public function preProcess($action, $httpVars, $fileVars)
     if (!is_array($this->pluginConf) || !isset($this->pluginConf["TO"])) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot find configuration for plugin notify.phpmail-lite! Make sur the .inc file was dropped inside the /server/conf/ folder!");
     require "lib/class.phpmailer-lite.php";
     $mail = new PHPMailerLite(true);
     $mail->Mailer = $this->pluginConf["MAILER"];
     $mail->SetFrom($this->pluginConf["FROM"]["address"], $this->pluginConf["FROM"]["name"]);
     foreach ($this->pluginConf["TO"] as $address) {
         $mail->AddAddress($address["address"], $address["name"]);
     $mail->WordWrap = 50;
     // set word wrap to 50 characters
     // set email format to HTML
     $mail->Subject = $this->pluginConf["SUBJECT"];
     $mail->Body = str_replace("%user", AuthService::getLoggedUser()->getId(), $this->pluginConf["BODY"]);
     $mail->AltBody = strip_tags($mail->Body);
     if (!$mail->Send()) {
         $message = "Message could not be sent. <p>";
         $message .= "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
         throw new Exception($message);
 protected function sendMailImpl($recipients, $subject, $body, $from = null, $images = array(), $useHtml = true)
     require_once "lib/class.phpmailer-lite.php";
     $realRecipients = $this->resolveAdresses($recipients);
     $mail = new PHPMailerLite(true);
     $mail->Mailer = $this->getFilteredOption("MAILER");
     $mail->Sendmail = $this->getFilteredOption("SENDMAIL_PATH");
     $from = $this->resolveFrom($from);
     if (!is_array($from) || empty($from["adress"])) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot send email without a FROM address. Please check your core.mailer configuration.");
     if (!empty($from)) {
         if ($from["adress"] != $from["name"]) {
             $mail->SetFrom($from["adress"], $from["name"]);
         } else {
     foreach ($realRecipients as $address) {
         if ($address["adress"] == $address["name"]) {
         } else {
             $mail->AddAddress(trim($address["adress"]), trim($address["name"]));
     $mail->WordWrap = 50;
     // set word wrap to 50 characters
     // set email format to HTML
     $mail->CharSet = "utf-8";
     $mail->Encoding = $this->getFilteredOption("MAIL_ENCODING");
     foreach ($images as $image) {
         $mail->AddEmbeddedImage($image["path"], $image["cid"], '', 'base64', 'image/png');
     $mail->Subject = $subject;
     if ($useHtml) {
         if (strpos($body, "<html") !== false) {
             $mail->Body = $body;
         } else {
             $mail->Body = "<html><body>" . nl2br($body) . "</body></html>";
         $mail->AltBody = AjxpMailer::simpleHtml2Text($mail->Body);
     } else {
         $mail->Body = AjxpMailer::simpleHtml2Text($body);
     if (!$mail->Send()) {
         $message = "Message could not be sent\n";
         $message .= "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
         throw new Exception($message);
Пример #3
function html_email($to, $subject, $msg)
    if (!TEST_MODE) {
        require_once 'class.phpmailer-lite.php';
        $mail = new PHPMailerLite();
        // defaults to using php "Sendmail" (or Qmail, depending on availability)
        // telling the class to use native PHP mail()
        //$mail->CharSet	  = MY_CHARSET;
        $mail->Encoding = 'base64';
        $body = $msg;
        //convert to base 64
        $body = rtrim(chunk_split(base64_encode($body)));
        $mail->SetFrom(FROM_EMAIL, FROM_NAME);
        $address = $to;
        $mail->AddAddress($address, "");
        $mail->Subject = $subject;
        if (!$mail->Send()) {
            echo 'The mail to ' . $to . ' failed to send.<br />';
        } else {
            echo 'The mail was sent successfully to ' . $to . '.<br />';
    } else {
        echo '<b>Report running in test mode.</b><br />Disable test mode in the config.php when you are ready for the report to go live.<br /><br />';
        echo '<br />' . $msg . '<br />';
 public function preProcess($action, $httpVars, $fileVars)
     if (!is_array($this->pluginConf)) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot find configuration for plugin notify.phpmail-lite! Make sur that you have filled the options in the GUI, or that the .inc file was dropped inside the /conf/ folder!");
     if ($action == "upload" && !isset($httpVars["dir"])) {
     require "lib/class.phpmailer-lite.php";
     // Parse options
     if (is_string($this->pluginConf["FROM"])) {
         $this->pluginConf["FROM"] = $this->parseStringOption($this->pluginConf["FROM"]);
     if (is_string($this->pluginConf["TO"]) && $this->pluginConf["TO"] != "") {
         $froms = explode(",", $this->pluginConf["TO"]);
         $this->pluginConf["TO"] = array_map(array($this, "parseStringOption"), $froms);
     $recipients = $this->pluginConf["TO"];
     if ($this->pluginConf["SHARE"]) {
         if (isset($httpVars["PLUGINS_DATA"])) {
             $pData = $httpVars["PLUGINS_DATA"];
         } else {
             $repo = ConfService::getRepository();
             $pData = $repo->getOption("PLUGINS_DATA");
         if ($pData != null && isset($pData["SHARE_NOTIFICATION_ACTIVE"]) && isset($pData["SHARE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL"]) && $pData["SHARE_NOTIFICATION_ACTIVE"] == "on") {
             $emails = array_map(array($this, "parseStringOption"), explode(",", $pData["SHARE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL"]));
             if (is_array($recipients)) {
                 $recipients = array_merge($recipients, $emails);
             } else {
                 $recipients = $emails;
     if ($recipients == "" || !count($recipients)) {
     $mail = new PHPMailerLite(true);
     $mail->Mailer = $this->pluginConf["MAILER"];
     $mail->SetFrom($this->pluginConf["FROM"]["address"], $this->pluginConf["FROM"]["name"]);
     foreach ($recipients as $address) {
