$svcobj = Openbiz::getService(AUTH_SERVICE); $result = $svcobj->authenticateUser($username, $password_preset); if ($result) { echo "Authentication Sucessed! " . PHP_EOL; echo "Access Grant! " . PHP_EOL; break; } else { echo PHP_EOL . "Access Denied! " . PHP_EOL; exit; } } system('stty -echo'); $password_input = trim(fgets(STDIN)); system('stty echo'); echo PHP_EOL; $svcobj = Openbiz::getService(AUTH_SERVICE); $result = $svcobj->authenticateUser($username, $password_input); if ($result) { echo "Authentication Sucessed! " . PHP_EOL; echo "Access Grant! " . PHP_EOL; break; } else { echo "Authentication Failed! "; } $auth_counter++; if ($auth_counter > 3) { echo PHP_EOL . "Access Denied! " . PHP_EOL; exit; } else { echo "Please Try again ({$auth_counter}/3) " . PHP_EOL; echo "Password: ";
/** * Validate input on EasyForm level * default form validation do nothing. * developers need to override this method to implement their logic * * @return boolean */ protected function validateForm($cleanError = true) { if ($cleanError == true) { $this->validateErrors = array(); } $this->dataPanel->rewind(); while ($this->dataPanel->valid()) { /* @var $element Element */ $element = $this->dataPanel->current(); if ($element->label) { $elementName = $element->label; } else { $elementName = $element->text; } if ($element->checkRequired() === true && ($element->value == null || $element->value == "")) { $errorMessage = $this->getMessage("FORM_ELEMENT_REQUIRED", array($elementName)); $this->validateErrors[$element->objectName] = $errorMessage; //return false; } elseif ($element->value !== null && $element->Validate() == false) { $validateService = Openbiz::getService(VALIDATE_SERVICE); $errorMessage = $this->getMessage("FORM_ELEMENT_INVALID_INPUT", array($elementName, $value, $element->validator)); if ($errorMessage == false) { //Couldn't get a clear error message so let's try this $errorMessage = $validateService->getErrorMessage($element->validator, $elementName); } $this->validateErrors[$element->objectName] = $errorMessage; //return false; } $this->dataPanel->next(); } if (count($this->validateErrors) > 0) { throw new Openbiz\Validation\Exception($this->validateErrors); return false; } return true; }
/** * Render the html tabs * * @global BizSystem $g_BizSystem * @return string html content of the tabs */ public function render() { $curView = Openbiz::$app->getCurrentViewName(); $curViewobj = $curView ? Openbiz::getObject($curView) : null; $profile = Openbiz::$app->getUserProfile(); $svcobj = Openbiz::getService(ACCESS_SERVICE); $role = isset($profile["ROLE"]) ? $profile["ROLE"] : null; // list all views and highlight the current view // pass $tabs(caption, url, target, icon, current) to template $smarty = TemplateHelper::getSmartyTemplate(); $tabs = array(); $i = 0; $hasForms = false; foreach ($this->tabViews as $tview) { // tab is renderd if no definition is found in accessservice.xml (default) if ($svcobj->allowViewAccess($tview->view, $role)) { $tabs[$i]['name'] = $tview->objectName; //Name of each tab--jmmz $tabs[$i]['forms'] = $this->_renderJSCodeForForms($tview->forms); //Configuration of the forms to hide or show--jmmz $tabs[$i]['caption'] = $tview->caption; $tabs[$i]['url'] = $this->_renderURL($tview); //Call the method to render the url--jmmz //If I have forms to hide or show I add the event because I don't need an URL, I need an event if ((bool) $tview->hasForms()) { $tabs[$i]['event'] = $tabs[$i]['url']; //Assign The url rendered to the event on click $tabs[$i]['url'] = 'javascript:void(0)'; //If I put url in '' then the href want send me to another direction $this->setCurrentTabInSession($tview, $curViewobj, $curView); //I set the current tab wrote in session $hasForms = TRUE; } $tabs[$i]['target'] = $tview->target; $tabs[$i]['icon'] = $tview->icon; $tabs[$i]['current'] = $this->isCurrentTab($tview, $curViewobj, $curView); //I get the current tab. $i++; } } $this->setClientScripts($tabs, $hasForms); $smarty->assign("tabs", $tabs); $smarty->assign("tabs_Name", $this->objectName); return $smarty->fetch(TemplateHelper::getTplFileWithPath($this->templateFile, $this->package)); }
* it reads the cronjob table and runs command based on the command settings */ include_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/app_init.php"; if ($argc < 3) { echo "usage: php run_svc.php service_name method parameter1 parameter2 ...\n"; exit; } // read service name and parameters $svcName = $argv[1]; $methodName = $argv[2]; $arg_list = array(); for ($i = 3; $i < $argc; $i++) { $arg_list[] = $argv[$i]; } // get service object $obj = Openbiz::getService($svcName); if ($obj) { if (method_exists($obj, $methodName)) { echo "START - Call {$svcName}" . "::" . "{$methodName}(" . implode(',', $arg_list) . ")\n"; switch (count($arg_list)) { case 0: $rt_val = $obj->{$methodName}(); break; case 1: $rt_val = $obj->{$methodName}($arg_list[0]); break; case 2: $rt_val = $obj->{$methodName}($arg_list[0], $arg_list[1]); break; case 3: $rt_val = $obj->{$methodName}($arg_list[0], $arg_list[1], $arg_list[2]);
