Пример #1

class ChipRedirect_PXHTMLNode extends PXHTMLNode
    public function getMatchXPath()
        return '//chip:redirect';
    public function handleMatch($node)
        $url = $node->getAttribute('url') ? $node->getAttribute('url') : 'false';
        $type = intval($node->getAttribute('type')) ? $node->getAttribute('type') : '302';
        $c = $this->createLocalVariable();
        $str = $this->processTales($url, $c . ' = %s;');
        $str = $str . 'header("Location: ' . $c . '\\n\\n"); exit;';
        $php_inst_st = $this->createProcessingInstruction($str);
        $node->parentNode->insertBefore($php_inst_st, $node);
PXHTML::registerNS('chip', 'http://xml.felocity.com/namespaces/chip');
PXHTML::registerHandler('ChipRedirect_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::PROCESSING_COMPLETE);
Пример #2
class ChipInclude_PXHTMLNode extends PXHTMLNode
    public function getMatchXPath()
        return '//chip:include';
    public function handleMatch($node)
        $PXHTMLTemplate = new PXHTMLTemplate();
        $xtn = $node->getAttribute('xtn') ? '.' . $node->getAttribute('xtn') : '.php';
        $cdata = $node->getAttribute('cdata') ? $node->getAttribute('cdata') : FALSE;
        $dom = $PXHTMLTemplate->parse(chip($node->getAttribute('file'))->getFilePath() . $xtn, TRUE, $cdata);
        // collect all things under the PXHTML root in new_dom, and
        // attach them as an appendChild statement
        $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
        $results = $xpath->query('/pxhtml:root');
        $results = $results->item(0)->firstChild;
        // transfer all of the nodes from the include into the document at the include point
        while ($results) {
            $new_node = $this->importNode($results);
            $node->parentNode->insertBefore($new_node, $node);
            $results = $results->nextSibling;
PXHTML::registerNS('pxhtml', 'http://xml.felocity.com/namespaces/pxhtml');
PXHTML::registerNS('chip', 'http://xml.felocity.com/namespaces/chip');
PXHTML::registerHandler('ChipInclude_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::PREPROCESSING_COMPLETE);
Пример #3
    public function handleMatch($node)
        // $define_slot_results = $this->query('//*[@metal:define-slot]');
        // for ($i = 0; $i < $define_slot_results->length; $i++) {
        //     $define_slot = $define_slot_results->item($i);
        //     $define_slot->setAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal',
        //         'metal:define-slot',
        //         $node->getAttribute('metal:define-macro').'-'.md5($node->getAttribute('metal:define-macro')).'-'.$define_slot->getAttribute('metal:define-slot')
        //     );
        // }
        $define_macro = '';
        $p = $node->parentNode;
        while ($p && !$p instanceof DOMDocument) {
            if ($p->getAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal', 'pxhtml-is-macro')) {
                $define_macro = $p->getAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal', 'pxhtml-is-macro');
                $p = FALSE;
            } else {
                $p = $p->parentNode;
        if (!$define_macro) {
        $node->setAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal', 'metal:define-slot', $define_macro . '---' . $node->getAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal', 'define-slot'));
        // give the define slot a metal:chip-is-define-macro
        // $node->setAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal', 'metal:pxhtml-is-define-macro', 'true');
PXHTML::registerNS('metal', 'http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal');
PXHTML::registerHandler('MetalDefineSlot_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::MACRO_ANALYSIS + 1);
Пример #4

class HTMLTextArea_PXHTMLNode extends PXHTMLNode
    public function getMatchXPath()
        return '//textarea';
    public function handleMatch($node)
        if (!$node->firstChild) {
            // empty text node creates w3c compliance
// PXHTML::registerNS('metal', 'http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal');
PXHTML::registerHandler('HTMLTextArea_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::HTML_COMPLIANCE);
Пример #5

class TalBlock_PXHTMLNode extends PXHTMLNode
    public function getMatchXPath()
        return '//tal:block';
    public function handleMatch($node)
        while ($node->firstChild) {
            $node->parentNode->insertBefore($node->firstChild, $node);
PXHTML::registerNS('tal', 'http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal');
