public function update($autodate = true, $nullValues = false) { if ((double) $this->conversion_rate <= 0) { return false; } return parent::update($autodate, $nullValues); }
public function update($nullValues = false) { self::$_nbProducts = 0; $return = parent::update(); Module::hookExec('cart'); return $return; }
public function update($null_values = false) { if (parent::update($null_values)) { return $this->cleanPositions($this->id_cms_category); } return false; }
public function update($null_values = false) { $return = parent::update($null_values); if ($return) { Hook::exec('actionAttributeSave', array('id_attribute' => $this->id)); } return $return; }
public function update($null_values = false) { Cache::clean('getContextualValue_' . $this->id . '_*'); if (!$this->reduction_currency) { $this->reduction_currency = (int) Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT'); } return parent::update($null_values); }
public function update($autodate = true, $nullValues = false, $categories = false) { if (parent::update($autodate, $nullValues)) { $ret = true; } $this->updateCategories($categories); return $ret; }
public function update($null_Values = false) { $res = parent::update($null_Values); if ($res) { $res = $this->response->save(); } return $res; }
public function update($null_values = false) { if (parent::update($null_values)) { // Refresh cache of feature detachable because the row can be deactive Configuration::updateGlobalValue('PS_VIRTUAL_PROD_FEATURE_ACTIVE', ProductDownload::isCurrentlyUsed($this->def['table'], true)); return true; } return false; }
public function update($null_values = false) { if ($this->cover) { $this->cover = 1; } else { $this->cover = null; } return parent::update($null_values); }
public function add($autodate = true, $null_values = false) { // foreach ($this->name as $k => $value) // // if (preg_match('/^[1-9]\./', $value)) // // $this->name[$k] = '0' . $value; $ret = parent::add($autodate, $null_values); return $ret;
public function update($null_values = false) { if (parent::update($null_values)) { // Flush cache when we updating a new specific price $this->flushCache(); return true; } return false; }
public function update($auto_date = true, $null_values = false) { if (is_array($this->content)) { $this->content = json_encode($this->content); } $return = parent::update($auto_date, $null_values); $this->content = json_decode($this->content, true); return $return; }
public function update($null_values = false) { if (parent::update($null_values)) { // Flush cache when we updating a new specific price self::$_specificPriceCache = array(); Product::flushPriceCache(); return true; } return false; }
public function update($nullValues = false) { if (!$this->updateZoneProducts()) { return false; } if (!$this->updateCategories()) { return false; } return parent::update($nullValues); }
public function update($null_values = false) { $context = Context::getContext(); $id_shop = $context->shop->id; $res = parent::update($null_values); $res &= Db::getInstance()->execute(' REPLACE INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'pagebuilderprofile_shop` (`id_shop`, `id_pagebuilderprofile`,`default`) VALUES(' . (int) $id_shop . ', ' . (int) $this->id . ',' . ($this->isDefault() ? 1 : 0) . ')'); return $res; }
public function update($null_values = false) { if ($this->default_on) { $this->default_on = 1; } else { $this->default_on = null; } $return = parent::update($null_values); Product::updateDefaultAttribute($this->id_product); return $return; }
public function update($nullValues = false) { if ($this->group_type == 'color') { $this->is_color_group = 1; } else { $this->is_color_group = 0; } $return = parent::update($nullValues); Hook::exec('actionAttributeGroupSave', array('id_attribute_group' => $this->id)); return $return; }
public function update($null_values = false) { if (!$this->updateZoneProducts()) { return false; } if (!$this->updateCategories()) { return false; } if (parent::update($null_values)) { // Refresh cache of feature detachable Configuration::updateGlobalValue('PS_SCENE_FEATURE_ACTIVE', Scene::isCurrentlyUsed($this->def['table'], true)); return true; } return false; }
public function update($nullValues = false) { if (!$this->deleted && $this->isUsed()) { $historized_tax = new Tax($this->id); $historized_tax->historize(); // remove the id in order to create a new object $this->id = 0; $res = $this->add(); // change tax id in the tax rule table $res &= TaxRule::swapTaxId($historized_tax->id, $this->id); return $res; } elseif (parent::update($nullValues)) { return $this->_onStatusChange(); } return false; }
public function update($nullValues = false) { $previousUpdate = new self((int) $this->id); if (!parent::update($nullValues)) { return false; } if ($previousUpdate->id_product_comment_criterion_type != $this->id_product_comment_criterion_type) { if ($previousUpdate->id_product_comment_criterion_type == 2) { return Db::getInstance()->Execute('DELETE FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_comment_criterion_category WHERE id_product_comment_criterion=' . (int) $previousUpdate->id); } elseif ($previousUpdate->id_product_comment_criterion_type == 3) { return Db::getInstance()->Execute('DELETE FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_comment_criterion_product WHERE id_product_comment_criterion=' . (int) $previousUpdate->id); } } return true; }
