Пример #1
 public static final function Load($path, $name)
     if (class_exists($name)) {
         return true;
     if (!class_exists($name)) {
         throw new ApplicationException(sprintf(_("%s must contain %s class."), $path, $name), E_ERROR);
     return true;
Пример #2
 private function main()
     while ($this->isRunning === TRUE) {
         // Setup our listen arrays
         $sockReads = $sockWrites = $socketExcept = array();
         if (!$this->isWindows) {
             $sockReads[] = STDIN;
         // Add host sockets to the arrays as needed
         // While at it, check if we need to connect to any of the hosts.
         $this->hosts->getSelectableSockets($sockReads, $sockWrites);
         // Add http sockets to the arrays as needed
         $this->http->getSelectableSockets($sockReads, $sockWrites);
         // Add telnet sockets to the arrays as needed
         $this->telnet->getSelectableSockets($sockReads, $sockWrites);
         // Update timeout if there are timers waiting to be fired.
         $this->updateSelectTimeOut($this->sleep, $this->uSleep);
         # Error suppression used because this function returns a "Invalid CRT parameters detected" only on Windows.
         $numReady = @stream_select($sockReads, $sockWrites, $socketExcept, $this->sleep, $this->uSleep);
         // Keep looping until you've handled all activities on the sockets.
         while ($numReady > 0) {
             $numReady -= $this->hosts->checkTraffic($sockReads, $sockWrites);
             $numReady -= $this->http->checkTraffic($sockReads, $sockWrites);
             $numReady -= $this->telnet->checkTraffic($sockReads, $sockWrites);
             // KB input
             if (in_array(STDIN, $sockReads)) {
                 $kbInput = trim(fread(STDIN, STREAM_READ_BYTES));
                 // Split up the input
                 $exp = explode(' ', $kbInput);
                 // Process the command (the first char or word of the line)
                 switch ($exp[0]) {
                     case 'c':
                         console(sprintf('%32s - %64s', 'COMMAND', 'DESCRIPTOIN'));
                         foreach ($this->plugins->getPlugins() as $plugin => $details) {
                             foreach ($details->sayCommands as $command => $detail) {
                                 console(sprintf('%32s - %64s', $command, $detail['info']));
                     case 'h':
                         console(sprintf('%14s %28s:%-5s %8s %22s', 'Host ID', 'IP', 'PORT', 'UDPPORT', 'STATUS'));
                         foreach ($this->hosts->getHostsInfo() as $host) {
                             $status = ($host['connStatus'] == CONN_CONNECTED ? '' : ($host['connStatus'] == CONN_VERIFIED ? 'VERIFIED &' : ' NOT')) . ' CONNECTED';
                             $socketType = $host['socketType'] == SOCKTYPE_TCP ? 'tcp://' : 'udp://';
                             console(sprintf('%14s %28s:%-5s %8s %22s', $host['id'], $socketType . $host['ip'], $host['port'], $host['udpPort'], $status));
                     case 'I':
                         console('RE-INITIALISING PRISM...');
                         $this->initialise(NULL, NULL);
                     case 'p':
                         console(sprintf('%28s %8s %24s %64s', 'NAME', 'VERSION', 'AUTHOR', 'DESCRIPTION'));
                         foreach ($this->plugins->getPlugins() as $plugin => $details) {
                             console(sprintf("%28s %8s %24s %64s", $plugin::NAME, $plugin::VERSION, $plugin::AUTHOR, $plugin::DESCRIPTION));
                     case 'x':
                         $this->isRunning = FALSE;
                     case 'w':
                         console(sprintf('%15s:%5s %5s', 'IP', 'PORT', 'LAST ACTIVITY'));
                         foreach ($this->http->getHttpInfo() as $v) {
                             $lastAct = time() - $v['lastActivity'];
                             console(sprintf('%15s:%5s %13d', $v['ip'], $v['port'], $lastAct));
                         console('Counted ' . $this->http->getHttpNumClients() . ' http client' . ($this->http->getHttpNumClients() == 1 ? '' : 's'));
                         console('Available Commands:');
                         console('	h - show host info');
                         console('	I - re-initialise PRISM (reload ini files / reconnect to hosts / reset http socket');
                         console('	p - show plugin info');
                         console('	x - exit PHPInSimMod');
                         console('	w - show www connections');
                         console('	c - show command list');
         // End while(numReady)
         // No need to do the maintenance check every turn
         if ($this->nextMaintenance > time()) {
         $this->nextMaintenance = time() + MAINTENANCE_INTERVAL;
         if (!$this->hosts->maintenance()) {
             $this->isRunning = FALSE;
     // End while(isRunning)
Пример #3
            foreach ($aPostValues as $name => $value) {
                if (is_array($value) && count($value) == 1 && isset($value[0]) && $value[0] == "") {
                    $aPostValues[$name] = array();
                } elseif ($bLimitPhpAccess && substr($value, 0, 2) == '={' && substr($value, -1) == '}') {
                    $aPostValues[$name] = $arValues[$name];
            //check template name
            $sTemplateName = "";
            foreach ($arComponentTemplates as $templ) {
                if ($templ["NAME"] == $_POST["NEW_COMPONENT_TEMPLATE"]) {
                    $sTemplateName = $templ["NAME"];
            $code = ($arComponent["DATA"]["VARIABLE"] ? $arComponent["DATA"]["VARIABLE"] . "=" : "") . "\$APPLICATION->IncludeComponent(\"" . $arComponent["DATA"]["COMPONENT_NAME"] . "\", " . "\"" . $sTemplateName . "\", " . "array(\n\t" . PHPParser::ReturnPHPStr2($aPostValues) . "\n\t)" . ",\n\t" . (strlen($arComponent["DATA"]["PARENT_COMP"]) > 0 ? $arComponent["DATA"]["PARENT_COMP"] : "false") . (!empty($arComponent["DATA"]["FUNCTION_PARAMS"]) ? ",\n\t" . "array(\n\t" . PHPParser::ReturnPHPStr2($arComponent["DATA"]["FUNCTION_PARAMS"]) . "\n\t)" : "") . "\n);";
            $filesrc_for_save = substr($filesrc, 0, $arComponent["START"]) . $code . substr($filesrc, $arComponent["END"]);
            $f = $io->GetFile($abs_path);
            $arUndoParams = array('module' => 'fileman', 'undoType' => 'edit_component_props', 'undoHandler' => 'CFileman::UndoEditFile', 'arContent' => array('absPath' => $abs_path, 'content' => $f->GetContents()));
            if ($APPLICATION->SaveFileContent($abs_path, $filesrc_for_save)) {
            } else {
                $strWarning .= GetMessage("comp_prop_err_save") . "<br>";
$componentPath = CComponentEngine::MakeComponentPath($_GET["component_name"]);
$arComponentDescription["ICON"] = ltrim($arComponentDescription["ICON"], "/");
$localPath = getLocalPath("components" . $componentPath);
Пример #4
 private function reindexFile($siteId, $rootPath, $path, $maxFileSize = 0)
     $pathAbs = IO\Path::combine($rootPath, $path);
     if (!UrlRewriter::checkPath($pathAbs)) {
         return 0;
     $file = new IO\File($pathAbs);
     if ($maxFileSize > 0 && $file->getFileSize() > $maxFileSize * 1024) {
         return 0;
     $fileSrc = $file->getContents();
     if (!$fileSrc || $fileSrc == "") {
         return 0;
     $arComponents = \PHPParser::parseScript($fileSrc);
     for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($arComponents); $i < $cnt; $i++) {
         $sef = is_array($arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]) && $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]["SEF_MODE"] == "Y";
         Component\ParametersTable::add(array('SITE_ID' => $siteId, 'COMPONENT_NAME' => $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["COMPONENT_NAME"], 'TEMPLATE_NAME' => $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["TEMPLATE_NAME"], 'REAL_PATH' => $path, 'SEF_MODE' => $sef ? Component\ParametersTable::SEF_MODE : Component\ParametersTable::NOT_SEF_MODE, 'SEF_FOLDER' => $sef ? $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]["SEF_FOLDER"] : null, 'START_CHAR' => $arComponents[$i]["START"], 'END_CHAR' => $arComponents[$i]["END"], 'PARAMETERS' => serialize($arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"])));
         if ($sef) {
             if (array_key_exists("SEF_RULE", $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"])) {
