Пример #1
# Reload data colors and apply alpha to all:
if (isset($tp['alpha'])) {
    $p->SetDataColors(NULL, NULL, $tp['alpha']);
    $title[] = "Alpha=" . $tp['alpha'];
$title[] = strtoupper($tp['output']) . ' Output';
if ($tp['antialias']) {
    $title[] = "Antialiased";
if ($tp['noalphablend']) {
    $title[] = "No alpha blending";
if (isset($tp['gamma'])) {
    $title[] = "Gamma=" . $tp['gamma'];
if ($tp['savealpha']) {
    $title[] = "Save alpha";
$p->SetTitle(implode(', ', $title));
// Or it doesn't show with anti-aliasing
Пример #2

# Testing phplot - Line-Points, extensions to suppress either
# the line or the points on each plot.
# $Id$
require_once 'phplot.php';
$data = array(array('', 1, 1, 2, 3), array('', 2, 2, 3, 4), array('', 3, 3, 4, 5), array('', 4, 4, 5, 6), array('', 5, 5, 6, 7), array('', 6, 6, 7, 8), array('', 7, 7, 8, 9), array('', 8, 8, 9, 10), array('', 9, 9, 10, 11), array('', 10, 10, 11, 12));
$p = new PHPlot();
$p->SetTitle('PlotType: linepoints with suppression');
# We don't use the data labels (all set to '') so might as well turn them off:
# Need to set area and ticks to get reasonable choices.
#  Increase X range to make room for the legend.
$p->SetPlotAreaWorld(0, 0, 13, 20);
$p->SetDataColors(array('red', 'green', 'blue'));
$p->SetPointShapes(array('circle', 'none', 'diamond'));
$p->SetLineStyles(array('solid', 'solid', 'none'));
$p->SetLegend(array('circle+line', 'line only', 'diamond only'));
# Make the points bigger so we can see them:
# Draw both grids:
# The default
Пример #3
require_once 'phplot.php';
$np = $tp['nlines'];
$data = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= 20; $i++) {
    $row = array('', $i);
    for ($j = 1; $j <= $np; $j++) {
        $row[] = $i + $j;
    $data[] = $row;
$p = new PHPlot(800, 600);
$p->SetTitle($tp['title'] . $tp['suffix']);
$p->SetPlotAreaWorld(0, 0, 21, 40);
# Options:
if (isset($tp['LWidths'])) {
if (isset($tp['DStyle'])) {
if (isset($tp['LStyles'])) {
Пример #4
        // Will suppress the label
        $max_indexes[] = $max_index;
    return $max_indexes;
# Custom label formatting function: Return an empty string, unless this is
# the largest value in the row.
function fmt_label($value, $maxes, $row, $column)
    if ($maxes[$row] == $column) {
        return $value;
    return "";
# Get the data array with 11 rows, 6 values per row:
$data = make_data_array(11, 6);
# Process the data array to find the largest Y per row:
$max_indexes = find_max_indexes($data);
# Now plot the data:
$plot = new PHPlot(800, 600);
// For presentation in the manual
$plot->SetTitle('Linepoints plot with only max Y values labeled');
$plot->SetYDataLabelType('custom', 'fmt_label', $max_indexes);
Пример #5
# Testing phplot - "Typical" plot with lots of elements, for manual
require_once 'phplot.php';
$data = array(array('', -4, -64, 16, 40), array('', -3, -27, 9, 30), array('', -2, -8, 4, 20), array('', -1, -1, 1, 10), array('', 0, 0, 0, 0), array('', 1, 1, 1, -10), array('', 2, 8, 4, -20), array('', 3, 27, 9, -30), array('', 4, 64, 16, -40));
# Size of plot is set by PDF 72dpi resolution:
$p = new PHPlot(400, 300);
# Titles:
$p->SetTitle('A Plot Containing Some Lines');
$p->SetXTitle('Independent Variable');
$p->SetYTitle('Dependent Variable');
