public static function homogenize(&$query)
     $query_list = explode(',', $query);
     $from[] = '/int\\(\\d+\\)/iU';
     $to[] = 'int';
     if (PHPWS_DB::getDBType() != 'mysql' && PHPWS_DB::getDBType() != 'mysqli') {
         $from[] = '/mediumtext|longtext/i';
         $to[] = 'text';
     foreach ($query_list as $command) {
         // Remove mysql specific call
         $command = str_ireplace('unsigned', '', $command);
         $command = preg_replace('/ default (\'\'|""|``)/i', '', $command);
         if (preg_match('/\\s(smallint|int)\\s/i', $command)) {
             if (!preg_match('/\\snull/i', $command)) {
                 $command = str_ireplace(' int ', ' INT NOT NULL ', $command);
                 $command = str_ireplace(' smallint ', ' SMALLINT NOT NULL ', $command);
             if (!preg_match('/\\sdefault/i', $command)) {
                 $command = str_ireplace(' int ', ' INT DEFAULT 0 ', $command);
                 $command = str_ireplace(' smallint ', ' SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 ', $command);
             $command = preg_replace('/ default \'(\\d+)\'/Ui', ' DEFAULT \\1', $command);
         $command = preg_replace($from, $to, $command);
         $newlist[] = $command;
     $query = implode(',', $newlist);
Пример #2
 * @version $Id$
 * @author Matthew McNaney <mcnaney at gmail dot com>
function pagesmith_update(&$content, $currentVersion)
    $home_dir = PHPWS_Boost::getHomeDir();
    switch ($currentVersion) {
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.0.1', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $db = new PHPWS_DB('ps_page');
            $result = $db->addTableColumn('front_page', 'smallint NOT NULL default 0');
            if (PHPWS_Error::logIfError($result)) {
                $content[] = "--- Unable to create table column 'front_page' on ps_page table.</pre>";
                return false;
            } else {
                $content[] = "--- Created 'front_page' column on ps_page table.";
            $files = array('templates/page_list.tpl', 'javascript/update/head.js', 'conf/error.php', 'templates/page_templates/simple/page.tpl', 'templates/page_templates/twocolumns/page.tpl');
            pagesmithUpdateFiles($files, $content);
            if (!PHPWS_Boost::inBranch()) {
                $content[] = file_get_contents(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/pagesmith/boost/changes/1_0_1.txt');
            $content[] = '</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.0.2', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $dest_dir = $home_dir . 'javascript/modules/pagesmith/passinfo/';
            if (!is_dir($dest_dir)) {
                if (is_writable($home_dir . 'javascript/modules/pagesmith/') && @mkdir($dest_dir)) {
                    $content[] = '--- SUCCEEDED creating "javascript/modules/passinfo/" directory.';
                } else {
                    $content[] = 'PageSmith 1.0.2 requires the javascript/modules/pagesmith/ directory be writable.</pre>';
                    return false;
            } elseif (!is_writable($dest_dir)) {
                $content[] = 'PageSmith 1.0.2 requires the javascript/modules/pagesmith/passinfo/ directory be writable.</pre>';
                return false;
            $source_dir = PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/pagesmith/javascript/passinfo/';
            if (!PHPWS_File::copy_directory($source_dir, $dest_dir)) {
                $content[] = "--- FAILED copying to {$dest_dir}.</pre>";
                return false;
            } else {
                $content[] = "--- SUCCEEDED copying to {$dest_dir} directory.";
            if (!PHPWS_Boost::inBranch()) {
                $content[] = file_get_contents(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/pagesmith/boost/changes/1_0_2.txt');
            $content[] = '</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.0.3', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $source_dir = PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/pagesmith/templates/page_templates/text_only/';
            $dest_dir = $home_dir . 'templates/pagesmith/page_templates/text_only/';
            if (PHPWS_File::copy_directory($source_dir, $dest_dir)) {
                $content[] = "--- Successfully copied {$source_dir}\n    to {$dest_dir}\n";
            } else {
                $content[] = "--- Failed to copy {$source_dir} to {$dest_dir}</pre>";
                return false;
            $files = array('conf/config.php');
            pagesmithUpdateFiles($files, $content);
            if (!PHPWS_Boost::inBranch()) {
                $content[] = file_get_contents(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/pagesmith/boost/changes/1_0_3.txt');
            $content[] = '</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.0.4', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $db = new PHPWS_DB('phpws_key');
            $db->addWhere('module', 'pagesmith');
            $db->addValue('edit_permission', 'edit_page');
            if (PHPWS_Error::logIfError($db->update())) {
                $content[] = 'Unable to update phpws_key table.</pre>';
                return false;
            } else {
                $content[] = 'Updated phpws_key table.';
            $content[] = '1.0.4 changes
+ Fixed pagesmith edit permission.