                 $ruleMaker = new UrlRewriterRuleMaker();
                 $arFields = array("CONDITION" => $ruleMaker->getCondition(), "RULE" => $ruleMaker->getRule(), "ID" => $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["COMPONENT_NAME"], "PATH" => $path, "SORT" => self::DEFAULT_SORT);
             } else {
                 $arFields = array("CONDITION" => "#^" . $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]["SEF_FOLDER"] . "#", "RULE" => "", "ID" => $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["COMPONENT_NAME"], "PATH" => $path, "SORT" => self::DEFAULT_SORT);
             UrlRewriter::add($siteId, $arFields);
     return true;
  * Mark a source code file based on the coverage data gathered
  * @param $phpFile Name of the actual source file
  * @param $fileLink Link to the html mark-up file for the $phpFile
  * @param &$coverageLines Coverage recording for $phpFile
  * @return boolean FALSE on failure
  * @access protected
 protected function markFile($phpFile, $fileLink, &$coverageLines)
     global $util;
     $fileLink = $util->replaceBackslashes($fileLink);
     $parentDir = $util->replaceBackslashes(dirname($fileLink));
     if (!file_exists($parentDir)) {
         //echo "\nCreating dir: $parentDir\n";
         $util->makeDirRecursive($parentDir, 0755);
     $writer = fopen($fileLink, "w");
     if (empty($writer)) {
         $this->logger->error("Could not open file for writing: {$fileLink}", __FILE__, __LINE__);
         return false;
     // Get the header for file
     $filestr = $this->writePhpFileHeader(basename($phpFile), $fileLink);
     // Add header for table
     $filestr .= '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">';
     $filestr .= $this->writeFileTableHead();
     $lineCnt = $coveredCnt = $uncoveredCnt = 0;
     $parser = new PHPParser();
     $lastLineType = "non-exec";
     $fileLines = array();
     while (($line = $parser->getLine()) !== false) {
         if (substr($line, -1) == "\n") {
             $line = substr($line, 0, -1);
         $coverageLineNumbers = array_keys($coverageLines);
         if (in_array($lineCnt, $coverageLineNumbers)) {
             $lineType = $parser->getLineType();
             if ($lineType == LINE_TYPE_EXEC) {
                 $type = "covered";
             } else {
                 if ($lineType == LINE_TYPE_CONT) {
                     // XDebug might return this as covered - when it is
                     // actually merely a continuation of previous line
                     if ($lastLineType == "covered" || $lastLineType == "covered_cont") {
                         $type = "covered_cont";
                     } else {
                         $ft = "uncovered_cont";
                         for ($il = $lineCnt - 1; $il >= 0 && isset($fileLines[$lineCnt - 1]["type"]) && $ft == "uncovered_cont"; $il--) {
                             $ft = $fileLines[$il]["type"];
                             if ($ft == "uncovered") {
                                 $fileLines[$il]["type"] = "covered";
                             } else {
                                 $fileLines[$il]["type"] = "covered_cont";
                         $type = "covered_cont";
                 } else {
                     $type = "non-exec";
                     $coverageLines[$lineCnt] = 0;
         } else {
             if ($parser->getLineType() == LINE_TYPE_EXEC) {
                 $type = "uncovered";
             } else {
                 if ($parser->getLineType() == LINE_TYPE_CONT) {
                     if ($lastLineType == "uncovered" || $lastLineType == "uncovered_cont") {
                         $type = "uncovered_cont";
                     } else {
                         if ($lastLineType == "covered" || $lastLineType == "covered_cont") {
                             $type = "covered_cont";
                         } else {
                             $type = $lastLineType;
                             $this->logger->debug("LINE_TYPE_CONT with lastLineType={$lastLineType}", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                 } else {
                     $type = "non-exec";
         // Save line type
         $lastLineType = $type;
         //echo $line . "\t[" . $type . "]\n";
         if (!isset($coverageLines[$lineCnt])) {
             $coverageLines[$lineCnt] = 0;
         $fileLines[$lineCnt] = array("type" => $type, "lineCnt" => $lineCnt, "line" => $line, "coverageLines" => $coverageLines[$lineCnt]);
     $this->logger->debug("File lines: " . print_r($fileLines, true), __FILE__, __LINE__);
     for ($i = 1; $i <= count($fileLines); $i++) {
         $filestr .= $this->writeFileTableRow($fileLines[$i]["type"], $fileLines[$i]["lineCnt"], $fileLines[$i]["line"], $fileLines[$i]["coverageLines"]);
     $filestr .= "</table>";
     $filestr .= $this->writePhpFileFooter();
     fwrite($writer, $filestr);
     return array('filename' => $phpFile, 'covered' => $coveredCnt, 'uncovered' => $uncoveredCnt, 'total' => $lineCnt);
Пример #6
if (strlen($propeditmore) > 0) {
    $bVarsFromForm = True;
$bEditProps = false;
if (!$bVarsFromForm) {
    if (!$bEdit && strlen($filename) <= 0) {
        $filename = $USER->CanDoOperation('edit_php') || $limit_php_access ? "untitled.php" : "untitled.html";
    if (!$bFullPHP) {
        $res = CFileman::ParseFileContent($filesrc_tmp, true);
        $filesrc = $res["CONTENT"];
        // ###########  L  P  A  ############
        if ($limit_php_access) {
            $arPHP = PHPParser::ParseFile($filesrc);
            $l = count($arPHP);
            if ($l > 0) {
                $new_filesrc = '';
                $end = 0;
                $php_count = 0;
                for ($n = 0; $n < $l; $n++) {
                    $start = $arPHP[$n][0];
                    $new_filesrc .= substr($filesrc, $end, $start - $end);
                    $end = $arPHP[$n][1];
                    //Trim php tags
                    $src = $arPHP[$n][2];
                    if (SubStr($src, 0, 5) == "<?" . "php") {
                        $src = SubStr($src, 5);
                    } else {
                        $src = SubStr($src, 2);
Пример #7
    $str_SITE_ID = htmlspecialcharsbx($site);
    $str_BODY_TYPE = "html";
    $str_TITLE = htmlspecialcharsbx($str_TITLE);
} else {
    $doc_files = CWorkflow::GetFileList($ID);
    while ($zr = $doc_files->GetNext()) {
        $arDocFiles[] = $zr;
    $str_BODY = htmlspecialcharsback($str_BODY);
if ($message) {
    $DB->InitTableVarsForEdit("b_workflow_document", "", "str_");
if ($USER->CanDoFileOperation('fm_lpa', array($str_SITE_ID, $str_FILENAME)) && !$USER->CanDoOperation('edit_php')) {
    $content = $str_BODY;
    $arPHP = PHPParser::ParseFile($content);
    $l = count($arPHP);
    if ($l > 0) {
        $str_BODY = '';
        $end = 0;
        $php_count = 0;
        for ($n = 0; $n < $l; $n++) {
            $start = $arPHP[$n][0];
            $str_BODY .= substr($content, $end, $start - $end);
            $end = $arPHP[$n][1];
            //Trim php tags
            $src = $arPHP[$n][2];
            if (SubStr($src, 0, 5) == "<?" . "php") {
                $src = SubStr($src, 5);
            } else {
                $src = SubStr($src, 2);
Пример #8
 function ProcessLPA($filesrc = false, $old_filesrc = false)
     if ($filesrc === false) {
         return '';
     // Find all php fragments in $filesrc and:
     // 	1. Kill all non-component 2.0 fragments
     // 	2. Get and check params of components
     $arPHP = PHPParser::ParseFile($filesrc);
     $l = count($arPHP);
     if ($l > 0) {
         $new_filesrc = '';
         $end = 0;
         for ($n = 0; $n < $l; $n++) {
             $start = $arPHP[$n][0];
             $new_filesrc .= CMain::EncodePHPTags(substr($filesrc, $end, $start - $end));
             $end = $arPHP[$n][1];
             //Trim php tags
             $src = $arPHP[$n][2];
             if (substr($src, 0, 5) == "<?php") {
                 $src = '<?' . substr($src, 5);
             //If it's Component 2 - we handle it's params, non components2 will be erased
             $comp2_begin = '<?$APPLICATION->INCLUDECOMPONENT(';
             if (strtoupper(substr($src, 0, strlen($comp2_begin))) == $comp2_begin) {
                 $arRes = PHPParser::CheckForComponent2($src);
                 if ($arRes) {
                     $comp_name = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($arRes['COMPONENT_NAME']);
