Пример #1
 function createFromTemplate($sTitle = "NO DEFINED TITLE", $sFile = null, $oParms = null, $oDocument = null, $oGroups = null)
     $sPath = getPHPReportsFilePath();
     $oError = new PHPReportsErrorTr();
     $sIf = $this->getDatabaseInterface();
     $sFile = $sFile ? $sFile : realpath($sPath . "/template.xml");
     // if the file does not exist
     if (!file_exists($sFile)) {
         $oError->showMsg("NOTEMPLATE", $sFile);
     // get the template contents
     $sFileContents = file_get_contents($sFile);
     // check if there are some parameters here ...
     if ($oParms) {
         $sParms = null;
         if (is_object($oParms)) {
             $sParms = $oParms->write();
         if (is_string($oParms)) {
             $sParms = $oParms;
         if ($sParms) {
             $sFileContents = str_replace("<REPLACE_WITH_PARAMETERS/>", $sParms, $sFileContents);
     // if no groups info was specified, follow the default behaviour: all the fields from the query,
     // with no group break
     if (!$oGroups) {
         // include the database interface and try to open the connection and execute the query
         $sIfFile = realpath($sPath . "/database/db_" . $sIf . ".php");
         if (!file_exists($sIfFile)) {
             $oError->showMsg("NOIF", $sIf);
         include_once $sIfFile;
         // if the database connection is null, open it
         if (is_null($this->_oCon)) {
             $this->_oCon = @PHPReportsDBI::db_connect(array($this->sUser, $this->sPass, $this->sCon, $this->sDatabase)) or $oError->showMsg("REFUSEDCON");
         // if there are some input filters ...
         if ($this->_oInput) {
             foreach ($this->_oInput as $oFilter) {
                 $this->sSQL = trim($oFilter->run());
             // there is no need to run the filters again
             $this->_oInput = null;
         // run the query
         $this->_oQuery = @PHPReportsDBI::db_query($this->_oCon, trim($this->sSQL)) or $oError->showMsg("QUERYERROR");
         // insert the column names
         $sNames = "";
         $sReplacedNames = "";
         $sTotals = "";
         $iColNum = PHPReportsDBI::db_colnum($this->_oQuery);
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $iColNum; $i++) {
             $sName = PHPReportsDBI::db_columnName($this->_oQuery, $i);
             $sExtra = isNumericType(PHPReportsDBI::db_columnType($this->_oQuery, $i)) ? " ALIGN=\"RIGHT\"" : "";
             $sReplacedNames .= "<COL CELLCLASS=\"bold\"{$sExtra}>" . ucfirst(strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $sName))) . "</COL>";
             $sNames .= "<COL TYPE=\"FIELD\"{$sExtra}>{$sName}</COL>";
             if (isNumericType(PHPReportsDBI::db_columnType($this->_oQuery, $i))) {
                 $sTotals .= "\t\t\t<COL TYPE=\"EXPRESSION\" ALIGN=\"RIGHT\">\$this->getSum(\"{$sName}\");</COL>\n";
             } else {
                 $sTotals .= "\t\t\t<COL></COL>\n";
         // build the group info
         $sGroup = str_replace("<REPLACE_WITH_REPLACED_COLUMN_NAMES/>", $sReplacedNames, $sGroup);
         $sGroup = str_replace("<REPLACE_WITH_COLUMN_NAMES/>", $sNames, $sGroup);
         $sFileContents = str_replace("<REPLACE_WITH_GROUP_INFO/>", $sGroup, $sFileContents);
         // if no document info is set, make one
         if (!$oDocument) {
             $oDocument = "<DOCUMENT>\n\t<FOOTER>\n\t\t<ROW>\n{$sTotals}\t\t</ROW>\t</FOOTER>\n</DOCUMENT>";
     } else {
         $sGroups = null;
         if (is_object($oGroups)) {
             $sGroups = $oGroups->write();
         if (is_string($oGroups)) {
             $sGroups = $oGroups;
         if ($sGroups) {
             $sFileContents = str_replace("<REPLACE_WITH_GROUP_INFO/>", $sGroups, $sFileContents);
     // check if there is some document info
     if ($oDocument) {
         $sDocument = null;
         if (is_object($oDocument)) {
             $sDocument = $oDocument->write();
         if (is_string($oDocument)) {
             $sDocument = $oDocument;
         if ($sDocument) {
             $sFileContents = str_replace("<REPLACE_WITH_DOCUMENT_INFO/>", $sDocument, $sFileContents);
     // replace the report title
     $sFileContents = str_replace("<REPLACE_WITH_TITLE/>", $sTitle, $sFileContents);
