public function uploadUserPhoto($file, $params = array()) { if (!empty($file) && strlen($params["guid"]) > 0) { $db = new clsDBdbConnection(); $options = Options::getConsoleOptions(); $uploadTo = $options["console_users_url"]; $tmpFile = $file["file"]["tmp_name"]; $fileName = $file["file"]["name"]; $targetPath = dirname(__FILE__) . "/.." . $uploadTo; //because dirname will be positioned in include folder $fileExt = "." . pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $targetFilename = Options::getUUIDv6() . $fileExt; $targetFile = $targetPath . $targetFilename; //Updating an existing image, which will replace the existing one for the new $params["guid"] = $db->esc($params["guid"]); $existing_photo = CCDLookUp("photo", "alm_users", "guid = '{$params["guid"]}'", $db); $existing_photo = trim($existing_photo); if (strlen($existing_photo) > 0) { //Get the existing image name to re-use it and replace image on upload $targetFilename = $existing_photo; $targetFile = $targetPath . $targetFilename; } if (move_uploaded_file($tmpFile, $targetFile)) { //File successfully uploaded $params["image_name"] = $targetFilename; //Saving db file reference $this->saveCustomerImage($params); $db->close(); return true; } else { $db->close(); return false; } /* $log = new Logger('almlogs'); $log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(MAIN_LOG, Logger::WARNING)); $log->addWarning($params["guid"].LOG_LINESEPARATOR); $log->addWarning($params["title"].LOG_LINESEPARATOR); */ } else { return false; } }
private function setCheckinEmailOrder($orderid, $userid, $venue_id) { if ($orderid > 0 && $userid > 0 && $venue_id > 0) { $db = new clsDBdbConnection(); $guid = Options::getUUIDv6(); $sql = "insert into ppconsole_ticketscheckin(guid,order_id,checkin_userid,checkin_venueid,created_iduser)\n values('{$guid}',{$orderid},{$userid},{$venue_id},{$userid}) "; $db->query($sql); $db->close(); return true; } else { return false; } }
public function setEmailNotification($orderid, $userid) { if ($orderid > 0) { $db = new clsDBdbConnection(); $guid = Options::getUUIDv6(); $orderid = (int) $orderid; $customer_id = (int) CCDLookUp("customer_id", "orders", "id = {$orderid}", $db); $email = CCDLookUp("email", "customers", "id = {$customer_id}", $db); $sql = "insert into email_notifications (guid,customer_id,email,order_id,created_iduser)\n values ('{$guid}',{$customer_id},'{$email}',{$orderid},{$userid})"; $db->query($sql); $db->next_record(); $db->close(); return true; } else { return false; } }
public function setPaymentTerminal($payment_type, $currency_id, $approval_number, $payment_amount, $orderid, $userid) { $orderid = (int) $orderid; $result = array("status" => false, "message" => ""); if ($orderid > 0) { $db = new clsDBdbConnection(); $currency_id = (int) $currency_id; $order_total = (double) CCDLookUp("total", "orders", "id = {$orderid}", $db); $payment_amount = (double) $payment_amount; $payment_type = (int) $payment_type; $approval_number = $db->esc($approval_number); if ($payment_amount >= $order_total) { if (strlen($approval_number) > 0 && $payment_type > 0) { $guid = Options::getUUIDv6(); $amount_residual = $payment_amount - $order_total; $total_paid = $payment_amount - $amount_residual; $sql = "insert into ppconsole_payments(guid,currency_id,order_id,total_paid,amount_received,amount_residual,created_userid,approval_number,paymenttype_id)\n values('{$guid}',{$currency_id},{$orderid},{$total_paid},{$payment_amount},{$amount_residual},{$userid},'{$approval_number}',{$payment_type}) "; $db->query($sql); $db->next_record(); //Update order status after payment confirmation $sql = "update orders set status_id = 3,modified_iduser = {$userid} where id = {$orderid}"; $db->query($sql); $db->next_record(); $result["status"] = true; $result["message"] = "Order has been paid successfully"; //Notify the customer and notification list that payment for the order has been approved $this->setNotificationOrderPaid($orderid, $userid); } else { $result["status"] = false; $result["message"] = "Invalid approval number or payment type"; } } else { $result["status"] = false; $result["message"] = "Input amount is less than order total"; } $db->close(); return $result; } else { $result["status"] = false; $result["message"] = "Invalid order id"; return $result; } }