                     $template_name = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($arRes['TEMPLATE_NAME']);
                     $arParams = $arRes['PARAMS'];
                     $arPHPparams = array();
                     CMain::LPAComponentChecker($arParams, $arPHPparams);
                     $len = count($arPHPparams);
                     $br = "\r\n";
                     $code = '$APPLICATION->IncludeComponent(' . $br . "\t" . '"' . $comp_name . '",' . $br . "\t" . '"' . $template_name . '",' . $br;
                     // If exist at least one parameter with php code inside
                     if (count($arParams) > 0) {
                         // Get array with description of component params
                         $arCompParams = CComponentUtil::GetComponentProps($comp_name);
                         $arTemplParams = CComponentUtil::GetTemplateProps($comp_name, $template_name);
                         $arParameters = array();
                         if (isset($arCompParams["PARAMETERS"]) && is_array($arCompParams["PARAMETERS"])) {
                             $arParameters = $arParameters + $arCompParams["PARAMETERS"];
                         if (is_array($arTemplParams)) {
                             $arParameters = $arParameters + $arTemplParams;
                         // Replace values from 'DEFAULT'
                         for ($e = 0; $e < $len; $e++) {
                             $par_name = $arPHPparams[$e];
                             $arParams[$par_name] = isset($arParameters[$par_name]['DEFAULT']) ? $arParameters[$par_name]['DEFAULT'] : '';
                         $params = PHPParser::ReturnPHPStr2($arParams, $arParameters);
                         $code .= "\t" . 'array(' . $br . "\t" . $params . $br . "\t" . ')';
                     } else {
                         $code .= "\t" . 'array()';
                     $parent_comp = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($arRes['PARENT_COMP']);
                     $arExParams_ = $arRes['FUNCTION_PARAMS'];
                     $bEx = isset($arExParams_) && is_array($arExParams_) && count($arExParams_) > 0;
                     if (!$parent_comp || strtolower($parent_comp) == 'false') {
                         $parent_comp = false;
                     if ($parent_comp) {
                         if ($parent_comp == 'true' || intVal($parent_comp) == $parent_comp) {
                             $code .= ',' . $br . "\t" . $parent_comp;
                         } else {
                             $code .= ',' . $br . "\t\"" . $parent_comp . '"';
                     if ($bEx) {
                         if (!$parent_comp) {
                             $code .= ',' . $br . "\tfalse";
                         $arExParams = array();
                         foreach ($arExParams_ as $k => $v) {
                             $k = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($k);
                             $v = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($v);
                             if (strlen($k) > 0 && strlen($v) > 0) {
                                 $arExParams[$k] = $v;
                         $exParams = PHPParser::ReturnPHPStr2($arExParams);
                         $code .= ',' . $br . "\tarray(" . $exParams . ')';
                     $code .= $br . ');';
                     $code = '<?' . $code . '?>';
                     $new_filesrc .= $code;
         $new_filesrc .= CMain::EncodePHPTags(substr($filesrc, $end));
         $filesrc = $new_filesrc;
     } else {
         $filesrc = CMain::EncodePHPTags($filesrc);
     if (strpos($filesrc, '#PHP') !== false && $old_filesrc !== false) {
         // Get array of PHP scripts from old saved file
         $arPHP = PHPParser::ParseFile($old_filesrc);
         $arPHPscripts = array();
         $l = count($arPHP);
         if ($l > 0) {
             $new_filesrc = '';
             $end = 0;
             for ($n = 0; $n < $l; $n++) {
                 $start = $arPHP[$n][0];
                 $new_filesrc .= substr($old_filesrc, $end, $start - $end);
                 $end = $arPHP[$n][1];
                 $src = $arPHP[$n][2];
                 $src = SubStr($src, SubStr($src, 0, 5) == "<?" . "php" ? 5 : 2, -2);
                 // Trim php tags
                 $comp2_begin = '$APPLICATION->INCLUDECOMPONENT(';
                 if (strtoupper(substr($src, 0, strlen($comp2_begin))) != $comp2_begin) {
                     $arPHPscripts[] = $src;
         // Ok, so we already have array of php scripts lets check our new content
         // LPA-users CAN delete PHP fragments and swap them but CAN'T add new or modify existent:
         while (preg_match('/#PHP\\d{4}#/i' . BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $filesrc, $res)) {
             $php_begin = strpos($filesrc, $res[0]);
             $php_fr_num = intval(substr($filesrc, $php_begin + 4, 4)) - 1;
             // Number of PHP fragment from #PHPXXXX# conctruction
             if (isset($arPHPscripts[$php_fr_num])) {
                 $filesrc = substr($filesrc, 0, $php_begin) . '<?' . $arPHPscripts[$php_fr_num] . '?>' . substr($filesrc, $php_begin + 9);
             } else {
                 $filesrc = substr($filesrc, 0, $php_begin) . substr($filesrc, $php_begin + 9);
     return $filesrc;
Пример #9
 public static function ReindexFile($path, $SEARCH_SESS_ID = "", $max_file_size = 0)
     global $APPLICATION;
     CMain::InitPathVars($site, $path);
     $DOC_ROOT = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site);
     if (!CUrlRewriter::CheckPath($path)) {
         return 0;
     if ($max_file_size > 0 && filesize($DOC_ROOT . "/" . $path) > $max_file_size * 1024) {
         return 0;
     $filesrc = $APPLICATION->GetFileContent($DOC_ROOT . "/" . $path);
     if (!$filesrc || $filesrc == "") {
         return 0;
     $arComponents = PHPParser::ParseScript($filesrc);
     for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($arComponents); $i < $cnt; $i++) {
         if ($arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]["SEF_MODE"] == "Y") {
             if (array_key_exists("SEF_RULE", $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"])) {
                 $ruleMaker = new \Bitrix\Main\UrlRewriterRuleMaker();
                 CUrlRewriter::Add(array("SITE_ID" => $site, "CONDITION" => $ruleMaker->getCondition(), "RULE" => $ruleMaker->getRule(), "ID" => $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["COMPONENT_NAME"], "PATH" => $path));
             } else {
                 CUrlRewriter::Add(array("SITE_ID" => $site, "CONDITION" => "#^" . $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]["SEF_FOLDER"] . "#", "RULE" => "", "ID" => $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["COMPONENT_NAME"], "PATH" => $path));
     return true;
Пример #10
function GetDirList($path, &$arDirs, &$arFiles, $arFilter = array(), $sort = array(), $type = "DF", $bLogical = false, $task_mode = false)
    global $USER, $APPLICATION;
    CMain::InitPathVars($site, $path);
    $DOC_ROOT = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site);
    $arDirs = array();
    $arFiles = array();
    $exts = strtolower($arFilter["EXTENSIONS"]);
    $arexts = explode(",", $exts);
    if (isset($arFilter["TYPE"])) {
        $type = strtoupper($arFilter["TYPE"]);
    $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance();
    $path = $io->CombinePath("/", $path);
    $abs_path = $io->CombinePath($DOC_ROOT, $path);
    if (!$io->DirectoryExists($abs_path)) {
        return false;
    $date_format = CDatabase::DateFormatToPHP(CLang::GetDateFormat("FULL"));
    $tzOffset = CTimeZone::GetOffset();
    $dir = $io->GetDirectory($abs_path);
    $arChildren = $dir->GetChildren();
    foreach ($arChildren as $child) {
        $arFile = array();
        if (($type == "F" || $type == "") && $child->IsDirectory()) {
        if (($type == "D" || $type == "") && !$child->IsDirectory()) {
        $file = $child->GetName();
        if ($bLogical) {
            if ($child->IsDirectory()) {
                $sSectionName = "";
                $fsn = $io->CombinePath($abs_path, $file, ".section.php");
                if (!$io->FileExists($fsn)) {
                include $io->GetPhysicalName($fsn);
                $arFile["LOGIC_NAME"] = $sSectionName;
            } else {
