function msgQueryLocations($aRequest)
    global $gSite;
    global $gGame;
    $Out = Out::getInstance();
    if (validRaidlead()) {
        $Connector = Connector::getInstance();
        // Locations
        $ListLocations = $Connector->prepare('Select * FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Location` WHERE Game = :Game ORDER BY Name');
        $ListLocations->bindValue(':Game', $gGame['GameId'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $Locations = array();
        $ListLocations->loop(function ($Data) use(&$Locations) {
            $LocationData = array('id' => $Data['LocationId'], 'name' => $Data['Name'], 'image' => $Data['Image']);
            array_push($Locations, $LocationData);
        $Out->pushValue('location', $Locations);
        // Images
        $Images = @scandir('../themes/icons/' . $gSite['Iconset'] . '/raidsmall');
        $ImageList = array();
        if ($Images != null) {
            foreach ($Images as $Image) {
                if (strripos($Image, '.png') !== false) {
                    array_push($ImageList, $Image);
        $Out->pushValue('locationimage', $ImageList);
    } else {
Пример #2
function msgQueryLocale($aRequest)
    global $gLocale;
    global $gGame;
    $EncodedLocale = array();
    $LocaleName = getLocaleName();
    $Flags = PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50300 ? $Flags | ENT_IGNORE : $Flags;
    // Hardcoded strings
    foreach ($gLocale as $Key => $Value) {
        if ($Value != null) {
            $Encoded = getUTF8($Value);
            //htmlentities(getUTF8($Value), $Flags, 'UTF-8');
            $EncodedLocale[$Key] = $Encoded;
    // Game based strings
    if (isset($gGame['Locales'][$LocaleName])) {
        foreach ($gGame['Locales'][$LocaleName] as $Key => $Value) {
            if ($Value != null) {
                $Encoded = getUTF8($Value);
                //htmlentities(getUTF8($Value), $Flags, 'UTF-8');
                $EncodedLocale[$Key] = $Encoded;
    Out::getInstance()->pushValue('locale', $EncodedLocale);
Пример #3
function msgQueryNewRaidData($aRequest)
    $Out = Out::getInstance();
    if (validRaidlead()) {
        $Connector = Connector::getInstance();
        // Settings
        $NewRaidSettings = $Connector->prepare('SELECT Name, IntValue, TextValue FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Setting`');
        $IntOfInterest = array('RaidSize', 'RaidStartHour', 'RaidStartMinute', 'RaidEndHour', 'RaidEndMinute', 'StartOfWeek');
        $TextOfInterest = array('RaidMode');
        $Settings = array();
        $NewRaidSettings->loop(function ($Data) use(&$Settings, $IntOfInterest, $TextOfInterest) {
            $KeyValue = array('name' => $Data['Name'], 'value' => null);
            if (in_array($Data['Name'], $IntOfInterest)) {
                $KeyValue['value'] = $Data['IntValue'];
            } elseif (in_array($Data['Name'], $TextOfInterest)) {
                $KeyValue['value'] = $Data['TextValue'];
            array_push($Settings, $KeyValue);
        $Out->pushValue('setting', $Settings);
        // Locations
    } else {
Пример #4
 public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath)
     $Out = Out::getInstance();
     $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/config.php';
     $DataPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/data';
     if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) {
         $Out->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.');
         return null;
     @(include_once $ConfigPath);
     if (!defined('EQDKP_INSTALLED')) {
         return null;
     $Version = 10000;
     $DataFolder = scandir($DataPath);
     foreach ($DataFolder as $Candidate) {
         $LocalConfPath = $DataPath . '/' . $Candidate . '/eqdkp/config/localconf.php';
         if (file_exists($LocalConfPath)) {
             define('EQDKP_INC', 1);
             @(include_once $LocalConfPath);
             $VersionParts = explode('.', $localconf['plus_version']);
             $Version = intval($VersionParts[0]) * 10000 + intval($VersionParts[1]) * 100 + intval($VersionParts[2]);
     return array('database' => $dbname, 'user' => $dbuser, 'password' => $dbpass, 'prefix' => $table_prefix, 'cookie' => null, 'version' => $Version);
Пример #5
 public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath)
     $Out = Out::getInstance();
     $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/sites';
     $BootstrapPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/includes/';
     if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) {
         $Out->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.');
         return null;
     @(include_once $BootstrapPath);
     $Version = 70000;
     if (defined('VERSION')) {
         $VersionParts = explode('.', VERSION);
         $Version = intval($VersionParts[0]) * 10000 + intval($VersionParts[1]) * 100;
     $Sites = scandir($ConfigPath);
     foreach ($Sites as $SiteDir) {
         if (is_dir($ConfigPath . '/' . $SiteDir) && file_exists($ConfigPath . '/' . $SiteDir . '/settings.php')) {
             @(include_once $ConfigPath . '/' . $SiteDir . '/settings.php');
             if (isset($databases) && isset($databases['default']['default'])) {
                 $DbConfig = $databases['default']['default'];
                 return array('database' => $DbConfig['database'], 'user' => $DbConfig['username'], 'password' => $DbConfig['password'], 'prefix' => $DbConfig['prefix'], 'cookie' => isset($base_url) ? $base_url : 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' . $aRelativePath, 'version' => $Version);
     return null;
