  * Method to generate the email subject
  * @param     object     $lang         Instance of the default user language
  * @param     object     $receiveer    Instance of the the receiving user
  * @param     object     $user         Instance of the user who made the change
  * @param     object     $after        Instance of the item table after it was updated
  * @param     object     $before       Instance of the item table before it was updated
  * @param     boolean    $is_new       True if the item is new ($before will be null)
  * @return    string
 public static function getCommentSubject($lang, $receiver, $user, $after, $before, $is_new)
     if (!$is_new) {
         return false;
     list($component, $item) = explode('.', $after->context, 2);
     $class_name = 'PF' . str_replace('com_pf', '', $component) . 'NotificationsHelper';
     $value = null;
     if (class_exists($class_name)) {
         $methods = get_class_methods($class_name);
         if (in_array('getItemName', $methods)) {
             $item = call_user_func(array($class_name, 'getItemName'), $after->context);
         if (in_array('translateItem', $methods)) {
             $value = call_user_func_array(array($class_name, 'translateItem'), array($after->context, $after->item_id));
     $txt_prefix = self::$prefix . '_' . ($is_new ? 'NEW' : 'UPD');
     $format = $lang->_($txt_prefix . '_SUBJECT_' . strtoupper($item));
     $project = PFnotificationsHelper::translateValue('project_id', $after->project_id);
     if (!$value) {
         $value = PFnotificationsHelper::translateValue($item . '_id', $after->item_id);
     if ($item != 'project') {
         $txt = sprintf($format, $project, $user->name, $value);
     } else {
         $txt = sprintf($format, $project, $user->name);
     return $txt;
  * Method to generate the email subject
  * @param     object     $lang         Instance of the default user language
  * @param     object     $receiveer    Instance of the the receiving user
  * @param     object     $user         Instance of the user who made the change
  * @param     object     $after        Instance of the item table after it was updated
  * @param     object     $before       Instance of the item table before it was updated
  * @param     boolean    $is_new       True if the item is new ($before will be null)
  * @return    string
 public static function getReplySubject($lang, $receiver, $user, $after, $before, $is_new)
     if (!$is_new) {
         return false;
     $txt_prefix = 'COM_PROJECTFORK_REPLY_EMAIL_' . ($is_new ? 'NEW' : 'UPD');
     $format = $lang->_($txt_prefix . '_SUBJECT');
     $project = PFnotificationsHelper::translateValue('project_id', $after->project_id);
     $topic = PFnotificationsHelper::translateValue('topic_id', $after->topic_id);
     $txt = sprintf($format, $project, $user->name, $topic);
     return $txt;
  * Method to generate the email subject
  * @param     object     $lang         Instance of the default user language
  * @param     object     $receiveer    Instance of the the receiving user
  * @param     object     $user         Instance of the user who made the change
  * @param     object     $after        Instance of the item table after it was updated
  * @param     object     $before       Instance of the item table before it was updated
  * @param     boolean    $is_new       True if the item is new ($before will be null)
  * @return    string
 public static function getMilestoneSubject($lang, $receiver, $user, $after, $before, $is_new)
     $txt_prefix = self::$prefix . '_' . ($is_new ? 'NEW' : 'UPD');
     $format = $lang->_($txt_prefix . '_SUBJECT');
     $project = PFnotificationsHelper::translateValue('project_id', $after->project_id);
     $txt = sprintf($format, $project, $user->name, $after->title);
     return $txt;
Пример #4
  * Method to generate the email subject for completed milestones
  * @param     object     $lang         Instance of the default user language
  * @param     object     $receiveer    Instance of the the receiving user
  * @param     object     $user         Instance of the user who made the change
  * @param     object     $table        Instance of the item table after it was updated
  * @return    string
 public static function getMilestoneCompletedSubject($lang, $receiver, $user, $table)
     $txt_prefix = self::$prefix;
     $format = $lang->_($txt_prefix . '_SUBJECT_COMPLETED');
     $project = PFnotificationsHelper::translateValue('project_id', $table->project_id);
     $txt = sprintf($format, $project, $user->name, $table->title);
     return $txt;
Пример #5
  * Method to generate the email subject
  * @param     object     $lang         Instance of the default user language
  * @param     object     $receiveer    Instance of the the receiving user
  * @param     object     $user         Instance of the user who made the change
  * @param     object     $after        Instance of the item table after it was updated
  * @param     object     $before       Instance of the item table before it was updated
  * @param     boolean    $is_new       True if the item is new ($before will be null)
  * @return    string
 public static function getRevisionSubject($lang, $receiver, $user, $after, $before, $is_new)
     if (!$is_new) {
         if (isset($after->approved)) {
             $format = $lang->_('COM_PROJECTFORK_DESIGN_REV_EMAIL_' . ($after->approved ? 'APPROVED' : 'DECLINED') . '_SUBJECT');
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         $txt_prefix = 'COM_PROJECTFORK_DESIGN_REV_EMAIL_' . ($is_new ? 'NEW' : 'UPD');
         $format = $lang->_($txt_prefix . '_SUBJECT');
     $project = PFnotificationsHelper::translateValue('project_id', $after->project_id);
     $parent = self::translateValue('parent_id', $after->parent_id);
     $txt = sprintf($format, $project, $user->name, $parent);
     return $txt;
Пример #6
  * Method to generate the email message
  * @param     object     $lang         Instance of the default user language
  * @param     object     $receiveer    Instance of the the receiving user
  * @param     object     $user         Instance of the user who made the change
  * @param     object     $after        Instance of the item table after it was updated
  * @param     object     $before       Instance of the item table before it was updated
  * @param     boolean    $is_new       True if the item is new ($before will be null)
  * @return    string
 public static function getAttachmentMessage($lang, $receiver, $user, $after, $before, $is_new)
     if (!$is_new) {
         return false;
     list($component, $item) = explode('.', $after->item_type, 2);
     $txt_prefix = self::$prefix . '_' . ($is_new ? 'NEW' : 'UPD');
     $class_name = 'PF' . str_replace('com_pf', '', $component) . 'NotificationsHelper';
     $value = null;
     if (class_exists($class_name)) {
         $methods = get_class_methods($class_name);
         if (in_array('getItemName', $methods)) {
             $item = call_user_func(array($class_name, 'getItemName'), $after->context);
         if (in_array('translateItem', $methods)) {
             $value = call_user_func_array(array($class_name, 'translateItem'), array($after->item_type, $after->item_id));
     if (!$value) {
         $value = PFnotificationsHelper::translateValue($item . '_id', $after->item_id);
     switch ($item) {
         case 'project':
             $link = PFprojectsHelperRoute::getDashboardRoute($after->project_id);
             $class_name = 'PF' . str_replace('com_pf', '', $component) . 'HelperRoute';
             $method = 'get' . ucfirst($item) . 'Route';
             $link = '';
             if (class_exists($class_name)) {
                 if (in_array($method, get_class_methods($class_name))) {
                     $link = call_user_func_array(array($class_name, $method), array($after->item_id, $after->project_id));
     $format = $lang->_($txt_prefix . '_MESSAGE');
     $footer = sprintf($lang->_('COM_PROJECTFORK_EMAIL_FOOTER'), JURI::root());
     $link = JRoute::_(JURI::root() . $link);
     $txt = sprintf($format, $receiver->name, $user->name, $value, $link);
     $txt = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $txt . "\n\n" . $footer);
     return $txt;