                if (CFileMan::GetFileTypeEx($file) != "php") {
                if ($file == '.section.php') {
                if (!preg_match('/^\\.(.*)?\\.menu\\.(php|html|php3|php4|php5|php6|phtml)$/', $file, $regs)) {
                    $f = $io->GetFile($abs_path . "/" . $file);
                    $filesrc = $f->GetContents();
                    $title = PHPParser::getPageTitle($filesrc);
                    if ($title === false) {
                    $arFile["LOGIC_NAME"] = $title;
        $arFile["PATH"] = $abs_path . "/" . $file;
        $arFile["ABS_PATH"] = $path . "/" . $file;
        $arFile["NAME"] = $file;
        $arPerm = $APPLICATION->GetFileAccessPermission(array($site, $path . "/" . $file), $USER->GetUserGroupArray(), $task_mode);
        if ($task_mode) {
            $arFile["PERMISSION"] = $arPerm[0];
            if (count($arPerm[1]) > 0) {
                $arFile["PERMISSION_EX"] = $arPerm[1];
        } else {
            $arFile["PERMISSION"] = $arPerm;
        $arFile["TIMESTAMP"] = $child->GetModificationTime() + $tzOffset;
        $arFile["DATE"] = date($date_format, $arFile["TIMESTAMP"]);
        if (isset($arFilter["TIMESTAMP_1"]) && strtotime($arFile["DATE"]) < strtotime($arFilter["TIMESTAMP_1"])) {
        if (isset($arFilter["TIMESTAMP_2"]) && strtotime($arFile["DATE"]) > strtotime($arFilter["TIMESTAMP_2"])) {
        if (is_set($arFilter, "MIN_PERMISSION") && $arFile["PERMISSION"] < $arFilter["MIN_PERMISSION"] && !$task_mode) {
        if (!$child->IsDirectory() && $arFile["PERMISSION"] <= "R" && !$task_mode) {
        if ($bLogical) {
            if (strlen($arFilter["NAME"]) > 0 && strpos($arFile["LOGIC_NAME"], $arFilter["NAME"]) === false) {
        } else {
            if (strlen($arFilter["NAME"]) > 0 && strpos($arFile["NAME"], $arFilter["NAME"]) === false) {
        //if(strlen($arFilter["NAME"])>0 && strpos($arFile["NAME"], $arFilter["NAME"])===false)
        //	continue;
        if (substr($arFile["ABS_PATH"], 0, strlen(BX_ROOT . "/modules")) == BX_ROOT . "/modules" && !$USER->CanDoOperation('edit_php') && !$task_mode) {
        if ($arFile["PERMISSION"] == "U" && !$task_mode) {
            $ftype = GetFileType($arFile["NAME"]);
            if ($ftype != "SOURCE" && $ftype != "IMAGE" && $ftype != "UNKNOWN") {
            if (substr($arFile["NAME"], 0, 1) == ".") {
        if ($child->IsDirectory()) {
            $arFile["SIZE"] = 0;
            $arFile["TYPE"] = "D";
            $arDirs[] = $arFile;
        } else {
            if ($exts != "") {
                if (!in_array(strtolower(substr($file, bxstrrpos($file, ".") + 1)), $arexts)) {
            $arFile["TYPE"] = "F";
            $arFile["SIZE"] = $child->GetFileSize();
            $arFiles[] = $arFile;
    if (is_array($sort) && count($sort) > 0) {
        $by = key($sort);
        $order = strtolower($sort[$by]);
        $by = strtolower($by);
        if ($order != "desc") {
            $order = "asc";
        if ($by != "size" && $by != "timestamp") {
            $by = "name";
        usort($arDirs, array("_FilesCmp", "cmp_" . $by . "_" . $order));
        usort($arFiles, array("_FilesCmp", "cmp_" . $by . "_" . $order));
    return null;
 protected function markFile($phpFile, $fileLink, &$coverageLines)
     global $util;
     $fileLink = $util->replaceBackslashes($fileLink);
     $parentDir = $util->replaceBackslashes(dirname($fileLink));
     $lineCnt = $coveredCnt = $uncoveredCnt = 0;
     $parser = new PHPParser();
     $lastLineType = "non-exec";
     $fileLines = array();
     while (($line = $parser->getLine()) !== false) {
         $line = substr($line, 0, strlen($line) - 1);
         $coverageLineNumbers = array_keys($coverageLines);
         if (in_array($lineCnt, $coverageLineNumbers)) {
             $lineType = $parser->getLineType();
             if ($lineType == LINE_TYPE_EXEC) {
                 $type = "covered";
             } else {
                 if ($lineType == LINE_TYPE_CONT) {
                     // XDebug might return this as covered - when it is
                     // actually merely a continuation of previous line
                     if ($lastLineType == "covered") {
                         $type = $lastLineType;
                     } else {
                         if ($lineCnt - 1 >= 0 && isset($fileLines[$lineCnt - 1]["type"])) {
                             if ($fileLines[$lineCnt - 1]["type"] == "uncovered") {
                             $fileLines[$lineCnt - 1]["type"] = $lastLineType = "covered";
                         $type = "covered";
                 } else {
                     $type = "non-exec";
                     $coverageLines[$lineCnt] = 0;
         } else {
             if ($parser->getLineType() == LINE_TYPE_EXEC) {
                 $type = "uncovered";
             } else {
                 if ($parser->getLineType() == LINE_TYPE_CONT) {
                     $type = $lastLineType;
                 } else {
                     $type = "non-exec";
         // Save line type
         $lastLineType = $type;
         if (!isset($coverageLines[$lineCnt])) {
             $coverageLines[$lineCnt] = 0;
         $fileLines[$lineCnt] = array("type" => $type, "lineCnt" => $lineCnt, "line" => $line, "coverageLines" => $coverageLines[$lineCnt]);
     return array('filename' => $phpFile, 'covered' => $coveredCnt, 'uncovered' => $uncoveredCnt, 'total' => $lineCnt);
Пример #12
			$functionParams = "";
				$functionParams = ",\n".

			$code = ($arComponent["DATA"]["VARIABLE"]? $arComponent["DATA"]["VARIABLE"]." = ":"").
				"\t\"".$arComponent["DATA"]["COMPONENT_NAME"]."\", \n".
				"\t\"".$sTemplateName."\", \n".
				"\t".($arComponent["DATA"]["PARENT_COMP"] <> ''? $arComponent["DATA"]["PARENT_COMP"] : "false").

			$filesrc_for_save = substr($filesrc, 0, $arComponent["START"]).$code.substr($filesrc, $arComponent["END"]);

			$f = $io->GetFile($abs_path);
			$arUndoParams = array(
				'module' => 'fileman',
				'undoType' => 'edit_component_props',
				'undoHandler' => 'CFileman::UndoEditFile',
				'arContent' => array(
					'absPath' => $abs_path,
					'content' => $f->GetContents()
Пример #13
            //check template name
            $sTemplateName = "";
            $arComponentTemplates = CComponentUtil::GetTemplatesList($componentName, $templateId);
            foreach ($arComponentTemplates as $templ) {
                if ($templ["NAME"] == $_POST["COMPONENT_TEMPLATE"]) {
                    $sTemplateName = $templ["NAME"];
            $functionParams = "";
            if (!empty($arComponent["DATA"]["FUNCTION_PARAMS"])) {
                $functionParams = ",\n" . "\tarray(\n" . "\t\t" . PHPParser::ReturnPHPStr2($arComponent["DATA"]["FUNCTION_PARAMS"]) . "\n" . "\t)";
            $code = ($arComponent["DATA"]["VARIABLE"] ? $arComponent["DATA"]["VARIABLE"] . " = " : "") . "\$APPLICATION->IncludeComponent(\n" . "\t\"" . $arComponent["DATA"]["COMPONENT_NAME"] . "\", \n" . "\t\"" . $sTemplateName . "\", \n" . "\tarray(\n" . "\t\t" . PHPParser::ReturnPHPStr2($aPostValues) . "\n" . "\t),\n" . "\t" . ($arComponent["DATA"]["PARENT_COMP"] != '' ? $arComponent["DATA"]["PARENT_COMP"] : "false") . $functionParams . "\n);";
            $filesrc_for_save = substr($filesrc, 0, $arComponent["START"]) . $code . substr($filesrc, $arComponent["END"]);
            $f = $io->GetFile($abs_path);
            $arUndoParams = array('module' => 'fileman', 'undoType' => 'edit_component_props', 'undoHandler' => 'CFileman::UndoEditFile', 'arContent' => array('absPath' => $abs_path, 'content' => $f->GetContents()));
            if ($APPLICATION->SaveFileContent($abs_path, $filesrc_for_save)) {
            } else {
                $strWarning .= GetMessage("comp_prop_err_save") . "<br>";
$componentPath = CComponentEngine::MakeComponentPath($componentName);
if ($strWarning !== "") {
Пример #14
		$strWarning = GetMessage("comp_prop_err_save");
			$arComponent["DATA"]["FUNCTION_PARAMS"] = array();
		$arComponent["DATA"]["FUNCTION_PARAMS"]["ACTIVE_COMPONENT"] = ($_GET['active'] == 'N'? 'N':'Y');

		$code =  ($arComponent["DATA"]["VARIABLE"]? $arComponent["DATA"]["VARIABLE"]."=":"").
			"\$APPLICATION->IncludeComponent(\"".$arComponent["DATA"]["COMPONENT_NAME"]."\", ".
			"\"".$arComponent["DATA"]["TEMPLATE_NAME"]."\", ".
			",\r\n\t".(strlen($arComponent["DATA"]["PARENT_COMP"]) > 0? $arComponent["DATA"]["PARENT_COMP"] : "false").