PXHTML::registerHandler('TalBlock_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::TAL_BLOCK);
Пример #6
    public function handleMatch($node)
        $attr = $node->getAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal', 'repeat');
        if (strpos($attr, ' ') === FALSE) {
            throw new Exception(' attr misdefined');
        list($var, $as) = explode(' ', $attr, 2);
        $c = $this->createLocalVariable();
        $str = $this->processTales($as, $c . ' = %s;');
        $str .= 'PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->stack(); PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->set("COUNT", 1); if (is_array(' . $c . ')) foreach(' . $c . ' as $rc) {';
        $str .= 'PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->set("' . $var . '", $rc); unset($rc);';
        $str .= 'PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->set("EVEN", (PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->resolve("COUNT") % 2 == 0) ? "even" : "");';
        $str .= 'PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->set("FIRST", (PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->resolve("COUNT") === 1) ? "first" : "");';
        $str .= 'PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->set("LAST", (PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->resolve("COUNT") === count(' . $c . ')) ? "last" : "");';
        $str_ed = 'PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->set("COUNT", PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->resolve("COUNT") + 1);';
        $str_ed .= '} unset(' . $c . '); PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->unstack();';
        $php_inst_st = $this->createProcessingInstruction($str);
        $php_inst_ed = $this->createProcessingInstruction($str_ed);
        $node->parentNode->insertBefore($php_inst_st, $node);
        if ($node->nextSibling) {
            $node->parentNode->insertBefore($php_inst_ed, $node->nextSibling);
        } else {
        $node->removeAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal', 'repeat');
PXHTML::registerNS('tal', 'http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal');
PXHTML::registerHandler('TalRepeat_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::TAL_REPEAT);
Пример #7
            if (strpos($param->getAttribute('value'), ' ') === FALSE) {
                $input_type = "string";
                $key = $param->getAttribute('value');
            } else {
                list($input_type, $key) = explode(' ', $param->getAttribute('value'), 2);
            switch ($param->getAttribute('source')) {
                case 'request':
                    $value = 'chipi("#Chippino/Request/GetRequest")->with(array("' . $key . '" => "' . $input_type . '"))->' . $key;
                    // $value = '"'.$result[$key].'"';
                case 'url':
                    $value = '"' . (isset($this->route['segments'][$key]) ? $this->route['segments'][$key] : '') . '"';
                case 'local':
                    $value = '"' . $param->getAttribute('value') . '"';
            $params .= '"' . $param->getAttribute('name') . '" => ' . $value . ', ';
        $reuse_suffix = $reuse ? 'i' : '';
        $str = 'PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->set("' . $as . '", chip' . $reuse_suffix . '("' . $type . '")->with(array(' . $params . ')));';
        $php_inst = $this->createProcessingInstruction($str);
        $node->parentNode->insertBefore($php_inst, $node);
PXHTML::registerNS('chip', 'http://xml.felocity.com/namespaces/chip');
PXHTML::registerHandler('ChipComponent_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::PROCESSING_COMPLETE);
Пример #8

class MetalPxhtmlIsMacro_PXHTMLNode extends PXHTMLNode
    public function getMatchXPath()
        return '//*[@metal:pxhtml-is-macro]';
    // remove attr
    public function handleMatch($node)
        $node->removeAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal', 'pxhtml-is-macro');
        $node->removeAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal', 'pxhtml-macro-id');
PXHTML::registerNS('metal', 'http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal');
PXHTML::registerHandler('MetalPxhtmlIsMacro_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::MACRO_ANALYSIS + 5);
Пример #9

class MetalDefineMacro_PXHTMLNode extends PXHTMLNode
    public function getMatchXPath()
        return '//*[@metal:define-macro]';
    // inside of every define-macro, prefix all define-slot with
    // macro prefix
    public function handleMatch($node)
