Пример #1
// Project teams: use project_config.php
// Server administrators: use local_config.php
// --- DEBUGGING ---
$debug_for_user = TRUE;
// set TRUE to get info about each rendered template added into the output HTML
$debug_annotate_templates = FALSE;
// set TRUE to turn off template caching (good if you are frequently changing templates)
$debug_disable_template_caching = FALSE;
// set TRUE to show the Subversion version on the bottom of each page,
// along with the timing.  This requires some XML parsing, so it's
// best to leave it off on a live site.
$debug_show_svn_version = FALSE;
$comments_disabled = FALSE;
// site name
PA::$site_name = "PeopleAggregator";
// default sender email
$default_sender = "*****@*****.**";
PA::$language = 'english';
// work in progress: try 'japanese' to see the homepage in Japanese.
// --- MISC ---
// Set enable_network_spawning to FALSE to disable the creation of new
// networks, without disabling the network directory or any existing
// networks.
$_PA->enable_network_spawning = TRUE;
// Set enable_networks to FALSE to completely disable networks - don't
// allow them to be used at all, and disable spawning and the network
// directory.
$_PA->enable_networks = TRUE;
// Set to TRUE to force all networks to be private, regardless of
Пример #2

// This file is for settings that are shared by all developers on a
// project.
// For example, if you want to set the network name to "EconSM" and
// the e-mail address to "*****@*****.**", use this file.
// (Default settings for all users of PeopleAggregator should go in
// default_config.php, and server-specific settings like the database
// password live in local_config.php.)
// e.g.:
PA::$site_name = "Bell Video Store";
// $default_sender = "*****@*****.**";
// If running multiple copies of Scoop (the scraper) on one server,
// edit scoop/dev.cfg and change server.socket_port to something other
// than 7070, then uncomment $scoop_ui_url here and change the port to
// match.
//$scoop_ui_url = "http://localhost:7072";
// for extra debugging on fusepoint servers
ini_set("display_errors", "On");
$_PA->log_widget_requests = TRUE;
// this is used for any prohect specific initial site settings
// the script identifed here will be run when run_scripts is run
// if this is set, please also create the according file
// like so:
// web/extra/[$_PA->project_safe_updates]_safe_updates.php
$_PA->project_safe_updates = "videoplay";