public function indexAction()
     if (null === ($q = $this->getRequest()->getParam('q'))) {
         $this->getResponse()->setHeader('X-Error-Msg', 'Missing required parameter `q`');
         throw new Zend_Controller_Exception('Missing required parameter `q`', 400);
     $q = Api_Models_Utils::addStatusToQuery($q);
     $concepts = $this->model->getConcepts($q, $this->shouldIncludeDeleted($q), false, $this->getRequest()->getParam('sort'));
     $context = $this->_helper->contextSwitch()->getCurrentContext();
     if ($context === 'json' || $context === 'jsonp') {
         foreach ($concepts as $key => $val) {
             foreach ($val['docs'] as &$doc) {
             $this->view->{$key} = $val;
     } elseif ($context === 'xml') {
         $xpath = new DOMXPath($concepts);
         foreach ($xpath->query('/response/result/doc/str[@name="xml"]') as $node) {
         $this->view->response = $concepts;
     } else {
         $model = new OpenSKOS_Db_Table_Namespaces();
         $this->view->namespaces = $model->fetchPairs();
         $this->view->response = $concepts;
Пример #2
 public function getNamespaces()
     $model = new OpenSKOS_Db_Table_Namespaces();
     $prefixes = $this->getNamespacePrefixes();
     foreach ($prefixes as &$prefix) {
         $prefix = $model->getAdapter()->quote($prefix);
     return $model->fetchPairs($model->select()->where('prefix IN (' . implode(',', $prefixes) . ')'));
Пример #3
 public function getNamespaces()
     $model = new OpenSKOS_Db_Table_Namespaces();
     //@FIXME Talk to Mark. Clarify what namespaces need to be included.
     $prefixes = array_merge($this['xmlns'], array('dc', 'dcterms', 'skos'));
     foreach ($prefixes as &$prefix) {
         $prefix = $model->getAdapter()->quote($prefix);
     return $model->fetchPairs($model->select()->where('prefix IN (' . implode(',', $prefixes) . ')'));
Пример #4
 public function setNamespaces($namespaces)
     $links = $this->findManyToManyRowset('OpenSKOS_Db_Table_Namespaces', 'OpenSKOS_Db_Table_CollectionHasNamespaces');
     $model = new OpenSKOS_Db_Table_CollectionHasNamespaces();
     foreach ($links as $link) {
         foreach ($model->find($this->id, $link->prefix) as $row) {
     $Namespaces = new OpenSKOS_Db_Table_Namespaces();
     foreach ($namespaces as $prefix => $uri) {
         $Namespace = $Namespaces->find($prefix)->current();
         if (null === $Namespace) {
             $Namespace = $Namespaces->createRow(array('prefix' => $prefix, 'uri' => $uri));
     return $this;
Пример #5
  * Gets all namespaces that are used inside the concepts.
  * @param array $concepts An array of Api_Models_Concept
  * @return array An array of type $prefix => $uri
 protected function _getConceptsNamespaces($concepts)
     $namespacesPrefixes = array();
     foreach ($concepts as $concept) {
         $namespacesPrefixes = array_unique(array_merge($namespacesPrefixes, $concept['xmlns']));
     $model = new OpenSKOS_Db_Table_Namespaces();
     return $model->fetchPairs($model->select()->where('prefix IN ("' . implode('","', $namespacesPrefixes) . '")'));
Пример #6
 public function GetRecord()
     $identifier = $this->getParam('identifier');
     $result = OpenSkos_Solr::getInstance()->search('uuid:' . $identifier, array('rows' => 1));
     if ($result['response']['numFound'] === 0) {
         throw new OaiPmh_Exception('Concept `' . $identifier . '` does not exist in this repository');
     $paginator = new Zend_Paginator(new OpenSKOS_Solr_Paginator('uuid:' . $identifier, array('rows' => 1)));
     $this->_view->data = $paginator;
     $this->_view->metadataPrefix = $this->getParam('metadataPrefix');
     $this->_view->namespacesByCollection = OpenSKOS_Db_Table_Namespaces::getNamespacesByCollection();
     $this->_view->conceptSchemes = $this->loadAllConceptSchemes(false);
     return $this->_view->render('index/ListRecords.phtml');