Пример #1
 $report = '';
 $report .= 'From:             ' . $_POST['in']['handle'] . "\n";
 $report .= 'Operating system: ' . $_POST['in']['php_os'] . "\n";
 $report .= 'Package version:  ' . $_POST['in']['package_version'] . "\n";
 $report .= 'PHP version:      ' . $_POST['in']['php_version'] . "\n";
 $report .= 'Package:          ' . $_POST['in']['package_name'] . "\n";
 $report .= 'Bug Type:         ' . $_POST['in']['bug_type'] . "\n";
 $report .= 'Bug description:  ';
 $fdesc = $fdesc;
 $sdesc = $_POST['in']['sdesc'];
 $ascii_report = "{$report}{$sdesc}\n\n" . wordwrap($fdesc);
 $ascii_report .= "\n-- \nEdit bug report at ";
 $ascii_report .= PEARWEB_PROTOCOL . PEAR_CHANNELNAME . "/bugs/bug.php?id={$cid}&edit=";
 include_once 'bugs/pear-bugs-utils.php';
 $pbu = new PEAR_Bugs_Utils();
 list($mailto, $mailfrom) = $pbu->getPackageMail($_POST['in']['package_name']);
 $email = $_POST['in']['email'];
 require_once 'bugs/pear-bugs-utils.php';
 $protected_email = '"' . PEAR_Bugs_Utils::spamProtect($email, 'text') . '"';
 $protected_email .= ' <' . $mailfrom . '>';
 $extra_headers = 'From: ' . $protected_email . "\n";
 $extra_headers .= 'X-PHP-BugTracker: PEARbug' . "\n";
 $extra_headers .= 'X-PHP-Bug: ' . $cid . "\n";
 $extra_headers .= 'X-PHP-Type: ' . $_POST['in']['bug_type'] . "\n";
 $extra_headers .= 'X-PHP-PackageVersion: ' . $_POST['in']['package_version'] . "\n";
 $extra_headers .= 'X-PHP-Version: ' . $_POST['in']['php_version'] . "\n";
 $extra_headers .= 'X-PHP-Category: ' . $_POST['in']['package_name'] . "\n";
 $extra_headers .= 'X-PHP-OS: ' . $_POST['in']['php_os'] . "\n";
 $extra_headers .= 'X-PHP-Status: Open' . "\n";
 $extra_headers .= 'Message-ID: <bug-' . $cid . '@' . PEAR_CHANNELNAME . '>';
 $type = @$types[$_POST['in']['bug_type']];
Пример #2
 function sendBugEmail($buginfo)
     $report = '';
     $report .= 'From:             ' . $this->handle . "\n";
     $report .= 'Operating system: ' . $buginfo['php_os'] . "\n";
     $report .= 'Package version:  ' . $buginfo['package_version'] . "\n";
     $report .= 'PHP version:      ' . $buginfo['php_version'] . "\n";
     $report .= 'Package:          ' . $buginfo['package_name'] . "\n";
     $report .= 'Bug Type:         ' . $buginfo['bug_type'] . "\n";
     $report .= 'Bug description:  ';
     $fdesc = $buginfo['ldesc'];
     $sdesc = $buginfo['sdesc'];
     $ascii_report = "{$report}{$sdesc}\n\n" . wordwrap($fdesc);
     $ascii_report .= "\n-- \nEdit bug report at ";
     $ascii_report .= "http://" . PEAR_CHANNELNAME . "/bugs/bug.php?id={$buginfo['id']}&edit=";
     include_once 'bugs/pear-bugs-utils.php';
     $pbu = new PEAR_Bugs_Utils();
     list($mailto, $mailfrom) = $pbu->getPackageMail($buginfo['package_name']);
     $email = $this->email;
     $protected_email = '"' . $pbu->spamProtect($email, 'text') . '"';
     $protected_email .= '<' . $mailfrom . '>';
     if ((!isset($email) || !isset($mailfrom)) && isset($buginfo['reporter_name'])) {
         $protected_email = '"' . $buginfo['reporter_name'] . '" <' . $pbu->spamProtect($buginfo['email']) . '>';
     $extra_headers = 'From: ' . $protected_email . "\n";
     $extra_headers .= 'X-PHP-BugTracker: PEARbug' . "\n";
     $extra_headers .= 'X-PHP-Bug: ' . $buginfo['id'] . "\n";
     $extra_headers .= 'X-PHP-Type: ' . $buginfo['bug_type'] . "\n";
     $extra_headers .= 'X-PHP-PackageVersion: ' . $buginfo['package_version'] . "\n";
     $extra_headers .= 'X-PHP-Version: ' . $buginfo['php_version'] . "\n";
     $extra_headers .= 'X-PHP-Category: ' . $buginfo['package_name'] . "\n";
     $extra_headers .= 'X-PHP-OS: ' . $buginfo['php_os'] . "\n";
     $extra_headers .= 'X-PHP-Status: Open' . "\n";
     $extra_headers .= 'Message-ID: <bug-' . $buginfo['id'] . '@' . PEAR_CHANNELNAME . '>';
     $types = array('Bug' => 'Bug', 'Feature/Change Request' => 'Req', 'Documentation Problem' => 'Doc');
     $type = @$types[$buginfo['bug_type']];
     if (!DEVBOX) {
         // mail to package developers
         @mail($mailto, "[PEAR-BUG] {$buginfo['bug_type']} #{$buginfo['id']} [NEW]: {$sdesc}", $ascii_report . "1\n-- \n", $extra_headers, '-f ' . PEAR_BOUNCE_EMAIL);
         // mail to reporter
         @mail($email, "[PEAR-BUG] {$buginfo['bug_type']} #{$buginfo['id']}: {$sdesc}", $ascii_report . "2\n", "From: " . PEAR_CHANNELNAME . " Bug Database <{$mailfrom}>\n" . "X-PHP-Bug: {$buginfo['id']}\n" . "Message-ID: <bug-{$buginfo['id']}@" . PEAR_CHANNELNAME . ">", '-f ' . PEAR_BOUNCE_EMAIL);