+ PageSmith home pages were missing edit link.</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.0.5', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            pagesmithUpdateFiles(array('templates/page_templates/text_only/page.tpl'), $content);
            $content[] = '1.0.5 changes
+ Changed wording on move to front functionality
+ Added move to front to miniadmin
+ Fixed text_only template. Missing closing div tag.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.0.6', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>
1.0.6 changes
+ Small fix to allow linkable images on cached pages.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.0.7', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            pagesmithUpdateFiles(array('templates/settings.tpl'), $content);
            $content[] = '1.0.7 changes
+ PageSmith can be set to automatically create a link when a new page
  is created.
+ Changing a page title now updates the menu link.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.1.0', '<'):
            PHPWS_Core::initModClass('filecabinet', 'Cabinet.php');
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            Cabinet::convertImagesToFileAssoc('ps_block', 'type_id');
            $content[] = '--- Images converted for File Cabinet 2.0.0.';
            pagesmithUpdateFiles(array('javascript/passinfo/head.js', 'templates/page_templates/threesec/page.css', 'templates/page_templates/threesec/page.tpl', 'templates/page_templates/threesec/structure.xml', 'templates/page_templates/threesec/threesec.png'), $content);
            $content[] = '1.1.0 changes (unreleased)
+ PageSmith conforms to new File Cabinet update.
+ Added url parser to passinfo script to allow images to work with fck better.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.2.1', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $source_tpl = PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/pagesmith/templates/page_templates/';
            $local_tpl = $home_dir . 'templates/pagesmith/page_templates/';
            $backup = $home_dir . 'templates/pagesmith/_page_templates/';
            $source_img = PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/pagesmith/img/folder_icons/';
            $local_img = $home_dir . 'images/mod/pagesmith/folder_icons/';
            if (is_dir($backup) || @PHPWS_File::copy_directory($local_tpl, $backup)) {
                $content[] = '--- Local page templates backed up to: ' . $backup;
            } else {
                $content[] = sprintf('--- Could not backup directory "%s" to "%s"</pre>', $local_tpl, $backup);
                return false;
            if (PHPWS_File::copy_directory($source_tpl, $local_tpl)) {
                $content[] = '--- Local page templates updated.';
            } else {
                $content[] = sprintf('--- Could not copy directory "%s" to "%s"</pre>', $source_tpl, $local_tpl);
                return false;
            if (PHPWS_File::copy_directory($source_img, $local_img)) {
                $content[] = '--- New page template icons copied locally.';
            } else {
                $content[] = sprintf('--- Could not copy directory "%s" to "%s"</pre>', $source_img, $local_img);
                return false;
            if (!pagesmithSearchIndex()) {
                $content[] = '--- Unable to index pages in search. Check your error log.</pre>';
                return false;
            } else {
                $content[] = '--- Pages added to search';
            $files = array('templates/pick_folder.tpl', 'templates/pick_template.tpl', 'templates/style.css', 'conf/folder_icons.php');
            pagesmithUpdateFiles($files, $content);
            $content[] = '1.2.1 changes
+ PageSmith now allows the sorting of templates
+ Page titles now added to search.
+ Wrong page ids don\'t 404. Send to message page.
+ Search indexing added to update and version raised.
+ Added search to pagesmith.
