/** * Helper main function * @return String HTML to be inserted in the view * @param Array $structureArray [optional] Structure in an array form */ public function StructureEditor($structureArray = array()) { $oPageDivs = new Pagdivspage(); $this->listDraftContentByPage = $oPageDivs->getDivsDraft(); $grpDB = new Usersgroups(); $this->groups = $grpDB->fetchLabelstoFlatArray(); $this->addNodes($structureArray); return $this->toReturn; }
public function getParent($id = 0) { $page = new Pagdivspage(); if ($parent = $page->getParent($id)) { return $parent; } else { $news = new Pagdivsnews(); if ($parent = $news->getParent($id)) { return $parent; } } return null; }
/** * displays the page content in edition mode */ public function editAction() { // [AS] add CKEditor (moved from the global as it was using a lot of ressource) $this->view->headScript()->appendFile(Sydney_Tools::getRootUrlCdn() . '/sydneyassets/jslibs/ckeditor/ckeditor.js', 'text/javascript'); $this->view->headScript()->appendFile(Sydney_Tools::getRootUrlCdn() . '/sydneyassets/jslibs/ckeditor/adapters/jquery.js', 'text/javascript'); $r = $this->getRequest(); $elid = isset($r->id) && preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,50}$/', $r->id) ? $r->id : 0; $emodule = isset($r->emodule) ? $r->emodule : 'pages'; $this->view->emodule = $emodule; $this->view->pagstructure_id = $elid; $this->view->customHelpers = $this->_registry->get('customhelpers'); switch ($emodule) { case 'pages': $nodes = new Pagstructure(); $where = 'id = ' . $elid . ' AND safinstances_id = ' . $this->safinstancesId; $this->view->node = $nodes->fetchRow($where); $this->view->pagid = $elid; $this->view->moduleName = 'adminpages'; // set layout and titles properties $this->setSubtitle2($this->view->node->label); $this->setSubtitle('Edit page'); $this->setSideBar('edit', 'pages'); $this->layout->langswitch = true; $this->layout->search = true; // get the div content $cnt = new Pagdivspage(); $this->view->contentDivs = $cnt->getDivs($this->view->node->id, false); // Affichage d'un design spécifique $layout = new Sydney_Layout_Layout(); /* If layout if empty we will take the one in the config */ if (!$this->view->node->layout) { $this->view->node->layout = $this->_config->general->layout; } $layout->setName($this->view->node->layout); if ($layout->loadZones()->hasZones()) { $this->view->layout = $layout; $this->view->preview = $layout->calculatePreview()->getPreview(); $this->view->zones = $layout->getZones(); $this->render('editzones'); } break; } }
private function _duplicateNode($id, $newParentId = null) { // Load the node data $node = new Pagstructure($id); // Duplicate node $duplicateNode = $node->createRow($node->__toArray()); $duplicateNode->id = 0; $duplicateNode->ishome = 0; // avoid two homepage $duplicateNode->status = 'draft'; // unpublish the copy if ($newParentId !== null) { $duplicateNode->parent_id = $newParentId; } $duplicateNode->datecreated = new Zend_Db_Expr("NOW()"); $duplicateNode->datemodified = new Zend_Db_Expr("NOW()"); $duplicateNode->who_modified = Sydney_Tools::who(); $duplicateNode->save(); // Duplicate node content $page = new Pagdivspage(); $pageDivs = $page->getDivs($id, false); PagdivspageOp::resetFictivePagDivsOrder(); foreach ($pageDivs as $pageDiv) { Pagdivspage::duplicate($pageDiv['pagdivs_id'], $duplicateNode->id, $pageDiv['order_pagstructure_pagdiv']); } // Access right to duplicate? // Menu presence to duplicate? // Duplicate child, if any $kids = $node->getKids($id); if (count($kids) > 0) { foreach ($kids as $kid) { $this->_duplicateNode($kid->id, $duplicateNode->id); } } return $duplicateNode->id; }
/** * * Enter description here ... */ public function getlistpagdivsAction() { $r = $this->getRequest(); if (isset($r->dbid)) { $node = new Pagdivspage(); $this->view->listContents = $node->getDivs($r->dbid); } }
/** * Shows the content of a page * * @tood: add a param in the config to force the load of the next child or not react this way (dispay the empty node) * * Example with params: * /publicms/index/view/page/2831,4681,9121,9131,9141,9151,9161,9171,9181,9271,9221,9231,9241,9251,9261,9191,9201,9211,4311,9011/notthisdivs/66401,66431,66311,66271,66881/showtitles/Y/layout/antidotcaprint/ * * Request Params: * $r->format The format we need the data to be returned * $r->layout If 'no' we do not use a layout; or if defined we use the layout name passed as val * $r->heading ??? * $r->notthisdivs IDs of divs we don't want to show up (separated by a comma) * $r->showtitles Should we add the page title in case of multiple page ids * */ public function viewAction() { $r = $this->getRequest(); $this->view->requestParams = $r->getParams(); if (!empty($r->format)) { $this->_helper->contextSwitch()->initContext($r->format); } $heading = 0; $dontRetreiveIds = array(); $showtitles = false; $layout = ''; if ($r->layout == 'no') { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); } if ($r->layout) { $layout = $r->layout; } if ($r->heading) { $heading = $r->heading; } if ($r->notthisdivs) { $dontRetreiveIds = explode(',', $r->notthisdivs); } if ($r->showtitles == 'Y') { $showtitles = true; } $this->view->heading = $heading; $currentPage = $this->_getPageId(); $nodes = $this->structure; if (isset($this->structure->stringNodes[$currentPage])) { $thisnode =& $this->structure->stringNodes[$currentPage]; } // push the current node in the view to access params in the layout $this->view->thisnode = $thisnode; $this->_checkUrlLabel(); if (isset($thisnode['htmltitle']) && !empty($thisnode['htmltitle'])) { $this->view->headTitle($this->view->escape($thisnode['htmltitle']), Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container_Abstract::SET); } else { $this->view->headTitle($thisnode['label']); } $this->_manageMetaTags(); if ($r->layout == 'no') { if (isset($this->getRequest()->page)) { $cnt = new Pagdivspage(); $cntDivs = $cnt->getDivs($this->getRequest()->page); $this->view->contentDivs = $cntDivs; } } elseif (!isset($thisnode) || $thisnode['status'] != 'published') { $this->forward('index', 'index', 'error'); } else { $this->view->rootid = $currentPage; // Si la page est une redirection if (isset($thisnode) && $thisnode['redirecttoid'] > 0) { $currentPage = $thisnode['redirecttoid']; } $this->view->pagid = $currentPage; $where = 'safinstances_id = ' . $this->safinstancesId . ' AND id = ' . $currentPage; $this->view->nodes = $nodes->fetchAll($where); $this->view->customHelpers = $this->_registry->get('customhelpers'); $this->view->contentDivs = array(); if (count($this->view->nodes) > 0) { foreach ($this->view->nodes as $node) { $cnt = new Pagdivspage(); $cntDivs = $cnt->getDivs($node->id, false, $dontRetreiveIds, $showtitles, array('<h1>', '</h1>'), $this->structure); $this->view->contentDivs = array_merge($this->view->contentDivs, $cntDivs); } } } $this->manageLayoutZones(); // set a custom layout if any $this->_setCustomLayout($currentPage, $layout); }