby) {
         if ($orderby['txt'] == $_GET['orderby']) {
             $orderbysql = $orderby['col'];
     $paramsql = $sql . ' order by ' . $orderbysql . $ordersql;
     $paramsql = str_replace('\'', '\'\'', $paramsql);
     $tsql = "SET NOCOUNT ON; Exec p_query_member_check '{$paramsql}','{$startnum}','{$endnum}',{$flag1},{$flag2},{$flag3};SET NOCOUNT off; ";
     //		echo $tsql;
     $stmt = $conn->query($tsql);
     $total = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
     $data_list = array();
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         array_push($data_list, $row);
     Tpl::output('data_list', $data_list);
     Tpl::output('orderbys', $orderbys);
     Tpl::output('page', $page->show());
Пример #12
 public function incomedetailOp()
     $conn = (require BASE_DATA_PATH . '/../core/framework/db/mssqlpdo.php');
     $page = new Page();
     //        $page->setStyle(5);
     $startnum = $page->getEachNum() * ($page->getNowPage() - 1);
     $endnum = $page->getEachNum() * $page->getNowPage();
     $sql = 'from Center_CheckOut a  left join Center_ClinicLog log on a.sLogKey = log.ClinicKey  and a.orgid = log.orgid
             left join  Center_codes gather on a.iCO_GatherType = gather.code and gather.type=\'iCO_GatherType\'
         , Center_codes ico,
         Center_codes state,
          Organization org
       where a.iCO_Type = ico.code and ico.type=\'iCO_Type\'
        and  a.iCO_State = state.code and state.type=\'iCO_State\'
        and a.orgid = org.id  ';
     //        if (!isset($_GET['search_type'])) {
     //            $_GET['search_type'] = '1';
     //        }
     //        if (gettype($_GET['search_type']) == 'string' && intval($_GET['search_type']) >= 0) {
     //            $sql = $sql . ' and  a.iBuy_Type = \'' . $_GET['search_type'] . '\'';
     //        }
     if ($_GET['query_start_time']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.dCO_Date >=\'' . $_GET['query_start_time'] . '\'';
     if ($_GET['query_end_time']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.dCO_Date < dateadd(day,1,\'' . $_GET['query_end_time'] . '\')';
     if ($_GET['orgids']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.OrgID in ( ' . implode(',', $_GET['orgids']) . ')';
     if (isset($_GET['types']) and $_GET['types'] != '') {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.iCO_Type  =  ' . $_GET['types'] . '';
     $checkednode = $_GET['checkednode'];
     if ($checkednode && isset($checkednode) && count($checkednode) > 0) {
         $sql = $sql . " and a.orgid  in ({$checkednode}) ";
     $moneycol = array('fCO_Foregift', 'fCO_Balance', 'fCO_FactMoney', 'fCO_IncomeMoney', 'fCO_GetMoney', 'fCO_PayMoney', 'fCO_Card', 'fCO_Cash', 'fCO_StartMoney', 'fCO_Medicare', 'fCO_SelfCost', 'fCO_SelfPay', 'fCO_HospitalSubsidy', 'fCO_BeforeSubsidy', 'fOweMoney', 'fCO_PosPay', 'fRecharge', 'fConsume', 'fRechargeBalance', 'fConsumeBalance', 'fGive', 'fCanConsume');
     Tpl::output('moneycol', $moneycol);
     $countsql = " select count(*)  {$sql} ";
     $stmt = $conn->query($countsql);
     $total = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
     $orderbys = array(array('txt' => '类型', 'col' => ' a.iCO_Type '), array('txt' => '结算日期', 'col' => ' a.dCO_Date '), array('txt' => '制单日期', 'col' => ' a.dCO_MakeDate '), array('txt' => '收费员', 'col' => ' a.iCO_MakePerson '), array('txt' => '病人姓名', 'col' => ' log.sSickName '), array('txt' => '处方金额', 'col' => ' a.fCO_IncomeMoney '), array('txt' => '统筹支付', 'col' => ' a.fCO_Medicare '), array('txt' => '医保卡支付', 'col' => ' a.fCO_Card '), array('txt' => '现金支付', 'col' => ' a.fCO_Cash '), array('txt' => '银行卡付', 'col' => ' a.fCO_PosPay '), array('txt' => '预存下账', 'col' => ' a.fRecharge '), array('txt' => '赠送下账', 'col' => ' a.fConsume '), array('txt' => '积分下账金额', 'col' => ' a.fScaleToMoney '));
     $orderbysql = ' a.dCO_Date ';
     $ordersql = 'desc';
     if (!isset($_GET['orderby'])) {
         $_GET['orderby'] = '结算日期';
     if (!isset($_GET['order'])) {
         $ordersql = 'desc';
     } else {
         $ordersql = $_GET['order'];
