/** * Default handler to display index */ public function index() { IDMObject::authN(); if (isset($_GET['go'])) { $ticket_id = (int) $_GET['go']; PSU::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/ticket/' . $ticket_id); } $this->tpl->assign('open_calls', $this->_get_calls('open', $_GET['open_page'] ? $_GET['open_page'] : 1)); $this->tpl->assign('closed_calls', $this->_get_calls('closed', $_GET['closed_page'] ? $_GET['closed_page'] : 1)); $this->tpl->display('index.tpl'); }
public function _submit() { $f = $_POST; $app = new WoodwindApply($f); list($required, $filled, $percent) = $app->progress(); $_SESSION['woodwind-day']['f'] = $app->form(); if ($percent < 1) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'Please fill in all required fields.'; PSU::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/register'); } if ($id = $app->save()) { WoodwindAPI::mail($id); } else { $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'There was an error saving your submission data.'; PSU::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/register'); } PSU::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/thank-you'); }
<?php PSU::get()->banner = PSU::db('psc1'); respond('/?', function ($request, $response, $app) { $ecommerce_running = shell_exec('ps ef | grep ecommerce_process.php | grep -v grep'); if ($ecommerce_running) { $_SESSION['messages'][] = 'The ECommerce processing script is currently running. Reload to check the status.'; $app->tpl->assign('ecommerce_processing', true); } //end if $app->tpl->assign('ecommerce_pending_files', \PSU\Ecommerce::pending_files()); $app->tpl->assign('ecommerce_pending', \PSU\Ecommerce::pending()); $app->tpl->assign('ecommerce_files', \PSU\Ecommerce::file_info()); $app->tpl->assign('ecommerce_report', \PSU\Ecommerce::report()); $app->tpl->display('ecommerce.tpl'); }); respond('/process', function ($request, $response, $app) { $user = PSU::isDev() ? 'nrporter' : 'webguru'; if (PSU::isDev() && !IDMObject::authN('mis')) { return; } //end if $command = '~' . $user . '/scripts/ecommerce_process.php --instance=' . strtolower(PSU::db('banner')->database) . ' &'; exec($command); $_SESSION['successes'][] = 'The ECommerce processing script has begun. Please check back shortly.'; PSU::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL']); });
foreach ((array) $_SESSION['AUTHZ']['permission'] as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, 'ape_') === 0) { unset($_SESSION['AUTHZ']['permission'][$key]); } //end if } //end foreach $message = 'Now impersonating: ' . $_SESSION['username'] . ' (' . $_SESSION['wp_id'] . ')'; $_SESSION['messages'][] = $message; } elseif ($action == 'cancel') { if (isset($_SESSION['impersonate'])) { $GLOBALS['LOG']->write('Finished impersonating account', $_SESSION['username']); $_SESSION['wp_id'] = $_SESSION['impersonate_store']['wp_id']; $_SESSION['username'] = $_SESSION['impersonate_store']['username']; $_SESSION['pidm'] = $_SESSION['impersonate_store']['pidm']; $_SESSION['fullname'] = $_SESSION['impersonate_store']['fullname']; $_SESSION['phpCAS']['user'] = $_SESSION['impersonate_store']['username']; unset($_SESSION['AUTHZ']); PSU::get('idmobject')->loadAuthZ($_SESSION['pidm']); unset($_SESSION['impersonate_store'], $_SESSION['impersonate']); } //end if PSU::redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } else { throw new Exception('Stop trying to sneak in here!!!'); } //end else } catch (Exception $e) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = sprintf("%s (%d)", $e->GetMessage(), $e->GetCode()); } PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/user/' . $redirect_id);