		$filesrc_for_save = substr($filesrc, 0, $arComponent["START"]).$code.substr($filesrc, $arComponent["END"]);

		$f = $io->GetFile($abs_path);
		$arUndoParams = array(
			'module' => 'fileman',
			'undoType' => $_GET['active'] == 'N'? 'disable_component' : 'enable_component' ,
			'undoHandler' => 'CFileman::UndoEditFile',
			'arContent' => array(
				'absPath' => $abs_path,
				'content' => $f->GetContents()
Пример #15
    if ($aComponent === false) {
        $strWarning .= GetMessage("comp_prop_err_comp") . "<br>";
//$_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" && $_GET["action"] == "refresh"
if ($strWarning == "") {
    $arTemplate = CTemplates::GetByID($_GET["path"], $arValues, $_GET["template_id"]);
    /* save parameters to file */
    if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" && $_GET["action"] == "save" && $aComponent !== false && $arTemplate !== false) {
        if (!check_bitrix_sessid()) {
            $strWarning .= GetMessage("comp_prop_err_save") . "<br>";
        } else {
            $params = PHPParser::ReturnPHPStr($_POST, $arTemplate["PARAMS"]);
            if ($params != "") {
                $code = "<" . "?" . ($arRes["VARIABLE"] ? $arRes["VARIABLE"] . "=" : "") . "\$APPLICATION->IncludeFile(\"" . $_GET["path"] . "\", Array(\r\n\t" . $params . "\r\n\t)\r\n);?" . ">";
            } else {
                $code = "<" . "?" . ($arRes["VARIABLE"] ? $arRes["VARIABLE"] . "=" : "") . "\$APPLICATION->IncludeFile(\"" . $_GET["path"] . "\");?" . ">";
            $filesrc_for_save = substr($filesrc, 0, $aComponent[0]) . $code . substr($filesrc, $aComponent[1]);
            if ($APPLICATION->SaveFileContent($abs_path, $filesrc_for_save)) {
            } else {
                $strWarning .= GetMessage("comp_prop_err_save") . "<br />";
if ($arTemplate["ICON"] == "" || !is_file($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $arTemplate["ICON"])) {
Пример #16
 function FetchParams($content)
     // 1. Parse file
     $arPHP = PHPParser::ParseFile($content);
     $arComponents = array('bitrix:intranet.event_calendar', 'bitrix:socialnetwork', 'bitrix:socialnetwork_user', 'bitrix:socialnetwork_group');
     if (count($arPHP) > 0) {
         self::$types = CCalendarConvert::GetOption('__convert_types');
         self::$iblockTypes = CCalendarConvert::GetOption('__convert_ibl_types');
         self::$settings = CCalendarConvert::GetOption('__convert_settings');
         foreach ($arPHP as $code) {
             $arRes = PHPParser::CheckForComponent2($code[2]);
             if ($arRes && in_array($arRes['COMPONENT_NAME'], $arComponents)) {
                 $PARAMS = $arRes['PARAMS'];
                 if ($arRes['COMPONENT_NAME'] == 'bitrix:intranet.event_calendar') {
                     if (!in_array($PARAMS['IBLOCK_TYPE'], self::$iblockTypes) && $PARAMS['IBLOCK_TYPE']) {
                         self::$iblockTypes[] = $PARAMS['IBLOCK_TYPE'];
                     if (self::$types['user']['iblockType'] == '') {
                         self::$types['user']['iblockType'] = $PARAMS['IBLOCK_TYPE'];
                     if (self::$types['group']['iblockType'] == '') {
                         self::$types['group']['iblockType'] = $PARAMS['IBLOCK_TYPE'];
                     if (isset($PARAMS['USERS_IBLOCK_ID']) && $PARAMS['USERS_IBLOCK_ID'] > 0 && self::$types['user']['iblockId'] <= 0) {
                         self::$types['user']['iblockId'] = intval($PARAMS['USERS_IBLOCK_ID']);
                     if (isset($PARAMS['SUPERPOSE_GROUPS_IBLOCK_ID']) && $PARAMS['SUPERPOSE_GROUPS_IBLOCK_ID'] > 0 && self::$types['group']['iblockId'] <= 0) {
                         self::$types['group']['iblockId'] = intval($PARAMS['SUPERPOSE_GROUPS_IBLOCK_ID']);
                     // Settings
                     self::SetModuleOption('path_to_user', $PARAMS['PATH_TO_USER']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('week_holidays', $PARAMS['WEEK_HOLIDAYS']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('year_holidays', $PARAMS['YEAR_HOLIDAYS']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('work_time_start', $PARAMS['WORK_TIME_START']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('work_time_end', $PARAMS['WORK_TIME_END']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('rm_iblock_type', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_IBLOCK_TYPE']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('rm_iblock_id', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_RES_MEETING_IBLOCK_ID']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('path_to_rm', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_PATH_TO_RES_MEETING']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('vr_iblock_id', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_VIDEO_MEETING_IBLOCK_ID']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('path_to_vr', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_PATH_TO_VIDEO_MEETING_DETAIL']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('path_to_vr', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_PATH_TO_VIDEO_MEETING']);
                 } else {
                     if (!in_array($PARAMS['CALENDAR_IBLOCK_TYPE'], self::$iblockTypes) && $PARAMS['CALENDAR_IBLOCK_TYPE']) {
                         self::$iblockTypes[] = $PARAMS['CALENDAR_IBLOCK_TYPE'];
                     if (self::$types['user']['iblockType'] == '') {
                         self::$types['user']['iblockType'] = $PARAMS['CALENDAR_IBLOCK_TYPE'];
                     if (self::$types['group']['iblockType'] == '') {
                         self::$types['group']['iblockType'] = $PARAMS['CALENDAR_IBLOCK_TYPE'];
                     if (isset($PARAMS['CALENDAR_USER_IBLOCK_ID']) && $PARAMS['CALENDAR_USER_IBLOCK_ID'] > 0 && self::$types['user']['iblockId'] <= 0) {
                         self::$types['user']['iblockId'] = intval($PARAMS['CALENDAR_USER_IBLOCK_ID']);
                     if (isset($PARAMS['CALENDAR_GROUP_IBLOCK_ID']) && $PARAMS['CALENDAR_GROUP_IBLOCK_ID'] > 0 && self::$types['group']['iblockId'] <= 0) {
                         self::$types['group']['iblockId'] = intval($PARAMS['CALENDAR_GROUP_IBLOCK_ID']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('path_to_user', $PARAMS['PATH_TO_USER']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('path_to_group', $PARAMS['PATH_TO_GROUP']);
                     if (isset($PARAMS['SEF_URL_TEMPLATES']['group_calendar']) && (strpos($PARAMS['SEF_URL_TEMPLATES']['group_calendar'], 'extranet') === false && strpos($PARAMS['SEF_FOLDER'], 'extranet') === false)) {
                         self::SetModuleOption('path_to_group_calendar', $PARAMS['SEF_FOLDER'] . $PARAMS['SEF_URL_TEMPLATES']['group_calendar']);
                     if (isset($PARAMS['SEF_URL_TEMPLATES']['user_calendar']) && (strpos($PARAMS['SEF_URL_TEMPLATES']['user_calendar'], 'extranet') === false && strpos($PARAMS['SEF_FOLDER'], 'extranet') === false)) {
                         self::SetModuleOption('path_to_user_calendar', $PARAMS['SEF_FOLDER'] . $PARAMS['SEF_URL_TEMPLATES']['user_calendar']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('week_holidays', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_WEEK_HOLIDAYS']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('year_holidays', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_YEAR_HOLIDAYS']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('work_time_start', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_WORK_TIME_START']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('work_time_end', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_WORK_TIME_END']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('rm_iblock_type', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_IBLOCK_TYPE']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('rm_iblock_id', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_RES_MEETING_IBLOCK_ID']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('path_to_rm', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_PATH_TO_RES_MEETING']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('vr_iblock_id', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_VIDEO_MEETING_IBLOCK_ID']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('path_to_vr', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_PATH_TO_VIDEO_MEETING_DETAIL']);
                     self::SetModuleOption('path_to_vr', $PARAMS['CALENDAR_PATH_TO_VIDEO_MEETING']);
         CCalendarConvert::SetOption('__convert_types', self::$types);
         CCalendarConvert::SetOption('__convert_ibl_types', self::$iblockTypes);
         CCalendarConvert::SetOption('__convert_settings', self::$settings);
     return true;
Пример #17
 public static function getPageTitle($filesrc, $prolog = false)
     if ($prolog === false) {
         $chunks = PHPParser::getPhpChunks($filesrc, 1);
         if (!empty($chunks)) {
             $prolog =& $chunks[0];
         } else {
             $prolog = '';
     $title = false;
     if ($prolog != '') {
         if (preg_match("/\\\$APPLICATION->SetTitle\\s*\\(\\s*\"(.*?)(?<!\\\\)\"\\s*\\);/is", $prolog, $regs)) {
             $title = UnEscapePHPString($regs[1]);
         } elseif (preg_match("/\\\$APPLICATION->SetTitle\\s*\\(\\s*'(.*?)(?<!\\\\)'\\s*\\);/is", $prolog, $regs)) {
             $title = UnEscapePHPString($regs[1]);
         } elseif (preg_match("'<title[^>]*>([^>]+)</title[^>]*>'i", $prolog, $regs)) {
             $title = $regs[1];
     if (!$title && preg_match("'<title[^>]*>([^>]+)</title[^>]*>'i", $filesrc, $regs)) {
         $title = $regs[1];
     return $title;
Пример #18
function ParseFileContent($filesrc, $params = array())
    // Parse prolog, epilog, title
    $filesrc = trim($filesrc);
    $prolog = $epilog = '';
    $php_doubleq = false;
    $php_singleq = false;
    $php_comment = false;
    $php_star_comment = false;
    $php_line_comment = false;
    $php_st = "<" . "?";
    $php_ed = "?" . ">";
    if ($params["use_php_parser"] && substr($filesrc, 0, 2) == $php_st) {
        $phpChunks = PHPParser::getPhpChunks($filesrc);
        if (!empty($phpChunks)) {
            $prolog = $phpChunks[0];
            $filesrc = substr($filesrc, strlen($prolog));
    } elseif (substr($filesrc, 0, 2) == $php_st) {
        $fl = strlen($filesrc);
        $p = 2;
        while ($p < $fl) {
            $ch2 = substr($filesrc, $p, 2);
            $ch1 = substr($ch2, 0, 1);
            if ($ch2 == $php_ed && !$php_doubleq && !$php_singleq && !$php_star_comment) {
                $p += 2;
            } elseif (!$php_comment && $ch2 == "//" && !$php_doubleq && !$php_singleq) {
                $php_comment = $php_line_comment = true;
            } elseif ($php_line_comment && ($ch1 == "\n" || $ch1 == "\r" || $ch2 == "?>")) {
                $php_comment = $php_line_comment = false;
            } elseif (!$php_comment && $ch2 == "/*" && !$php_doubleq && !$php_singleq) {
                $php_comment = $php_star_comment = true;
            } elseif ($php_star_comment && $ch2 == "*/") {
                $php_comment = $php_star_comment = false;
            } elseif (!$php_comment) {
                if (($php_doubleq || $php_singleq) && $ch2 == "\\\\") {
                } elseif (!$php_doubleq && $ch1 == '"') {
                    $php_doubleq = true;
                } elseif ($php_doubleq && $ch1 == '"' && substr($filesrc, $p - 1, 1) != '\\') {
                    $php_doubleq = false;
                } elseif (!$php_doubleq) {
                    if (!$php_singleq && $ch1 == "'") {
                        $php_singleq = true;
                    } elseif ($php_singleq && $ch1 == "'" && substr($filesrc, $p - 1, 1) != '\\') {
                        $php_singleq = false;
        $prolog = substr($filesrc, 0, $p);
        $filesrc = substr($filesrc, $p);
    } elseif (preg_match("'(.*?<title>.*?</title>)(.*)\$'is", $filesrc, $reg)) {
        $prolog = $reg[1];
        $filesrc = $reg[2];
    $title = PHPParser::getPageTitle($filesrc, $prolog);
    $arPageProps = array();
    if (strlen($prolog)) {
        if (preg_match_all("'\\\$APPLICATION->SetPageProperty\\(([\"\\'])(.*?)(?<!\\\\)[\"\\'] *, *([\"\\'])(.*?)(?<!\\\\)[\"\\']\\);'i", $prolog, $out)) {
            foreach ($out[2] as $i => $m1) {
                $arPageProps[UnEscapePHPString($m1, $out[1][$i])] = UnEscapePHPString($out[4][$i], $out[3][$i]);
    if (substr($filesrc, -2) == "?" . ">") {
        if (isset($phpChunks) && count($phpChunks) > 1) {
            $epilog = $phpChunks[count($phpChunks) - 1];
            $filesrc = substr($filesrc, 0, -strlen($epilog));
        } else {
            $p = strlen($filesrc) - 2;
            $php_start = "<" . "?";
            while ($p > 0 && substr($filesrc, $p, 2) != $php_start) {
            $epilog = substr($filesrc, $p);
            $filesrc = substr($filesrc, 0, $p);
    return array("PROLOG" => $prolog, "TITLE" => $title, "PROPERTIES" => $arPageProps, "CONTENT" => $filesrc, "EPILOG" => $epilog);
Пример #19
			$sTemplateName = "";
			foreach($arComponentTemplates as $templ)
				if($templ["NAME"] == $_POST["NEW_COMPONENT_TEMPLATE"])
					$sTemplateName = $templ["NAME"];

			$code =  ($arComponent["DATA"]["VARIABLE"]? $arComponent["DATA"]["VARIABLE"]."=":"").
