/** * viewAction * * Show the campaign view page */ public function viewAction() { $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); $user = $auth->getIdentity(); $cmpid = $this->_request->getParam('cmpid'); $cmpmodel = new Default_Model_Campaigns(); // Check if campaign exists if (!isset($cmpid) || !$cmpmodel->campaignExists($cmpid)) { $target = $this->_urlHelper->url(array('controller' => 'campaign', 'action' => 'index', 'language' => $this->view->language), 'lang_default', true); $this->_redirector->gotoUrl($target); } // Get campaign & its contents. $cmp = $cmpmodel->getCampaignById($cmpid)->toArray(); $cmp['ingress_cmp'] = str_replace("\n", '<br>', $cmp['ingress_cmp']); $cmp['description_cmp'] = str_replace("\n", '<br>', $cmp['description_cmp']); $cnts = $cmpmodel->getAllContentsInCampaign($cmpid); // If user has identity if ($auth->hasIdentity()) { $this->view->identity = true; $uhgModel = new Default_Model_UserHasGroup(); $this->view->userHasGroup = $uhgModel->userHasGroup($cmp['id_grp_cmp'], $user->user_id); // Get group admins. $grpAdminsModel = new Default_Model_GroupAdmins(); $grpAdmins = $grpAdminsModel->getGroupAdmins($cmp['id_grp_cmp']); $this->view->userIsGroupAdmin = $this->checkIfArrayHasKeyWithValue($grpAdmins, 'id_usr', $user->user_id); } else { $this->view->identity = false; } // Campaign weblinks $campaignWeblinksModel = new Default_Model_CampaignWeblinks(); $cmp['campaignWeblinks'] = $campaignWeblinksModel->getCampaignWeblinks($cmpid); $i = 0; foreach ($cmp['campaignWeblinks'] as $weblink) { if (strlen($weblink['name_cwl']) == 0 || strlen($weblink['url_cwl']) == 0) { unset($cmp['campaignWeblinks'][$i]); } $i++; } // Get group info. $grpmodel = new Default_Model_Groups(); $grp = $grpmodel->getGroupData($cmp['id_grp_cmp']); $grpname = $grp['group_name_grp']; // Get campaign campaigns $cmpHasCmpModel = new Default_Model_CampaignHasCampaign(); $linkedcampaigns = $cmpHasCmpModel->getCampaignCampaigns($cmpid); $linkedcampaigns = array_merge($linkedcampaigns['parents'], $linkedcampaigns['childs']); // Get files $filesModel = new Default_Model_Files(); $files = $filesModel->getFilenames($cmpid, "campaign"); $comments = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_Comments("campaign", $cmpid); if ($this->view->identity) { $comments->allowComments(true); } $this->view->jsmetabox->append('commentUrls', $comments->getUrls()); $comments->loadComments(); $this->view->hasFeeds = Oibs_Controller_Plugin_RssReader::hasFeeds($cmpid, "campaign"); $this->view->comments = $comments; $this->view->campaign = $cmp; $this->view->cmpcnts = $cnts; $this->view->grpname = $grpname; $this->view->linkedcampaigns = $linkedcampaigns; $this->view->status = $cmpmodel->getStatus($cmpid); $this->view->files = $files; }
public function viewAction() { if (Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::hasHelper('redirector')) { $redirector = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getExistingHelper('redirector'); } $hometargeturl = $this->_urlHelper->url(array('controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'language' => $this->view->language), 'lang_default', true); // Get user identity $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); // Disable edit profile by default $userEdit = false; // Get params $params = $this->getRequest()->getParams(); if (isset($params['user'])) { // Get username from params $username = $params['user']; } else { $redirector->gotoUrl($hometargeturl); } // Get content types $contentTypes = new Default_Model_ContentTypes(); $this->view->content_types = $contentTypes->getAllNamesAndIds(); // Get user data from User Model $user = new Default_Model_User(); $data = $user->getUserByName($username); if ($data == null) { $redirector->gotoUrl($hometargeturl); } $this->view->user = $data; $id = $data['id_usr']; $topListClasses = $user->getUserTopList(); $topListUsers = $topListClasses['Users']; if ($id != 0) { $topListUsers->addUser($id); } $topList = $topListUsers->getTopList(); // Get public user data from