Пример #1
 function __construct()
     $this->WP_setting = Participants_Db::$participants_db_options;
     // define the settings sections
     // no need to worry about the namespace, it will be prefixed
     $this->sections = array('pdb-main' => __('General Settings', 'participants-database'), 'pdb-signup' => __('Signup Form Settings', 'participants-database'), 'pdb-record' => __('Record Form Settings', 'participants-database'), 'pdb-list' => __('List Display Settings', 'participants-database'), 'pdb-resend' => __('Resend Link Settings', 'participants-database'), 'pdb-advanced' => __('Advanced Settings', 'participants-database'), 'pdb-css' => __('Custom CSS', 'participants-database'));
     self::$section_description = array('pdb-record' => __('Settings for the [pdb_record] shortcode, which is used to show a user-editable form on the website.', 'participants-database'), 'pdb-list' => __('Settings for the [pdb_list] shortcode, which is used to show a list of records from the database.', 'participants-database'), 'pdb-signup' => __('Settings for the [pdb_signup] shortcode, which is used to show a signup or registration form on the website.', 'participants-database'), 'pdb-resend' => __('Settings for the lost private link resend function.', 'participants-database'), 'pdb-advanced' => __('Settings for special configurations.', 'participants-database'), 'pdb-css' => __('User CSS rules for styling plugin displays.</h4><p>If you\'re new to CSS, try this tutorial to help you get started: <a href="http://www.ostraining.com/blog/wordpress/firebug-wordpress-css/">Use Firebug for Editing WordPress Themes.</a></p>', 'participants-database'));
     // determine the type of text-area elements to use for email body settings
     $this->textarea_type = Participants_Db::$plugin_options['html_email'] == '1' ? 'rich-text' : 'text-area';
     // run the parent class initialization to finish setting up the class
     parent::__construct(__CLASS__, $this->WP_setting, $this->sections);
     $this->submit_button = __('Save Plugin Settings', 'participants-database');
     // define the individual settings
     // now that the settings have been defined, finish setting
     // up the plugin settings