Пример #1
 function get_posts_where($args)
     $defaults = array('post_types' => array(), 'source_alias' => false, 'src_table' => '', 'apply_term_restrictions' => true, 'include_trash' => 0, 'required_operation' => '', 'limit_statuses' => false, 'skip_teaser' => false, 'query_contexts' => array(), 'force_types' => false);
     $args = array_merge($defaults, (array) $args);
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     //d_echo ("<br /><strong>get_posts_where:</strong> <br />");
     global $wpdb;
     if (!$src_table) {
         $src_table = $source_alias ? $source_alias : $wpdb->posts;
         $args['src_table'] = $src_table;
     if (!$force_types) {
         $post_types = array_intersect((array) $post_types, pp_get_enabled_post_types());
     $tease_otypes = array_intersect($post_types, $this->_get_teaser_post_types($post_types, $args));
     if (!$required_operation) {
         $required_operation = pp_is_front() && !is_preview() ? 'read' : 'edit';
         $args['required_operation'] = $required_operation;
     if ($query_contexts) {
         $query_contexts = (array) $query_contexts;
     $meta_cap = "{$required_operation}_post";
     if ('read' == $required_operation) {
         $use_statuses = array_merge(pp_get_post_stati(array('public' => true, 'post_type' => $post_types), 'object'), pp_get_post_stati(array('private' => true, 'post_type' => $post_types), 'object'));
         foreach ($use_statuses as $key => $obj) {
             if (!empty($obj->exclude_from_search)) {
                 // example usage is bbPress hidden status
     } else {
         $use_statuses = pp_get_post_stati(array('internal' => false, 'post_type' => $post_types), 'object');
     if (in_array('attachment', $post_types)) {
         $use_statuses['inherit'] = (object) array();
     if (is_array($limit_statuses)) {
         $use_statuses = array_intersect_key($use_statuses, $limit_statuses);
     if (empty($skip_teaser) && !array_diff($post_types, $tease_otypes)) {
         // All object types potentially returned by this query will have a teaser filter applied to results, so we don't need to use further query filtering
         $status_clause = "AND {$src_table}.post_status IN ('" . implode("','", array_keys($use_statuses)) . "')";
         return $status_clause;
     if (!is_bool($include_trash)) {
         if (!empty($_REQUEST['post_status']) && 'trash' == $_REQUEST['post_status']) {
             $include_trash = true;
     $where_arr = array();
     global $pp_current_user;
     global $pp_meta_caps;
     $flag_meta_caps = !empty($pp_meta_caps);
     foreach ($post_types as $post_type) {
         if (in_array($post_type, $tease_otypes) && empty($skip_teaser)) {
             $where_arr[$post_type] = "{$src_table}.post_type = '{$post_type}' AND 1=1";
         } else {
             $have_site_caps = array();
             $type_obj = get_post_type_object($post_type);
             foreach (array_keys($use_statuses) as $status) {
                 if ('private' == $status) {
                     $cap_property = "{$required_operation}_private_posts";
                     if (empty($type_obj->cap->{$cap_property})) {
                 if ($flag_meta_caps) {
                     $pp_meta_caps->do_status_cap_map = true;
                 $reqd_caps = pp_map_meta_cap($meta_cap, $pp_current_user->ID, 0, compact('post_type', 'status', 'query_contexts'));
                 if ($flag_meta_caps) {
                     $pp_meta_caps->do_status_cap_map = false;
                 if ($reqd_caps) {
                     // note: this function is called only for listing query filters (not for user_has_cap filter)
                     if ($missing_caps = apply_filters('pp_query_missing_caps', array_diff($reqd_caps, array_keys($pp_current_user->allcaps)), $reqd_caps, $post_type, $meta_cap)) {
                         $owner_reqd_caps = $this->get_base_caps($reqd_caps, $post_type);
                         // remove "others" and "private" cap requirements for post author
                         if ($owner_reqd_caps != $reqd_caps && $pp_current_user->ID) {
                             // && ! $omit_owner_clause
                             if (!array_diff($owner_reqd_caps, array_keys($pp_current_user->allcaps))) {
                                 $have_site_caps['owner'][] = $status;
                     } else {
                         $have_site_caps['user'][] = $status;
