while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rsReport)) { extract($row); // Check for minimum amount if ($iMinimum > 0) { $temp = "SELECT SUM(plg_amount) AS total_gifts FROM pledge_plg\n\t\t\t\tWHERE plg_FamID={$fam_ID} AND {$aSQLCriteria['1']}"; $rsMinimum = RunQuery($temp); list($total_gifts) = mysql_fetch_row($rsMinimum); if ($iMinimum > $total_gifts) { continue; } } // Check for new family if ($fam_ID != $currentFamilyID && $currentFamilyID != 0) { //New Family. Finish Previous Family $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 10); $pdf->Cell(20, $summaryIntervalY / 2, " ", 0, 1); $pdf->Cell(95, $summaryIntervalY, " "); $pdf->Cell(50, $summaryIntervalY, "Total Payments:"); $totalAmountStr = "\$" . number_format($totalAmount, 2); $pdf->SetFont('Courier', '', 9); $pdf->Cell(25, $summaryIntervalY, $totalAmountStr, 0, 1, "R"); $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 10); $pdf->Cell(95, $summaryIntervalY, " "); $pdf->Cell(50, $summaryIntervalY, "Goods and Services Rendered:"); $totalAmountStr = "\$" . number_format($totalNonDeductible, 2); $pdf->SetFont('Courier', '', 9); $pdf->Cell(25, $summaryIntervalY, $totalAmountStr, 0, 1, "R"); $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 10); $pdf->Cell(95, $summaryIntervalY, " "); $pdf->Cell(50, $summaryIntervalY, "Tax-Deductible Contribution:"); $totalAmountStr = "\$" . number_format($totalAmount - $totalNonDeductible, 2);
$pdf->WriteAt(20, $curY, $sDepositTitle); $curY += 1.5 * $summaryIntervalY; } // Check for new fund if (($currentFundID != $fun_ID || $currentDepositID != $plg_depID) && $currentFundID && $detail_level != "summary") { // New Fund. Print Previous Fund Summary if ($countFund > 1) { $item = gettext("items"); } else { $item = gettext("item"); } $sFundSummary = "{$currentFundName} Total - {$countFund} {$item}: \$" . number_format($currentFundAmount, 2, '.', ','); $curY += 2; $pdf->SetXY(20, $curY); $pdf->SetFont("Times", 'I', 10); $pdf->Cell(176, $summaryIntervalY, $sFundSummary, 0, 0, "R"); $curY += 1.75 * $summaryIntervalY; $countFund = 0; $currentFundAmount = 0; $page = $pdf->PageBreak($page); } // Check for new deposit if ($currentDepositID != $plg_depID && $currentDepositID) { // New Deposit ID. Print Previous Deposit Summary if ($countDeposit > 1) { $item = gettext("items"); } else { $item = gettext("item"); } $sDepositSummary = "Deposit #{$currentDepositID} Total - {$countDeposit} {$item}: \$" . number_format($currentDepositAmount, 2, '.', ','); $pdf->SetXY(20, $curY);