/** * Inner mailer initialization from set variables * * @return void */ protected function initMailFromSet() { $this->mail->setLanguage($this->get('langLocale'), $this->get('langPath')); $this->mail->CharSet = $this->get('charset'); $this->mail->From = $this->get('from'); $this->mail->FromName = $this->get('fromName') ?: $this->get('from'); $this->mail->Sender = $this->get('from'); $this->mail->clearAllRecipients(); $this->mail->clearAttachments(); $this->mail->clearCustomHeaders(); $emails = explode(static::MAIL_SEPARATOR, $this->get('to')); foreach ($emails as $email) { $this->mail->addAddress($email); } $this->mail->Subject = $this->get('subject'); $this->mail->AltBody = $this->createAltBody($this->get('body')); $this->mail->Body = $this->get('body'); // add custom headers foreach ($this->get('customHeaders') as $header) { $this->mail->addCustomHeader($header); } if (is_array($this->get('images'))) { foreach ($this->get('images') as $image) { // Append to $attachment array $this->mail->addEmbeddedImage($image['path'], $image['name'] . '@mail.lc', $image['name'], 'base64', $image['mime']); } } }
public function send($email, $to, $body, $subject, $local = false) { $mail = new \PHPMailer(); $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->From = '*****@*****.**'; $mail->FromName = 'Портал «Vidal.ru»'; $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Host = ''; $mail->Body = $body; $mail->addAddress($email, $to); $mail->addCustomHeader('Precedence', 'bulk'); if ($local) { $mail->Host = 'smtp.yandex.ru'; $mail->From = '*****@*****.**'; $mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; $mail->Port = 465; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = '******'; $mail->Password = '******'; } $result = $mail->send(); $mail = null; return $result; }
/** * Miscellaneous calls to improve test coverage and some small tests. */ public function testMiscellaneous() { $this->assertEquals('application/pdf', PHPMailer::_mime_types('pdf'), 'MIME TYPE lookup failed'); $this->Mail->addCustomHeader('SomeHeader: Some Value'); $this->Mail->clearCustomHeaders(); $this->Mail->clearAttachments(); $this->Mail->isHTML(false); $this->Mail->isSMTP(); $this->Mail->isMail(); $this->Mail->isSendmail(); $this->Mail->isQmail(); $this->Mail->setLanguage('fr'); $this->Mail->Sender = ''; $this->Mail->createHeader(); $this->assertFalse($this->Mail->set('x', 'y'), 'Invalid property set succeeded'); $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->set('Timeout', 11), 'Valid property set failed'); //Test pathinfo $a = '/mnt/files/飛兒樂 團光茫.mp3'; $q = PHPMailer::mb_pathinfo($a); $this->assertEquals($q['dirname'], '/mnt/files', 'UNIX dirname not matched'); $this->assertEquals($q['basename'], '飛兒樂 團光茫.mp3', 'UNIX basename not matched'); $this->assertEquals($q['extension'], 'mp3', 'UNIX extension not matched'); $this->assertEquals($q['filename'], '飛兒樂 團光茫', 'UNIX filename not matched'); $this->assertEquals(PHPMailer::mb_pathinfo($a, PATHINFO_DIRNAME), '/mnt/files', 'Dirname path element not matched'); $this->assertEquals(PHPMailer::mb_pathinfo($a, 'filename'), '飛兒樂 團光茫', 'Filename path element not matched'); $a = 'c:\\mnt\\files\\飛兒樂 團光茫.mp3'; $q = PHPMailer::mb_pathinfo($a); $this->assertEquals($q['dirname'], 'c:\\mnt\\files', 'Windows dirname not matched'); $this->assertEquals($q['basename'], '飛兒樂 團光茫.mp3', 'Windows basename not matched'); $this->assertEquals($q['extension'], 'mp3', 'Windows extension not matched'); $this->assertEquals($q['filename'], '飛兒樂 團光茫', 'Windows filename not matched'); }
/** * Tests the Custom header getter */ public function testCustomHeaderGetter() { $this->Mail->addCustomHeader('foo', 'bar'); $this->assertEquals([['foo', 'bar']], $this->Mail->getCustomHeaders()); $this->Mail->addCustomHeader('foo', 'baz'); $this->assertEquals([['foo', 'bar'], ['foo', 'baz']], $this->Mail->getCustomHeaders()); $this->Mail->clearCustomHeaders(); $this->assertEmpty($this->Mail->getCustomHeaders()); $this->Mail->addCustomHeader('yux'); $this->assertEquals([['yux']], $this->Mail->getCustomHeaders()); $this->Mail->addCustomHeader('Content-Type: application/json'); $this->assertEquals([['yux'], ['Content-Type', ' application/json']], $this->Mail->getCustomHeaders()); }
/** * Extended AddCustomHeader function in order to stop duplicate * message-ids * http://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-3681 */ public function addCustomHeader($custom_header, $value = null) { if ($value === null and preg_match('/message-id:(.*)/i', $custom_header, $matches)) { $this->MessageID = $matches[1]; return true; } else { if ($value !== null and strcasecmp($custom_header, 'message-id') === 0) { $this->MessageID = $value; return true; } else { return parent::addCustomHeader($custom_header, $value); } } }
public function send($email, $to, $body, $subject) { $mail = new \PHPMailer(); $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->From = '*****@*****.**'; $mail->FromName = 'Портал «Evrika.ru»'; $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Host = ''; $mail->Body = $body; $mail->addAddress($email, $to); $mail->addCustomHeader('Precedence', 'bulk'); $result = $mail->send(); $mail = null; return $result; }
public function send($emails, $template, $subject = 'Уведомление') { $mail = new \PHPMailer(); $portal = 'НКЦ ОАО "РЖД"'; $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->FromName = $portal; $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Host = ''; $mail->From = '*****@*****.**'; if ($this->container->getParameter('kernel.environment') == 'dev') { $mail->Host = 'smtp.gmail.com'; $mail->From = '*****@*****.**'; $mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; $mail->Port = 465; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = '******'; $mail->Password = '******'; } # устанавливаем содержимое письма $templateParams = array('portal' => $portal); if (is_string($template)) { $templateName = $template; } else { $templateName = $template[0]; $templateParams = array_merge($templateParams, $template[1]); } $mail->addCustomHeader('List-id', $templateName); $mail->Body = $this->templating->render($templateName, $templateParams); # устанавливаем получателя(ей) письма if (is_string($emails)) { $mail->addAddress($emails); } else { foreach ($emails as $email) { $mail->addAddress($email); } } # если в настройках мы установили флажок тестирования (не отправлять) if ($this->container->hasParameter('no_email')) { return; } $mail->send(); }
function start() { global $fromname, $fromemail, $subject, $replyto, $attachment, $encode, $contenttype, $encodeheaders, $optout, $xmailer, $maillist, $letter; set_time_limit(0); if ($handle = @fopen(@$maillist['tmp_name'], "r")) { $i = 1; while (!feof($handle)) { $to = trim(fgets($handle)); if ($to !== '') { $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->XMailer = $xmailer; $mail->IsHtml($contenttype === 'html'); $mail->CharSet = "UTF-8"; $mail->Encoding = $encode; $mail->From = $fromemail; $mail->FromName = $fromname; fwrite(fopen('out.txt', 'a'), "{$to}\n"); $mail->AddAddress($to); $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $letter; if ($replyto) { $mail->AddReplyTo($replyto); } if (@count(@$attachment) > 0) { $mail->AddAttachment($attachment['tmp_name']); } if ($optout !== '') { $mail->addCustomHeader('List-Unsubscribe', '<mailto:' . md5($to) . $optout . '>'); } print $i++ . "\t\t: [" . ($mail->Send() ? '+' : '-') . "] : {$to}\n"; ob_flush(); flush(); } } fclose($handle); } }
public function send($email, $to, $body, $subject, $local = false) { $mail = new \PHPMailer(); $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->From = '*****@*****.**'; $mail->FromName = 'Портал ЦНМО.РФ'; $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Host = ''; $mail->Body = $body; $mail->addAddress($email, $to); $mail->addCustomHeader('Precedence', 'bulk'); // if ($local) { // $mail->Host = 'smtp.yandex.ru'; // $mail->From = '*****@*****.**'; // $mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; // $mail->Port = 465; // $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // $mail->Username = '******'; // $mail->Password = '******'; // } return $mail->send() ? null : $mail->ErrorInfo; }