PXHTML::registerNS('metal', 'http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal');
PXHTML::registerHandler('MetalDefineMacro_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::MACRO_ANALYSIS + 3);
Пример #10
        $substitutions = array();
        foreach ($params_list as $param) {
            list($key, $value) = explode('=', $param);
            $key = trim($key);
            $value = trim($value);
            preg_match_all('/\\$\\{([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\/]+?)\\}\\s*/', $value, $matches);
            if ($matches[1]) {
                foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
                    $value = str_replace('${' . $match . '}', '___CTX' . count($substitutions) . '___', $value);
                    array_push($substitutions, $match);
            $params[$key] = $value;
        // generate the URL
        $url = chip('#Chippino/Router/GenerateURL')->with(array('alias' => $controller, 'params' => $params));
        $url = '"' . $url . '"';
        // sub back in all runtime resolutions
        preg_match_all('/(___CTX.*?___)/', $url, $matches);
        if (isset($matches[1])) {
            foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
                $idx = trim($match, '_');
                $idx = str_replace('CTX', '', $idx);
                $url = str_replace($match, '".urlencode(PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->resolve("' . $substitutions[$idx] . '"))."', $url);
        return $url;
PXHTML::registerTales('url', 'Url_PXHTMLTales');
Пример #11
class ChipFilter_PXHTMLNode extends PXHTMLNode
    public function getMatchXPath()
        return '//*[@chip:filter]';
    public function handleMatch($node)
        $attr = $node->getAttributeNS('http://xml.felocity.com/namespaces/chip', 'filter');
        // mask ;;, explode on ;, inside loop restore
        $attr = str_replace(';;', '__DBLSEMI__', $attr);
        $attr_pieces = explode(';', $attr);
        foreach ($attr_pieces as $attr) {
            $attr = str_replace('__DBLSEMI__', ';', $attr);
            $attr = trim($attr);
            $c = $this->createLocalVariable();
            $php_inst_st = $this->createProcessingInstruction('ob_start();');
            $php_inst_ed = $this->createProcessingInstruction($c . ' = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo chip("' . $attr . '")->with(array(\'content\' => ' . $c . ')); unset(' . $c . ');');
            if ($node->firstChild) {
                $node->insertBefore($php_inst_st, $node->firstChild);
            } else {
        $node->removeAttributeNS('http://xml.felocity.com/namespaces/chip', 'filter');
PXHTML::registerNS('chip', 'http://xml.felocity.com/namespaces/chip');
PXHTML::registerHandler('ChipFilter_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::TAL_OMIT);
Пример #12
            $ct = 0;
        return $ct++;
    // inside of every define-macro, prefix all define-slot with
    // macro prefix
    public function handleMatch($node)
        $node->setAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal', 'metal:pxhtml-is-use-macro', 'true');
        $count = $this->getMacroCount();
        $node->setAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal', 'metal:pxhtml-macro-id', $count);
        // collect matching define-macro
        $define_macro_results = $this->query('//*[@metal:define-macro="' . $node->getAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal', 'use-macro') . '"]');
        for ($i = 0; $i < $define_macro_results->length; $i++) {
            // clone the matching define-macro
            // strip the "define-macro" attribute
            // add a unique metal ns "_is-macro"
            $old_define_macro = $define_macro_results->item($i);
            $define_macro = $old_define_macro->cloneNode(TRUE);
            $define_macro->setAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal', 'metal:pxhtml-is-macro', $define_macro->getAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal', 'define-macro'));
            $define_macro->setAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal', 'metal:pxhtml-macro-id', $count);
            $define_macro->removeAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal', 'define-macro');
            $define_macro->removeAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal', 'pxhtml-is-define-macro');
            // insert the new node right before the use-macro call
            $node->parentNode->insertBefore($define_macro, $node);
PXHTML::registerNS('metal', 'http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal');