         $mail->AddAddress($address["address"], $address["name"]);
     $mail->WordWrap = 50;
     // set word wrap to 50 characters
     // set email format to HTML
     $userSelection = new UserSelection();
     if ($action == "upload" && !isset($httpVars["simple_uploader"]) && !isset($httpVars["xhr_uploader"])) {
         if (isset($fileVars["userfile_0"])) {
             $file = $fileVars["userfile_0"]["name"];
         } else {
             if (isset($httpVars["Filename"])) {
                 $file = $httpVars["Filename"];
         $folder = base64_decode($httpVars["dir"]);
     } else {
         $folder = $httpVars["dir"];
         $file = "";
         if (!$userSelection->isEmpty()) {
             $file = implode(",", array_map("basename", $userSelection->getFiles()));
             if ($folder == null) {
                 $folder = dirname($userSelection->getUniqueFile());
         if ($action == "upload" && isset($fileVars["userfile_0"])) {
             $file = $fileVars["userfile_0"]["name"];
     $subject = array("%user", "AJXP_USER", "AJXP_FILE", "AJXP_FOLDER", "AJXP_ACTION", "AJXP_REPOSITORY");
     $replace = array(AuthService::getLoggedUser()->getId(), AuthService::getLoggedUser()->getId(), $file, $folder, $action, ConfService::getRepository()->getDisplay());
     $body = str_replace($subject, $replace, $this->pluginConf["BODY"]);
     $mail->Subject = str_replace($subject, $replace, $this->pluginConf["SUBJECT"]);
     $mail->Body = nl2br($body);
     $mail->AltBody = strip_tags($mail->Body);
     if (!$mail->Send()) {
         $message = "Message could not be sent. <p>";
         $message .= "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
         throw new Exception($message);
    //        echo "A mensagem foi enviada";
// Limpa os destinatários e os anexos
// Mensagem HTML de email avisando o Leonardo e outros emails
$subject = $emp['empreendimento'] . " - Solicitação de informação";
$message = "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' bgcolor='#FFFFFF' width='400' align='center'><tr><td align='center'><SPAN style=\"FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: #333333; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana\">" . $subject . ":</span><p></td></tr><tr><td><HR style='WIDTH: 375pt' align='center' width='500' color='#333333' noShade SIZE='1'></td></tr><tr><td valign='top' align='left'><SPAN style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: #333333; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana\">\n                        Data de envio: </span><SPAN style=\"FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: #333333; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana\">" . date('d/m/Y') . " às " . date('H:i:s') . " </span></td></tr><tr><td><HR style='WIDTH: 375pt' align=center width=500 color=#333333 noShade SIZE=1></td></tr><tr><td valign='top' align='left'><SPAN style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: #333333; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana\">\n                        Empreendimento: </span><SPAN style=\"FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: #333333; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana\">" . $nomeEmp . "</span></td></tr><tr><td><HR style='WIDTH: 375pt' align=center width=500 color=#333333 noShade SIZE=1></td></tr><tr><td valign='top' align='left'><SPAN style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: #333333; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana\">\n                        Nome: </span><SPAN style=\"FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: #333333; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana\">" . utf8_encode($nome) . "</span></td></tr><tr><td><HR style='WIDTH: 375pt' align=center width=500 color=#333333 noShade SIZE=1></td></tr><tr><td valign='top' align='left'><SPAN style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: #333333; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana\">\n                        Email: </span><SPAN style=\"FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: #333333; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana\">" . $email_address . "</span></td></tr><tr><td><HR style='WIDTH: 375pt' align=center width=500 color=#333333 noShade SIZE=1></td></tr><tr><td valign='top' align='left'><SPAN style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: #333333; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana\">\n                        Telefone: </span><SPAN style=\"FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: #333333; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana\">" . $phone . "</span></td></tr><tr><td><HR style='WIDTH: 375pt' align=center width=500 color=#333333 noShade SIZE=1></td></tr><tr><td valign='top' align='left'><SPAN style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: #333333; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana\">\n                        Mensagem: </span><SPAN style=\"FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; COLOR: #333333; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana\">" . utf8_encode($msg) . "</span></td></tr><tr><td><HR style='WIDTH: 375pt' align=center width=500 color=#333333 noShade SIZE=1></td></tr></table>";
# faço a chamada da classe
$Email = new PHPMailerLite();
# na classe, há a opção de idioma, setei como br
# Esta chamada diz que o envio será feito através da função mail do php. Você mudar para sendmail, qmail, etc
# Ativa o envio de e-mails em HTML, se false, desativa.
# Email do remetente da mensagem
$Email->From = '*****@*****.**';
# Nome do remetente do email
$Email->FromName = utf8_decode('Só Vantagem Imóveis');
# Endereço de destino do email, ou seja, pra onde você quer que a mensagem do formulário vá?
$emails = explode(";", $emp['emails']);
foreach ($emails as $e) {
    $e = trim($e);
    if ($e != '*****@*****.**') {
# Informando no email, o assunto da mensagem