function sendQueue($pQueueMixed) { global $gBitSmarty, $gBitSystem, $gBitLanguage; static $body = array(); if (is_array($pQueueMixed)) { $pick = $pQueueMixed; } elseif (is_numeric($pQueueMixed)) { $pick = $this->mDb->GetRow("SELECT * FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "mail_queue` mq WHERE `mail_queue_id` = ? " . $this->mDb->SQLForUpdate(), array($pQueueMixed)); } if (!empty($pick)) { $startTime = microtime(TRUE); $this->mDb->query("UPDATE `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "mail_queue` SET `begin_date`=? WHERE `mail_queue_id` = ? ", array(time(), $pick['mail_queue_id'])); if (!empty($pick['user_id'])) { $userHash = $this->mDb->getRow("SELECT * FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "users_users` WHERE `user_id`=?", array($pick['user_id'])); $pick['full_name'] = BitUser::getDisplayName(FALSE, $userHash); } else { $pick['full_name'] = NULL; } if (!isset($body[$pick['content_id']])) { $gBitSmarty->assign('sending', TRUE); // We only support sending of newsletters currently $content = new BitNewsletterEdition(NULL, $pick['content_id']); if ($content->load()) { $body[$pick['content_id']]['body'] = $content->render(); $body[$pick['content_id']]['subject'] = $content->getTitle(); $body[$pick['content_id']]['reply_to'] = $content->getField('reply_to', $gBitSystem->getConfig('site_sender_email', $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'])); $body[$pick['content_id']]['object'] = $content; } else { bit_error_log($this->mErrors); } // $content[$pick['content_id']] = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject(); } print "[ {$pick['mail_queue_id']} ] {$pick['content_id']} TO: {$pick['email']}\t"; $unsub = $this->getUnsubscription($pick['email'], $pick['nl_content_id']); if (!empty($unsub)) { print " SKIPPED (unsubscribed) <br/>\n"; $this->mDb->query("DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "mail_queue` WHERE `mail_queue_id`=?", array($pick['mail_queue_id'])); } elseif (!empty($body[$pick['content_id']])) { $pick['url_code'] = md5($pick['content_id'] . $pick['email'] . $pick['queue_date']); $unsub = ''; if ($body[$pick['content_id']]['object']->mNewsletter->getField('unsub_msg')) { $gBitSmarty->assign('url_code', $pick['url_code']); } $gBitSystem->preDisplay(''); $gBitSmarty->assign('sending', TRUE); $gBitSmarty->assign('unsubMessage', $unsub); $gBitSmarty->assign('trackCode', $pick['url_code']); $gBitSmarty->assign('mid', 'bitpackage:newsletters/view_edition.tpl'); $htmlBody = $gBitSmarty->fetch('bitpackage:newsletters/mail_edition.tpl'); $htmlBody = bit_add_clickthrough($htmlBody, $pick['url_code']); $mailer = new PHPMailer(); if ($gBitSystem->getConfig('bitmailer_errors_to')) { $mailer->Sender = $gBitSystem->getConfig('bitmailer_errors_to'); $mailer->addCustomHeader("Errors-To: " . $gBitSystem->getConfig('bitmailer_errors_to')); } $mailer->From = $gBitSystem->getConfig('bitmailer_sender_email', $gBitSystem->getConfig('site_sender_email', $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'])); $mailer->FromName = $gBitSystem->getConfig('bitmailer_from', $gBitSystem->getConfig('site_title')); $mailer->Host = $gBitSystem->getConfig('bitmailer_servers', $gBitSystem->getConfig('kernel_server_name', '')); $mailer->Mailer = $gBitSystem->getConfig('bitmailer_protocol', 'smtp'); // Alternative to IsSMTP() $mailer->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; if ($gBitSystem->getConfig('bitmailer_smtp_username')) { $mailer->SMTPAuth = TRUE; $mailer->Username = $gBitSystem->getConfig('bitmailer_smtp_username'); } if ($gBitSystem->getConfig('bitmailer_smtp_password')) { $mailer->Password = $gBitSystem->getConfig('bitmailer_smtp_password'); } $mailer->WordWrap = $gBitSystem->getConfig('bitmailer_word_wrap', 75); if (!$mailer->SetLanguage($gBitLanguage->getLanguage(), UTIL_PKG_PATH . 'phpmailer/language/')) { $mailer->SetLanguage('en'); } $mailer->ClearReplyTos(); $mailer->AddReplyTo($body[$pick['content_id']]['reply_to'], $gBitSystem->getConfig('bitmailer_from')); $mailer->Body = $htmlBody; $mailer->Subject = $body[$pick['content_id']]['subject']; $mailer->IsHTML(TRUE); $mailer->AltBody = ''; $mailer->AddAddress($pick['email'], $pick["full_name"]); if ($mailer->Send()) { print " SENT " . round(microtime(TRUE) - $startTime, 2) . " secs<br/>\n"; flush(); $updateQuery = "UPDATE `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "mail_queue` SET `sent_date`=?,`url_code`=? WHERE `content_id`=? AND `email`=?"; $this->mDb->query($updateQuery, array(time(), $pick['url_code'], $pick['content_id'], $pick['email'])); } else { $updateQuery = "UPDATE `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "mail_queue` SET `mail_error`=?,`sent_date`=? WHERE `content_id`=? AND `email`=?"; $this->mDb->query($updateQuery, array($mailer->ErrorInfo, time(), $pick['content_id'], $pick['email'])); $pick['error'] = $mailer->ErrorInfo; $this->logError($pick); } } } }
/** * * @param type $options * @return string */ public static function _emailascalendar($options = array()) { require_once 'PHPMailerAutoload.php'; $options['fromEmail'] = !empty($options['fromEmail']) ? $options['fromEmail'] : SUPERADMIN_EMAIL; $options['fromName'] = !empty($options['fromName']) ? $options['fromName'] : DONOTREPLYNAME; try { $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->SMTPDebug = 0; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = MAIL_USERNAME; $mail->Password = MAIL_PASSWORD; $mail->SMTPSecure = MAIL_TLS; $mail->Host = MAIL_SMTP; $mail->Port = MAIL_PORT; $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->setFrom($options['fromEmail']); $mail->addReplyTo($options['fromEmail']); $mail->addAddress($options['toEmail']); $mail->ContentType = 'text/calendar'; $mail->Subject = $options['subject']; //Create Email Headers /* $mime_boundary = "----Meeting Booking----" . MD5(TIME()); $headers = "From: " . $options['fromEmail'] . " <" . $options['fromEmail'] . ">\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: " . $options['fromEmail'] . " <" . $options['fromEmail'] . ">\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"$mime_boundary\"\n"; $headers .= "Content-class: urn:content-classes:calendarmessage\n"; $mail->addCustomHeader($headers); */ $mail->addCustomHeader('MIME-version', "1.0"); $mail->addCustomHeader('Content-type', "text/calendar; method=REQUEST; charset=UTF-8"); $mail->addCustomHeader('From', $options['fromEmail']); $mail->addCustomHeader('Reply-To', $options['fromEmail']); $mail->addCustomHeader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', "8bit"); $mail->addCustomHeader('X-Mailer', "Microsoft Office Outlook 10.0"); $mail->addCustomHeader("Content-class: urn:content-classes:calendarmessage"); $mail->Body = $options['message']; //$mail->Ical = $options['ical']; if (!$mail->Send()) { $expError = $mail->ErrorInfo; $a = 'error'; } else { //echo "Message has been sent"; $a = 'true'; } } catch (phpmailerException $e) { $expError = $e->errorMessage(); $a = 'error'; } return $a; }
function send() { $registry = Registry::getInstance(); $site_root_absolute = $registry->get('site_root_absolute'); $mail = new PHPMailer(); # $mail->SMTPDebug = 3; // Enable verbose debug output $mail->isSMTP(); // Set mailer to use SMTP $mail->Host = 'smtp-relay.gmail.com;smtp.gmail.com'; // Specify main and backup SMTP servers # $mail->Host = 'smtp.gmail.com'; // Specify main and backup SMTP servers $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // Enable SMTP authentication $mail->Username = '******'; // SMTP username $mail->Password = '******'; // SMTP password $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; // Enable TLS encryption, `ssl` also accepted $mail->Port = 587; // TCP port to connect to $mail->isHTML(true); // Set email format to HTML $mail->setFrom($this->from); $mail->addAddress($this->to); // Add a recipient # $mail->addAddress('*****@*****.**'); // Name is optional if ($this->reply) { $mail->addReplyTo($this->reply); } # $mail->addCC('*****@*****.**'); $mail->addBCC('*****@*****.**'); $mail->Subject = $this->subject; $mail->Body = $this->html; $mail->AltBody = $this->text; if (is_array($this->attachments)) { foreach ($this->attachments as $attach) { $mail->addAttachment($site_root_absolute . self::BASE_PATH . $this->id . EmailTemplateAttahchment::PATH . $attach->filename); } } if (is_array($this->images)) { foreach ($this->images as $image) { $mail->addAttachment($site_root_absolute . self::BASE_PATH . $this->id . EmailTemplateEmbedded::PATH . $image->filename, $image->cid, 'base64', null, 'inline'); } } foreach ($this->makeHeaders($this->headers) as $name => $value) { $mail->addCustomHeader($name, $value); } $result = $mail->send(); if (!$result) { $this->errorInfo = $mail->ErrorInfo; } return $result; }
