PHPFOX_CDN::error('KEY_NOT_MATCH', 'Key does not match.'); } elseif (is_writable(CDN_FOLDER) != true) { PHPFOX_CDN::error('NOT_WRITEABLE', 'The target folder is not writeable.'); } else { switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'upload': if (empty($_FILES['upload'])) { PHPFOX_CDN::error('NOTHING_WAS_UPLOADED', 'Nothing was uploaded.'); } elseif (empty($_POST['file_name'])) { PHPFOX_CDN::error('MISSING_FILE_NAME', 'Missing the filename of the file uploaded.'); } else { $sName = $_POST['file_name']; $sName = str_replace("\\", '/', $sName); $aParts = explode('.', $sName); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], '' . CDN_FOLDER . '/' . md5($aParts[0]) . '.' . $aParts[1]); // PHPFOX_CDN::debug('Moved ' . $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'] . ' to ../' . preg_replace('/\/server\/([0-9]+)\//i', '\\1', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '/' . md5($aParts[0]) . '.' . $aParts[1] . ' (' . $sName . ')'); } break; case 'remove': if (empty($_POST['file_name'])) { PHPFOX_CDN::error('MISSING_FILE_NAME', 'Missing the filename of the file to be removed.'); } else { $sName = $_POST['file_name']; $sName = str_replace("\\", '/', $sName); $aParts = explode('.', $sName); unlink('' . CDN_FOLDER . '/' . md5($aParts[0]) . '.' . $aParts[1]); } break; } } PHPFOX_CDN::output();
fclose($hFile); * */ } } if (empty($_POST['action'])) { PHPFOX_CDN::error('MISSING_ACTION', 'Missing action.'); } elseif (empty($_POST['cdn_key'])) { PHPFOX_CDN::error('MISSING_KEY', 'Missing CDN key.'); } elseif ($_POST['cdn_key'] != CDN_KEY) { PHPFOX_CDN::error('KEY_NOT_MATCH', 'Key does not match.'); } elseif (is_writable(CDN_FOLDER) != true) { PHPFOX_CDN::error('NOT_WRITEABLE', 'The target folder is not writeable.'); } else { switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'upload': if (empty($_FILES['upload'])) { PHPFOX_CDN::error('NOTHING_WAS_UPLOADED', 'Nothing was uploaded.'); } elseif (empty($_POST['file_name'])) { PHPFOX_CDN::error('MISSING_FILE_NAME', 'Missing the filename of the file uploaded.'); } else { $sName = $_POST['file_name']; $sName = str_replace("\\", '/', $sName); $aParts = explode('.', $sName); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], '' . CDN_FOLDER . '/' . md5($aParts[0]) . '.' . $aParts[1]); // PHPFOX_CDN::debug('Moved ' . $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'] . ' to ../' . preg_replace('/\/server\/([0-9]+)\//i', '\\1', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '/' . md5($aParts[0]) . '.' . $aParts[1] . ' (' . $sName . ')'); } break; } } PHPFOX_CDN::output();