UserProfiles Model $userProfile = new Default_Model_UserProfiles(); $dataa = $userProfile->getPublicData($id); if (isset($dataa['biography'])) { $dataa['biography'] = str_replace("\n", '<br>', $dataa['biography']); } // User weblinks $userWeblinksModel = new Default_Model_UserWeblinks(); $dataa['userWeblinks'] = $userWeblinksModel->getUserWeblinks($id); $i = 0; foreach ($dataa['userWeblinks'] as $weblink) { if (strlen($weblink['name_uwl']) == 0 || strlen($weblink['url_uwl']) == 0) { unset($dataa['userWeblinks'][$i]); } $i++; } // $dataa is an array with key=>val like firstname => "Joel Peeloten" // This was replaced with get public data and the foreach above // Kept here just in case for the future /* $dataa['gender'] = $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'gender'); $dataa['surname'] = $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'surname'); $dataa['firstname'] = $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'firstname'); $dataa['category'] = $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'user category'); $dataa['profession'] = $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'profession'); $dataa['company'] = $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'company'); $dataa['biography'] = $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'biography'); $dataa['city'] = $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'city'); $dataa['phone'] = $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'phone'); $dataa['birthday'] = $userprofile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'birthday'); */ // No countries in countries_ctr and not very good table at all? // This would be better: http://snipplr.com/view/6636/mysql-table--iso-country-list-with-abbreviations/ /* $dataa['country'] = $userProfile->getUserProfileValue($id, 'country'); $userCountry = new Default_Model_UserCountry(); $dataa['country'] = $userCountry->getCountryNameById( $dataa['country']['profile_value_usp'] ); */ // Get content user has released $type = isset($params['type']) ? $params['type'] : 0; $temp = array(); // Initialize content counts $dataa['contentCounts']['all'] = 0; $dataa['contentCounts']['user_edit'] = 0; $dataa['contentCounts']['problem'] = 0; $dataa['contentCounts']['finfo'] = 0; $dataa['contentCounts']['idea'] = 0; // Count amount of content user has published // and check unpublished so only owner can see it. $cntModel = new Default_Model_Content(); $contentList = array(); foreach ($user->getUserContent($data['id_usr'], array('order' => 'DESC')) as $k => $c) { // If user not logged in and content not published, // remove content from list if (!$auth->hasIdentity() && $c['published_cnt'] == 0) { //unset($contentList[$k]); // Else if user logged in and not owner of unpublished content, // remove content from list } else { if (isset($c['id_usr']) && $auth->hasIdentity() && $c['id_usr'] != $auth->getIdentity()->user_id && $c['published_cnt'] == 0) { //unset($contentList[$k]); // Else increase content counts and sort content by content type } else { if (isset($c['key_cty'])) { // Set content to array by its content type //$temp[$c['key_cty']][] = $c; //$temp[] = $c; // Increase total count $dataa['contentCounts']['all']++; // Set content type count to 0 if count is not set if (!isset($dataa['contentCounts'][$c['key_cty']])) { $dataa['contentCounts'][$c['key_cty']] = 0; } // Increase content type count $dataa['contentCounts'][$c['key_cty']]++; } if ($c['published_cnt'] == 0) { $dataa['contentCounts']['user_edit']++; } $c['hasCntLinks'] = $cntModel->hasCntLinks($c['id_cnt']); $c['hasCmpLinks'] = $cntModel->hasCmpLinks($c['id_cnt']); $contentList[] = $c; } } } // end foreach // If user is logged in, and viewing self; allow edit if ($auth->hasIdentity()) { $identity = $auth->getIdentity(); if ($data['id_usr'] == $identity->user_id) { $userEdit = true; } } // if ($auth->hasIdentity() && $data['id_usr'] == $auth->getIdentity()->user_id) { $myFavourites = $this->getFavouriteRows($data['id_usr']); //print_r($dataa);print_r($favouriteList);die; //} //Zend_Debug::dump("" === null); //Zend_Debug::dump($dataa['contentCounts']['idea']); //Zend_Debug::dump($dataa['contentCounts']['idea'] == ""); //die; // My Posts box data $box = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_AccountViewBox(); $box->setHeader("My Posts")->setClass("right")->setName("my-posts")->addTab("All", "all", "all selected", $dataa['contentCounts']['all'])->addTab("Challenges", "problem", "challenges", $dataa['contentCounts']['problem'])->addTab("Ideas", "idea", "ideas", $dataa['contentCounts']['idea'])->addTab("Visions", "finfo", "visions", $dataa['contentCounts']['finfo']); //Zend_Debug::dump($dataa); die; if ($dataa['contentCounts']['user_edit'] && $userEdit) { $box->addTab("Saved", "user_edit", "saved", $dataa['contentCounts']['user_edit']); } $boxes[] = $box; $box = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_AccountViewBox(); $box->setHeader("My Groups")->setClass("left")->setName("my_groups")->addTab("All", "all", "all selected"); $boxes[] = $box; $views = new Default_Model_ContentViews(); $myViews = $this->getViewRows($data['id_usr']); $myViews = array_merge($myViews, $myFavourites['contents']); //print_r($myViews);die; $box = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_AccountViewBox(); $box->setHeader("My Views & Favourites")->setName("my-views")->setClass("right")->addTab("Views", "views", "views selected")->addTab("Updated", "updated", "fvr_updated", $myFavourites['counts']['updated'])->addTab("Challenges", "problem", "fvr_problem", $myFavourites['counts']['problem'])->addTab("Ideas", "idea", "fvr_idea", $myFavourites['counts']['idea'])->addTab("Visions", "finfo", "fvr_finfo", $myFavourites['counts']['finfo']); //$boxes[] = $box; $myReaders = $user->getUsersViewers($data['id_usr']); $box = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_AccountViewBox(); $box->setHeader("My Readers")->setClass("left")->setName("my-reads")->addTab("Readers", "readers", "all selected"); //$boxes[] = $box; /*Box for user profile custom layout settings*/ $box = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_AccountViewBox(); $box->setHeader("Custom Layout")->setClass("wide")->setName("my-custom-layout")->addTab("Customize", "fonts", "all selected"); //$boxes[] = $box; $customLayoutForm = new Default_Form_AccountCustomLayoutSettingsForm(); // Set to view // Comment module $comments = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_Comments("account", $id); $this->view->jsmetabox->append('commentUrls', $comments->getUrls()); // enable comment form if ($auth->hasIdentity()) { $comments->allowComments(true); } $comments->loadComments(); $this->view->user_has_image = $user->userHasProfileImage($data['id_usr']); $this->view->userprofile = $dataa; $this->view->comments = $comments; $this->view->authorContents = $contentList; /*$temp*/ $this->view->boxes = $boxes; $this->view->myViews = $myViews; $this->view->myReaders = $myReaders; $this->view->user_edit = $userEdit; $this->view->topList = $topList; $this->view->type = $type; $this->view->customLayoutSettingsForm = $customLayoutForm; $group_model = new Default_Model_UserHasGroup(); $usergroups = $group_model->getGroupsByUserId($id); $this->view->usergroups = $usergroups; }
public function getcommentsAction() { //$this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); if ($auth->hasIdentity()) { $type = $this->params['type']; $id = $this->params['id']; $comments = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_Comments($type, $id); $newComments = array(); $newComments = $comments->getNewComments($auth->getIdentity()->user_id); if (count($newComments) != 0) { $this->view->comments = $newComments; } } }