PXHTML::registerHandler('MetalUseMacro_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::MACRO_ANALYSIS);
Пример #13
        return '//*[@tal:content]';
    public function handleMatch($node)
        if ($node->getAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal', 'replace')) {
            throw new Exception('no content and replace');
        $attr = $node->getAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal', 'content');
        // clean the insides of the node
        while ($node->firstChild) {
        $c = $this->createLocalVariable();
        $structure = false;
        if (strpos($attr, 'structure ') === 0) {
            $structure = true;
            $attr = trim(substr($attr, 9));
        $str = $this->processTales($attr, $c . ' = %s;');
        if ($structure) {
            $php_inst = $this->createProcessingInstruction($str . 'echo ' . $c . '; unset(' . $c . ');');
        } else {
            $php_inst = $this->createProcessingInstruction($str . 'echo htmlspecialchars(' . $c . '); unset(' . $c . ');');
        $node->removeAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal', 'content');
PXHTML::registerNS('tal', 'http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal');
PXHTML::registerHandler('TalContent_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::TAL_CONTENT_REPLACE);
Пример #14

class Path_PXHTMLTales extends PXHTMLTales_Expr
    public function getMatchString()
        return 'path';
    public function handleMatch($segment)
        $segment = 'PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->resolve("' . $segment . '")';
        return $segment;
PXHTML::registerTales('path', 'Path_PXHTMLTales');
Пример #15
            $local = FALSE;
            if (strpos($attr, 'local ') === 0) {
                $attr = trim(substr($attr, 6));
                $local = TRUE;
            } elseif (strpos($attr, 'global ') === 0) {
                $attr = trim(substr($attr, 7));
            list($var, $as) = explode(' ', $attr, 2);
            if (!$local) {
                $as = $this->processTales($as, 'PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->setRoot("' . $var . '", %s);');
                $php_inst = $this->createProcessingInstruction($as);
                $node->parentNode->insertBefore($php_inst, $node);
            } else {
                $start = $this->processTales($as, 'PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->set("' . $var . '", %s);');
                $php_start = $this->createProcessingInstruction($start);
                $node->parentNode->insertBefore($php_start, $node);
                $end = 'PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->delete("' . $var . '");';
                $php_end = $this->createProcessingInstruction($end);
                if ($node->nextSibling) {
                    $node->parentNode->insertBefore($php_end, $node->nextSibling);
                } else {
        $node->removeAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal', 'define');
PXHTML::registerNS('tal', 'http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal');
PXHTML::registerHandler('TalDefine_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::TAL_DEFINE);
Пример #16

class HTMLScript_PXHTMLNode extends PXHTMLNode
    public function getMatchXPath()
        return '//script';
    public function handleMatch($node)
        if (!$node->firstChild) {
            // empty text node creates w3c compliance
// PXHTML::registerNS('metal', 'http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal');
PXHTML::registerHandler('HTMLScript_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::HTML_COMPLIANCE);
Пример #17
        // if (stripos($attr, 'not:') === 0) {
        //     $attr = trim(substr($attr, 4));
        //     $not = TRUE;
        // }
        // // convert the tales expression into a php statement
        // $c = $this->createLocalVariable();
        // $str = 'try {';
        // $str .= $this->processTales($attr, $c.' = (%s) ? TRUE : FALSE;', TRUE);
        // $str .= '} catch (Exception $e) { '.$c.' = FALSE; }';
        // if ($not) {
        //     $str .= 'if (!('.$c.')) {';
        // }
        // else {
        //     $str .= 'if ('.$c.') {';
        // }
        // $php_inst_st = $this->createProcessingInstruction($str);
        // $php_inst_ed = $this->createProcessingInstruction('} unset('.$c.');');
        $node->parentNode->insertBefore($php_inst_st, $node);
        if ($node->nextSibling) {
            $node->parentNode->insertBefore($php_inst_ed, $node->nextSibling);
        } else {