     foreach ($orderbys as $orderby) {
         if ($orderby['txt'] == $_GET['orderby']) {
             $orderbysql = $orderby['col'];
     $tsql = "SELECT * FROM  ( SELECT  * FROM (SELECT TOP {$endnum} row_number() over( order by  {$orderbysql} {$ordersql}) rownum,\n                        ico.name as 'iCO_Type',\n                        sMakePerson 'iCO_MakePerson',\n                        a.dCO_Date,\n                        a.dCO_MakeDate,\n                        a.fCO_Foregift,\n                        a.fCO_Balance,\n                        a.fCO_FactMoney,\n                        a.fCO_IncomeMoney ,\n                        a.fCO_GetMoney,\n                        a.fCO_PayMoney,\n                        gather.name as 'iCO_GatherType',\n                        state.name as 'iCO_State',\n                        a.sCO_CapitalMoney,\n                        a.sCO_Remark,\n                        a.fCO_Card,\n                        a.fCO_Cash,\n                        a.fCO_StartMoney,\n                        a.fCO_Medicare,\n                        a.fCO_SelfCost,\n                        a.fCO_SelfPay,\n                        a.fCO_HospitalSubsidy,\n                        a.sCO_SubsidyReason,\n                        a.fCO_BeforeSubsidy,\n                        a.fOweMoney,\n                        a.fCO_PosPay,\n                        a.sMemberID,\n                        a.sMemberAssistantID,\n                        a.fRecharge,\n                        a.fConsume,\n                        a.fRechargeBalance,\n                        a.fConsumeBalance,\n                        a.fScale,\n                        a.fScaleBalance,\n                        a.fScaleToMoney,\n                        a.fGive,\n                        a.fCanConsume,\n                        a.fCanScale,\n                        a.fCanGive,\n                        a.fAddScale,\n                        org.name as 'OrgID',\n                        log.sSickName\n                        {$sql} order by   {$orderbysql} {$ordersql} )zzzz where rownum>{$startnum} )zzzzz order by rownum";
     //        echo $tsql;
     //        $exportsql = "SELECT  row_number() over( order by  a.dCO_Date desc) rownum,
     //                        ico.name as 'iCO_Type',
     //                        a.dCO_Date,
     //                        a.dCO_MakeDate,
     //                        person.sPerson_Name 'iCO_MakePerson',
     //                        a.fCO_Foregift,
     //                        a.fCO_Balance,
     //                        a.fCO_FactMoney,
     //                        a.fCO_IncomeMoney ,
     //                        a.fCO_GetMoney,
     //                        a.fCO_PayMoney,
     //                        a.sCO_CapitalMoney
     //                        $sql order by  a.dCO_Date desc ";
     //        Sum(fCO_InComeMoney - fCO_Medicare  - fCO_Card - fCO_PosPay - fRecharge  - fConsume - fScaleToMoney) factmoney,
     //                    Sum(fCO_InComeMoney) incomemoney,
     //                    Sum(fCO_Medicare) medicare,
     //                    Sum(fCO_Card) cardmoney,
     //                    Sum(fCO_Cash) cashmoney,
     //                    Sum(fCO_PosPay) postpaymoney,
     //                    Sum( case when RecipeID > 0 and fCO_IncomeMoney>0  then 1  when  RecipeID > 0 and fCO_IncomeMoney<0 then  -1 end ) cliniccount,
     //                    Sum(fRecharge) sumfRecharge,
     //                    Sum(fConsume) sumfConsume,
     //                    Sum(fScaleToMoney) scaletomoney
     $exportsql = "SELECT  row_number() over( order by  a.dCO_Date desc) as '序号',\n                        ico.name as '类型',\n                        a.dCO_Date '结算日期',\n                        a.dCO_MakeDate '制单日期',\n                        sMakePerson  '收费员',\n                        log.sSickName '病人姓名',\n                        a.fCO_InComeMoney '处方金额',\n                        a.fCO_Medicare '统筹支付',\n                        a.fCO_Card '医保卡支付',\n                        a.fCO_Cash '现金支付' ,\n                        a.fCO_PosPay '银行卡付',\n                        a.fRecharge '预存下账',\n                        a.fConsume '赠送下账',\n                        a.fScaleToMoney '积分下账金额'\n                        {$sql} order by  {$orderbysql} {$ordersql} ";