/** * index page: Contains the content viewing functionality. * * @todo Implement group ownership user images and content links * @todo Include translation and content info for page title * @todo More from box should show ratings * @todo If not ajax "more from", at least separate to proper MVC * @todo Look over comment loading for data being fetched and not shown * @todo Comment rating, userpic (maybe not) * * @param id integer id of content to view * @param page integer (optional) Page number for paginator * @param count integer (optional) Count of content for paginator * @param rate integer (optional) Rating given by user */ function indexAction() { // get requests $request = $this->getRequest(); $params = $request->getParams(); $baseUrl = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getBaseUrl(); $absoluteBaseUrl = strtolower(trim(array_shift(explode('/', $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'])))) . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getBaseUrl(); // get content id from params, if not set or invalid, send a message $id = (int) $params['content_id']; if ($id == 0) { $this->flash('content-not-found', $baseUrl . '/' . $this->view->language . '/msg/'); } // Get specific content data -- this could fail? Needs check? $contentModel = new Default_Model_Content(); $contentData = $contentModel->getDataAsSimpleArray($id); $isTranslated = isset($params['notranslate']) ? false : true; if ($isTranslated) { // Translate content data $this->gtranslate->setLangFrom($contentData['language_cnt']); $contentData = $this->gtranslate->translateContent($contentData); } $filesModel = new Default_Model_Files(); $files = $filesModel->getFilenames($id, "content"); // Get content owner id (groups to be implemented later) $contentHasUserModel = new Default_Model_ContentHasUser(); $owner = $contentHasUserModel->getContentOwners($id); $ownerId = $owner['id_usr']; // Get authentication $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); // Get user_id $usrId = 0; if ($auth->hasIdentity()) { $usrId = $auth->getIdentity()->user_id; } if ($contentData['published_cnt'] == 0 && $usrId != $ownerId && !in_array("admin", $this->view->logged_user_roles)) { $this->flash('content-not-found', $baseUrl . '/' . $this->view->language . '/msg/'); } // get rating from params (if set) $rate = isset($params['rate']) ? $params['rate'] : "NONE"; // get page number and comments per page (if set) $page = isset($params['page']) ? $params['page'] : 1; // turn commenting off by default $user_can_comment = false; // turn rating off by default $user_can_rate = false; // user is not owner by default $user_is_owner = false; // Comment model $comment = new Default_Model_Comments(); $favouriteModel = new Default_Model_UserHasFavourites(); $cntHasUsrModel = new Default_Model_ContentHasUser(); //$parentId = isset($params['replyto']) ? $params['replyto'] : 0; // If user has identity if ($auth->hasIdentity() && $contentData['published_cnt'] == 1) { // enable rating if the content was not published by the user // (also used for flagging) if ($ownerId != $auth->getIdentity()->user_id) { $user_can_rate = true; } // Check if user is owner of content if ($ownerId == $auth->getIdentity()->user_id) { $user_is_owner = true; } if ($favouriteModel->checkIfContentIsUsersFavourite($id, $usrId)) { $favouriteModel->updateLastChecked($usrId, $id); $profileModel = new Default_Model_UserProfiles(); $profileModel->deleteNotificationCache($id, $usrId); } if ($user_is_owner) { $cntHasUsrModel->updateLastChecked($ownerId, $id); $profileModel = new Default_Model_UserProfiles(); $profileModel->deleteNotificationCache($id, $usrId); } // generate comment form //$comment_form = new Default_Form_CommentForm($parentId); // if there is something in POST /*if ($request->isPost()) { if($user_id != $ownerId) { $user = new Default_Model_User(); $comment_sender = $user->getUserNameById($user_id); $Default_Model_privmsg = new Default_Model_PrivateMessages(); $data = array(); $data['privmsg_sender_id'] = 0; $data['privmsg_receiver_id'] = $ownerId; $data['privmsg_header'] = 'You have new comment!'; $data['privmsg_message'] = '<a href="'.$baseUrl."/".$this->view->language.'/account/view/user/'.$comment_sender.'">' .$comment_sender.'</a> commented your content <a href="'.$baseUrl."/".$this->view->language.'/view/'.$id.'">'.$contentData['title_cnt'].'