# We don't use the data labels (all set to '') so might as well turn them off:
# Need to set area and ticks to get reasonable choices.
$p->SetPlotAreaWorld(-4, -70, 4, 80);
# Don't use dashes for 3rd line:
$p->SetLineStyles(array('solid', 'dashed', 'solid'));
# Make the lines thicker:
# Image border:
# Draw both grids:
# And a legend:
$p->SetLegend(array('x^3', 'x^2', '-10x'));
Пример #6

# PHPlot Example - Box Plot with outliers and line styles
require_once 'phplot.php';
# Data array: each row is (label, X, Ymin, YQ1, Ymid, YQ3, Ymax, [Youtlier...])
$data = array(array('', 1, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30), array('', 2, 12, 14, 18, 20, 24, 6, 8, 28), array('', 3, 5, 11, 19, 28, 35), array('', 4, 14, 17, 21, 26, 28, 9, 12, 35, 32), array('', 5, 12, 15, 22, 27, 30), array('', 6, 15, 18, 20, 22, 26, 12), array('', 7, 10, 15, 21, 26, 28, 32), array('', 8, 11, 15, 20, 24, 27, 6, 8), array('', 9, 10, 15, 19, 22, 26, 4, 34));
$plot = new PHPlot(800, 600);
$plot->SetTitle('Box Plot with outliers and styles');
// Improves presentation in the manual
# Use dashed lines for the upper and lower whiskers:
# Make the box and belt use a thicker line:
$plot->SetLineWidths(array(3, 3, 1));
# Make the outliers red, and everything else blue:
$plot->SetDataColors(array('blue', 'blue', 'red', 'blue'));
# Draw the outliers using a "star":
Пример #7
 function graficarDemandaPronosticoError($oData)
     $sql = "select\r\n\t\t\t\tdate_format(c1.fecha_fin, '%d/%m/%Y') fecha_fin, \r\n\t\t\t\tcantidad_demandada, \r\n\t\t\t\tprediccion, \r\n\t\t\t\terror,\r\n\t\t\t\tsenial \r\n\t\t\t\tfrom (\r\n\t\t\t\t\tselect\r\n\t\t\t\t\tfecha_fin, \r\n\t\t\t\t\tcantidad_demandada, \r\n\t\t\t\t\tprediccion, \r\n\t\t\t\t\terror, \r\n\t\t\t\t\tsenial \r\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom predicciones t1 \r\n\t\t\t\t\tinner join periodos t2 on t1.id_periodo = t2.id_periodo \r\n\t\t\t\t\twhere id_producto= " . $oData["id_producto"] . " \r\n\t\t\t\t\torder by fecha_fin asc) c1";
     $rs = getRS($sql);
     $data = array();
     $nro = getNrosRows($rs);
     $flag = 1;
     if ($nro) {
         while ($row = getRow($rs)) {
             if ($flag) {
                 $inicio = $row['fecha_fin'];
                 $flag = 0;
             if ($nro == 0) {
                 $fin = $row['fecha_fin'];
             $data[] = array('', $row['cantidad_demandada'], $row['prediccion'], $row['error'], $row['senial']);
     $plot = new PHPlot(800, 465);
     //tipo de gráfico
     $plot->SetTitle('Demanda real, predicción, error y señal de rastreo. Periodo ' . $inicio . ' al ' . $fin);
     $plot->SetLegend(array('Demanda real', 'Pronóstico', 'Error', 'Señal de rastreo'));
     //ancho de la linea
     //estilo de la linea
     $plot->SetDataColors(array('green', 'blue', 'red', 'purple'));
     # Draw both grids:
Пример #8
                $widths[$j] = $width++;
    } else {
        for ($j = 0; $j < $ny; $j++) {
            $widths[$j] = $j + 1;
if ($set_styles) {
    // $p->SetDefaultDashedStyle('10-5');
    // Hard to see dashed lines with dashed grid.