}); respond('/?', function ($request, $response, $app) { $contracts = new PSU\AR\PaymentPlan\Feed\Contracts(10); $disbursements = new PSU\AR\PaymentPlan\Feed\Disbursements(4); $app->tpl->assign('date_format', '%b %e @ %l:%M %P'); $app->tpl->assign('contracts', $contracts); $app->tpl->assign('disbursements', $disbursements); $app->tpl->display('payment-plans.tpl'); }); respond('/process/[contract|disbursement:script]', function ($request, $response, $app) { $script = $request->script; if ($app->running[$script]) { PSU::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/payment-plans'); } //end if $user = PSU::isDev() ? 'nrporter' : 'webguru'; if (PSU::isDev() && !IDMObject::authZ('permission', 'mis')) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'Only MIS can run this script in development'; PSU::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/payment-plans'); } //end if if ('contract' == $script) { $command = '/usr/local/bin/php ~' . $user . '/scripts/payment_plan_' . $script . '.php -i ' . strtolower(PSU::db('banner')->database) . ' &'; } else { $command = '/usr/local/bin/php ~' . $user . '/scripts/payment_plan_' . $script . '.php --instance=' . strtolower(PSU::db('banner')->database) . ' &'; } //end else exec($command); $_SESSION['successes'][] = 'The Payment Plan ' . ucwords($script) . ' processing script has begun. Please check back shortly.'; PSU::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/payment-plans'); });
public function update() { $result = CDNAPI::update($_POST['cdnfiles'], $_SESSION['wp_id']); PSU::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/path' . $_POST['from']); }
$config = new PSU\Config(); $config->load(); define('PSU_API_APPID', $config->get('ape', 'api_appid')); define('PSU_API_APPKEY', $config->get('ape', 'api_key')); /*******************[Site Constants]*****************/ // Base directory of application $GLOBALS['BASE_DIR'] = dirname(__FILE__); // Base URL PSU::get()->base_url = $GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] = $config->get('ape', 'base_url'); if (file_exists('debug.php')) { // 1. debug.php should override $GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] and PSU::get()->base_url // 2. also modify auto_prepend_file and RewriteBase in .htaccess, but make sure you don't commit those changes include 'debug.php'; } if (isset($_GET['go'])) { PSU::redirect($config->get('ape', 'base_url') . '/user/' . $_GET['go']); } // Local Includes $GLOBALS['LOCAL_INCLUDES'] = $GLOBALS['BASE_DIR'] . '/includes'; // Temp $GLOBALS['TMP'] = '/web/temp'; // Templates $GLOBALS['TEMPLATES'] = $GLOBALS['BASE_DIR'] . '/templates'; // Icons $GLOBALS['ICONS'] = $config->get('app_url') . '/core/images/my/icons'; // Javascript $GLOBALS['COMMON_JS'] = $config->get('app_url') . '/core/js'; // Javascript $GLOBALS['JS'] = $config->get('ape', 'base_url') . '/js'; $GLOBALS['IDCARD_URL'] = $config->get('idcard', 'base_url'); // IDM "Source" name
$wp_id = $_GET['wp_id']; $type = $_GET['type'] == 'email_alt' ? 'email_alt' : 'user_email'; $email = strtolower($_GET['email']); $redirect_to = $GLOBALS['BASE_URL']; if (!$wp_id) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'wp_id was missing from request. How\'d that happen?'; PSU::redirect($redirect_to); } $person = new PSUPerson($wp_id); $user = get_userdatabylogin($person->wp_id); update_usermeta($user->ID, 'psuname', $person->login_name); $redirect_to .= '/user/' . $wp_id; if ($person->wp_id != $wp_id) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'Problem fetching user with wp_id ' . htmlentities($wp_id) . '.'; PSU::redirect($redirect_to); } if (!$email) { $_SESSION['messages'][] = 'Email address was blank; updated username only.'; PSU::redirect($redirect_to); } if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'Invalid email address provided: ' . htmlentities($email); PSU::redirect($redirect_to); } // // validation done; do link // $ticket = sl_initiate_link($person->wp_id, $email, $type); $_SESSION['messages'][] = 'Ticket created: ' . $ticket; PSU::redirect($redirect_to);
/** * redirects if not admin */ private function _force_admin() { if (!IDMObject::authZ('role', 'myplymouth')) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'You are not allowed to view the MyPlymouth administration interface.'; PSU::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL']); } //end if }