/** * Add a custom header to the outgoing email. * * @param string $Name * @param string $Value * @since 2.1 */ public function addHeader($Name, $Value) { $this->PhpMailer->addCustomHeader("{$Name}:{$Value}"); }
/** * Process email. * * @param \PHPMailer $mail PHPMailer object. * @param array $params Sending parameters. * * @uses Core\Config() * * @return boolean Result TRUE if the email was successfully sent, FALSE otherwise. */ private static function processEmail(\PHPMailer $mail, array $params) { $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->SetFrom(key($params['from']), current($params['from'])); $mail->Subject = $params['subject']; $mail->AltBody = strip_tags($params['content']); $mail->MsgHTML($params['content']); if (isset($params['to']) && is_array($params['to'])) { foreach ($params['to'] as $toAddr => $toName) { $mail->AddAddress($toAddr, $toName); } } if (isset($params['reply_to']) && is_array($params['reply_to'])) { foreach ($params['reply_to'] as $replyAddr => $replyName) { $mail->AddReplyTo($replyAddr, $replyName); } } if (isset($params['inline_attachments']) && is_array($params['inline_attachments'])) { foreach ($params['inline_attachments'] as $attachmentPath => $contentId) { $mail->AddEmbeddedImage($attachmentPath, $contentId); } } if (isset($params['custom_headers']) && is_array($params['custom_headers'])) { foreach ($params['custom_headers'] as $headerName => $headerValue) { $mail->addCustomHeader($headerName, $headerValue); } } return $mail->Send(); }
$body .= "Si cet e-mail ne s'affiche pas correctement, veuillez <a href='" . $row_config_globale['base_url'] . $row_config_globale['path'] . "online.php?i={$msg_id}&list_id={$list_id}&email_addr=" . $addr[$i]['email'] . "&h=" . $addr[$i]['hash'] . "'>cliquer-ici</a>.<br />"; $body .= "Ajoutez " . $newsletter['from_addr'] . " à votre carnet d'adresses pour être sûr de recevoir toutes nos newsletters !<br />"; $body .= "<hr noshade='' color='#D4D4D4' width='90%' size='1'></div>"; $new_url = 'href="' . $row_config_globale['base_url'] . $row_config_globale['path'] . 'r.php?m=' . $msg_id . '&h=' . $addr[$i]['hash'] . '&l=' . $list_id . '&r='; $message = preg_replace_callback('/href="(http:\\/\\/)([^"]+)"/', function ($matches) { global $new_url; return $new_url . urlencode(@$matches[1] . $matches[2]) . '"'; }, $message); $unsubLink = "<br /><div align='center' style='padding-top:10px;font-size:10pt;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;padding-bottom:10px;color:#878e83;'><hr noshade='' color='#D4D4D4' width='90%' size='1'>Je ne souhaite plus recevoir la newsletter : <a href='" . $row_config_globale['base_url'] . $row_config_globale['path'] . "subscription.php?i={$msg_id}&list_id={$list_id}&op=leave&email_addr=" . $addr[$i]['email'] . "&h=" . $addr[$i]['hash'] . "' style='' target='_blank'>désinscription / unsubscribe</a><br /><a href='http://www.phpmynewsletter.com/' style='' target='_blank'>Phpmynewsletter 2.0</a></div></body></html>"; } else { $unsubLink = $row_config_globale['base_url'] . $row_config_globale['path'] . "subscription.php?i=" . $msg_id . "&list_id={$list_id}&op=leave&email_addr=" . urlencode($addr[$i]['email']) . "&h=" . $addr[$i]['hash']; } $body .= $trac . $message . $unsubLink; $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $body; $mail->addCustomHeader('List-Unsubscribe: <' . $row_config_globale['base_url'] . $row_config_globale['path'] . 'subscription.php?i=' . $msg_id . '&list_id=' . $list_id . '&op=leave&email_addr=' . $addr[$i]['email'] . "&h=" . $addr[$i]['hash'] . '>, <mailto:' . $newsletter['from_addr'] . '>'); @set_time_limit(300); $ms_err_info = ''; if (!$mail->Send()) { $cnx->query("UPDATE " . $row_config_globale['table_send'] . " SET error=error+1 WHERE `id_mail`='" . $msg_id . "' AND `id_list`='" . $list_id . "'"); $ms_err_info = $mail->ErrorInfo; } else { $cnx->query("UPDATE " . $row_config_globale['table_send'] . " SET cpt=cpt+1 WHERE `id_mail`='" . $msg_id . "' AND `id_list`='" . $list_id . "'"); $ms_err_info = 'OK'; } $cnx->query("UPDATE " . $row_config_globale['table_send_suivi'] . " SET nb_send=nb_send+1,last_id_send=" . $addr[$i]['id'] . " WHERE `msg_id`='" . $msg_id . "' AND `list_id`='" . $list_id . "'"); $endtimesend = microtime(true); $time_info = substr($endtimesend - $begintimesend, 0, 5); $errstr = $begin + $i + 1 . "\t" . date("H:i:s") . "\t " . $time_info . "\t\t " . $ms_err_info . " \t" . $addr[$i]['email'] . "\r\n"; if (!$dontlog) { fwrite($handler, $errstr, strlen($errstr));
public static function send($to = array(), $subject = '', $body = '', $attachments = array(), $other = array()) { if (!class_exists('PHPMailer')) { require_once \GCore\C::get('GCORE_FRONT_PATH') . 'vendors' . DS . 'phpmailer' . DS . 'PHPMailerAutoload.php'; } $mail = new \PHPMailer(); $mail->CharSet = 'utf-8'; //get recipients foreach ((array) $to as $address) { $mail->AddAddress(trim($address)); } //subject $mail->Subject = $subject; //reply to $reply_name = !empty($other['reply_name']) ? $other['reply_name'] : Base::getConfig('mail_reply_name'); $reply_email = !empty($other['reply_email']) ? $other['reply_email'] : Base::getConfig('mail_reply_email'); if (!empty($reply_name) and !empty($reply_email)) { $mail->AddReplyTo($reply_email, $reply_name); } //from $from_name = !empty($other['from_name']) ? $other['from_name'] : Base::getConfig('mail_from_name'); $from_email = !empty($other['from_email']) ? $other['from_email'] : Base::getConfig('mail_from_email'); $mail->SetFrom($from_email, $from_name); //set custom headers if (!empty($other['custom'])) { foreach ($other['custom'] as $k => $v) { $mail->addCustomHeader($k . ': ' . $v); } } //set CC and BCC if (!empty($other['cc'])) { foreach ($other['cc'] as $k => $cc) { $mail->AddCC($cc); } } if (!empty($other['bcc'])) { foreach ($other['bcc'] as $k => $bcc) { $mail->AddBCC($bcc); } } if ((bool) Base::getConfig('smtp', 0) === true or Base::getConfig('mail_method', 'phpmail') == 'smtp') { $mail->IsSMTP(); if (Base::getConfig('smtp_username') and Base::getConfig('smtp_password')) { $mail->SMTPAuth = true; } if (Base::getConfig('smtp_secure')) { $mail->SMTPSecure = Base::getConfig('smtp_secure'); } $mail->Host = Base::getConfig('smtp_host'); $mail->Port = Base::getConfig('smtp_port'); $mail->Username = Base::getConfig('smtp_username'); $mail->Password = Base::getConfig('smtp_password'); } else { if (Base::getConfig('mail_method', 'phpmail') == 'sendmail') { $mail->IsSendmail(); } } if (!isset($other['type']) or $other['type'] == 'html') { $mail->AltBody = strip_tags($body); //'To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!'; // optional - MsgHTML will create an alternate automatically //$body = nl2br($body); //$mail->MsgHTML($body); $mail->Body = $body; $mail->IsHTML(true); } else { $mail->Body = $body; $mail->IsHTML(false); } $mail->SMTPDebug = (int) Base::getConfig('smtp_debug', 0); //attachments foreach ((array) $attachments as $attachment) { if (is_array($attachment) and !empty($attachment['path'])) { $attachment = array_merge(array('name' => basename($attachment['path']), 'type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'encoding' => 'base64'), $attachment); $mail->AddAttachment($attachment['path'], $attachment['name'], $attachment['encoding'], $attachment['type']); } else { $mail->AddAttachment($attachment); } } if (!$mail->Send()) { $session = Base::getSession(); $session->setFlash('warning', 'Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo); return false; } return true; }