// Always do SetLineStyles (if set_styles is false, it sets them all to solid)
if ($set_linewidths) {
$p->SetLegendPosition(0, 0, 'plot', 0, 0, 5, 5);
if ($legend_use_shapes) {
if ($plot_area_background) {
if (isset($colorbox_width)) {
    $p->legend_colorbox_width = $colorbox_width;
Пример #9
// 1 = true
$graph->SetDataColors(array("blue", "green", "yellow", "red"), array("black"));
if ($maxy_in) {
    if ($which_data_type = "text-linear") {
        $graph->SetPlotAreaWorld(0, $miny_in, count($data), $maxy_in);
$graph->SetLineStyles(array("dashed", "dashed", "solid", "solid"));
$graph->SetLegend(array("A", "Bee", "Cee", "Dee"));
//Even more settings
		$graph->SetBackgroundColor(array(200,222,222)); //can use rgb values or "name" values
		$graph->SetTitleColor(array(0,0,0)); // Can be array or name
	* Generate a graph for this tag
	* @param string $tag
	* @param string $filePath
	* @return bool, success
	public function makePngGraph( $tag, $filePath ) {
		if( !function_exists( 'ImageCreate' ) ) {
			// GD is not installed
			return false;
		global $wgPHPlotDir, $wgMemc;
		require_once( "$wgPHPlotDir/phplot.php" ); // load classes
		// Define the object
		$plot = new PHPlot( 1000, 400 );
		// Set file path
		$dir = dirname($filePath);
		// Make sure directory exists
		if( !file_exists($dir) && !wfMkdirParents( $dir, 0777, __METHOD__ ) ) {
			throw new MWException( 'Could not create file directory!' );
		$plot->SetOutputFile( $filePath );
		$plot->SetIsInline( true );
		$data = array();
		$totalVal = $totalCount = $n = 0;
		// Define the data using the DB rows
		list($res,$u,$maxC,$days) = $this->doQuery( $tag );
		if( !$maxC ) {
			return false;
		// Label spacing
		$int = intval( ceil($days/10) ); // 10 labels at most
		foreach( $res as $row ) {
			$totalVal += (int)$row->rfh_total;
			$totalCount += (int)$row->rfh_count;
			$dayCount = (real)$row->rfh_count;
			if( !$row->rfh_count ) {
				continue; // bad data
			// Nudge values up by 1
			$dayAve = 1 + (real)$row->rfh_total/(real)$row->rfh_count;
			$cumAve = 1 + (real)$totalVal/(real)$totalCount;
			$year = intval( substr( $row->rfh_date, 0, 4 ) );
			$month = intval( substr( $row->rfh_date, 4, 2 ) );
			$day = intval( substr( $row->rfh_date, 6, 2 ) );
			# Fill in days with no votes to keep spacing even
			if( isset($lastDate) ) {
				$dayGap = wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX,$row->rfh_date) - wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX,$lastDate);
				$x = intval( $dayGap/86400 );
				# Day gaps...
				for( $x; $x > 1; --$x ) {
					$data[] = array("",$lastDAve,$lastRAve,0);
			# Label point?
			if( $n >= $int || !count($data) ) {
				$p = ($days > 31) ? "{$month}-".substr( $year, 2, 2 ) : "{$month}/{$day}";
				$n = 0;
			} else {
				$p = "";
			$data[] = array( $p, $dayAve, $cumAve, $dayCount );
			$lastDate = $row->rfh_date;
			$lastDAve = $dayAve;
			$lastRAve = $cumAve;
		// Minimum sample size
		if( count($data) < 2 ) {
			return false;
		// Re-scale voter count to fit to graph
		$this->dScale = ceil($maxC/5);
		// Cache the scale value to memory
		$key = wfMemcKey( 'feedback', 'scale', $this->page->getArticleId(), $this->period );
		$wgMemc->set( $key, $this->dScale, 7*24*3600 );
		// Fit to [0,4]
		foreach( $data as $x => $dataRow ) {
			$data[$x][3] = $dataRow[3]/$this->dScale;
		$plot->SetPointShapes( array('dot','dot','dot') );
		$plot->setPointSizes( array(1,1,4) );
		$plot->SetDataColors( array('blue','green','red') );
		$plot->SetLineStyles( array('solid','solid','solid') );
		// Turn off X axis ticks and labels because they get in the way:
		$plot->SetYTickIncrement( .5 );
		// Set plot area
		$plot->SetPlotAreaWorld( 0, 0, null, 5 );
		// Show total number of votes
		$plot->SetLegend( array("#{$totalCount}") );
		// Draw it!
		return true;