</a>'; $data['privmsg_email'] = ''; // Send email to contentowner about new comment // if its allowed $notificationsModel = new Default_Model_Notifications(); $notifications = $notificationsModel->getNotificationsById($ownerId); if (in_array('comment', $notifications)) { $emailNotification = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_Email(); $emailNotification->setNotificationType('comment') ->setSenderId($user_id) ->setReceiverId($ownerId) ->setParameter('URL', $absoluteBaseUrl."/en") ->setParameter('SENDER-NAME', $comment_sender) ->setParameter('CONTENT-ID', $id) ->setParameter('CONTENT-TITLE', $contentData['title_cnt']) ->setParameter('COMMENT', $formData['comment_message']); if ($emailNotification->isValid()) { $emailNotification->send(); } else { //echo $emailNotification->getErrorMessage(); die; } } $Default_Model_privmsg->addMessage($data); } // end if }*/ // end if } // end if // get content type of the specific content viewed $contentTypesModel = new Default_Model_ContentTypes(); $contentType = $contentTypesModel->getTypeById($contentData['id_cty_cnt']); // Get content innovation type / industry / division / group / class // and send to view... somehow. // TO BE IMPLEMENTED // Get content owner data $userModel = new Default_Model_User(); $userData = $userModel->getSimpleUserDataById($ownerId); // get content owner picture ... to be implemented later $userImage = $userModel->getUserImageData($ownerId); // get (VIEWED) content views (returns a string directly) $contentViewsModel = new Default_Model_ContentViews(); if (!$this->alreadyViewed($id, $auth->hasIdentity() ? $auth->getIdentity()->username : "******")) { $contentViewsModel->increaseViewCount($id); } $views = $contentViewsModel->getViewsByContentId($id); $languagesModel = new Default_Model_Languages(); $languageName = $languagesModel->getLanguageByLangCode($contentData['language_cnt']); $gtranslateLangPair = $this->gtranslate->getLangPair(); // get content tags - functions returns names as well // needs updating to proper MVC? $contentHasTagModel = new Default_Model_ContentHasTag(); $tags = $contentHasTagModel->getContentTags($id); if ($isTranslated) { $tags = $this->gtranslate->translateTags($tags); } // get content links, to be implemented $links = array(); // Get all content campaigns // $campaignHasContentModel = new Default_Model_CampaignHasContent(); // $campaigns = $campaignHasContentModel->getContentCampaigns($id); // This functionality needs looking over (code and general idea) // get content family (array of children, parents and siblings) $contentHasContentModel = new Default_Model_ContentHasContent(); $family = $contentHasContentModel->getContentFamilyTree($id); // split family array to child, parent and sibling arrays (full content) $children = array(); $children_siblings = array(); //TODO: It would be best effiency to send just an array of childs to ContentModel // and get all data in 1 query rather than querying many times. New function // to models is needed for this or then edit the one we have now and allow it // to have a possibility to receive ids as array. if (isset($family['children'])) { foreach ($family['children'] as $child) { $contenttypeid = $contentModel->getContentTypeIdByContentId((int) $child); $contenttype = $contentTypesModel->getTypeById($contenttypeid); if ($contenttype == "idea") { $children[] = $contentModel->getDataAsSimpleArray((int) $child); } else { $children_siblings[] = $contentModel->getDataAsSimpleArray((int) $child); } // $i++; } } $parents = array(); $parent_siblings = array(); if (isset($family['parents'])) { foreach ($family['parents'] as $parent) { $contenttypeid = $contentModel->getContentTypeIdByContentId((int) $parent); $contenttype = $contentTypesModel->getTypeById($contenttypeid); if ($contenttype == "idea") { $parents[] = $contentModel->getDataAsSimpleArray((int) $parent); } else { $parent_siblings[] = $contentModel->getDataAsSimpleArray((int) $parent); } } } // Here we get the rival solutions for a solution $rivals = array(); if ($contentType == "idea" && isset($family['parents'])) { $i = 0; // First here is checked the parents of this solution (=the problem // or the future info) foreach ($family['parents'] as $parent) { // Get the family of the problem or future info $parents_family = $contentHasContentModel->getContentFamilyTree((int) $parent); // Get the children of the problem or future info if (isset($parents_family['children'])) { // Going through the children foreach ($parents_family['children'] as $parent_child) { // Those children are rivals which are not this solution // which is currently viewed if ((int) $parent_child != $id) { $rivals[$i] = $contentModel->getDataAsSimpleArray((int) $parent_child); } } } $i++; } } // get comments data // $commentList = $comment->getAllByContentId($id, $page, $count); /*$commentList = $comment->getCommentsByContent($id); $commentsSorted = array(); $this->getCommentChilds($commentList, $commentsSorted, 0, 0, 3); // Get total comment count $commentCount = $comment->getCommentCountByContentId($id); // Calculate total page count $pageCount = ceil($commentCount / $count); // Custom pagination to fix memory error on large amount of data $paginator = new Zend_View(); $paginator->setScriptPath('../application/views/scripts'); $paginator->pageCount = $pageCount; $paginator->currentPage = $page; $paginator->pagesInRange = 10;*/ // get content industries -- will be updated later. /*$cntHasIndModel = new Default_Model_ContentHasIndustries(); $hasIndustry = $cntHasIndModel->getIndustryIdOfContent($id); $industriesModel = new Default_Model_Industries(); $industriesArray = $industriesModel->getAllContentIndustryIds($hasIndustry);*/ // roll values to an array /*$industries = array(); foreach ($industriesArray as $industry) { $value = $industriesModel->getNameById($industry); // $industriesModel->getNameById($industry); if (!empty($value)) { $industries[] = $value; } }*/ // Check if and when the content is modified and if its more than 10minutes ago add for the view $dateCreated = strtotime($contentData['created_cnt']); $dateModified = strtotime($contentData['modified_cnt']); $modified = 0; if (($dateModified - $dateCreated) / 60 > 10) { $modified = $contentData['modified_cnt']; } // Comment module $comments = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_Comments("content", $id); $this->view->jsmetabox->append('commentUrls', $comments->getUrls()); // enable comment form if ($auth->hasIdentity() && $contentData['published_cnt'] == 1) { $comments->allowComments(true); } $comments->loadComments(); //$contentData['references_cnt']; $contentData['references_cnt'] = Oibs_Controller_Plugin_Utils::clickable($contentData['references_cnt'], true); $contentData['body_cnt'] = Oibs_Controller_Plugin_Utils::clickable($contentData['body_cnt']); // Inject data to view $this->view->files = $files; $this->view->id = $id; $this->view->userImage = $userImage; $this->view->comments = $comments; $this->view->user_can_rate = $user_can_rate; $this->view->user_is_owner = $user_is_owner; $this->view->usrId = $usrId; $this->view->contentData = $contentData; $this->view->modified = $modified; $this->view->userData = $userData; $this->view->views = $views; $this->view->isTranslated = $isTranslated; $this->view->languageName = $languageName; $this->view->gtranslateLangPair = $gtranslateLangPair; $this->view->tags = $tags; $this->view->links = $links; $this->view->parents = $parents; $this->view->parent_siblings = $parent_siblings; $this->view->children = $children; $this->view->children_siblings = $children_siblings; $this->view->rivals = $rivals; $this->view->contentType = $contentType; //$this->view->campaigns = $campaigns; $this->view->viewers = $this->getViewers($id); $this->view->boxStates = $this->getBoxStates(); // Inject title to view $this->view->title = $this->view->translate('index-home') . " - " . $contentData['title_cnt']; }