        $node->removeAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal', 'tal:condition');
PXHTML::registerNS('tal', 'http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal');
PXHTML::registerHandler('TalCondition_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::TAL_CONDITION);
Пример #18
        $c = $this->createLocalVariable();
        $str = $this->processTales($attr, $c . ' = (%s) ? TRUE : FALSE;', TRUE);
        $str .= 'if (' . $c . ') {';
        $php_inst_st = $this->createProcessingInstruction($str);
        $php_inst_ed = $this->createProcessingInstruction('} unset(' . $c . ');');
        // if around the opening omit tag
        $node->parentNode->insertBefore($php_inst_st, $node);
        if ($node->firstChild) {
            $node->insertBefore($php_inst_ed, $node->firstChild);
        } else {
        // new pair of tags
        $c = $this->createLocalVariable();
        $str = $this->processTales($attr, $c . ' = (%s) ? TRUE : FALSE;', TRUE);
        $str .= 'if (' . $c . ') {';
        $php_inst_st_closing = $this->createProcessingInstruction($str);
        $php_inst_ed_closing = $this->createProcessingInstruction('} unset(' . $c . ');');
        // if around the closing omit tag
        if ($node->nextSibling) {
            $node->parentNode->insertBefore($php_inst_ed_closing, $node->nextSibling);
        } else {
        $node->removeAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal', 'omit-tag');
PXHTML::registerNS('tal', 'http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal');
PXHTML::registerHandler('TalOmitTag_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::TAL_OMIT);
Пример #19

class String_PXHTMLTales extends PXHTMLTales_Expr
    public function getMatchString()
        return 'string';
    public function handleMatch($segment)
        // convert $$ to a marker
        $segment = $this->escapeDollarSigns($segment);
        // anything that is $stuff to a whitespace is a path
        // we'll also pick up ${path} by removing the { and } on the outside
        // of a path statement
        $segment = preg_replace('/\\$\\{(.*?)\\}/', '".PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->resolve("$1")."', $segment);
        $segment = preg_replace('/\\$([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\/]+)\\s*/', '".PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->resolve("$1")."', $segment);
        $segment = $this->unescapeDollarSigns($segment);
        return '"' . $segment . '"';
PXHTML::registerTales('string', 'String_PXHTMLTales');
Пример #20
    public function getMatchXPath()
        return '//*[@tal:replace]';
    public function handleMatch($node)
        if ($node->getAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal', 'content')) {
            throw new Exception('no content and replace');
        $attr = $node->getAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal', 'replace');
        $c = $this->createLocalVariable();
        if (strpos($attr, ' ') === FALSE) {
            $str = $this->processTales($attr, $c . ' = %s;');
            $php_inst = $this->createProcessingInstruction('echo htmlspecialchars(' . $c . '); unset(' . $c . ');');
        } else {
            list($type, $attr) = explode(' ', $attr, 2);
            if (strtolower($type) === 'structure') {
                $str = $this->processTales($attr, $c . ' = %s;');
                $php_inst = $this->createProcessingInstruction('echo ' . $c . '; unset(' . $c . ');');
            } else {
                throw new Exception('unknown type for content/replace');
        $node->parentNode->insertBefore($php_inst, $node);
PXHTML::registerNS('tal', 'http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal');
PXHTML::registerHandler('TalReplace_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::TAL_CONTENT_REPLACE);
Пример #21

class ChipHeader_PXHTMLNode extends PXHTMLNode
    public function getMatchXPath()
        return '//chip:header';
    public function handleMatch($node)
        $replace = strtolower($node->getAttribute('replace')) == "false" ? FALSE : TRUE;
        while ($node->firstChild) {
            if ($node->firstChild->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) {
                $str = 'header(trim("' . $node->firstChild->wholeText . '")."\\n\\n", ' . $replace . ');';
                $php_inst_st = $this->createProcessingInstruction($str);
                $node->parentNode->insertBefore($php_inst_st, $node);
PXHTML::registerNS('chip', 'http://xml.felocity.com/namespaces/chip');