             $have_site_caps = apply_filters('pp_have_site_caps', $have_site_caps, $post_type, $args);
             if ($include_trash) {
                 if ($type_obj = get_post_type_object($post_type)) {
                     if ('edit_post' == $meta_cap && !empty($pp_current_user->allcaps[$type_obj->cap->edit_posts]) || 'delete_post' == $meta_cap && !empty($pp_current_user->allcaps[$type_obj->cap->delete_posts])) {
                         if (!isset($type_obj->cap->delete_others_posts) || !empty($pp_current_user->allcaps[$type_obj->cap->delete_others_posts])) {
                             $have_site_caps['user'][] = 'trash';
                         } else {
                             $have_site_caps['owner'][] = 'trash';
             $where_arr[$post_type] = array();
             if (!empty($have_site_caps['user'])) {
                 $where_arr[$post_type]['user'] = "******" . implode("','", array_unique($have_site_caps['user'])) . "')";
             if (!empty($have_site_caps['owner'])) {
                 $parent_clause = '';
                 // PPCE may be set to "ID IN (...) OR " to enable post revisors to edit their own pending revisions
                 $args['post_type'] = $post_type;
                 $_vars = apply_filters('pp_generate_where_clause_force_vars', null, 'post', $args);
                 if (is_array($_vars)) {
                     // possible @todo: intersect keys as with pp_has_cap_force_vars
                 if (!empty($args['skip_stati_usage_clause']) && !$limit_statuses && !array_diff_key($use_statuses, array_flip($have_site_caps['owner']))) {
                     $where_arr[$post_type]['owner'] = "{$parent_clause} ( {$src_table}.post_author = {$pp_current_user->ID} )";
                 } else {
                     $where_arr[$post_type]['owner'] = "{$parent_clause} ( {$src_table}.post_author = {$pp_current_user->ID} ) AND {$src_table}.post_status IN ('" . implode("','", array_unique($have_site_caps['owner'])) . "')";
             if (is_array($where_arr[$post_type])) {
                 if ($where_arr[$post_type]) {
                     $where_arr[$post_type] = pp_implode('OR', $where_arr[$post_type]);
                     $where_arr[$post_type] = "1=1 AND ( " . $where_arr[$post_type] . " )";
                 } else {
                     $where_arr[$post_type] = '1=2';
             if ($modified = apply_filters('pp_adjust_posts_where_clause', false, $where_arr[$post_type], $post_type, $args)) {
                 $where_arr[$post_type] = $modified;
             if ('attachment' == $post_type) {
                 if ('read' == $required_operation || apply_filters('pp_force_attachment_parent_clause', false, $args)) {
                     //if ( ( 'read' == $required_operation ) || ( defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX && ( false != strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'async-upload.php' ) ) ) || apply_filters( 'pp_force_attachment_parent_clause', false, $args ) ) {
                     $where_arr[$post_type] = "( " . $this->append_attachment_clause("{$src_table}.post_type = 'attachment'", array(), $args) . " )";
             if ('delete' == $required_operation) {
                 $const = "PP_EDIT_EXCEPTIONS_ALLOW_" . strtoupper($post_type) . "_DELETION";
                 if (defined('PP_EDIT_EXCEPTIONS_ALLOW_DELETION') || defined($const)) {
                     $required_operation = 'edit';
             $where_arr[$post_type] = PP_Exceptions::add_exception_clauses($where_arr[$post_type], $required_operation, $post_type, $args);
     // end foreach post_type
     if (!($pp_where = pp_implode('OR', $where_arr))) {
         $pp_where = '1=1';
     // term restrictions which apply to any post type
     if ($apply_term_restrictions) {
         if ($term_exc_where = PP_Exceptions::add_term_restrictions_clause($required_operation, '', $src_table, array('merge_universals' => true, 'merge_additions' => true, 'exempt_post_types' => $tease_otypes))) {
             $pp_where = "( {$pp_where} ) {$term_exc_where}";
     if ($pp_where) {
         $pp_where = " AND ( {$pp_where} )";
     return $pp_where;
Пример #2
 public static function get_restriction_clause($operation, $post_type, $args = array())
     require_once PPC_ABSPATH . '/exceptions_pp.php';
     return PP_Exceptions::get_exceptions_clause($operation, $post_type, $args);