Пример #1
     @return $files [urn => OmekaFile]
     Fetches all files that belong to this Item.
     Obeys Omeka->$dbUsage.
 public function getFiles()
     if ($this->files === null) {
         if (Config::getOmeka()->getDbUsage()) {
             $this->files = OmekaFile::getFilesFromDbByItem($this);
         } else {
             $this->files = array();
             $url = $this->data['files']['url'];
             foreach (Config::getOmeka()->httpGet($url) as $fData) {
                 $file = new OmekaFile($fData);
                 $this->files[$file->getUrn()] = $file;
     return $this->files;
     @param $scanRectangleMap [scanUrn => [rectangle]]
     @param $user User, see auth/user.php
     @param $type int, see AreaOfInterestType
     @param $typeText String || null, see AreaOfInterestType
     @return $aoi AreaOfInterest || Exception
     Tries to create a new AreaOfInterest.
     $scanUrn keys of $scanRectangleMap must be valid URNs for scans table.
     $scanRectangleMap must pass AreaOfInterestUrn::createUrn().
     $type must pass AreaOfInterestType::validType().
     $typeText may only be !== null, if AreaOfInterestType::hasText($type).
     Created urn may only have maximum length of 250.
 public static function createAOI($scanRectangleMap, $user, $type, $typeText = null)
     $fail = function ($reason) {
         //Fail helper
         return new Exception("Problem in AreaOfInterest::createAOI(…). Reason: {$reason}");
     //Checking some constraints:
     if (!is_array($scanRectangleMap)) {
         return $fail('$scanRectangleMap must be an array.');
     if (!$user instanceof User) {
         return $fail('$user must be instance of auth/user.php.');
     if (!AreaOfInterestType::validType($type)) {
         return $fail('$type has invalid/unexpected value.');
     if ($typeText !== null) {
         if (is_string($typeText)) {
             if (!AreaOfInterestType::hasText($type)) {
                 return $fail('$typeText given when it was not allowed.');
             } else {
                 //Storing empty string in db instead of null:
                 $typeText = '';
         } else {
             return $fail('Invalid value for $typeText: ' . $typeText);
     //Checking scan URNs:
     $scanUrns = array_keys($scanRectangleMap);
     if (!OmekaFile::validateUrns($scanUrns)) {
         return $fail('At least one urn was invalid. $urns: ' . json_encode($scanUrns));
     //Trying to create URN:
     $urn = AreaOfInterestUrn::createUrn($scanRectangleMap);
     if ($urn instanceof Exception) {
         $msg = $urn->getMessage();
         return $fail('Could not create URN. ' . $msg);
     if (strlen($urn) > 250) {
         return $fail("\$urn is longer than 250 chars: '{$urn}'.");
     //Input valid, can create AreaOfInterest:
     $q = 'INSERT INTO areasOfInterest (urn,userId,typeEnum,typeText) VALUES (?,?,?,?)';
     $stmt = Config::getDB()->prepare($q);
     $stmt->bind_param('siis', $urn, $user->getUserId(), $type, $typeText);
     //Creating entries for scanAoiMap:
     $q = 'INSERT INTO scanAoiMap (aoiUrn, scanUrn) VALUES (?,?)';
     foreach ($scanUrns as $scanUrn) {
         $stmt = Config::getDB()->prepare($q);
         $stmt->bind_param('ss', $urn, $scanUrn);
     //Return AOI, iff possible:
     return self::getAOIFromUrn($urn);
Пример #3
    This file is concerend with displaying a single OmekaFile.
    To do so, it expects a urn GET parameter to be given.
    If the urn parameter is missing, errors/noGet.php will be required.
    If the urn parameter is invalid, errors/invalidUrn.php will be required.
    Else the page will be displayed as expected.
require_once 'config.php';
if (!isset($_GET['urn']) || !$_GET['urn']) {
    require 'errors/noGet.php';
} else {
    if (is_null(Config::getUserManager()->verify())) {
        require 'errors/loginRequired.php';
    } else {
        $file = OmekaFile::getFileFromDb($_GET['urn']);
        if ($file === null) {
            require 'errors/invalidUrn.php';
        } else {
            //We need to hand out some file info as JSON:
            $json = array();
            //Function to add an OmekaFile $file to a $field String in the $json array.
            $addFile = function ($field, $file) use(&$json) {
                $arr = array('urn' => $file->getUrn(), 'img' => $file->getFullsizeFileUrl(), 'aois' => array());
                foreach ($file->getAOIs() as $aoi) {
                    $urn = $aoi->getUrn();
                    $arr['aois'][$urn] = $aoi->toArray();
                $json[$field] = $arr;
            //Adding {current, prev, main}:
Пример #4
     @param $comparator '<' || '>'
     @return $f OmekaFile || null
     Helper function for get{Next,Prev}().
 private function getNeighbour($comparator)
     //Sanitizing $comparator:
     if ($comparator !== '>' && $comparator !== '<') {
         return null;
     $order = $comparator === '>' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
     //Current $urn:
     $urn = $this->getUrn();
     //Discovering $prefix for files that belong to the same item:
     $parts = explode('_', $urn);
     //Remove last part of urn
     $prefix = implode('_', $parts) . '%';
     //Query to use:
     $q = "SELECT urn, omekaUrl, scanDataJSON FROM scans " . "WHERE urn LIKE ? AND urn {$comparator} ? " . "ORDER BY (urn) {$order} LIMIT 1";
     $stmt = Config::getDB()->prepare($q);
     $stmt->bind_param('ss', $prefix, $urn);
     $f = OmekaFile::fileFromDbData($stmt);
     if (count($f) === 1) {
         return current($f);
     return null;