Пример #6
 public function prepare($aStatement, $aDriverOptions = array())
     $StatementObj = parent::prepare($aStatement, $aDriverOptions);
     if ($StatementObj === false) {
         $Out = Out::getInstance();
         foreach (parent::errorInfo() as $ErrorLine) {
     return new Query($StatementObj);
function msgQueryLocalCredentialsById($aRequest)
    $Credentials = UserProxy::getInstance()->getUserCredentialsById($aRequest['UserId'], 'none');
    $Out = Out::getInstance();
    if ($Credentials == null) {
    } else {
        $Out->pushValue('salt', $Credentials['salt']);
        $Out->pushValue('pubkey', $Credentials['key']);
        $Out->pushValue('method', $Credentials['method']);
Пример #8
function msgQueryConfig($aRequest)
    global $gSite;
    global $gGame;
    $Out = Out::getInstance();
    $Config = array();
    $Config['AllowRegistration'] = defined('ALLOW_REGISTRATION') && ALLOW_REGISTRATION;
    // Push
    $Out->pushValue('site', array_merge($gSite, $Config));
    $Out->pushValue('game', $gGame);
Пример #9
function api_help($aRequest)
    global $gApiHelp;
    $Out = Out::getInstance();
    $Topic = strtolower($aRequest['help']);
    if (isset($gApiHelp[$Topic])) {
        foreach ($gApiHelp[$Topic] as $Name => $Value) {
            $Out->pushValue($Name, $Value);
    } else {
        $Out->pushError('Unknown help topic.');
Пример #10
function msgUserLink($aRequest)
    $Out = Out::getInstance();
    if (validAdmin()) {
        $UserInfo = tryGetUserLink($aRequest['userId']);
        if ($UserInfo != null) {
            $Out->pushValue('syncActive', !defined('ALLOW_GROUP_SYNC') || ALLOW_GROUP_SYNC);
            $Out->pushValue('userid', $aRequest['userId']);
            $Out->pushValue('binding', $UserInfo->BindingName);
            $Out->pushValue('group', $UserInfo->Group);
    } else {
Пример #11
 public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath)
     $Out = Out::getInstance();
     $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/wcf/';
     if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) {
         $Out->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.');
         return null;
     @(include_once $ConfigPath);
     // Read cookie
     $Connector = new Connector(SQL_HOST, $dbName, $dbUser, $dbPassword, false);
     $OptionQuery = $Connector->prepare('SELECT optionValue FROM `wcf' . WCF_N . '_option` ' . 'WHERE optionName = "cookie_prefix" AND categoryName = "general.system.cookie" LIMIT 1');
     $OptionData = $OptionQuery->fetchFirst();
     // Build result
     return array('database' => $dbName, 'user' => $dbUser, 'password' => $dbPassword, 'prefix' => WCF_N, 'cookie' => $OptionData['optionValue'], 'version' => 40000);
Пример #12
function InstallDB($Prefix)
    global $gDatabaseLayout;
    $Out = Out::getInstance();
    $Connector = Connector::getInstance();
    foreach ($gDatabaseLayout as $Name => $Rows) {
        $QueryString = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . $Prefix . $Name . "` (";
        $FirstRow = true;
        foreach ($Rows as $Row) {
            $QueryString .= ($FirstRow ? "" : ",") . $Row->CreateText();
            $FirstRow = false;
        $QueryString .= ") ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1;";
Пример #13
function msgUserCreate($aRequest)
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config/config.php';
    $Out = Out::getInstance();
        $Salt = UserProxy::generateKey32();
        $NativeBinding = new NativeBinding();
        $HashedPassword = $NativeBinding->hash($aRequest['pass'], $Salt, 'none');
        $PublicMode = defined('PUBLIC_MODE') && PUBLIC_MODE;
        $DefaultGroup = $PublicMode ? 'member' : 'none';
        $Out->pushValue('publicmode', $PublicMode);
        if (!UserProxy::createUser($DefaultGroup, 0, 'none', $aRequest['name'], $HashedPassword, $Salt)) {
    } else {
Пример #14
 public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath)
     $Out = Out::getInstance();
     $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/wp-config.php';
     if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) {
         $Out->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.');
         return null;
     define('SHORTINIT', true);
     @(include_once $ConfigPath);
     if (!isset($table_prefix)) {
         return null;
     $VersionElements = explode('.', $wp_version);
     $Version = $VersionElements[0] * 10000 + (isset($VersionElements[1]) ? $VersionElements[1] * 100 : 0) + (isset($VersionElements[2]) ? $VersionElements[2] : 0);
     return array('database' => DB_NAME, 'user' => DB_USER, 'password' => DB_PASSWORD, 'prefix' => $table_prefix, 'cookie' => LOGGED_IN_KEY . LOGGED_IN_SALT, 'version' => $Version);
Пример #15
function msgQueryUser($aRequest)
    $Out = Out::getInstance();
    if (registeredUser()) {
        $CurrentUser = UserProxy::getInstance();
        $CharacterIds = array();
        $CharacterGames = array();
        $CharacterNames = array();
        $CharacterClasses = array();
        $CharacterRoles1 = array();
        $CharacterRoles2 = array();
        $Settings = array();
        foreach ($CurrentUser->Characters as $Character) {
            array_push($CharacterIds, $Character->CharacterId);
            array_push($CharacterGames, $Character->Game);
            array_push($CharacterNames, $Character->Name);
            array_push($CharacterClasses, explode(':', $Character->ClassName));
            array_push($CharacterRoles1, $Character->Role1);
            array_push($CharacterRoles2, $Character->Role2);
        $Out->pushValue('registeredUser', true);
        $Out->pushValue('id', $CurrentUser->UserId);