/** mailer - function to send mails to users * @arg $from - a string email address, or an array in array(email_address, name format) * @arg $to - either a string of comma delimited email addresses, or an array of addresses in email_address => name format * @arg $cc - either a string of comma delimited email addresses, or an array of addresses in email_address => name format * @arg $bcc - either a string of comma delimited email addresses, or an array of addresses in email_address => name format * @arg $replyto - a string email address, or an array in array(email_address, name format) * @arg $subject - the email subject * @arg $body - the email body, in HTML format. If content_text is not set, the function will attempt to extract * from the HTML format. * @arg $body_text - the email body in TEXT format. If set, it will override the stripping tags method * @arg $attachments - the emails attachments as an array * @arg $headers - an array of name value pairs representing custom headers. * @arg $html - if set to true, html is the default, otherwise text format will be used */ function mailer($from, $to, $cc, $bcc, $replyto, $subject, $body, $body_text = '', $attachments, $headers, $html = true) { global $config; include_once $config['base_path'] . '/lib/PHPMailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php'; // Set the to informaiotn if ($to == '') { return 'Mailer Error: No <b>TO</b> address set!!<br>If using the <i>Test Mail</i> link, please set the <b>Alert e-mail</b> setting.'; } if (is_array($to)) { $toText = $to[1] . ' <' . $to[0] . '>'; } else { $toText = $to; } if (is_array($from)) { $fromText = $from[1] . ' <' . $from[0] . '>'; } else { $fromText = $from; } $body = str_replace('<SUBJECT>', $subject, $body); $body = str_replace('<TO>', $toText, $body); $body = str_replace('<FROM>', $fromText, $body); // Create the PHPMailer instance $mail = new PHPMailer(); // Set a reasonable timeout of 5 seconds $timeout = read_config_option('settings_smtp_timeout'); if (empty($timeout) || $timeout < 0 || $timeout > 300) { $mail->Timeout = 5; } else { $mail->Timeout = $timeout; } // Set the subject $mail->Subject = $subject; $how = read_config_option('settings_how'); if ($how < 0 || $how > 2) { $how = 0; } if ($how == 0) { $mail->isMail(); } else { if ($how == 1) { $mail->Sendmail = read_config_option('settings_sendmail_path'); $mail->isSendmail(); } else { if ($how == 2) { $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->Host = read_config_option('settings_smtp_host'); $mail->Port = read_config_option('settings_smtp_port'); $mail->Username = read_config_option('settings_smtp_username'); $mail->Password = read_config_option('settings_smtp_password'); if ($mail->Username != '') { $mail->SMTPAuth = true; } // Set a reasonable timeout of 5 seconds $timeout = read_config_option('settings_smtp_timeout'); if (empty($timeout) || $timeout < 0 || $timeout > 300) { $mail->Timeout = 5; } else { $mail->Timeout = $timeout; } $secure = read_config_option('settings_smtp_secure'); if (!empty($secure) && $secure != 'none') { $smtp->SMTPSecure = $secure; if (substr_count($mail->Host, ':') == 0) { $mail->Host = $secure . '://' . $mail->Host; } } } } } // Set the from information if (!is_array($from)) { $fromname = ''; if ($from == '') { $from = read_config_option('settings_from_email'); $fromname = read_config_option('settings_from_name'); if (isset($_SERVER['HOSTNAME'])) { $from = 'Cacti@' . $_SERVER['HOSTNAME']; } else { $from = '*****@*****.**'; } if ($fromname == '') { $fromname = 'Cacti'; } } $mail->setFrom($from, $fromname); } else { $mail->setFrom($from[0], $from[1]); } if (!is_array($to)) { $to = explode(',', $to); foreach ($to as $t) { $t = trim($t); if ($t != '') { $mail->addAddress($t); } } } else { foreach ($to as $email => $name) { $mail->addAddress($email, $name); } } if (!is_array($cc)) { if ($cc != '') { $cc = explode(',', $cc); foreach ($cc as $c) { $c = trim($c); $mail->addCC($c); } } } else { foreach ($cc as $email => $name) { $mail->addCC($email, $name); } } if (!is_array($bcc)) { if ($bcc != '') { $bcc = explode(',', $bcc); foreach ($bcc as $bc) { $bc = trim($bc); $mail->addBCC($bc); } } } else { foreach ($bcc as $email => $name) { $mail->addBCC($email, $name); } } if (!is_array($replyto)) { if ($replyto != '') { $mail->replyTo($replyto); } } else { $mail->replyTo($replyto[0], $replyto[1]); } // Set the wordwrap limits $wordwrap = read_config_option('settings_wordwrap'); if ($wordwrap == '') { $wordwrap = 76; } if ($wordwrap > 9999) { $wordwrap = 9999; } if ($wordwrap < 0) { $wordwrap = 76; } $mail->WordWrap = $wordwrap; $mail->setWordWrap(); $i = 0; // Handle Graph Attachments if (is_array($attachments) && sizeof($attachments) && substr_count($body, '<GRAPH>') > 0) { foreach ($attachments as $val) { $graph_data_array = array('output_flag' => RRDTOOL_OUTPUT_STDOUT); $data = rrdtool_function_graph($val['local_graph_id'], $val['rra_id'], $graph_data_array); if ($data != '') { /* get content id and create attachment */ $cid = getmypid() . '_' . $i . '@' . 'localhost'; /* attempt to attach */ if ($mail->addStringEmbededImage($data, $cid, $val['filename'] . '.png', 'base64', 'image/png', 'inline') === false) { cacti_log('ERROR: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo, false); return $mail->ErrorInfo; } $body = str_replace('<GRAPH>', "<br><br><img src='cid:{$cid}'>", $body); } else { $body = str_replace('<GRAPH>', "<br><img src='" . $val['file'] . "'><br>Could not open!<br>" . $val['file'], $body); } $i++; } } elseif (is_array($attachments) && sizeof($attachments) && substr_count($body, '<GRAPH:') > 0) { foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { if ($attachment['attachment'] != '') { /* get content id and create attachment */ $cid = getmypid() . '_' . $i . '@' . 'localhost'; /* attempt to attach */ if ($mail->addStringEmbeddedImage($attachment['attachment'], $cid, $attachment['filename'], 'base64', $attachment['mime_type'], $attachment['inline']) === false) { cacti_log('ERROR: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo, false); return $mail->ErrorInfo; } /* handle the body text */ switch ($attachment['inline']) { case 'inline': $body = str_replace('<GRAPH:' . $attachment['graphid'] . ':' . $attachment['timespan'] . '>', "<img border='0' src='cid:{$cid}' >", $body); break; case 'attachment': $body = str_replace('<GRAPH:' . $attachment['graphid'] . ':' . $attachment['timespan'] . '>', '', $body); break; } } else { $body = str_replace('<GRAPH:' . $attachment['graphid'] . ':' . $attachment['timespan'] . '>', "<img border='0' src='" . $attachment['filename'] . "' ><br>Could not open!<br>" . $attachment['filename'], $body); } $i++; } } /* process custom headers */ if (is_array($headers) && sizeof($headers)) { foreach ($headers as $name => $value) { $mail->addCustomHeader($name, $value); } } // Set both html and non-html bodies $text = array('text' => '', 'html' => ''); if ($body_text != '' && $html == true) { $text['html'] = $body . '<br>'; $text['text'] = $body_text; $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->Body = $text['html']; $mail->AltBody = $text['text']; } elseif ($attachments == '' && $html == false) { if ($body_text != '') { $body = $body_text; } else { $body = str_replace('<br>', "\n", $body); $body = str_replace('<BR>', "\n", $body); $body = str_replace('</BR>', "\n", $body); } $text['text'] = strip_tags($body); $mail->isHTML(false); $mail->Body = $text['text']; $mail->AltBody = $text['text']; } else { $text['html'] = $body . '<br>'; $text['text'] = strip_tags(str_replace('<br>', "\n", $body)); $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->Body = $text['html']; $mail->AltBody = $text['text']; } if ($mail->send()) { return ''; } else { return $mail->ErrorInfo; } }