+ Changed to new url rewriting method.</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.2.2', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $files = array('templates/page_list.tpl');
            pagesmithUpdateFiles($files, $content);
            $content[] = '
1.2.2 changes
+ Updated pagers to addSortHeaders.
+ Fixed direct access to page allowing view.
+ Front page does not alter page title.
+ Fixed some notices and a caching bug.
+ Changed wording on edit text windows.</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.3.0', '<'):
            $db = new PHPWS_DB('ps_block');
            $db = new PHPWS_DB('ps_page');
            if (PHPWS_Error::logIfError($db->addTableColumn('parent_page', 'int NOT NULL default 0'))) {
                $content[] = 'Could not create ps_page.parent_page column.';
                return false;
            if (PHPWS_Error::logIfError($db->addTableColumn('page_order', 'smallint NOT NULL default 0'))) {
                $content[] = 'Could not create ps_page.page_order column.';
                return false;
            $db = new PHPWS_DB('ps_text');
            if (PHPWS_DB::getDBType() == 'mysql' || PHPWS_DB::getDBType() == 'mysqli') {
                if (PHPWS_Error::logIfError($db->alterColumnType('content', 'longtext NOT NULL'))) {
                    $content[] = 'Could not alter ps_text.content column.';
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $files = array('javascript/passinfo/head.js', 'templates/page_form.tpl', 'javascript/delete_orphan/', 'javascript/confirm_delete/', 'javascript/update/head.js', 'templates/page_templates/threesec-tbl/', 'templates/orphans.tpl', 'templates/page_form.tpl', 'templates/page_frame.tpl', 'templates/page_list.tpl', 'templates/style.css', 'templates/sublist.tpl', 'templates/upload_template.tpl', 'img/add.png', 'img/delete.png', 'img/back.png', 'img/front.png');
            pagesmithUpdateFiles($files, $content);
            if (!PHPWS_Boost::inBranch()) {
                $content[] = file_get_contents(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/pagesmith/boost/changes/1_3_0.txt');
            $content[] = '</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.3.1', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            $files = array('templates/page_templates/threesec/page.tpl', 'templates/page_templates/threesec-tbl/page.tpl', 'templates/settings.tpl');
            pagesmithUpdateFiles($files, $content);
            $content[] = '1.3.1 changes
+ Page cache refreshed on page save.
+ Updated threesec templates to conform with norm box-title,
  box-content layout
+ Added ability to lengthen or shorten pagesmith links.
+ Added fix so edit mode does not parse smarttags.</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.3.2', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            Users_Permission::registerPermissions('pagesmith', $content);
            pagesmithUpdateFiles(array('templates/page_templates/'), $content);
            $content[] = '1.3.2 changes
+ Update was missing a permission update
+ Wrong permission getting called on settings
+ All page templates now have a class called pagesmith-page
+ Removed padding from page templates</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.3.3', '<'):
            $db = new PHPWS_DB('ps_text');
            if (PHPWS_Error::logIfError($db->alterColumnType('content', 'longtext'))) {
                $content[] = 'Could not alter ps_text.content column.';
                return false;
            } else {
                $content[] = 'Updated ps_text.content column';
            $content[] = '<pre>';
            pagesmithUpdateFiles(array('javascript/disable_links/', 'javascript/update/head.js'), $content);
            $content[] = 'Version 1.3.3
+ Made ps_text.content null instead of not null
+ Made a change in page editing. Text spaces receive text without
  formatting. Prior to this change the parseOutput was run before
  sending the data to the editor. This stripped data that may need
  Now the text is sent to the editor without processing. After post
  the text IS processed. This fixed the filters. Anchors will be
  busted AFTER the edit post but I don\'t think they really need to
  work in edit mode.
+ Added javascript to prevent accidental link clicks in edit mode.
+ change_link was an id, changed to a class since there were several
  on a page.</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.3.4', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>1.3.4 changes
+ Fixed link shortening
+ Restored missing placeholder width and height
+ Fixed lost text bug.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.4.0', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>1.4.0 changes
+ Icon class implemented.
+ Fixed on disableLinks script.
+ Added black page check on saving. Prohibits empty content from being saved to the database.