        $Out->pushValue('name', $CurrentUser->UserName);
        $Out->pushValue('characterIds', $CharacterIds);
        $Out->pushValue('characterGames', $CharacterGames);
        $Out->pushValue('characterNames', $CharacterNames);
        $Out->pushValue('characterClass', $CharacterClasses);
        $Out->pushValue('role1', $CharacterRoles1);
        $Out->pushValue('role2', $CharacterRoles2);
        $Out->pushValue('validUser', validUser());
        $Out->pushValue('isRaidlead', validRaidlead());
        $Out->pushValue('isAdmin', validAdmin());
        $Out->pushValue('settings', $CurrentUser->Settings);
        $Session = Session::get();
        if (isset($Session['Calendar'])) {
            $Out->pushValue('calendar', $Session['Calendar']);
        } else {
            $Out->pushValue('calendar', null);
    } else {
        $Out->pushValue('registeredUser', false);
Пример #16
 public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath)
     $Out = Out::getInstance();
     $DefaultsPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/conf/config-defaults.php';
     $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/conf/config.php';
     $IndexPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/index.php';
     if (!file_exists($DefaultsPath)) {
         $Out->pushError($DefaultsPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.');
         return null;
     if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) {
         $Out->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.');
         return null;
     $Version = 20000;
     if (file_exists($IndexPath)) {
         $Index = file_get_contents($IndexPath);
         $AppIdx = strpos($Index, 'APPLICATION_VERSION');
         if ($AppIdx !== false) {
             $StripIdx = strpos($Index, ';', $AppIdx);
             $Index = substr($Index, 0, $StripIdx + 1);
             $Index = substr($Index, strpos($Index, '<?php') + 5);
             $VersionParts = explode('.', APPLICATION_VERSION);
             $Version = intval($VersionParts[0]) * 10000 + intval($VersionParts[1]) * 100 + intval($VersionParts[2]);
     if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
         define('APPLICATION', 'Vanilla');
     define('PATH_CACHE', '');
     @(include_once $DefaultsPath);
     @(include_once $ConfigPath);
     if (!isset($Configuration)) {
         return null;
     $CookieConf = $Configuration['Garden']['Cookie'];
     $DbConf = $Configuration['Database'];
     return array('database' => $DbConf['Name'], 'user' => $DbConf['User'], 'password' => $DbConf['Password'], 'prefix' => $DbConf['DatabasePrefix'], 'cookie' => $CookieConf['Name'] . ',' . $CookieConf['HashMethod'] . ',' . $CookieConf['Salt'], 'version' => $Version);
Пример #17
 public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath)
     $Out = Out::getInstance();
     $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/Configuration.php';
     $VersionPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/libraries/cms/version/version.php';
     if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) {
         $Out->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.');
         return null;
     @(include_once $ConfigPath);
     define('JPATH_PLATFORM', '');
     define('_JEXEC', '');
     @(include_once $VersionPath);
     $Version = 30000;
     if (class_exists("JVersion")) {
         $VersionClass = new JVersion();
         $VersionParts = explode('.', $VersionClass->RELEASE);
         $Version = intval($VersionParts[0]) * 10000 + intval($VersionParts[1]) * 100 + intval($VersionClass->DEV_LEVEL);
     $Config = new JConfig();
     return array('database' => $Config->db, 'user' => $Config->user, 'password' => $Config->password, 'prefix' => $Config->dbprefix, 'cookie' => $Config->secret, 'version' => $Version);
Пример #18
 public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath)
     $Out = Out::getInstance();
     $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/includes/config.php';
     $CorePath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/includes/class_core.php';
     if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) {
         $Out->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.');
         return null;
     @(include_once $ConfigPath);
     @(include_once $CorePath);
     if (!isset($config)) {
         return null;
     $Version = 30000;
     if (defined('FILE_VERSION')) {
         $VersionParts = explode('.', FILE_VERSION);
         $Version = intval($VersionParts[0]) * 10000 + intval($VersionParts[1]) * 100 + intval($VersionParts[2]);
     return array('database' => $config['Database']['dbname'], 'user' => $config['MasterServer']['username'], 'password' => $config['MasterServer']['password'], 'prefix' => $config['Database']['tableprefix'], 'cookie' => $config['Misc']['cookieprefix'], 'version' => $Version);
Пример #19
 public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath)
     $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/Settings.php';
     if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) {
         Out::getInstance()->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.');
         return null;
     @(include_once $ConfigPath);
     if (!isset($mbname)) {
         return null;
     $Version = 20000;
     $Connector = new Connector(SQL_HOST, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, false);
     if ($Connector != null) {
         $VersionQuery = $Connector->prepare('SELECT value FROM `' . $db_prefix . 'settings` WHERE variable="smfVersion" LIMIT 1');
         $VersionData = $VersionQuery->fetchFirst();