				"\$APPLICATION->IncludeComponent(\"".$arComponent["DATA"]["COMPONENT_NAME"]."\", ".
				"\"".$sTemplateName."\", ".
				",\n\t".(strlen($arComponent["DATA"]["PARENT_COMP"]) > 0? $arComponent["DATA"]["PARENT_COMP"] : "false").
				(!empty($arComponent["DATA"]["FUNCTION_PARAMS"])? ",\n\t"."array(\n\t".PHPParser::ReturnPHPStr2($arComponent["DATA"]["FUNCTION_PARAMS"])."\n\t)" : "").
			$filesrc_for_save = substr($filesrc, 0, $arComponent["START"]).$code.substr($filesrc, $arComponent["END"]);

			$f = $io->GetFile($abs_path);
			$arUndoParams = array(
				'module' => 'fileman',
				'undoType' => 'edit_component_props',
				'undoHandler' => 'CFileman::UndoEditFile',
				'arContent' => array(
					'absPath' => $abs_path,
					'content' => $f->GetContents()

			if($APPLICATION->SaveFileContent($abs_path, $filesrc_for_save))
Пример #20
		function IncludePHPFile($params, &$smarty)
Пример #21
 public function handleInput(&$data, &$errNo)
     // What is this? we're getting input while we're sending a reply?
     if ($this->sendFile) {
         $this->httpRequest = null;
     } else {
         if ($this->sendQLen > 0) {
             $this->httpRequest = null;
     if (!$this->httpRequest) {
         $this->httpRequest = new HttpRequest();
     // Pass the incoming data to the HttpRequest class, so it can handle it.
     if (!$this->httpRequest->handleInput($data)) {
         // An error was encountered while receiving the requst.
         // Send reply (unless 444, a special 'direct reject' code) and return false to close this connection.
         if ($this->httpRequest->errNo != 444) {
             $r = new HttpResponse('1.1', $this->httpRequest->errNo);
             $r->addBody($this->createErrorPage($this->httpRequest->errNo, $this->httpRequest->errStr));
             if ($this->httpRequest->errNo == 405) {
                 $r->addHeader('Allow: GET, POST, HEAD');
                 $r->addHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, HEAD');
             $this->logRequest($r->getResponseCode(), $r->getHeader('Content-Length') ? $r->getHeader('Content-Length') : 0);
         } else {
             $this->logRequest(444, 0);
         $errNo = $this->httpRequest->errNo;
         return false;
     // If we have no headers, or we are busy with receiving.
     // Just return and wait for more data.
     if (!$this->httpRequest->hasHeaders || $this->httpRequest->isReceiving) {
         // We're still receiving the body of a request
         return true;
     // Return true to just wait and try again later
     // At this point we have a fully qualified and parsed HttpRequest
     // The HttpRequest object contains all info about the headers / GET / POST / COOKIE / FILES
     // Just finalise it by adding some extra client info.
     $this->httpRequest->SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $this->ip;
     $this->httpRequest->SERVER['REMOTE_PORT'] = $this->port;
     $this->httpRequest->SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] = $this->localIP;
     $this->httpRequest->SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = $this->localPort;
     $exp = explode(':', $this->httpRequest->headers['Host']);
     $this->httpRequest->SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = $exp[0];
     $this->httpRequest->SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $this->httpRequest->headers['Host'];
     $this->httpRequest->SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = isset($this->httpRequest->headers['User-Agent']) ? $this->httpRequest->headers['User-Agent'] : '';
     $this->httpRequest->SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = isset($this->httpRequest->headers['Accept']) ? $this->httpRequest->headers['Accept'] : '';
     $this->httpRequest->SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] = isset($this->httpRequest->headers['Accept-Language']) ? $this->httpRequest->headers['Accept-Language'] : '';
     $this->httpRequest->SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] = isset($this->httpRequest->headers['Accept-Encoding']) ? $this->httpRequest->headers['Accept-Encoding'] : '';
     $this->httpRequest->SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET'] = isset($this->httpRequest->headers['Accept-Charset']) ? $this->httpRequest->headers['Accept-Charset'] : '';
     $this->httpRequest->SERVER['HTTP_CONNECTION'] = isset($this->httpRequest->headers['Connection']) ? $this->httpRequest->headers['Connection'] : '';
     $this->httpRequest->SERVER['HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE'] = isset($this->httpRequest->headers['Keep-Alive']) ? $this->httpRequest->headers['Keep-Alive'] : '';
     if (isset($this->httpRequest->headers['Referer'])) {
         $this->httpRequest->SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] = $this->httpRequest->headers['Referer'];
     if (isset($this->httpRequest->headers['Range'])) {
         $this->httpRequest->SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'] = $this->httpRequest->headers['Range'];
     if (isset($this->httpRequest->headers['Cookie'])) {
         $this->httpRequest->SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE'] = $this->httpRequest->headers['Cookie'];
     if (isset($this->httpRequest->headers['Authorization'])) {
         $this->httpRequest->SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = $this->httpRequest->headers['Authorization'];
     $this->httpRequest->SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] = time();
     // Check if we have to match siteDomain
     if ($this->http->getSiteDomain() != '' && $this->http->getSiteDomain() != $this->httpRequest->SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) {
         $r = new HttpResponse($this->httpRequest->SERVER['httpVersion'], 404);
         $errNo = 404;
         $this->logRequest($r->getResponseCode(), $r->getHeader('Content-Length') ? $r->getHeader('Content-Length') : 0);
         return false;
     // HTTP Authorisation?
     if ($this->http->getHttpAuthPath() != '') {
         $scriptPath = pathinfo($this->httpRequest->SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], PATHINFO_DIRNAME);
         // Check if path must be auth'd and if HTTP_AUTHORIZATION header exists and if so, validate it
         if (isDirInDir($this->http->getHttpAuthPath(), $this->http->getDocRoot() . $scriptPath) && (!isset($this->httpRequest->SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']) || !$this->validateAuthorization())) {
             // Not validated - send 401 Unauthorized
             do {
                 $nonce = createRandomString(17, RAND_HEX);
                 if (!$this->http->getNonceInfo($nonce)) {
             } while (true);
             $opaque = $this->http->addNewNonce($nonce);
             $r = new HttpResponse($this->httpRequest->SERVER['httpVersion'], 401);
             if ($this->http->getHttpAuthType() == 'Digest') {
                 $r->addHeader('WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="' . HTTP_AUTH_REALM . '", qop="auth", nonce="' . $nonce . '", opaque="' . $opaque . '"');
             } else {
                 $r->addHeader('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="' . HTTP_AUTH_REALM . '"');
             $r->addBody($this->createErrorPage(401, '', true));
             $errNo = 401;
             $this->logRequest($r->getResponseCode(), $r->getHeader('Content-Length') ? $r->getHeader('Content-Length') : 0);
             $this->httpRequest = null;
             return true;
             // we return true this time because we may stay connected
     // Rewrite script name? (keep it internal - don't rewrite SERVER header
     $scriptName = $this->httpRequest->SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] == '/' ? '/index.php' : $this->httpRequest->SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
     if (file_exists($this->http->getDocRoot() . $scriptName)) {
         // Should we serve a file or pass the request to PHPParser for page generation?