$attData = curl_get_result($this->sub_mail_attach); if ($attData === false) { # File Error } else { $mail->AddStringAttachment($attData, basename($this->sub_mail_attach), $encoding = 'base64', $type = 'application/octet-stream'); } } # ** Receivers foreach ($this->sub_mail_receiver as $key => $value) { # ************************************************************************* /* Clear Mails */ $mail->clearAddresses(); $mail->clearCustomHeaders(); $mail->clearAllRecipients(); $mail->AddAddress($key, $value['name']); $mail->addCustomHeader("X-Lethe-Receiver: " . $key); $mail->addCustomHeader("X-Lethe-ID: " . $this->sub_mail_id); $mail->addCustomHeader("X-Mailer: Lethe Newsletter v" . LETHE_VERSION . ' http://www.newslether.com/'); $mail->addCustomHeader("X-Mailer: Powered by Artlantis Design Studio http://www.artlantis.net/"); $mail->Subject = $value['subject']; $mail->AltBody = $value['altbody']; $mail->MsgHTML($value['body']); /* Send Error */ if (!$mail->Send()) { $this->sendingErrors = $mail->ErrorInfo; $this->sendPos = false; } else { /* Sent Done */ $myconn->query("UPDATE " . db_table_pref . "submission_accounts SET daily_sent=daily_sent+1 WHERE ID=" . $this->OSMID . ""); if ($this->OID != 0) { $myconn->query("UPDATE " . db_table_pref . "organizations SET daily_sent=daily_sent+1 WHERE ID=" . $this->OID . "");
// enable SMTP $sendmail->SMTPDebug = 0; // debugging: 1 = errors and messages, 2 = messages only $sendmail->Mailer = "smtp"; $sendmail->SMTPAuth = true; // authentication enabled $sendmail->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; // secure transfer enabled REQUIRED for GMail $sendmail->Host = $host; $sendmail->Port = $port; $sendmail->Username = $username; $sendmail->Password = $password; $sendmail->SetFrom($my_email, ""); $sendmail->Subject = "Ricevuta Ordine AGESCI"; $sendmail->Body = $mailBody; $sendmail->addCustomHeader("Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n"); $to = $mail; $sendmail->AddAddress($to); if (!$sendmail->Send()) { echo "<h2>Mail error: " . $sendmail->ErrorInfo . '</h2>'; } } else { $headers = "From:" . $your_name . "<" . $my_email . ">\n"; $headers .= "X-Sender: Ordini Agesci" . "<" . $my_email . ">\n"; $headers .= 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); $headers .= "X-Priority: 1\n"; // Urgent message! $headers .= "Return-Path: " . $my_email . "\n"; // Return path for errors $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n";
static function sendEmail($to, $subject, $html, $text = "", $from = false, $return = false, $cc = false, $bcc = false, $headers = array()) { $mailer = new PHPMailer(); foreach ($headers as $key => $val) { $mailer->addCustomHeader($key, $val); } $mailer->Subject = $subject; if ($html) { $mailer->isHTML(true); $mailer->Body = $html; $mailer->AltBody = $text; } else { $mailer->Body = $text; } if (!$from) { $from = "no-reply@" . (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) ? str_replace("www.", "", $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) : str_replace(array("http://www.", "https://www.", "http://", "https://"), "", DOMAIN)); $from_name = "BigTree CMS"; } else { // Parse out from and reply-to names $from_name = false; $from = trim($from); if (strpos($from, "<") !== false && substr($from, -1, 1) == ">") { $from_pieces = explode("<", $from); $from_name = trim($from_pieces[0]); $from = substr($from_pieces[1], 0, -1); } } $mailer->From = $from; $mailer->FromName = $from_name; if ($return) { $return_name = false; $return = trim($return); if (strpos($return, "<") !== false && substr($return, -1, 1) == ">") { $return_pieces = explode("<", $return); $return_name = trim($return_pieces[0]); $return = substr($return_pieces[1], 0, -1); } $mailer->addReplyTo($return, $return_name); } if ($cc) { if (is_array($cc)) { foreach ($cc as $item) { $mailer->addCC($item); } } else { $mailer->addCC($cc); } } if ($bcc) { if (is_array($bcc)) { foreach ($bcc as $item) { $mailer->addBCC($item); } } else { $mailer->addBCC($bcc); } } if (is_array($to)) { foreach ($to as $item) { $mailer->addAddress($item); } } else { $mailer->addAddress($to); } return $mailer->send(); }
public function mail() { // FOR WINDOWS //require_once("C:\\xampp\PHPMailer\PHPMailerAutoload.php"); // FOR LINUX require_once "/usr/share/php/PHPMailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php"; $cred = $this->bulletin_model->getEmailCredentials('dewslmonitoring'); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->SMTPOptions = array('ssl' => array('verify_peer' => false, 'verify_peer_name' => false, 'allow_self_signed' => true)); $mail->SMTPDebug = 0; $mail->isSMTP(); // Set mailer to use SMTP $mail->Host = 'smtp.gmail.com'; // Specify main and backup SMTP servers $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $cred['email']; $mail->Password = $cred['password']; $mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; $mail->Port = 465; $mail->setFrom($cred['email'], 'DEWS-L Monitoring'); $mail->addAddress('*****@*****.**'); $mail->addAddress('*****@*****.**'); $mail->addAddress('*****@*****.**'); $mail->addReplyTo($cred['email'], 'DEWS-L Monitoring'); $mail->addCustomHeader('In-Reply-To', '<' . $cred['email'] . '>'); $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->Subject = $_POST['subject']; $mail->Body = $_POST['text']; //$mail->AltBody = 'This is the body in plain text for non-HTML mail clients'; $file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/bulletin.pdf"; $mail->addAttachment($file, $_POST['filename'], 'base64', 'application/pdf'); if (!$mail->send()) { echo 'Message could not be sent.'; echo 'Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo; } else { echo 'Sent.'; } }
if (wp_mail($mail_recipient, $customSubject, $message, $headers)) { $submit_ok++; $partial_submit_ok++; $error_info[] = 'submit ok [wp_mail()]'; $status_submit = 1; } else { $submit_error++; $partial_submit_error++; $error_info[] = 'wp_mail() error'; $status_submit = 2; } } else { //pro if (isset($knewsOptions['bounce_on']) && $knewsOptions['bounce_on'] == '1') { if ($this->im_networked()) { $mail->addCustomHeader("Knews-Blog-Id: " . get_current_blog_id() . ' _'); } else { $mail->addCustomHeader("Knews-Blog-Id: " . $this->KNEWS_MAIN_BLOG_ID . ' _'); } if ($idNewsletter != 0) { $mail->addCustomHeader("Knews-News-Id: " . $idNewsletter . ' _'); } } //fi pro $mail->Subject = $customSubject; if (strpos($recipient->email, '@knewstest.com') === false) { $mail_recipient = $recipient->email; } else { $mail_recipient = get_option('admin_email'); } $mail->AddAddress($mail_recipient);
/** * Send Email: * Looks for pending threads, sends to memebers if member has sent email * * @throws Exception * @throws phpmailerException */ function wpmg_cron_send_email() { //To debug, adjust settings here. $args = array('post_type' => 'mg_threads', 'post_status' => 'draft', 'perm' => 'readable', 'meta_key' => 'mg_thread_email_status', 'meta_value' => 'Pending'); //All pending emails $query = new WP_Query($args); $threads = $query->get_posts(); if (count($threads) > 0) { foreach ($threads as $emailParsed) { //Single Thread Information generated $thread_id = $emailParsed->ID; $group_id = get_post_meta($thread_id, 'mg_thread_email_group_id', true); $senderEmail = get_post_meta($thread_id, 'mg_thread_email_from', true); $is_active_group = get_post_meta($group_id, 'mg_group_status', true); $thread_subject = get_post_meta($thread_id, 'mg_thread_email_subject', true); //Filter Out specific automated emails $test_out_office = "/out of the office/i"; if (preg_match($test_out_office, $thread_subject)) { update_post_meta($thread_id, 'mg_thread_email_status', 'Out of Office'); break; } $test_auto = "/automatic reply/i"; if (preg_match($test_auto, $thread_subject)) { update_post_meta($thread_id, 'mg_thread_email_status', 'Automatic Reply'); break; } //Checks to see if group is active and valid if ($is_active_group == 2 && is_numeric($group_id) && $group_id > 0) { /* get sender user details */ $senderUser = get_user_by("email", $senderEmail); $senderUserId = $senderUser->ID; $senderEmail = $senderUser->user_email; //Checks if user is valid if (is_numeric($senderUserId)) { /* get other users from the sender user group */ $args = array('meta_query' => array('relation' => 'AND', array('key' => 'mg_user_group_sub_arr', 'value' => '"' . $group_id . '"', 'compare' => 'LIKE'), array('key' => 'mg_user_status', 'value' => 1))); $user_query = new WP_User_Query($args); //Checks to see if sender is in group $in_group = false; foreach ($user_query->get_results() as $memberstoSent) { if ($senderUserId == $memberstoSent->ID) { $in_group = true; break; } else { $in_group = false; } } if ($user_query->get_total() > 0 && $in_group == true) { //Get group information to build email $groupTitle = get_the_title($group_id); $groupEmail = get_post_meta($group_id, 'mg_group_email', true); $mail_type = get_post_meta($group_id, 'mg_group_mail_type', true); //Email information $has_parent = get_post_meta($thread_id, 'mg_thread_parent_id', true); $body = get_post_meta($thread_id, 'mg_thread_email_content', true); //Generates footer for email from group listing $footerText = nl2br(stripslashes(get_post_meta($group_id, 'mg_group_footer_text', true))); if (empty($has_parent)) { $footerText = str_replace("{%grouptitle%}", $groupTitle, $footerText); $footerText = str_replace("{%site_url%}", get_site_url(), $footerText); $footerText = str_replace("{%archive_url%}", get_permalink($group_id), $footerText); $footerText = str_replace("{%profile_url%}", get_admin_url("", "profile.php"), $footerText); //Needs development to add unsusbscribe to footer // $footerText = str_replace( "{%unsubscribe_url%}", get_bloginfo( 'wpurl' ) . '?unsubscribe=1&userid=' . $sendtouserId . '&group=' . $group_id, $footerText ); $body .= $footerText; } if ($mail_type == 'smtp') { global $phpmailer; if (!is_object($phpmailer) || !is_a($phpmailer, 'PHPMailer')) { require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-phpmailer.php'; require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-smtp.php'; $phpmailer = new PHPMailer(); } $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->SMTPDebug = 0; /* * Connect to SMTP */ //Add Thread ID to references, if replied to, becomes parent of reply if (get_post_meta($group_id, 'mg_group_smtp_username', true) != '' && get_post_meta($group_id, 'mg_group_smtp_password', true) != '') { $mail->Username = get_post_meta($group_id, 'mg_group_smtp_username', true); $mail->Password = get_post_meta($group_id, 'mg_group_smtp_password', true); $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; } else { $mail->Username = $groupEmail; $mail->Password = get_post_meta($group_id, 'mg_group_password', true); $mail->SMTPAuth = false; } $mail->Host = get_post_meta($group_id, 'mg_group_smtp_server', true); $mail->Port = get_post_meta($group_id, 'mg_group_smtp_port', true); /* Custom Headers $mail->addCustomHeader( 'Errors-To', 'no-reply@domain' ); $mail->addCustomHeader( 'Return-Path', 'no-reply-bounces@domain' ); */ $mail->addCustomHeader('references', '[' . $thread_id . ']'); $mail->addCustomHeader('sender', $groupEmail); //Set top level addresses $mail->SetFrom($senderEmail); $mail->AddReplyTo($groupEmail, $groupTitle); $mail->AddAddress($groupEmail, $groupTitle); //Add each user in group to bcc email foreach ($user_query->get_results() as $memberstoSent) { $sendtouserId = $memberstoSent->ID; $Userrow = get_user_by("id", $sendtouserId); $sendToEmail = $Userrow->user_email; $mail->addBCC($sendToEmail); } //Subject fron thread $mail->Subject = get_post_meta($thread_id, 'mg_thread_email_subject', true); //Email formating for body // $mail->IsHTML( true ); $mail->MsgHTML($body); $mail->CharSet = 'utf-8'; // $mail->Body = $body; $alt_body = nl2br($mail->html2text($body)); $mail->AltBody = $alt_body; //Add attachments to email from thread $args = array('numberposts' => -1, 'post_parent' => $thread_id, 'post_status' => null, 'post_type' => 'attachment'); $attachments = get_children($args); if ($attachments) { foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { if (get_post_meta($attachment->ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true) == 'ATTACHMENT') { $fullsize_path = get_attached_file($attachment->ID); $filename_only = basename($fullsize_path); //If is attached .eml(needs 8bit encoding) if ($attachment->post_mime_type == 'message/rfc822') { $mail->addAttachment($fullsize_path, $filename_only, '8bit'); } else { $mail->addAttachment($fullsize_path, $filename_only); } } } } //If email is sent, update status and post if ($mail->Send()) { update_post_meta($thread_id, 'mg_thread_email_status', 'Sent'); $thread_update = array('ID' => $thread_id, 'post_status' => 'publish'); wp_update_post($thread_update); } else { update_post_meta($thread_id, 'mg_thread_email_status', 'Error'); update_post_meta($thread_id, 'mg_thread_email_status_error', $mail->ErrorInfo); } } //Needs to be updated to SMTP format if ($mail_type == 'php') { $mail_Subject = get_post_meta($thread_id, 'mg_thread_email_subject', true); $to = array(); foreach ($user_query->get_results() as $memberstoSent) { $sendtouserId = $memberstoSent->ID; $Userrow = get_user_by("id", $sendtouserId); $sendToEmail = $Userrow->user_email; $to[] = $sendToEmail; } $subject = $mail_Subject; $headers = 'From: ' . $groupTitle . '<' . $groupEmail . '>' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Reply-To: <' . $senderEmail . '>' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'X-Mailer: PHP' . phpversion() . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-Type: ' . get_bloginfo('html_type') . '; charset=\\"' . get_bloginfo('charset') . '\\"' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'references: [' . $thread_id . ']' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html' . "\r\n"; $php_sent = mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers); if ($php_sent) { update_post_meta($thread_id, 'mg_thread_email_status', 'Sent'); $thread_update = array('ID' => $thread_id, 'post_status' => 'publish'); wp_update_post($thread_update); } else { update_post_meta($thread_id, 'mg_thread_email_status', 'Error'); } } //Needs to be updated to SMTP format if ($mail_type == 'wp') { $mail_Subject = get_post_meta($thread_id, 'mg_thread_email_subject', true); $to = array(); foreach ($user_query->get_results() as $memberstoSent) { $sendtouserId = $memberstoSent->ID; $Userrow = get_user_by("id", $sendtouserId); $sendToEmail = $Userrow->user_email; $to[] = $sendToEmail; } $subject = $mail_Subject; $headers[] = 'From: ' . $groupTitle . '<' . $groupEmail . '>' . "\r\n"; $headers[] = 'Reply-To: <' . $senderEmail . '>' . "\r\n"; /* $headers[] = 'Cc: '. $sendToName .'<'.$sendToEmail.'>'."\r\n"; */ $headers[] = 'X-Mailer: PHP' . phpversion() . "\r\n"; $headers[] = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers[] = 'Content-Type: ' . get_bloginfo('html_type') . '; charset=\\"' . get_bloginfo('charset') . '\\"' . "\r\n"; $headers[] = 'Content-type: text/html' . "\r\n"; $args = array('numberposts' => -1, 'post_parent' => $thread_id, 'post_status' => null, 'post_type' => 'attachment'); $attachments = get_children($args); $attachment_send = array(); foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { if (get_post_meta($attachment->ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true) === 'ATTACHMENT') { $fullsize_path = get_attached_file($attachment->ID); $attachment_send[] = $fullsize_path; } } $wp_sent = wp_mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers, $attachment_send); if ($wp_sent) { update_post_meta($thread_id, 'mg_thread_email_status', 'Sent'); $thread_update = array('ID' => $thread_id, 'post_status' => 'publish'); wp_update_post($thread_update); } else { update_post_meta($thread_id, 'mg_thread_email_status', 'Error'); } } } else { echo "No other user subscribed in this group!"; } } else { echo "No Valid Sender Found in DB!"; } } else { echo "No Valid Mailing Group Found!"; } } } else { echo "No Parsed Email found!"; } }