         $VersionParts = explode('.', $VersionData['value']);
         $Version = intval($VersionParts[0]) * 10000 + intval($VersionParts[1]) * 100 + intval($VersionParts[2]);
     return array('database' => $db_name, 'user' => $db_user, 'password' => $db_passwd, 'prefix' => $db_prefix, 'cookie' => isset($cookiename) ? $cookiename : 'SMFCookie956', 'version' => $Version);
Пример #20
function msgCommentupdate($aRequest)
    if (validUser()) {
        $Connector = Connector::getInstance();
        $RaidId = intval($aRequest['raidId']);
        $UserId = UserProxy::getInstance()->UserId;
        $CheckQuery = $Connector->prepare('SELECT UserId FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance` WHERE UserId = :UserId AND RaidId = :RaidId LIMIT 1');
        $CheckQuery->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $CheckQuery->bindValue(':RaidId', $RaidId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
        if ($CheckQuery->execute()) {
            $UpdateQuery = null;
            if ($CheckQuery->getAffectedRows() > 0) {
                $UpdateQuery = $Connector->prepare('UPDATE `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance` ' . 'SET comment = :Comment, LastUpdate = FROM_UNIXTIME(:Timestamp) ' . 'WHERE RaidId = :RaidId AND UserId = :UserId LIMIT 1');
                $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':Timestamp', time(), PDO::PARAM_INT);
            } else {
                $UpdateQuery = $Connector->prepare('INSERT INTO `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance` ( CharacterId, UserId, RaidId, Status, Role, Comment ) ' . 'VALUES ( :CharacterId, :UserId, :RaidId, :Status, :Role, :Comment )');
                $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':CharacterId', 0, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':Role', '', PDO::PARAM_STR);
                $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':Status', 'undecided', PDO::PARAM_STR);
            $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':RaidId', $RaidId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
            $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
            $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':Comment', requestToXML($aRequest['comment'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), PDO::PARAM_STR);
        // reload calendar
        $RaidQuery = $Connector->prepare('SELECT Start FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid` WHERE RaidId = :RaidId LIMIT 1');
        $RaidQuery->bindValue(':RaidId', $RaidId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $RaidData = $RaidQuery->fetchFirst();
        $Session = Session::get();
        $ShowMonth = isset($Session['Calendar']) && isset($Session['Calendar']['month']) ? $Session['Calendar']['month'] : intval(substr($RaidData['Start'], 5, 2));
        $ShowYear = isset($Session['Calendar']) && isset($Session['Calendar']['year']) ? $Session['Calendar']['year'] : intval(substr($RaidData['Start'], 0, 4));
        msgQueryCalendar(prepareCalRequest($ShowMonth, $ShowYear));
    } else {
        $Out = Out::getInstance();
Пример #21
 public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath)
     $Out = Out::getInstance();
     $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/inc/config.php';
     $CorePath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/inc/class_core.php';
     if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) {
         $Out->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.');
         return null;
     @(include_once $ConfigPath);
     if (!isset($config)) {
         return null;
     include_once $CorePath;
     $Version = 10600;
     if (class_exists("MyBB")) {
         $VersionClass = new MyBB();
         $VersionParts = explode('.', $VersionClass->version);
         $Version = intval($VersionParts[0]) * 10000 + intval($VersionParts[1]) * 100 + intval($VersionParts[2]);
     return array('database' => $config['database']['database'], 'user' => $config['database']['username'], 'password' => $config['database']['password'], 'prefix' => $config['database']['table_prefix'], 'cookie' => null, 'version' => $Version);
Пример #22
 public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath)
     $Out = Out::getInstance();
     $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/config.php';
     if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) {
         $Out->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.');
         return null;
     @(include_once $ConfigPath);
     if (!defined('PHPBB_INSTALLED')) {
         return null;
     $Version = 30000;
     $Connector = new Connector(SQL_HOST, $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, false);
     if ($Connector != null) {
         $VersionQuery = $Connector->prepare('SELECT config_value FROM `' . $table_prefix . 'config` WHERE config_name="version" LIMIT 1');
         $VersionData = $VersionQuery->fetchFirst();
         $VersionParts = explode('.', $VersionData['config_value']);
         $Version = intval($VersionParts[0]) * 10000 + intval($VersionParts[1]) * 100 + intval($VersionParts[2]);
     return array('database' => $dbname, 'user' => $dbuser, 'password' => $dbpasswd, 'prefix' => $table_prefix, 'cookie' => null, 'version' => $Version);
Пример #23
function msgRaidDelete($aRequest)
    if (validRaidlead()) {
        $Connector = Connector::getInstance();
        // Call plugins
        $RaidId = intval($aRequest['id']);
        PluginRegistry::ForEachPlugin(function ($PluginInstance) use($RaidId) {
        do {
            // Delete raid