         if (preg_match('/^.*\\.php$/', $scriptName)) {
             if ($this->httpRequest->SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'HEAD') {
                 $r = new HttpResponse($this->httpRequest->SERVER['httpVersion'], 200);
             } else {
                 // 'Parse' the php file
                 $r = new HttpResponse($this->httpRequest->SERVER['httpVersion'], 200);
                 $html = PHPParser::parseFile($r, $scriptName, $this->httpRequest->SERVER, $this->httpRequest->GET, $this->httpRequest->POST, $this->httpRequest->COOKIE, $this->httpRequest->FILES);
         } else {
             if (is_dir($this->http->getDocRoot() . $this->httpRequest->SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {
                 // 403 - not allowed to view folder contents
                 $r = new HttpResponse($this->httpRequest->SERVER['httpVersion'], 403);
             } else {
                 // Send a file
                 if ($this->httpRequest->SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'HEAD') {
                     $r = new HttpResponse($this->httpRequest->SERVER['httpVersion'], 200);
                 } else {
                     $r = $this->serveFile();
     } else {
         // 404
         $r = new HttpResponse($this->httpRequest->SERVER['httpVersion'], 404);
     // log line
     $this->logRequest($r->getResponseCode(), $r->getHeader('Content-Length') ? $r->getHeader('Content-Length') : 0);
     // Reset httpRequest
     $this->httpRequest = null;
     return true;
Пример #22
 public static function OnChangeFileComponent($path, $site)
     /** @global CMain $APPLICATION */
     global $APPLICATION;
     // kind of optimization
     if (!HasScriptExtension($path)) {
     $docRoot = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site);
     CUrlRewriter::Delete(array("SITE_ID" => $site, "PATH" => $path, "ID" => "NULL"));
     if (class_exists("\\Bitrix\\Main\\Application", false)) {
         \Bitrix\Main\Component\ParametersTable::deleteByFilter(array("SITE_ID" => $site, "REAL_PATH" => $path));
     $fileSrc = $APPLICATION->GetFileContent($docRoot . $path);
     $arComponents = PHPParser::ParseScript($fileSrc);
     for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($arComponents); $i < $cnt; $i++) {
         if (class_exists("\\Bitrix\\Main\\Application", false)) {
             $isSEF = is_array($arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]) && $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]["SEF_MODE"] == "Y";
             \Bitrix\Main\Component\ParametersTable::add(array('SITE_ID' => $site, 'COMPONENT_NAME' => $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["COMPONENT_NAME"], 'TEMPLATE_NAME' => $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["TEMPLATE_NAME"], 'REAL_PATH' => $path, 'SEF_MODE' => $isSEF ? \Bitrix\Main\Component\ParametersTable::SEF_MODE : \Bitrix\Main\Component\ParametersTable::NOT_SEF_MODE, 'SEF_FOLDER' => $isSEF ? $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]["SEF_FOLDER"] : null, 'START_CHAR' => $arComponents[$i]["START"], 'END_CHAR' => $arComponents[$i]["END"], 'PARAMETERS' => serialize($arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"])));
         if (isset($arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]) && is_array($arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"])) {
             if (array_key_exists("SEF_MODE", $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]) && $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]["SEF_MODE"] == "Y") {
                 if (array_key_exists("SEF_RULE", $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"])) {
                     $ruleMaker = new \Bitrix\Main\UrlRewriterRuleMaker();
                     CUrlRewriter::Add(array("SITE_ID" => $site, "CONDITION" => $ruleMaker->getCondition(), "RULE" => $ruleMaker->getRule(), "ID" => $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["COMPONENT_NAME"], "PATH" => $path));
                 } else {
                     CUrlRewriter::Add(array("SITE_ID" => $site, "CONDITION" => "#^" . $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]["SEF_FOLDER"] . "#", "ID" => $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["COMPONENT_NAME"], "PATH" => $path));
Пример #23
     $CONTENT = $new_content;
 } else {
     $CONTENT = CMain::EncodePHPTags($new_content);
 // Get array of PHP scripts from original template src
 if (strlen($ID) > 0) {
     $templ = CSiteTemplate::GetByID($ID);
     if (!$templ->ExtractFields("str_")) {
         $strWarning = GetMessage('templ_create_err', array('#ID#' => $ID));
 } else {
     $strWarning = GetMessage('templ_create_err1');
 $old_content = htmlspecialcharsback($str_CONTENT);
 $arPHP = PHPParser::ParseFile($old_content);
 $l = count($arPHP);
 $s1 = "";
 if ($l > 0) {
     $new_content = '';
     $end = 0;
     $php_count = 0;
     $wa = '#WORK_AREA#';
     for ($n = 0; $n < $l; $n++) {
         $start = $arPHP[$n][0];
         $s_cont = substr($old_content, $end, $start - $end);
         $end = $arPHP[$n][1];
         if ($n == 0) {
         $src = $arPHP[$n][2];
Пример #24
	$str_ID = htmlspecialcharsex($_POST["ID"]);
	$str_NAME = htmlspecialcharsex($_POST["NAME"]);
	$str_DESCRIPTION = htmlspecialcharsex($_POST["DESCRIPTION"]);
	$str_CONTENT = htmlspecialcharsex($_POST["CONTENT"]);
	$str_STYLES = htmlspecialcharsex($_POST["STYLES"]);
	$str_TEMPLATE_STYLES = htmlspecialcharsex($_POST["TEMPLATE_STYLES"]);
	$usehtmled = (isset($_REQUEST["CONTENT_editor"]) && $_REQUEST["CONTENT_editor"] == 'on') ? 'Y' : 'N';

if ($lpa || $lpa_view)
	$str_CONTENT = htmlspecialcharsback($str_CONTENT);
	$arPHP = PHPParser::ParseFile($str_CONTENT);
	$l = count($arPHP);
	if ($l > 0)
		$new_content = '';
		$end = 0;
		$php_count = 0;

		for ($n = 0; $n < $l; $n++)
			$start = $arPHP[$n][0];
			$s_cont = substr($str_CONTENT, $end, $start - $end);
			$end = $arPHP[$n][1];
			$new_content .= $s_cont;

			$src = $arPHP[$n][2];
Пример #25
 function ReindexFile($path, $SEARCH_SESS_ID = "", $max_file_size = 0)
     global $APPLICATION;
     CMain::InitPathVars($site, $path);
     $DOC_ROOT = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site);
     if (!CUrlRewriter::CheckPath($path)) {
         return 0;
     if ($max_file_size > 0 && filesize($DOC_ROOT . "/" . $path) > $max_file_size * 1024) {
         return 0;
     $filesrc = $APPLICATION->GetFileContent($DOC_ROOT . "/" . $path);
     if (!$filesrc || $filesrc == "") {
         return 0;
     $arComponents = PHPParser::ParseScript($filesrc);
     for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($arComponents); $i < $cnt; $i++) {
         if ($arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]["SEF_MODE"] == "Y") {
             $arFields = array("SITE_ID" => $site, "CONDITION" => "#^" . $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["PARAMS"]["SEF_FOLDER"] . "#", "RULE" => "", "ID" => $arComponents[$i]["DATA"]["COMPONENT_NAME"], "PATH" => $path);
     return true;
Пример #26
if ($strWarning == "") {
    $arComponent = PHPParser::FindComponent($_GET["component_name"], $filesrc, $src_line);
    if ($arComponent === false) {
        $strWarning = GetMessage("comp_prop_err_comp");
if ($strWarning == "") {
    if (!check_bitrix_sessid()) {
        $strWarning = GetMessage("comp_prop_err_save");
    } else {
        if (!is_array($arComponent["DATA"]["FUNCTION_PARAMS"])) {
            $arComponent["DATA"]["FUNCTION_PARAMS"] = array();
        $arComponent["DATA"]["FUNCTION_PARAMS"]["ACTIVE_COMPONENT"] = $_GET['active'] == 'N' ? 'N' : 'Y';
        $code = ($arComponent["DATA"]["VARIABLE"] ? $arComponent["DATA"]["VARIABLE"] . "=" : "") . "\$APPLICATION->IncludeComponent(\"" . $arComponent["DATA"]["COMPONENT_NAME"] . "\", " . "\"" . $arComponent["DATA"]["TEMPLATE_NAME"] . "\", " . "array(\r\n\t" . PHPParser::ReturnPHPStr2($arComponent["DATA"]["PARAMS"]) . "\r\n\t)" . ",\r\n\t" . (strlen($arComponent["DATA"]["PARENT_COMP"]) > 0 ? $arComponent["DATA"]["PARENT_COMP"] : "false") . ",\r\n\t" . "array(\r\n\t" . PHPParser::ReturnPHPStr2($arComponent["DATA"]["FUNCTION_PARAMS"]) . "\r\n\t)" . "\r\n);";
        $filesrc_for_save = substr($filesrc, 0, $arComponent["START"]) . $code . substr($filesrc, $arComponent["END"]);
        $f = $io->GetFile($abs_path);
        $arUndoParams = array('module' => 'fileman', 'undoType' => $_GET['active'] == 'N' ? 'disable_component' : 'enable_component', 'undoHandler' => 'CFileman::UndoEditFile', 'arContent' => array('absPath' => $abs_path, 'content' => $f->GetContents()));
        if (!$APPLICATION->SaveFileContent($abs_path, $filesrc_for_save)) {
            $strWarning = GetMessage("comp_prop_err_save");
        } else {
if ($strWarning != "") {
    echo "<script>alert('" . CUtil::JSEscape($strWarning) . "')</script>";
require $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/modules/main/include/epilog_admin_js.php";
Пример #27
 function _RenderAllComponents($arParams, $bLPA)
     global $APPLICATION, $USER;
     $s = '';
     $arPHP = PHPParser::ParseFile($arParams['source']);