/** * commentsAction * * @author Mikko Korpinen */ public function commentsAction() { // User identity, group header and group menu: // Group id $grpId = $this->_request->getParam('groupid'); $grpModel = new Default_Model_Groups(); // Check if group exists if (!isset($grpId) || !$grpModel->groupExistsById($grpId)) { $target = $this->_urlHelper->url(array('controller' => 'group', 'action' => 'index', 'language' => $this->view->language), 'lang_default', true); $this->_redirector->gotoUrl($target); } // Group data $grpData = $this->getGroupData($grpId); // Menudata $menuData['id_grp'] = $grpId; $menuData['grp_action'] = 'comments'; $menuData['group_name_grp'] = $grpData['group_name_grp']; $menuData['grp_admins'] = $grpData['grp_admins']; // Set $this->view->... $this->view->grpData = $grpData; $this->view->menuData = $menuData; // Group membersAction special stuff: // Get comments and set $this->view->... $comments = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_Comments("group", $grpId); if ($grpData['user_identity']) { $comments->allowComments(true); } $this->view->jsmetabox->append('commentUrls', $comments->getUrls()); $comments->loadComments(); $this->view->comments = $comments; }
/** * viewAction - shows an individual group's page * * @author Mikko Aatola */ function viewAction() { // Get authentication $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); // If user has identity if ($auth->hasIdentity()) { $this->view->identity = true; } else { $this->view->identity = false; } // Get data for this specific group. $grpId = $this->_request->getParam('groupid'); $grpModel = new Default_Model_Groups(); $usrHasGrpModel = new Default_Model_UserHasGroup(); $usrHasGrpWaitingModel = new Default_Model_UserHasGroupWaiting(); $grpAdminsModel = new Default_Model_GroupAdmins(); $campaignModel = new Default_Model_Campaigns(); $grpAdmins = $grpAdminsModel->getGroupAdmins($grpId); $user = $auth->getIdentity(); $grpData = $grpModel->getGroupData($grpId); $grpData['description_grp'] = str_replace("\n", '<br>', $grpData['description_grp']); $grpData['body_grp'] = str_replace("\n", '<br>', $grpData['body_grp']); // Group type $grpTypeId = $grpModel->getGroupTypeId($grpId); $grpTypeModel = new Default_Model_GroupTypes(); $isClosed = $grpTypeModel->isClosed($grpTypeId); // Waiting list count $usrWaitingCount = $usrHasGrpWaitingModel->getUserCountByGroup($grpId); // Group weblinks $groupWeblinksModel = new Default_Model_GroupWeblinks(); $grpData['groupWeblinks'] = $groupWeblinksModel->getGroupWeblinks($grpId); $i = 0; foreach ($grpData['groupWeblinks'] as $weblink) { if (strlen($weblink['name_gwl']) == 0 || strlen($weblink['url_gwl']) == 0) { unset($grpData['groupWeblinks'][$i]); } $i++; } // Get group groups $grpHasGrpModel = new Default_Model_GroupHasGroup(); $linkedgroups = $grpHasGrpModel->getGroupGroups($grpId); $linkedgroups = array_merge($linkedgroups['parents'], $linkedgroups['childs']); $comments = new Oibs_Controller_Plugin_Comments("group", $grpId); if ($this->view->identity) { $comments->allowComments(true); } $this->view->jsmetabox->append('commentUrls', $comments->getUrls()); $comments->loadComments(); $this->view->comments = $comments; $this->view->hasFeeds = Oibs_Controller_Plugin_RssReader::hasFeeds($grpId, "group"); // Add data to the view. $this->view->grpId = $grpId; $this->view->grpData = $grpData; $this->view->grpUsers = $usrHasGrpModel->getAllUsersInGroup($grpId); $this->view->grpAdmins = $grpAdmins; $this->view->userHasGroup = $usrHasGrpModel; $this->view->userHasGroupWaiting = $usrHasGrpWaitingModel; //$this->view->campaigns = $campaignModel->getCampaignsByGroup($grpId); $this->view->openCampaigns = $campaignModel->getOpenCampaignsByGroup($grpId); $this->view->notstartedCampaigns = $campaignModel->getNotstartedCampaignsByGroup($grpId); $this->view->endedCampaigns = $campaignModel->getEndedCampaignsByGroup($grpId); $this->view->userIsGroupAdmin = isset($user->user_id) ? $this->checkIfArrayHasKeyWithValue($grpAdmins, 'id_usr', $user->user_id) : false; $this->view->linkedgroups = $linkedgroups; $this->view->isClosed = $isClosed; $this->view->usrWaitingCount = $usrWaitingCount; }