     //        echo $_GET['export']=='true';
     //        echo $_GET['export'];
     $sumcols = array(array('txt' => '处方金额汇总', 'col' => 'fCO_InComeMoney', 'decimal' => 2, 'unit' => '元'), array('txt' => '现金支付汇总', 'col' => 'fCO_Cash', 'decimal' => 2, 'unit' => '元'), array('txt' => '总记录数', 'col' => 'rownum', sql => 'count(*) rownum', 'decimal' => 0, 'unit' => '条'));
     $sumcolsstr = $page->getSumsql($sumcols);
     $sumsql = " select {$sumcolsstr}  {$sql}  ";
     //        echo json_encode( $sumsql);
     $stmt = $conn->query($sumsql);
     $sumrow = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
     foreach ($sumcols as &$col) {
         $col['num'] = $sumrow->{$col}['col'];
     //        echo json_encode( $sumcols);
     if (isset($_GET['export']) && $_GET['export'] == 'true') {
         $this->exportxlsx($exportsql, array('序号', '类型', '结算日期', '制单日期', '收费员', '病人姓名', '处方金额', '统筹支付', '医保卡支付', '现金支付', '银行卡付', '预存下账', '赠送下账', '积分下账金额'), '收入明细');
     $stmt = $conn->query($tsql);
     $data_list = array();
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         array_push($data_list, $row);
     Tpl::output('data_list', $data_list);
     Tpl::output('orderbys', $orderbys);
     Tpl::output('page', $page->show());
Пример #13
 public function incomedetailOp()
     $conn = (require BASE_DATA_PATH . '/../core/framework/db/mssqlpdo.php');
     $page = new Page();
     $startnum = $page->getEachNum() * ($page->getNowPage() - 1);
     $endnum = $page->getEachNum() * $page->getNowPage();
     $sql = 'from Center_CheckOut a  , Center_codes ico, Center_codes gather,Center_codes state,Center_codes tag,
          Organization org
       where a.iCO_Type = ico.code and ico.type=\'iCO_Type\'
        and  a.iCO_GatherType = gather.code and gather.type=\'iCO_GatherType\'
        and  a.iCO_State = state.code and state.type=\'iCO_State\'
        and  a.iCO_Tag = tag.code and tag.type=\'iCO_Tag\'
        and a.orgid = org.id  ';
     //        if (!isset($_GET['search_type'])) {
     //            $_GET['search_type'] = '1';
     //        }
     //        if (gettype($_GET['search_type']) == 'string' && intval($_GET['search_type']) >= 0) {
     //            $sql = $sql . ' and  a.iBuy_Type = \'' . $_GET['search_type'] . '\'';
     //        }
     if ($_GET['query_start_time']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.dCO_Date >=\'' . $_GET['query_start_time'] . '\'';
     if ($_GET['query_end_time']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.dCO_Date < dateadd(day,1,\'' . $_GET['query_end_time'] . '\')';
     if ($_GET['orgids']) {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.OrgID in ( ' . implode(',', $_GET['orgids']) . ')';
     if (isset($_GET['types']) and $_GET['types'] != '') {
         $sql = $sql . ' and a.iCO_Type  =  ' . $_GET['types'] . '';
     $checkednode = $_GET['checkednode'];
     if ($checkednode && isset($checkednode) && count($checkednode) > 0) {
         $sql = $sql . " and a.orgid  in ({$checkednode}) ";
     $moneycol = array('fCO_Foregift', 'fCO_Balance', 'fCO_FactMoney', 'fCO_IncomeMoney', 'fCO_GetMoney', 'fCO_PayMoney', 'fCO_Card', 'fCO_Cash', 'fCO_StartMoney', 'fCO_Medicare', 'fCO_SelfCost', 'fCO_SelfPay', 'fCO_HospitalSubsidy', 'fCO_BeforeSubsidy', 'fOweMoney', 'fCO_PosPay', 'fRecharge', 'fConsume', 'fRechargeBalance', 'fConsumeBalance', 'fGive', 'fCanConsume');
     Tpl::output('moneycol', $moneycol);
     $countsql = " select count(*)  {$sql} ";
     $stmt = $conn->query($countsql);
     $total = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