public function send_email_campaign($sender_data, $receiver_data, $template_data, $user_config) { $this->load->library('My_PHPMailer'); $setup = array("smtp_host" => $user_config['smtp_host'], "smtp_port" => $user_config['smtp_port'], "smtp_protocol" => "TLS", "smtp_auth" => true, "smtp_username" => $user_config['smtp_username'], "smtp_password" => $user_config['smtp_password']); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->XMailer = 'PHP '; $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; //$mail->SMTPDebug = 3; // Enable verbose debug output $mail->isSMTP(); // Set mailer to use SMTP $mail->Host = $setup['smtp_host']; // Specify main and backup SMTP servers 'smtp1.example.com;smtp2.example.com' $mail->SMTPAuth = $setup['smtp_auth'] ? true : false; // Enable SMTP authentication $mail->Username = $setup['smtp_username']; // SMTP username $mail->Password = $setup['smtp_password']; // SMTP password $mail->SMTPSecure = $setup['smtp_protocol']; // Enable TLS encryption, `ssl` also accepted $mail->Port = $setup['smtp_port']; // TCP port to connect to $mail->ClearAllRecipients(); $mail->ClearAddresses(); $mail->ClearCCs(); $mail->ClearBCCs(); $mail->ClearReplyTos(); $mail->ClearAttachments(); $mail->ClearCustomHeaders(); $mail->From = $sender_data['email']; $mail->FromName = $sender_data['name']; $mail->addAddress($receiver_data['email'], $receiver_data['name']); // Add a recipient $mail->addReplyTo($sender_data['email'], ''); $mail->isHTML(true); // Set email format to HTML $body = $this->load->view('email/campaign_email', array('template_data' => $template_data), true); $mail->Subject = $template_data['subject']; $mail->Body = $body; // html mail $mail->AltBody = $body; // Plain text mail // For most clients expecting the Priority header: // 1 = High, 2 = Medium, 3 = Low $mail->Priority = 1; // MS Outlook custom header // May set to "Urgent" or "Highest" rather than "High" $mail->AddCustomHeader("X-MSMail-Priority: High"); // Not sure if Priority will also set the Importance header: $mail->AddCustomHeader("Importance: High"); $mail->AddCustomHeader("X-Sender: <{''}>\n"); $mail->addCustomHeader("List-Unsubscribe", "<mailto:unsubscribe@digibuzz24.net/unsubscribe.php?email='" . $sender_data['email'] . "'>"); $mail->addCustomHeader("List-Subscribe", "<mailto:subscribe@digibuzz24.net/subscribe.php?email='" . $sender_data['email'] . "'>"); $mail->addCustomHeader("List-Owner", "<mailto:admin@digibuzz24.net>"); // Uncomment this if ($mail->send()) { return 'ok'; } else { //echo 'Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo; exit; return 'error'; } }
function smtpSend() { $mail = new PHPMailer(true); $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Host = SMTP_HOST; $mail->Port = SMTP_PORT; $mail->Username = SMTP_USERNAME; $mail->Password = SMTP_PASSWORD; $mail->Subject = $this->_subject; $mail->SetFrom($this->_from['email_address'], $this->_from['name']); $mail->CharSet = $this->_charset; $mail->Encoding = $this->_content_transfer_encoding; if (empty($this->_body_plain)) { $mail->MsgHTML($this->_body_html); } else { $mail->AltBody = $this->_body_plain; } foreach ($this->_headers as $key => $value) { $mail->addCustomHeader($key, $value); } if (!empty($this->_to)) { foreach ($this->_to as $to) { $mail->AddAddress($to['email_address'], $to['name']); } } if (!empty($this->_cc)) { foreach ($this->_cc as $cc) { $mail->AddCC($cc['email_address'], $cc['name']); } } if (!empty($this->_bcc)) { foreach ($this->_bcc as $bcc) { $mail->AddBCC($bcc['email_address'], $bcc['name']); } } if (!empty($this->_attachments)) { foreach ($this->_attachments as $attachment) { $mail->AddAttachment($attachment['file'], $attachment['filename']); } } if (!empty($this->_images)) { foreach ($this->_images as $image) { $mail->AddEmbeddedImage($image['file'], $image['filename']); } } try { $mail->Send(); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } return true; }
/** * Set 'Reply-To' email address for PHPMailer if mailbox is > 64 characters. * * Have to workaround a PHPMailer mailbox character limit issue by setting the * 'Reply-To' email address again after PHPMailer has done its checks. * * This is done for installs still using wp_mail(). * * @since 1.0-RC4. * @link https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/issues/706 * * @param PHPMailer $phpmailer */ public function phpmailer_set_reply_to_header($phpmailer) { /* * Do a check to see if the reply-to email address is > 64 characters. * * If so, set the 'Reply-To' email address again since PHPMailer silently * drops our first attempt at doing this. */ $reply_to = $this->get_reply_to_address($this->temp_args); if (strpos($reply_to, '@') > 64) { $phpmailer->addCustomHeader('Reply-To', $reply_to); } // Unset some temporary items. unset($this->temp_args); remove_action('phpmailer_init', array($this, 'phpmailer_set_reply_to_header')); }
foreach ($headers as $header => $value) { echo $header . ": " . $value . "\n"; } } echo "Subject: " . $subject . "\n"; echo "From: " . $from . "\n"; echo "Reply-to: " . $reply_to . "\n"; echo "To: " . $to . "\n"; echo "Date: " . $date . "\n"; //echo "Body: ".$body."\n"; //add to, from, fromname, custom headers and subject to the email $mail->From = $smtp['from']; $mail->FromName = $smtp['from_name']; if (sizeof($headers) > 0) { foreach ($headers as $header => $value) { $mail->addCustomHeader($header . ": " . $value); } } $mail->Subject = $subject; $to = trim($to, "<> "); $to = str_replace(";", ",", $to); $to_array = explode(",", $to); if (count($to_array) == 0) { $mail->AddAddress($to); } else { foreach ($to_array as $to_row) { if (strlen($to_row) > 0) { echo "Add Address: {$to_row}\n"; $mail->AddAddress(trim($to_row)); } }
/** * Send an email using phpmailer * * @param string $from From address * @param string $from_name From name * @param string $to To address * @param string $to_name To name * @param string $subject The subject of the message. * @param string $body The message body * @param array $bcc Array of address strings * @param bool $html Set true for html email, also consider setting * altbody in $params array * @param array $files Array of file descriptor arrays, each file array * consists of full path and name * @param array $params Additional parameters * @return bool */ function phpmailer_send_html($from, $from_name, $to, $to_name, $subject, $body, $headers = null) { static $phpmailer; // Ensure phpmailer object exists if (!is_object($phpmailer) || !is_a($phpmailer, 'PHPMailer')) { require_once elgg_get_plugins_path() . '/phpmailer/vendors/class.phpmailer.php'; require_once elgg_get_plugins_path() . '/phpmailer/vendors/class.smtp.php'; $phpmailer = new PHPMailer(); } if (!$from) { throw new NotificationException(sprintf(elgg_echo('NotificationException:MissingParameter'), 'from')); } if (!$to && !$bcc) { throw new NotificationException(sprintf(elgg_echo('NotificationException:MissingParameter'), 'to')); } if (!$subject) { throw new NotificationException(sprintf(elgg_echo('NotificationException:MissingParameter'), 'subject')); } // set line ending if admin selected \n (if admin did not change setting, null is returned) if (elgg_get_plugin_setting('nonstd_mta', 'phpmailer')) { $phpmailer->LE = "\n"; } else { $phpmailer->LE = "\r\n"; } //////////////////////////////////// // Format message $phpmailer->ClearAllRecipients(); $phpmailer->ClearAttachments(); // Set the from name and email $phpmailer->From = $from; $phpmailer->FromName = $from_name; // Set destination address if (isset($to)) { $phpmailer->AddAddress($to, $to_name); } // set bccs if exists if ($bcc && is_array($bcc)) { foreach ($bcc as $address) { $phpmailer->AddBCC($address); } } $phpmailer->Subject = $subject; $phpmailer->IsHTML(true); $phpmailer->Body = $body; if ($files && is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { if (isset($file['path'])) { $phpmailer->AddAttachment($file['path'], $file['name']); } } } $is_smtp = elgg_get_plugin_setting('phpmailer_smtp', 'phpmailer'); $smtp_host = elgg_get_plugin_setting('phpmailer_host', 'phpmailer'); $smtp_auth = elgg_get_plugin_setting('phpmailer_smtp_auth', 'phpmailer'); $is_ssl = elgg_get_plugin_setting('ep_phpmailer_ssl', 'phpmailer'); $ssl_port = elgg_get_plugin_setting('ep_phpmailer_port', 'phpmailer'); if ($is_smtp && isset($smtp_host)) { $phpmailer->IsSMTP(); $phpmailer->Host = $smtp_host; $phpmailer->SMTPAuth = false; if ($smtp_auth) { $phpmailer->SMTPAuth = true; $phpmailer->Username = elgg_get_plugin_setting('phpmailer_username', 'phpmailer'); $phpmailer->Password = elgg_get_plugin_setting('phpmailer_password', 'phpmailer'); if ($is_ssl) { $phpmailer->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; $phpmailer->Port = $ssl_port; } } } else { // use php's mail $phpmailer->IsMail(); } $phpmailer->addCustomHeader($headers); $return = $phpmailer->Send(); if (!$return) { elgg_log('PHPMailer error: ' . $phpmailer->ErrorInfo, 'WARNING'); } return $return; }