            $DeleteRaidQuery = $Connector->prepare('DELETE FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid` WHERE RaidId = :RaidId LIMIT 1');
            $DeleteRaidQuery->bindValue(':RaidId', $aRequest['id'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
            if (!$DeleteRaidQuery->execute()) {
                // ### return, error ###
            // Delete attendance
            $DeleteAttendanceQuery = $Connector->prepare('DELETE FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance` WHERE RaidId = :RaidId');
            $DeleteAttendanceQuery->bindValue(':RaidId', $aRequest['id'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
            if (!$DeleteAttendanceQuery->execute()) {
                // ### return, error ###
        } while (!$Connector->commit());
        $Session = Session::get();
        $ShowMonth = isset($Session['Calendar']) && isset($Session['Calendar']['month']) ? $Session['Calendar']['month'] : $aRequest['month'];
        $ShowYear = isset($Session['Calendar']) && isset($Session['Calendar']['year']) ? $Session['Calendar']['year'] : $aRequest['year'];
        msgQueryCalendar(prepareCalRequest($ShowMonth, $ShowYear));
    } else {
        $Out = Out::getInstance();
Пример #24
function msgQueryProfile($aRequest)
    if (validUser()) {
        global $gGame;
        $Out = Out::getInstance();
        $UserId = UserProxy::getInstance()->UserId;
        if (validAdmin() && isset($aRequest['userId']) && $aRequest['userId'] != 0) {
            $UserId = intval($aRequest['userId']);
        $Connector = Connector::getInstance();
        $Out->pushValue('show', $aRequest['showPanel']);
        // Admintool relevant data
        $Users = $Connector->prepare('SELECT Login, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Created) AS CreatedUTC, ExternalBinding, BindingActive FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'User` WHERE UserId = :UserId LIMIT 1');
        $Users->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $Data = $Users->fetchFirst();
        if ($Data != null) {
            $Out->pushValue('userid', $UserId);
            $Out->pushValue('name', $Data['Login']);
            $Out->pushValue('bindingActive', $Data['BindingActive'] == 'true');
            $Out->pushValue('binding', $Data['ExternalBinding']);
            $CreatedUTC = $Data['CreatedUTC'];
        // Load settings
        $SettingsQuery = $Connector->prepare('SELECT * FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'UserSetting` WHERE UserId = :UserId');
        $SettingsQuery->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $UserSettings = array();
        $SettingsQuery->loop(function ($Data) use(&$UserSettings) {
            $UserSettings[$Data['Name']] = array('number' => $Data['IntValue'], 'text' => $Data['TextValue']);
        $Out->pushValue('settings', $UserSettings);
        // Load characters
        $Characters = array();
        if ($UserId == UserProxy::getInstance()->UserId) {
            foreach (UserProxy::getInstance()->Characters as $Data) {
                if ($Data->Game == $gGame['GameId']) {
                    $Character = array('id' => $Data->CharacterId, 'name' => $Data->Name, 'classname' => explode(':', $Data->ClassName), 'mainchar' => $Data->IsMainChar, 'role1' => $Data->Role1, 'role2' => $Data->Role2);
                    array_push($Characters, $Character);
        } else {
            $CharacterQuery = $Connector->prepare('SELECT * FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Character` ' . 'WHERE UserId = :UserId AND Game = :Game ' . 'ORDER BY Mainchar, Name');
            $CharacterQuery->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
            $CharacterQuery->bindValue(':Game', $gGame['GameId'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
            $CharacterQuery->loop(function ($Row) use(&$Characters) {
                $Character = array('id' => $Row['CharacterId'], 'name' => $Row['Name'], 'classname' => explode(':', $Row['Class']), 'mainchar' => $Row['Mainchar'] == 'true', 'role1' => $Row['Role1'], 'role2' => $Row['Role2']);
                array_push($Characters, $Character);
        $Out->pushValue('character', $Characters);
        // Total raid count
        $NumRaids = 0;
        $RaidsQuery = $Connector->prepare('SELECT COUNT(RaidId) AS `NumberOfRaids` FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Location` USING(LocationId) ' . 'WHERE Start > FROM_UNIXTIME(:Created) AND Start < FROM_UNIXTIME(:Now) AND Game = :Game');
        $RaidsQuery->bindValue(':Now', time(), PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $RaidsQuery->bindValue(':Created', $CreatedUTC, PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $RaidsQuery->bindValue(':Game', $gGame['GameId'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $Data = $RaidsQuery->fetchFirst();
        if ($Data != null) {
            $NumRaids = $Data['NumberOfRaids'];
        // Load attendance
        $AttendanceQuery = $Connector->prepare('Select `Status`, `Role`, COUNT(RaidId) AS `Count` ' . 'FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid` USING(RaidId) ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Location` USING(LocationId) ' . 'WHERE UserId = :UserId AND Start > FROM_UNIXTIME(:Created) AND Start < FROM_UNIXTIME(:Now) AND Game = :Game ' . 'GROUP BY `Status`, `Role` ORDER BY Status');
        $AttendanceQuery->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $AttendanceQuery->bindValue(':Created', $CreatedUTC, PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $AttendanceQuery->bindValue(':Now', time(), PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $AttendanceQuery->bindValue(':Game', $gGame['GameId'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $AttendanceData = array('raids' => $NumRaids, 'available' => 0, 'unavailable' => 0, 'ok' => 0, 'roles' => array());