PXHTML::registerHandler('ChipHeader_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::PROCESSING_COMPLETE);
Пример #22
$chk = md5(file_get_contents($file));
if ($cache) {
    $_chip_pxhtml_cache_file = chip($cache . '/' . $chk)->getFilePath() . '.php';
} else {
    $_chip_pxhtml_cache_file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'pxhtml') . '.php';
define('PXHTML_SIGNATURE_HASH', $chk);
header('X-Chippino-File-Checksum: ' . PXHTML_SIGNATURE_HASH . "\n\n");
// begin output buffering
// check for zlib.output_compression
// open proper output bufer
if (ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) {
} else {
if (file_exists($_chip_pxhtml_cache_file)) {
    include $_chip_pxhtml_cache_file;
    return '';
$content = PXHTML::parse($file, null);
file_put_contents($_chip_pxhtml_cache_file, $content);
include $_chip_pxhtml_cache_file;
// $output = trim(ob_get_contents());
return '';
Пример #23

class PHP_PXHTMLTales extends PXHTMLTales_Expr
    public function getMatchString()
        return 'php';
    public function handleMatch($segment)
        // convert $$ to a marker
        $segment = $this->escapeDollarSigns($segment);
        // anything that is $stuff to a whitespace is a path
        // we'll also pick up ${path} by removing the { and } on the outside
        // of a path statement
        $segment = preg_replace('/\\$\\{(.*?)\\}/', '$$1', $segment);
        $segment = preg_replace('/\\$([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\/]+)\\s*/', 'PXHTMLTemplate::ctx()->resolve("$1")', $segment);
        // return the $$ to $, which is a PHP var
        $segment = $this->unescapeDollarSigns($segment);
        $segment = str_replace('$$', '$', $segment);
        return $segment;
PXHTML::registerTales('php', 'PHP_PXHTMLTales');
Пример #24
    public function getMatchXPath()
        return '//*[@tal:attributes]';
    public function handleMatch($node)
        $attr = $node->getAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal', 'attributes');
        // mask ;;, explode on ;, inside loop restore
        $attr = str_replace(';;', '__DBLSEMI__', $attr);
        $attr_pieces = explode(';', $attr);
        foreach ($attr_pieces as $attr) {
            $attr = str_replace('__DBLSEMI__', ';', $attr);
            $attr = trim($attr);
            if (strpos($attr, ' ') === FALSE) {
                throw new Exception(' attr misdefined');
            list($attr, $as) = explode(' ', $attr, 2);
            $append = strpos($attr, '+') === FALSE ? '' : $node->getAttribute(trim($attr, '+')) . ' ';
            $attr = trim($attr, '+');
            $c = $this->createLocalVariable();
            // we can't put raw PHP into the dom, or it will get escaped
            $str = $this->processTales($as, $c . ' = %s;');
            $php_inst = PXHTMLTemplate::php()->register($str . 'echo htmlspecialchars(' . $c . '); unset(' . $c . ');');
            $node->setAttribute($attr, $append . $php_inst);
        $node->removeAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal', 'attributes');
PXHTML::registerNS('tal', 'http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal');
PXHTML::registerHandler('TalAttributes_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::TAL_ATTRIBUTES);
Пример #25
            if (!$parent->parentNode) {
                throw new Exception('no parent2');
            $parent = $parent->parentNode;
        if (!$found) {
            throw new Exception('no use-macro found');
        $target = $parent->getAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal', 'use-macro') . '---' . $node->getAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal', 'fill-slot');
        $macro_id = $parent->getAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal', 'pxhtml-macro-id');
        // now, find all matching chip-is-macro => metal-define-slot matches
        $q = '//*[@metal:pxhtml-is-macro][@metal:pxhtml-macro-id="' . $macro_id . '"]//*[@metal:define-slot="' . $target . '"]';
        $results = $this->query($q);
        // for each match, replace the contents of define-slot with fill-slot
        // remove the define-slot attribute
        for ($i = 0; $i < $results->length; $i++) {
            $destination = $results->item($i);
            while ($destination->firstChild) {
            while ($node->firstChild) {
            $destination->removeAttributeNS('http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal', 'define-slot');
PXHTML::registerNS('metal', 'http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal');
PXHTML::registerHandler('MetalFillSlot_PXHTMLNode', PXHTMLTemplate::MACRO_ANALYSIS + 2);