function phorum_smtp_send_messages($data) { global $PHORUM; $addresses = $data['addresses']; $subject = $data['subject']; $message = $data['body']; $num_addresses = count($addresses); $settings = $PHORUM['smtp_mail']; $settings['auth'] = empty($settings['auth']) ? false : true; if ($num_addresses > 0) { try { require_once "./mods/smtp_mail/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php"; $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->PluginDir = "./mods/smtp_mail/phpmailer/"; $mail->CharSet = $PHORUM["DATA"]["CHARSET"]; $mail->Encoding = $PHORUM["DATA"]["MAILENCODING"]; $mail->Mailer = "smtp"; $mail->isHTML(false); $mail->From = $PHORUM['system_email_from_address']; $mail->Sender = $PHORUM['system_email_from_address']; $mail->FromName = $PHORUM['system_email_from_name']; if (!isset($settings['host']) || empty($settings['host'])) { $settings['host'] = 'localhost'; } if (!isset($settings['port']) || empty($settings['port'])) { $settings['port'] = '25'; } $mail->Host = $settings['host']; $mail->Port = $settings['port']; // set the connection type if ($settings['conn'] == 'ssl') { $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; } elseif ($settings['conn'] == 'tls') { $mail->SMTPSecure = "tls"; } // smtp-authentication if ($settings['auth'] && !empty($settings['username'])) { $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $settings['username']; $mail->Password = $settings['password']; } $mail->Body = $message; $mail->Subject = $subject; // add the newly created message-id // in phpmailer as a public var $mail->MessageID = $data['messageid']; // add custom headers if defined if (!empty($data['custom_headers'])) { // custom headers in phpmailer are added one by one $custom_headers = explode("\n", $data['custom_headers']); foreach ($custom_headers as $cheader) { $mail->addCustomHeader($cheader); } } // add attachments if provided if (isset($data['attachments']) && count($data['attachments'])) { /* * Expected input is an array of * * array( * 'filename'=>'name of the file including extension', * 'filedata'=>'plain (not encoded) content of the file', * 'mimetype'=>'mime type of the file', (optional) * ) * */ foreach ($data['attachments'] as $att_id => $attachment) { $att_type = !empty($attachment['mimetype']) ? $attachment['mimetype'] : 'application/octet-stream'; $mail->addStringAttachment($attachment['filedata'], $attachment['filename'], 'base64', $att_type); // try to unset it in the original array to save memory unset($data['attachments'][$att_id]); } } if (!empty($settings['bcc']) && $num_addresses > 3) { $bcc = 1; $mail->addAddress("undisclosed-recipients:;"); } else { $bcc = 0; // lets keep the connection alive - it could be multiple mails $mail->SMTPKeepAlive = true; } foreach ($addresses as $address) { if ($bcc) { $mail->addBCC($address); } else { $mail->addAddress($address); if (!$mail->send()) { $error_msg = "There was an error sending the message."; $detail_msg = "Error returned was: " . $mail->ErrorInfo; if (function_exists('event_logging_writelog')) { event_logging_writelog(array("source" => "smtp_mail", "message" => $error_msg, "details" => $detail_msg, "loglevel" => EVENTLOG_LVL_ERROR, "category" => EVENTLOG_CAT_MODULE)); } if (!isset($settings['show_errors']) || !empty($settings['show_errors'])) { echo $error_msg . "\n"; echo $detail_msg; } } elseif (!empty($settings['log_successful'])) { if (function_exists('event_logging_writelog')) { event_logging_writelog(array("source" => "smtp_mail", "message" => "Email successfully sent", "details" => "An email has been sent:\nTo:{$address}\nSubject: {$subject}\nBody: {$message}\n", "loglevel" => EVENTLOG_LVL_INFO, "category" => EVENTLOG_CAT_MODULE)); } } // Clear all addresses for next loop $mail->clearAddresses(); } } // bcc needs just one send call if ($bcc) { if (!$mail->send()) { $error_msg = "There was an error sending the bcc message."; $detail_msg = "Error returned was: " . $mail->ErrorInfo; if (function_exists('event_logging_writelog')) { event_logging_writelog(array("source" => "smtp_mail", "message" => $error_msg, "details" => $detail_msg, "loglevel" => EVENTLOG_LVL_ERROR, "category" => EVENTLOG_CAT_MODULE)); } if (!isset($settings['show_errors']) || !empty($settings['show_errors'])) { echo $error_msg . "\n"; echo $detail_msg; } } elseif (!empty($settings['log_successful'])) { if (function_exists('event_logging_writelog')) { $address_join = implode(",", $addresses); event_logging_writelog(array("source" => "smtp_mail", "message" => "BCC-Email successfully sent", "details" => "An email (bcc-mode) has been sent:\nBCC:{$address_join}\nSubject: {$subject}\nBody: {$message}\n", "loglevel" => EVENTLOG_LVL_INFO, "category" => EVENTLOG_CAT_MODULE)); } } } // we have to close the connection with pipelining // which is only used in non-bcc mode if (!$bcc) { $mail->smtpClose(); } } catch (Exception $e) { $error_msg = "There was a problem communicating with SMTP"; $detail_msg = "The error returned was: " . $e->getMessage(); if (function_exists('event_logging_writelog')) { event_logging_writelog(array("source" => "smtp_mail", "message" => $error_msg, "details" => $detail_msg, "loglevel" => EVENTLOG_LVL_ERROR, "category" => EVENTLOG_CAT_MODULE)); } if (!isset($settings['show_errors']) || !empty($settings['show_errors'])) { echo $error_msg . "\n"; echo $detail_msg; } exit; } } unset($message); unset($mail); // make sure that the internal mail-facility doesn't kick in return 0; }
/** * Send a prepared and rendered email locally. * * @param array $email * @return bool */ protected function send_prepared(array $email) { if (!is_email($email['to_address'])) { Prompt_Logging::add_error(Prompt_Enum_Error_Codes::OUTBOUND, __('Attempted to send to an invalid email address.', 'Postmatic'), compact('email')); return false; } $this->local_mailer->clearAllRecipients(); $this->local_mailer->clearCustomHeaders(); $this->local_mailer->clearReplyTos(); $this->local_mailer->From = $email['from_address']; $this->local_mailer->FromName = $email['from_name']; $this->local_mailer->addAddress($email['to_address'], $email['to_name']); if (!empty($email['reply_address'])) { $this->local_mailer->addReplyTo($email['reply_address'], $email['reply_name']); } $unsubscribe_types = array(Prompt_Enum_Message_Types::COMMENT, Prompt_Enum_Message_Types::POST); if (!empty($email['reply_address']) and in_array($email['message_type'], $unsubscribe_types)) { $this->local_mailer->addCustomHeader('List-Unsubscribe', '<mailto:' . $email['reply_address'] . '?body=unsubscribe>'); } $this->local_mailer->Subject = $email['subject']; $this->local_mailer->Body = $email['html_content']; $this->local_mailer->AltBody = $email['text_content']; $this->local_mailer->ContentType = Prompt_Enum_Content_Types::HTML; $this->local_mailer->isMail(); $this->local_mailer->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; try { $this->local_mailer->send(); } catch (phpmailerException $e) { Prompt_Logging::add_error('prompt_wp_mail', __('Failed sending an email locally. Did you know Postmatic can deliver email for you?', 'Prompt_Core'), array('email' => $email, 'error_info' => $this->local_mailer->ErrorInfo)); return false; } return true; }