     // print htmlspecialchars($sFileContents);
     // create the temporary XML file
     $sTemp = tempnam($this->_sTmp, "tempphprpt");
     // this is just for PHP4 compability
     $fHand = fopen($sTemp, "w");
     fwrite($fHand, $sFileContents);
     $this->_bDeleteXML = true;
     // flag to delete the temporary file
     $this->sXML = $sTemp;
     // the XML layout file is the temporary file now
Пример #2
 function run()
     // default values for aggregation functions
     $this->_default["SUM"] = 0;
     $this->_default["COUNT"] = "null";
     $this->_default["MIN"] = "null";
     $this->_default["MAX"] = "null";
     // first step - find what columns we have, let's make a query that returns nothing but the columns
     $stmt = PHPReportsDBI::db_query($this->_con, "select * from (" . $this->_sql . ") crosstab_table where 1=2");
     $cols = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= PHPReportsDBI::db_colnum($stmt); $i++) {
         array_push($cols, PHPReportsDBI::db_columnName($stmt, $i));
     // find a delimiter
     $deli = isNumericType($cols[$this->_group_key]) ? "" : "'";
     // now we find the colums to work with the aggregated values - those are the values we'll create the columns
     $cagr = array_diff(array_values($cols), array_merge($this->_group_desc, array($this->_group_key)));
     // ok, now we know that columns to work with, we need to know the values of the group key
     $stmt = PHPReportsDBI::db_query($this->_con, "select distinct " . $this->_group_key . " from (" . $this->_sql . ") crosstab_table order by " . $this->_group_key);
     $keys = array();
     while ($row = PHPReportsDBI::db_fetch($stmt)) {
         array_push($keys, $row[$this->_group_key]);
     // create the sql query
     // check if there is another default operation other than SUM
     $oper = "SUM";
     if ($this->_options["DEFAULT_OPERATION"]) {
         $oper = strtoupper($this->_options["DEFAULT_OPERATION"]);
     // check if there is an order
     $order = "";
     if ($this->_options["ORDER"]) {
         $order = "order by " . $this->_options["ORDER"];
     // first the description columns
     $sql = "";
     foreach ($this->_group_desc as $col) {
         $sql .= $col . ",";
     $group = substr($sql, 0, strlen($str) - 1);
     $sql = "select " . $sql;
     $coln = array();
     // store the used column names
     $apcn = $this->_options["APPEND_COLUMNS_NAMES"];
     // then the aggregated values
     foreach ($keys as $key) {
         // here the key to compare
         foreach ($cagr as $col) {
             // here the column to manipulate
             $op = $oper;
             // default operation
             // if there is a customized function for this column ...
             if ($this->_options["COLUMNS_FUNCTIONS"][$col]) {
                 $op = $this->_options["COLUMNS_FUNCTIONS"][$col];
             // check the default value of the aggregation function - convert to uppercase because they're uppercase there
             if (!array_key_exists(strtoupper($op), $this->_default)) {
                 print "THERE IS NO DEFAULT VALUE FOR {$op}!";
             $defv = $this->_default[strtoupper($op)];
             // check if there is some alias to the function - some translation, for example
             $alias = $this->_options["FUNCTIONS_ALIASES"][$op] ? $this->_options["FUNCTIONS_ALIASES"][$op] : $op;
             // create the column name
             $name = strtoupper($alias) . "_" . strtoupper($key) . ($apcn ? "_{$col}" : "");
             // check if there is already a column name like this, if so create a new
             // one based on how many times it was repeated.
             if ($coln[$name]) {
                 $coln[$name] = $coln[$name] + 1;
                 $name = strtoupper($alias) . "_" . $coln[$name] . "_" . strtoupper($key) . ($apcn ? "_{$col}" : "");
             } else {
                 $coln[$name] = 1;
             $sql .= "{$op}(case when " . $this->_group_key . "={$deli}{$key}{$deli} then {$col} else {$defv} end) as {$name},";
     $sql = substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql) - 1) . " from (" . $this->_sql . ") crosstab_table group by {$group} {$order}";
     if ($this->_options["SHOW_SQL"]) {
         print $sql;
     return $sql;