        // Pull data
        $AttendanceQuery->loop(function ($Data) use(&$AttendanceData) {
            if ($Data['Status'] != 'undecided') {
                $AttendanceData[$Data['Status']] += $Data['Count'];
            if ($Data['Status'] == 'ok') {
                $RoleId = $Data['Role'];
                if (isset($AttendanceData['roles'][$RoleId])) {
                    $AttendanceData['roles'][$RoleId] += $Data['Count'];
                } else {
                    $AttendanceData['roles'][$RoleId] = $Data['Count'];
        $Out->pushValue('attendance', $AttendanceData);
    } else {
        $Out = Out::getInstance();
Пример #25

define('LOCALE_SETUP', true);
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/locale.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/out.class.php';
$Out = Out::getInstance();
header('Content-type: application/json');
function DelTree($aFolder)
    $Files = array_diff(scandir($aFolder), array('.', '..'));
    foreach ($Files as $File) {
        $FullPath = $aFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $File;
        $Success = is_dir($FullPath) ? DelTree($FullPath) : @unlink($FullPath);
        if (!$Success) {
            return false;
    return @rmdir($aFolder);
if (!DelTree(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../setup'))) {
Пример #26
 public static function exceptionHandlerXML($aException)
     return false;
Пример #27
 public function postErrorMessage()
     if ($this->OutputHTML) {
     } else {
         $Out = Out::getInstance();
         $Out->pushError(L('DatabaseError') . "\n");
         $ErrorInfo = $this->PDO->errorInfo();
         foreach ($ErrorInfo as $Info) {
             $Out->pushError(strval($Info) . "\n");
Пример #28
function parseRaidQuery($aRequest, $aQueryResult, $aLimit)
    $Out = Out::getInstance();
    $RaidData = array();
    $RoleInfo = array();
    $NumAttends = array();
    $aQueryResult->loop(function ($Data) use(&$RaidData, &$RoleInfo, &$NumAttends) {
        array_push($RaidData, $Data);
        $RaidId = $Data['RaidId'];
        // Create used slot counts
        if (!isset($RoleInfo[$RaidId])) {
            $RoleInfo[$RaidId] = array();
        if (!isset($NumAttends[$RaidId])) {
            $NumAttends[$RaidId] = 0;
        // Count used slots
        if ($Data['Status'] == 'ok' || $Data['Status'] == 'available') {
            $Role = $Data['Role'];
            if (!isset($RoleInfo[$RaidId][$Role])) {
                $RoleInfo[$RaidId][$Role] = 0;
    $LastRaidId = -1;
    $RaidDataCount = count($RaidData);
    $NumRaids = 0;
    $Raids = array();
    for ($DataIdx = 0; $DataIdx < $RaidDataCount; ++$DataIdx) {
        $Data = $RaidData[$DataIdx];
        $RaidId = $Data['RaidId'];
        if ($LastRaidId != $RaidId) {
            // If no user assigned for this raid
            // or row belongs to this user
            // or it's the last entry
            // or the next entry is a different raid
            $IsCorrectUser = $Data['UserId'] == UserProxy::getInstance()->UserId;
            if ($IsCorrectUser || $Data['UserId'] == NULL || $DataIdx + 1 == $RaidDataCount || $RaidData[$DataIdx + 1]['RaidId'] != $RaidId) {
                $Status = 'notset';
                $AttendanceIndex = 0;
                $Role = '';
                $Class = '';
                $Comment = '';
                if ($IsCorrectUser) {
                    $Status = $Data['Status'];
                    $AttendanceIndex = $Status == 'unavailable' ? -1 : intval($Data['CharacterId']);
                    $Role = $Data['Role'];
                    $Class = $Data['Class'];
                    $Comment = $Data['Comment'];
                $StartDate = getdate($Data['StartUTC']);
                $EndDate = getdate($Data['EndUTC']);
                $Raid = array('id' => $RaidId, 'location' => $Data['Name'], 'game' => $Data['Game'], 'stage' => $Data['Stage'], 'size' => $Data['Size'], 'startDate' => $StartDate['year'] . '-' . leadingZero10($StartDate['mon']) . '-' . leadingZero10($StartDate['mday']), 'start' => leadingZero10($StartDate['hours']) . ':' . leadingZero10($StartDate['minutes']), 'endDate' => $EndDate['year'] . '-' . leadingZero10($EndDate['mon']) . '-' . leadingZero10($EndDate['mday']), 'end' => leadingZero10($EndDate['hours']) . ':' . leadingZero10($EndDate['minutes']), 'image' => $Data['Image'], 'description' => $Data['Description'], 'status' => $Status, 'attendanceIndex' => $AttendanceIndex, 'comment' => $Comment, 'role' => $Role, 'classId' => $Class, 'slotMax' => array(), 'slotCount' => array(), 'attended' => $NumAttends[$RaidId], 'mode' => $Data['Mode']);
                $Roles = explode(':', $Data['SlotRoles']);
                $Count = explode(':', $Data['SlotCount']);
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($Roles); ++$i) {
                    $RoleId = $Roles[$i];
                    $Raid['slotMax'][$RoleId] = $Count[$i];
                    $Raid['slotCount'][$RoleId] = isset($RoleInfo[$RaidId][$RoleId]) ? $RoleInfo[$RaidId][$RoleId] : 0;
                array_push($Raids, $Raid);
                $LastRaidId = $RaidId;
                if ($aLimit > 0 && $NumRaids == $aLimit) {
    $Out->pushValue('raid', $Raids);
Пример #29
function msgQuerySettings($aRequest)
    if (validAdmin()) {
        global $gGame;
        $Out = Out::getInstance();
        $Connector = Connector::getInstance();
        // Pass through parameter