+ Added option to turn off "Back to top" links.
+ Added default installation page.
+ PHP 5 strict fixes.</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.4.1', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>1.4.1 changes
Fixed bug causing blank editors on edit.</pre>';
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.4.2', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>1.4.2 changes
+ Added conditionals to try and prevent blank page posting.
+ Updated javascript to jquery code.
+ Added some new templates.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.5.0', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>1.5.0 changes
+ New method of editing text. Click on text instead of edit image.
+ Javascript window replaced with Jquery dialog.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.5.1', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>1.5.1 changes
+ Mouseover edit behavior changed.
+ Publish on date added.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.5.2', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>1.5.2 changes
- Fixed error message
- Empty orphans are removed automatically.
- Dialog editor made modal.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.5.3', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>1.5.3 changes
+ Edit hinting changed to Boostrap standard
+ Removed upload template tab and code
+ Font Awesome used in icons
+ Tweaked page listing.
+ Removed default background color from page template.
+ Fixed bug with pages saving untitled.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.5.4', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>1.5.4 changes
+ Added titles to admin icons
+ Removed @ to prevent PHP warning message
+ Style changes to pager listing
+ Pop up width is relative to browser
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.6.0', '<'):
            $db = \Database::newDB();
            $table = $db->addTable('ps_page');
            $table->addFieldConditional('template', 'art');
            $table->addValue('template', 'banner');
            $c1 = $table->getFieldConditional('template', 'vtour');
            $c2 = $table->getFieldConditional('template', 'VTOUR');
            $db->addConditional($db->createConditional($c1, $c2, 'OR'));
            $table->addValue('template', 'threesec');
            $content[] = '<pre>1.6.0 changes
+ Rewrote page templates to be Bootstrap compatible.
+ Removed art and vtour template.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.6.1', '<'):
            $content[] = '<pre>1.6.1 changes
+ changed content editor pop up to use bootstrap modal instead of jquery dialog
+ Bootstrap styling to some UI elements
+ Back to top link pulled right with new icon
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.7.0', '<'):
            $content[] = <<<EOF
<pre>1.7.0 changes
+ Removed hardcoded h2 styles on some templates
+ Back to top default setting added
+ Clicking off edit window saves content
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.8.0', '<'):
            $db = \Database::newDB();
            $lb = $db->addTable('layout_box');
            $lb->addFieldConditional('module', 'pagesmith');
            $content[] = <<<EOF
<pre>1.8.0 changes
+ Removed all PageSmith pages from layout_box table. Was kept only for multiple front pages which no one used.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.9.0', '<'):
            $db = \Database::newDB();
            $pp = $db->addTable('ps_page');
            $st = $pp->addDataType('show_title', 'smallint');
            $content[] = <<<EOF
<pre>1.9.0 changes
+ Added: Ability to hide title
+ Changed: Pagesmith editing works within Bootstrap modals.
+ Changed: Adapted to work with CKEditor 4.
+ Changed: Front page is now Highlander style.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.9.1', '<'):
            $db = \Database::newDB();
            $pp = $db->addTable('ps_page');
            if (!$pp->columnExists('hide_title') && $pp->columnExists('show_title')) {
                $dt = $pp->getDatatype('show_title');
            $content[] = <<<EOF
<pre>1.9.1 changes
+ Fixed: Code uses hide_title. Column name was show_title.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.9.2', '<'):
            $content[] = <<<EOF
<pre>1.9.2 changes
+ Fixed: hide_title was not properly formated in install.sql
+ Fixed: Reduced edit popup window height.
+ Feature: Added save button to CKEditor that works in maximize.
+ Feature: Added page update check to page submission.
+ Change: Save button is styled and larger.
+ Change: New page defaults to Text Only template.
        case version_compare($currentVersion, '1.10.0', '<'):
            $db = \Database::newDB();
            $t1 = $db->addTable('ps_page');
            $dt = $t1->addDatatype('deleted', 'smallint');
            $content[] = <<<EOF
1.10.0 Changes
+ Deleted pages are kept in database
    // end switch
    return true;