/** * Render single menu item * * @param array $menuItem menu item metadata xml array * @return string html content of each menu item */ protected function renderSingleMenuItem(&$menuItem) { $profile = Openbiz::$app->getUserProfile(); $svcobj = Openbiz::getService(ACCESS_SERVICE); $role = isset($profile["ROLE"]) ? $profile["ROLE"] : null; if (isset($menuItem["ATTRIBUTES"]['URL'])) { $url = $menuItem["ATTRIBUTES"]["URL"]; } elseif (isset($menuItem["ATTRIBUTES"]['VIEW'])) { $view = $menuItem["ATTRIBUTES"]["VIEW"]; // menuitem's containing VIEW attribute is renderd if access is granted in accessservice.xml // menuitem's are rendered if no definition is found in accessservice.xml (default) if ($svcobj->allowViewAccess($view, $role)) { $url = "javascript:GoToView('" . $view . "')"; } else { return ''; } } $caption = $this->translate($menuItem["ATTRIBUTES"]["CAPTION"]); $target = $menuItem["ATTRIBUTES"]["TARGET"]; $icon = $menuItem["ATTRIBUTES"]["ICON"]; $img = $icon ? "<img src='" . Openbiz::$app->getImageUrl() . "/{$icon}' class=menu_img> " : ""; if ($view) { $url = "javascript:GoToView('" . $view . "')"; } if ($target) { $sHTML .= "<li><a href=\"" . $url . "\" target='{$target}'>{$img}" . $caption . "</a>"; } else { $sHTML .= "<li><a href=\"" . $url . "\">{$img}" . $caption . "</a>"; } if ($menuItem["MENUITEM"]) { $sHTML .= "\n<ul>\n"; $sHTML .= $this->renderMenuItems($menuItem["MENUITEM"]); $sHTML .= "</ul>"; } $sHTML .= "</li>\n"; return $sHTML; }
* @version $Id: oauth_callback_handler.php 4032 2012-08-26 06:33:15Z hellojixian@gmail.com $ */ include_once 'bin/app_init.php'; include_once OPENBIZ_PATH . "/bin/ErrorHandler.php"; $type = Openbiz::$app->getClientProxy()->getRequestParam("type"); $service = Openbiz::$app->getClientProxy()->getRequestParam("service"); $redirectURL = Openbiz::$app->getClientProxy()->getRequestParam("redirect_url"); if ($redirectURL) { Openbiz::$app->getSessionContext()->setVar("oauth_redirect_url", $redirectURL); } $assocURL = Openbiz::$app->getClientProxy()->getRequestParam("assoc_url"); if ($assocURL) { Openbiz::$app->getSessionContext()->setVar("oauth_assoc_url", $assocURL); } //$whitelist_arr=array('qq','sina','alipay','google','facebook','qzone','twitter'); $whitelist_arr = Openbiz::getService(CUBI_LOV_SERVICE)->getDictionary("oauth.lov.ProviderLOV(Provider)"); if (!in_array($type, $whitelist_arr)) { throw new Exception('Unknown service'); return; } $oatuthType = Openbiz::$app->getModulePath() . "/oauth/libs/{$type}.class.php"; if (!file_exists($oatuthType)) { throw new Exception('Unknown type'); return; } include_once $oatuthType; $obj = new $type(); switch (strtolower($service)) { case "callback": case "login": break;
/** * Render step * * @param number $step * @return void */ public function renderStep($step) { if ($this->currentStep) { $currentStep = $this->currentStep; } else { $currentStep = $this->getCurrentStep(); } if ($currentStep == $step) { return; } switch (strtoupper($this->naviMethod)) { case "SWITCHFORM": $targetForm = $this->getStepName($step); $currentForm = $this->getStepName($currentStep); $this->currentStep = $step; $formObj = Openbiz::getObject($currentForm); $formObj->switchForm($targetForm); break; case "SWITCHPAGE": default: $currentURL = Openbiz::getService(OPENBIZ_UTIL_SERVICE)->getViewURL($this->objectName); $url = OPENBIZ_APP_INDEX_URL . '/' . $currentURL . '/step_' . $step; Openbiz::$app->getClientProxy()->ReDirectPage($url); break; } }
/** * Render this form (return html content), * called by WebPage's render method (called when form is loaded). * Query is issued before returning the html content. * * @return string - HTML text of this form's read mode * @example ../../../example/FormObject.php */ public function render() { if (!$this->allowAccess()) { return ""; } //$this->setClientScripts(); if ($this->cacheLifeTime > 0 && $this->subForms == null) { $cache_id = md5($this->objectName); //try to process cache service. $cacheSvc = Openbiz::getService(CACHE_SERVICE, 1); $cacheSvc->init($this->objectName, $this->cacheLifeTime); if ($cacheSvc->test($cache_id)) { Openbiz::$app->getLog()->log(LOG_DEBUG, "FORM", "Cache Hit. form name = " . $this->objectName); $output = $cacheSvc->load($cache_id); } else { Openbiz::$app->getLog()->log(LOG_DEBUG, "FORM", "Set cache. form name = " . $this->objectName); $output = FormRenderer::render($this); $cacheSvc->save($output, $cache_id); } return $output; } //Moved the renderHTML function infront of declaring subforms $output = FormRenderer::render($this); // lazy subform loading - prepare the subforms' dataobjs, since the subform relates to parent form by dataobj association $this->prepareSubFormsDataObj(); return $output; }