     $tsql = "SELECT * FROM  ( SELECT  * FROM (SELECT TOP {$endnum} row_number() over( order by  a.dCO_Date desc) rownum,\n                        ico.name as 'iCO_Type',\n                        sMakePerson 'iCO_MakePerson',\n                        a.dCO_Date,\n                        a.dCO_MakeDate,\n                        a.fCO_Foregift,\n                        a.fCO_Balance,\n                        a.fCO_FactMoney,\n                        a.fCO_IncomeMoney ,\n                        a.fCO_GetMoney,\n                        a.fCO_PayMoney,\n                        gather.name as 'iCO_GatherType',\n                        state.name as 'iCO_State',\n                        a.sCO_CapitalMoney,\n                        a.sCO_Remark,\n                        tag.name as 'iCO_Tag',\n                        a.fCO_Card,\n                        a.fCO_Cash,\n                        a.fCO_StartMoney,\n                        a.fCO_Medicare,\n                        a.fCO_SelfCost,\n                        a.fCO_SelfPay,\n                        a.fCO_HospitalSubsidy,\n                        a.sCO_SubsidyReason,\n                        a.fCO_BeforeSubsidy,\n                        a.fOweMoney,\n                        a.fCO_PosPay,\n                        a.sMemberID,\n                        a.sMemberAssistantID,\n                        a.fRecharge,\n                        a.fConsume,\n                        a.fRechargeBalance,\n                        a.fConsumeBalance,\n                        a.fScale,\n                        a.fScaleBalance,\n                        a.fScaleToMoney,\n                        a.fGive,\n                        a.fCanConsume,\n                        a.fCanScale,\n                        a.fCanGive,\n                        a.fAddScale,\n                        org.name as 'OrgID'\n                        {$sql} order by  a.dCO_Date desc)zzzz where rownum>{$startnum} )zzzzz order by rownum";
     //        $exportsql = "SELECT  row_number() over( order by  a.dCO_Date desc) rownum,
     //                        ico.name as 'iCO_Type',
     //                        a.dCO_Date,
     //                        a.dCO_MakeDate,
     //                        person.sPerson_Name 'iCO_MakePerson',
     //                        a.fCO_Foregift,
     //                        a.fCO_Balance,
     //                        a.fCO_FactMoney,
     //                        a.fCO_IncomeMoney ,
     //                        a.fCO_GetMoney,
     //                        a.fCO_PayMoney,
     //                        a.sCO_CapitalMoney
     //                        $sql order by  a.dCO_Date desc ";
     $exportsql = "SELECT  row_number() over( order by  a.dCO_Date desc) as '序号',\n                        ico.name as '类型',\n                        a.dCO_Date '结算日期',\n                        a.dCO_MakeDate '制单日期',\n                        sMakePerson  '收费员',\n                        a.fCO_Foregift '押金',\n                        a.fCO_Balance '结算余额',\n                        a.fCO_FactMoney '实际金额',\n                        a.fCO_IncomeMoney '结算金额' ,\n                        a.fCO_GetMoney '收取金额',\n                        a.fCO_PayMoney '支付金额',\n                        a.sCO_CapitalMoney '金额大写'\n                        {$sql} order by  a.dCO_Date desc ";
     //        echo $_GET['export']=='true';
     //        echo $_GET['export'];
     if (isset($_GET['export']) && $_GET['export'] == 'true') {
         $this->exportxlsx($exportsql, array('序号', '类型', '结算日期', '制单日期', '收费员', '押金', '结算余额', '实际金额', '结算金额', '收取金额', '支付金额', '金额大写'), '收入明细');
     $stmt = $conn->query($tsql);
     $data_list = array();
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         array_push($data_list, $row);
     Tpl::output('data_list', $data_list);
     Tpl::output('page', $page->show());
Пример #14
function pagecmd($cmd = "", $arg = "")
    if (!class_exists("page")) {
    static $page = NULL;
    if ($page == NULL) {
        $page = new Page();
    switch (strtolower($cmd)) {
        case "seteachnum":
        case "settotalnum":
        case "setstyle":
        case "show":
            return $page->show($arg);
        case "obj":
            return $page;
        case "gettotalnum":
            return $page->getTotalNum();
        case "gettotalpage":
            return $page->getTotalPage();