        $Out->pushValue('show', $aRequest['showPanel']);
        $Out->pushValue('syncActive', !defined('ALLOW_GROUP_SYNC') || ALLOW_GROUP_SYNC);
        // Load users
        $UserQuery = $Connector->prepare('SELECT * FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'User` ORDER BY Login, `Group`');
        $Users = array();
        $UserQuery->loop(function ($Data) use(&$Users) {
            $UserData = array('id' => $Data['UserId'], 'login' => xmlentities($Data['Login'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), 'bindingActive' => $Data['BindingActive'], 'binding' => $Data['ExternalBinding'], 'group' => $Data['Group']);
            array_push($Users, $UserData);
        $Out->pushValue('user', $Users);
        // Load settings
        $Settings = Settings::getInstance();
        $SettingsJS = array();
        foreach ($Settings->getProperties() as $Name => $Data) {
            array_push($SettingsJS, array('name' => $Name, 'intValue' => isset($Data['IntValue']) ? $Data['IntValue'] : 0, 'textValue' => isset($Data['TextValue']) ? $Data['TextValue'] : ''));
        $Out->pushValue('setting', $SettingsJS);
        // Load games
        $GameFiles = scandir('../themes/games');
        $Games = array();
        foreach ($GameFiles as $GameFileName) {
            try {
                if (substr($GameFileName, -4) === '.xml') {
                    $Game = @new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents('../themes/games/' . $GameFileName));
                    $SimpleGameFileName = substr($GameFileName, 0, strrpos($GameFileName, '.'));
                    if ($Game->name != '') {
                        $GameName = strval($Game->name);
                    } else {
                        $GameName = str_replace('_', ' ', $SimpleGameFileName);
                    $Groups = array();
                    foreach ($Game->groups->group as $Group) {
                        array_push($Groups, intval($Group['count']));
                    array_push($Games, array('name' => $GameName, 'family' => strval($Game->family), 'file' => $SimpleGameFileName, 'groups' => $Groups));
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                $Out->pushError('Error parsing gameconfig ' . $GameFileName . ': ' . $e->getMessage());
        $Out->pushValue('game', $Games);
        // Load themes
        $ThemeFiles = scandir('../themes/themes');
        $Themes = array();
        foreach ($ThemeFiles as $ThemeFileName) {
            try {
                if (substr($ThemeFileName, -4) === '.xml') {
                    $Theme = @new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents('../themes/themes/' . $ThemeFileName));
                    $SimpleThemeFileName = substr($ThemeFileName, 0, strrpos($ThemeFileName, '.'));
                    $Family = isset($Theme->family) ? explode(',', strtolower($Theme->family)) : 'wow';
                    if ($Theme->name != '') {
                        $ThemeName = strval($Theme->name);
                    } else {
                        $ThemeName = str_replace('_', ' ', $SimpleThemeFileName);
                    array_push($Themes, array('name' => $ThemeName, 'family' => $Family, 'file' => $SimpleThemeFileName));
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                $Out->pushError('Error parsing themefile ' . $ThemeFileName . ': ' . $e->getMessage());
        $Out->pushValue('theme', $Themes);
        // Query attendance
        $AttendanceString = 'SELECT ' . '`' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'User`.UserId, ' . '`' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Character`.Name, ' . '`' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance`.`Status`, ' . 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'User`.Created) AS CreatedUTC, ' . 'COUNT(`' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid`.RaidId) AS Count ' . 'FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'User` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance` USING(UserId) ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid` USING(RaidId) ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Location` USING(LocationId) ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Character` ON `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'User`.UserId = `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Character`.UserId ' . 'WHERE `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Character`.Mainchar = "true" ' . 'AND `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid`.Start > `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'User`.Created ' . 'AND `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid`.Start < FROM_UNIXTIME(:Now) ' . 'AND `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Location`.Game = :Game ' . 'AND `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Character`.Game = :Game ' . 'GROUP BY `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'User`.UserId, `Status`';
        $Attendance = $Connector->prepare($AttendanceString);
        $Attendance->bindValue(':Now', time(), PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $Attendance->bindValue(':Game', $gGame['GameId'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $UserId = 0;
        $NumRaidsRemain = 0;
        $MainCharName = '';
        $StateCounts = array('undecided' => 0, 'available' => 0, 'unavailable' => 0, 'ok' => 0);
        $Attendances = array();
        $Attendance->loop(function ($Data) use(&$gGame, &$Connector, &$UserId, &$NumRaidsRemain, &$MainCharName, &$StateCounts, &$Attendances) {
            if ($UserId != $Data['UserId']) {
                if ($UserId > 0) {