/** * Save the object with the field deleted to true * * @return bool */ public function historize(TaxRulesGroup $tax_rules_group) { $this->deleted = true; return parent::update() && Db::getInstance()->execute(' INSERT INTO ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'tax_rule (id_tax_rules_group, id_country, id_state, zipcode_from, zipcode_to, id_tax, behavior, description) ( SELECT ' . (int) $tax_rules_group->id . ', id_country, id_state, zipcode_from, zipcode_to, id_tax, behavior, description FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'tax_rule WHERE id_tax_rules_group=' . (int) $this->id . ' )') && Db::getInstance()->execute(' UPDATE ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product SET id_tax_rules_group=' . (int) $tax_rules_group->id . ' WHERE id_tax_rules_group=' . (int) $this->id) && Db::getInstance()->execute(' UPDATE ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_shop SET id_tax_rules_group=' . (int) $tax_rules_group->id . ' WHERE id_tax_rules_group=' . (int) $this->id) && Db::getInstance()->execute(' UPDATE ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier SET id_tax_rules_group=' . (int) $tax_rules_group->id . ' WHERE id_tax_rules_group=' . (int) $this->id) && Db::getInstance()->execute(' UPDATE ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier_tax_rules_group_shop SET id_tax_rules_group=' . (int) $tax_rules_group->id . ' WHERE id_tax_rules_group=' . (int) $this->id); }
/** * @see ObjectModel::update() */ public function update($null_values = false) { $this->calculatePrices(); $res = parent::update($null_values); if ($res && !$this->is_template) { $this->addHistory(); } return $res; }
public function update($null_values = false) { if (empty($this->stats_date_from) || $this->stats_date_from == '0000-00-00') { $this->stats_date_from = date('Y-m-d'); } if (empty($this->stats_date_to) || $this->stats_date_to == '0000-00-00') { $this->stats_date_to = date('Y-m-d'); } $currentEmployee = new Employee((int) $this->id); if ($currentEmployee->optin != $this->optin) { $this->saveOptin(); } $this->updateTextDirection(); return parent::update($null_values); }
public function update($null_values = false) { $return = parent::update($null_values); Product::updateDefaultAttribute($this->id_product); return $return; }
/** * Upgrades total_quantity_available after having update * @see ObjectModel::update() */ public function update($null_values = false) { if (!parent::update($null_values)) { return false; } $this->postSave(); }
public function update($nullValues = false) { if (!parent::update($nullValues)) { return false; } return Tools::generateHtaccess(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../.htaccess', (int) Configuration::get('PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS'), (int) Configuration::get('PS_HTACCESS_CACHE_CONTROL'), Configuration::get('PS_HTACCESS_SPECIFIC')); }
public function update($null_values = false) { if (isset(self::$_nbProducts[$this->id])) { unset(self::$_nbProducts[$this->id]); } if (isset(self::$_totalWeight[$this->id])) { unset(self::$_totalWeight[$this->id]); } $this->_products = null; $return = parent::update(); Hook::exec('actionCartSave'); return $return; }
public function update($nullValues = false) { $return = parent::update($nullValues); if ($return) { Hook::exec('actionFeatureValueSave', array('id_feature_value' => $this->id)); } return $return; }
/** * update category positions in parent * * @param mixed $null_values * @return bool */ public function update($null_values = false) { if ($this->id_parent == $this->id) { throw new PrestaShopException('a category cannot be its own parent'); } if ($this->is_root_category && $this->id_parent != (int) Configuration::get('PS_ROOT_CATEGORY')) { $this->is_root_category = 0; } // Update group selection $this->updateGroup($this->groupBox); if ($this->level_depth != $this->calcLevelDepth()) { $this->level_depth = $this->calcLevelDepth(); $changed = true; } // If the parent category was changed, we don't want to have 2 categories with the same position if (!isset($changed)) { $changed = $this->getDuplicatePosition(); } if ($changed) { if (Tools::isSubmit('checkBoxShopAsso_category')) { foreach (Tools::getValue('checkBoxShopAsso_category') as $id_asso_object => $row) { foreach ($row as $id_shop => $value) { $this->addPosition((int) Category::getLastPosition((int) $this->id_parent, (int) $id_shop), (int) $id_shop); } } } else { foreach (Shop::getShops(true) as $shop) { $this->addPosition((int) Category::getLastPosition((int) $this->id_parent, $shop['id_shop']), $shop['id_shop']); } } } $ret = parent::update($null_values); if ($changed && (!isset($this->doNotRegenerateNTree) || !$this->doNotRegenerateNTree)) { $this->cleanPositions((int) $this->id_parent); Category::regenerateEntireNtree(); $this->recalculateLevelDepth($this->id); } Hook::exec('actionCategoryUpdate', array('category' => $this)); return $ret; }
/** * @see ObjectModel::update() */ public function update($null_values = false) { $this->getProductInformations(); return parent::update($null_values); }