$_POST['location_building_id'] = 0; $_POST['location_building_room_number'] = ''; $_POST['location_call_logged_from'] = $_GET['call_source'] == 'support' ? 'support' : 'feedback'; } elseif ($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] == '/webapp/calllog/update_call_details.html' && $_POST && $_GET['ticket'] && $_GET['call_source'] == 'support') { $_POST['problem_details'] = filter_var($_POST['problem_details'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $prevent_file_upload = true; $GLOBALS['end_user_email'] = true; $person = new PSUPerson($_SESSION['username']); $_POST['call_id'] = $_GET['call_id'] = (int) $_GET['ticket']; $call = $db->GetRow("SELECT * FROM call_log WHERE call_id = ?", array($_GET['call_id'])); $_POST['title'] = $call['title']; $_POST['feelings'] = $call['feelings']; $_POST['feelings_face'] = $call['feelings_face']; $max_history = $db->GetRow("SELECT * FROM call_history WHERE call_id = ? AND current = 1", array($_GET['call_id'])); if ($max_history['call_status'] == 'closed') { PSU::redirect($_GET['redirect']); } //end if $_POST['call_log_username'] = $_POST['caller_user_name'] = $person->username ? $person->username : $person->wp_id; $_POST['caller_first_name'] = $person->formatName('f'); $_POST['caller_last_name'] = $person->formatName('l'); if ($person->phones['OF'][0]) { $_POST['caller_phone_number'] = '(' . $person->phones['OF'][0]->phone_area . ')' . $person->phones['OF'][0]->phone_number; } else { $_POST['caller_phone_number'] = ''; } //end else $_POST['its_assigned_group'] = $max_history['its_assigned_group']; if ($max_history['tlc_assigned_to'] != $person->username) { $_POST['tlc_assigned_to'] = $max_history['tlc_assigned_to']; } else {
<?php global $unsent; $missing = ugApplicants::appsMissingEmail(); $unsent = ugApplicants::getPopulation('unsent_myp_invite'); function _just_pidms($row) { return $row['pidm']; } function _remove_unsent($row) { global $unsent; return in_array($row['pidm'], $GLOBALS['unsent']) == false; } // $unsent should be an array of pidms $unsent = array_map('_just_pidms', $unsent); // trim users from $missing who no longer need an invite $missing = array_filter($missing, '_remove_unsent'); // remove everyone left in $missing foreach ($missing as $row) { ugApplicants::app_missing_email_resolved($row['pidm']); } PSU::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/provisioning.html');
/** * Restore a session stashed by an admin emulating another user's layout. */ public function restore_layout() { if (!isset($_SESSION['portal']['session_stashed'])) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'Could not find a stashed session to restore.'; PSU::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL']); } $session_stashed = $_SESSION['portal']['session_stashed']; unset($_SESSION['portal']['session_stashed']); $_SESSION = $session_stashed; $_SESSION['messages'][] = "Your session has been restored."; PSU::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/admin'); }
private function _redirect_authorization() { $authorized = $this->_check_authorization(); if (!$authorized) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'Please verify that you are authorized to access this financial information.'; PSU::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/verify'); } }
respond('/', function ($request, $response, $app) { $app->tpl->display('index.tpl'); }); respond('/thank-you', function ($request, $response, $app) { $f = $_SESSION['mtecd']['f']; unset($_SESSION['mtecd']['f']); if (!$f) { PSU::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/'); } $form = new PSU\Festivals\MusicCareerDay\Model($f); $form->readonly(true); $app->tpl->assign('form', $form); $app->tpl->display('thank_you.tpl'); }); respond('/_submit', function ($request, $response, $app) { $f = $_POST; $application = new PSU\Festivals\MusicCareerDay\Model($f); list($required, $filled, $percent) = $application->progress(); $_SESSION['mtecd']['f'] = $application->form(); if ($percent < 1) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'Please fill in all required fields.'; PSU::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/apply'); } if ($id = $application->save()) { $app->mail($id); } else { $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'There was an error saving your submission data.'; PSU::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/apply'); } PSU::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/thank-you'); });
/** * logic to display a given tab and portal structure for the user * * @param $tab \b tab to load */ public function index($tab = null) { if (!$tab) { PSU::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/tab/welcome'); } }