     $l = count($arPHP);
     if ($l > 0) {
         $new_source = '';
         $end = 0;
         $comp_count = 0;
         for ($n = 0; $n < $l; $n++) {
             //Trim php tags
             $src = $arPHP[$n][2];
             if (SubStr($src, 0, 5) == "<?" . "php") {
                 $src = SubStr($src, 5);
             } else {
                 $src = SubStr($src, 2);
             $src = SubStr($src, 0, -2);
             $comp2_begin = '$APPLICATION->INCLUDECOMPONENT(';
             if (strtoupper(substr($src, 0, strlen($comp2_begin))) != $comp2_begin) {
             $arRes = PHPParser::CheckForComponent2($arPHP[$n][2]);
             if ($arRes) {
                 $comp_name = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($arRes['COMPONENT_NAME']);
                 $template_name = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($arRes['TEMPLATE_NAME']);
                 $arParams = $arRes['PARAMS'];
                 $arParams['BX_EDITOR_RENDER_MODE'] = 'Y';
                 if ($bLPA) {
                     $arPHPparams = array();
                     CMain::LPAComponentChecker($arParams, $arPHPparams);
                     $len = count($arPHPparams);
                 $br = "\r\n";
                 $code = '$APPLICATION->IncludeComponent(' . $br . "\t" . '"' . $comp_name . '",' . $br . "\t" . '"' . $template_name . '",' . $br;
                 // If exist at least one parameter with php code inside
                 if (count($arParams) > 0) {
                     // Get array with description of component params
                     $arCompParams = CComponentUtil::GetComponentProps($comp_name);
                     $arTemplParams = CComponentUtil::GetTemplateProps($comp_name, $template_name, $template);
                     $arParameters = array();
                     if (isset($arCompParams["PARAMETERS"]) && is_array($arCompParams["PARAMETERS"])) {
                         $arParameters = $arParameters + $arCompParams["PARAMETERS"];
                     if (is_array($arTemplParams)) {
                         $arParameters = $arParameters + $arTemplParams;
                     if ($bLPA) {
                         // Replace values from 'DEFAULT'
                         for ($e = 0; $e < $len; $e++) {
                             $par_name = $arPHPparams[$e];
                             $arParams[$par_name] = isset($arParameters[$par_name]['DEFAULT']) ? $arParameters[$par_name]['DEFAULT'] : '';
                     foreach ($arParams as $key => $val) {
                         if ($key != addslashes($key)) {
                         } else {
                             $arParams[$key] = addslashes($val);
                     $params = PHPParser::ReturnPHPStr2($arParams, $arParameters);
                     $code .= "\t" . 'Array(' . $br . "\t" . $params . $br . "\t" . ')';
                 } else {
                     $code .= "\t" . 'Array()';
                 $parent_comp = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($arRes['PARENT_COMP']);
                 $arExParams_ = $arRes['FUNCTION_PARAMS'];
                 $bEx = isset($arExParams_) && is_array($arExParams_) && count($arExParams_) > 0;
                 if (!$parent_comp || strtolower($parent_comp) == 'false') {
                     $parent_comp = false;
                 if ($parent_comp) {
                     if ($parent_comp == 'true' || intVal($parent_comp) == $parent_comp) {
                         $code .= ',' . $br . "\t" . $parent_comp;
                     } else {
                         $code .= ',' . $br . "\t\"" . $parent_comp . '"';
                 if ($bEx) {
                     if (!$parent_comp) {
                         $code .= ',' . $br . "\tfalse";
                     $arExParams = array();
                     foreach ($arExParams_ as $k => $v) {
                         $k = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($k);
                         $v = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($v);
                         if (strlen($k) > 0 && strlen($v) > 0) {
                             $arExParams[$k] = $v;
                     $exParams = PHPParser::ReturnPHPStr2($arExParams);
                     $code .= ',' . $br . "\tArray(" . $exParams . ')';
                 $code .= $br . ');';
                 echo '#BX_RENDERED_COMPONENT_' . $comp_count . '#';
                 echo '#BX_RENDERED_COMPONENT_' . $comp_count . '#';
         $s = ob_get_contents();
     return $s;

if (!class_exists('RESTObserver')) {
class RESTInvoiceObserver extends RESTObserver implements IInvoiceObserver, IConfigurable
    public function __construct(DataForm $Config)
        $this->Config = $Config;
    public static function GetConfigurationForm()
        $ConfigurationForm = new DataForm();
        $methods = get_class_methods(__CLASS__);
        foreach ($methods as $method) {
            if ($method != '__construct' && $method != 'GetConfigurationForm') {
                $ConfigurationForm->AppendField(new DataFormField("{$method}URL", FORM_FIELD_TYPE::TEXT, "{$method} URL"));
        return $ConfigurationForm;
    public function OnIssued(Invoice $Invoice)
        $this->Request('OnIssued', array('Invoice' => $Invoice->ToArray()));
    public function OnPaid(Invoice $Invoice, AbstractPaymentModule $payment_module = null)
        $module_name = $payment_module !== null ? $payment_module->GetModuleName() : "Manual";
        $this->Request('OnPaid', array('Invoice' => $Invoice->ToArray(), 'payment_module' => $module_name));
Пример #29
  * Generate the WSDL
 public function createWSDL()
     $this->classes = $this->PHPParser->getClasses();
     foreach ($this->classes as $class => $methods) {
         $pbs = array();
         foreach ($methods as $method => $components) {
             if ($components["type"] == "public" || $components["type"] == "") {
                 if (array_key_exists("params", $components)) {
                     $this->createMessage($method, $components["returnType"], $components["params"]);
                 } else {
                     $this->createMessage($method, $components["returnType"]);
                 $pbs[$class][$method]["documentation"] = $components["description"];
                 $pbs[$class][$method]["input"] = $method;
                 $pbs[$class][$method]["output"] = $method;
     // adding typens
     foreach ($this->typens as $typenNo => $url) {
         $this->WSDLXML->setAttribute("xmlns:" . $typenNo, $url);
     // add types
     if (is_array($this->typensDefined) && count($this->typensDefined) > 0) {
         $types = new XMLCreator("types");
         $xsdSchema = new XMLCreator("xsd:schema");
         $xsdSchema->setAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
         $xsdSchema->setAttribute("targetNamespace", "urn:" . $this->name);
         $vars = $this->PHPParser->getClassesVars();
         foreach ($this->typensDefined as $typensDefined) {
             $complexType = new XMLCreator("xsd:complexType");
             $complexType->setAttribute("name", $typensDefined);
             $all = new XMLCreator("xsd:all");
             if (isset($vars[$typensDefined]) && is_array($vars[$typensDefined])) {
                 foreach ($vars[$typensDefined] as $varName => $varType) {
                     $element = new XMLCreator("xsd:element");
                     $element->setAttribute("name", $varName);
                     $varType = isset($this->xsd[$varType]) ? "xsd:" . $this->xsd[$varType] : "anyType";
                     $element->setAttribute("type", $this->xsd[$varType]);
     // adding messages
     foreach ($this->messages as $message) {
     // adding port types
     foreach ($this->portTypes as $portType) {
     // adding bindings
     foreach ($this->bindings as $binding) {
     // adding services
     $s = new XMLCreator("service");
     $s->setAttribute("name", $this->name . "Service");
     foreach ($this->services as $service) {
     $this->WSDL = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n";
     $this->WSDL .= "<!-- WSDL file generated by PHP WSDLCreator (http://www.protung.ro) -->\n";
     $this->WSDL .= $this->WSDLXML->getXML();
Пример #30
function WDUFGetComponentsOnPage($filesrc = false)
    static $cache = array();
    if (!array_key_exists($filesrc, $cache)) {
        $text = '';
        $arResult = array();
        if ($filesrc !== false) {
            $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance();
            $filesrc = $io->CombinePath("/", $filesrc);
            $filesrc = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot(SITE_ID) . $filesrc;
            $f = $io->GetFile($filesrc);
            $text = $f->GetContents();
        if ($text != '') {
            $arPHP = PHPParser::ParseFile($text);
            foreach ($arPHP as $php) {
                $src = $php[2];
                if (stripos($src, '$APPLICATION->IncludeComponent(') !== false) {
                    $arResult[] = PHPParser::CheckForComponent2($src);
        $cache[$filesrc] = $arResult;
    return $cache[$filesrc];