                    $AttendanceData = array('id' => $UserId, 'name' => $MainCharName, 'ok' => $StateCounts['ok'], 'available' => $StateCounts['available'], 'unavailable' => $StateCounts['unavailable'], 'undecided' => $StateCounts['undecided'] + $NumRaidsRemain);
                    array_push($Attendances, $AttendanceData);
                // Clear cache
                $StateCounts['ok'] = 0;
                $StateCounts['available'] = 0;
                $StateCounts['unavailable'] = 0;
                $StateCounts['undecided'] = 0;
                $NumRaidsRemain = 0;
                $UserId = $Data['UserId'];
                $MainCharName = $Data['Name'];
                // Fetch number of attendable raids
                $Raids = $Connector->prepare('SELECT COUNT(RaidId) AS `NumberOfRaids` ' . 'FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Location` USING(LocationId) ' . 'WHERE Start > FROM_UNIXTIME(:Created) ' . 'AND Start < FROM_UNIXTIME(:Now) ' . 'AND Game = :Game');
                $Raids->bindValue(':Now', time(), PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $Raids->bindValue(':Created', $Data['CreatedUTC'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $Raids->bindValue(':Game', $gGame['GameId'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
                $RaidCountData = $Raids->fetchFirst();
                $NumRaidsRemain = $RaidCountData == null ? 0 : $RaidCountData['NumberOfRaids'];
            $StateCounts[$Data['Status']] += $Data['Count'];
            $NumRaidsRemain -= $Data['Count'];
        // Push last user
        if ($UserId != 0) {
            $AttendanceData = array('id' => $UserId, 'name' => $MainCharName, 'ok' => $StateCounts['ok'], 'available' => $StateCounts['available'], 'unavailable' => $StateCounts['unavailable'], 'undecided' => $StateCounts['undecided'] + $NumRaidsRemain);
            array_push($Attendances, $AttendanceData);
        $Out->pushValue('attendance', $Attendances);
        // Locations
    } else {
        $Out = Out::getInstance();
Пример #30
function msgRaidList($aRequest)
    if (validUser()) {
        global $gGame;
        $Out = Out::getInstance();
        $Connector = Connector::getInstance();
        // Get next 6 raids
        $NextRaidQuery = $Connector->prepare('Select ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.*, ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Location.*, ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance.CharacterId, ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance.UserId, ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance.Status, ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance.Class, ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance.Role, ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance.Comment, ' . 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.Start) AS StartUTC, ' . 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.End) AS EndUTC ' . 'FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Location` USING(LocationId) ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance` USING(RaidId) ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Character` USING (CharacterId) ' . 'WHERE ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.Start >= FROM_UNIXTIME(:Start) ' . 'AND ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Location.Game = :Game ' . 'ORDER BY ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.Start, ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.RaidId');
        $NextRaidQuery->bindValue(':Start', mktime(0, 0, 0), PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $NextRaidQuery->bindValue(':Game', $gGame['GameId'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
        parseRaidQuery($aRequest, $NextRaidQuery, 6);
        // Load raid history
        $RaidHistoryQuery = $Connector->prepare('Select ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.*, ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Location.*, ' . 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.Start) AS StartUTC, ' . 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.End) AS EndUTC ' . 'FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Location` USING(LocationId) ' . 'WHERE ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.Start < FROM_UNIXTIME(:Start) ' . 'AND ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Location.Game = :Game ' . 'ORDER BY Start DESC LIMIT ' . intval($aRequest['offset']) . ', ' . intval($aRequest['count']));
        $RaidHistoryQuery->bindValue(':Start', mktime(0, 0, 0), PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $RaidHistoryQuery->bindValue(':Game', $gGame['GameId'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $RaidList = array();
        $RaidHistoryQuery->loop(function ($Data) use(&$RaidList) {
            $StartDate = getdate($Data['StartUTC']);
            $EndDate = getdate($Data['EndUTC']);
            $Raid = array('id' => $Data['RaidId'], 'location' => $Data['Name'], 'stage' => $Data['Stage'], 'image' => $Data['Image'], 'size' => $Data['Size'], 'startDate' => $StartDate['year'] . '-' . leadingZero10($StartDate['mon']) . '-' . leadingZero10($StartDate['mday']), 'start' => leadingZero10($StartDate['hours']) . ':' . leadingZero10($StartDate['minutes']), 'endDate' => $EndDate['year'] . '-' . leadingZero10($EndDate['mon']) . '-' . leadingZero10($EndDate['mday']), 'end' => leadingZero10($EndDate['hours']) . ':' . leadingZero10($EndDate['minutes']));
            array_push($RaidList, $Raid);
        $Out->pushValue('history', $RaidList);
    } else {
        $Out = Out::getInstance();