public function testDelete() { $company = new Company(); $this->objectManagerMock->shouldReceive('remove')->once()->with($company)->andReturn(true); $this->objectManagerMock->shouldReceive('flush')->once(); $this->companyManager->delete($company); }
public function testDelete() { $timeCategory = new TimeCategory(); $this->objectManagerMock->shouldReceive('remove')->once()->with($timeCategory)->andReturn(true); $this->objectManagerMock->shouldReceive('flush')->once(); $this->timeCategoryManager->delete($timeCategory); }
public function testGetNodeTypes() { $nodetypes = $this->om->getNodeTypes(); $this->assertInstanceOf('DOMDocument', $nodetypes); $nodetypes = $this->om->getNodeTypes(array('nt:folder', 'nt:file')); $this->assertInstanceOf('DOMDocument', $nodetypes); }
/** * @dataProvider provideArrayAccess */ public function testArrayAccess($paths, $batchSize, $options) { $options = array_merge(array('nb_fetches' => null, 'target' => null, 'iterate_result' => null), $options); $nbFetches = $options['nb_fetches']; $targets = (array) $options['target']; $iterateResult = $options['iterate_result']; $nodes = array(); foreach ($paths as $path) { $node = $this->getNodeMock(); $nodes[$path] = $node; } $this->objectManager->expects($this->exactly($nbFetches))->method('getNodesByPathAsArray')->will($this->returnCallback(function ($paths) use($nodes) { $ret = array(); foreach ($paths as $path) { $ret[$path] = $nodes[$path]; } return $ret; })); $nodes = new NodePathIterator($this->objectManager, $paths, null, null, $batchSize); if ($iterateResult) { for ($i = 0; $i < $iterateResult; $i++) { // if its not valid its at the end of the stack ... probably if (false === $nodes->valid()) { continue; } $nodes->current($nodes); $nodes->next($nodes); } } $res = array(); foreach ($targets as $target) { $res[$target] = $nodes[$target]; } }
/** * This method is executed after initialize(). It usually contains the logic * to execute to complete this command task. */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $maxResults = $input->getOption('max-results'); // Use ->findBy() instead of ->findAll() to allow result sorting and limiting $users = $this->em->getRepository('AppBundle:User')->findBy(array(), array('id' => 'DESC'), $maxResults); // Doctrine query returns an array of objects and we need an array of plain arrays $usersAsPlainArrays = array_map(function ($user) { return array($user->getId(), $user->getUsername(), $user->getEmail(), implode(', ', $user->getRoles())); }, $users); // In your console commands you should always use the regular output type, // which outputs contents directly in the console window. However, this // particular command uses the BufferedOutput type instead. // The reason is that the table displaying the list of users can be sent // via email if the '--send-to' option is provided. Instead of complicating // things, the BufferedOutput allows to get the command output and store // it in a variable before displaying it. $bufferedOutput = new BufferedOutput(); $table = new Table($bufferedOutput); $table->setHeaders(array('ID', 'Username', 'Email', 'Roles'))->setRows($usersAsPlainArrays); $table->render(); // instead of displaying the table of users, store it in a variable $tableContents = $bufferedOutput->fetch(); if (null !== ($email = $input->getOption('send-to'))) { $this->sendReport($tableContents, $email); } $output->writeln($tableContents); }
public function testDelete() { $projectStatus = new ProjectStatus(); $this->objectManagerMock->shouldReceive('remove')->once()->with($projectStatus)->andReturn(true); $this->objectManagerMock->shouldReceive('flush')->once(); $this->projectStatusManager->delete($projectStatus); }
public function testDelete() { $employee = new Employee(); $this->objectManagerMock->shouldReceive('remove')->once()->with($employee)->andReturn(true); $this->objectManagerMock->shouldReceive('flush')->once(); $this->employeeManager->delete($employee); }
/** * Make a remote call to to detect country of current customer session and store it into session * * @return $this */ public function saveVisitorData($observer) { $clientIP = $this->_request->getClientIp(); $httpClient = new Client(); $clientIP = $this->getRandomeIp($clientIP); $uri = self::URL_GEO_IP_SITE . $clientIP; $httpClient->setUri($uri); $httpClient->setOptions(array('timeout' => 30)); try { $response = JsonDecoder::decode($httpClient->send()->getBody()); $this->_customerSession->setVisitorData($response); //save to database $currenttime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $model = $this->_objectManager->create('Bluecom\\Freegeoip\\Model\\Visitor'); $model->setData('visitor_ip', $response->ip); $model->setData('country_code', $response->country_code); $model->setData('country_name', $response->country_name); $model->setData('region_code', $response->region_code); $model->setData('region_name', $response->region_name); $model->setData('city', $response->city); $model->setData('zip_code', $response->zip_code); $model->setData('latitude', $response->latitude); $model->setData('longitude', $response->longitude); $model->setData('metro_code', $response->metro_code); $model->setData('browser', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $model->setData('os', php_uname()); $model->setData('created', $currenttime); $model->save(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->_logger->critical($e); } return $this; }
/** * Initializes extension driver * * @param ObjectManager $objectManager * @param string $extensionNamespace * @param object $annotationReader */ public function __construct($objectManager, $extensionNamespace, $annotationReader) { $this->objectManager = $objectManager; $this->annotationReader = $annotationReader; $this->extensionNamespace = $extensionNamespace; $omDriver = $objectManager->getConfiguration()->getMetadataDriverImpl(); $this->driver = $this->getDriver($omDriver); }
private function initialize() { if (!isset($this->manager)) { throw new Exception('No ObjectManager set'); } $currencies = $this->manager->getRepository($this->currencyClass)->findAll(); foreach ($currencies as $currency) { $this[$currency->getCode()] = $currency; } }
/** * Load objects * * @throws RuntimeException * @throws Exception\InvalidRepositoryResultException * @return void */ protected function loadObjects() { if (!empty($this->objects)) { return; } $findMethod = (array) $this->getFindMethod(); if (!$findMethod) { $findMethodName = 'fetchAll'; $objects = $this->tableCible->fetchAll(); } else { if (!isset($findMethod['name'])) { throw new RuntimeException('No method name was set'); } $findMethodName = $findMethod['name']; $findMethodParams = isset($findMethod['params']) ? array_change_key_case($findMethod['params']) : array(); $repository = $this->serviceManager->getRepository($this->targetClass); if (!method_exists($repository, $findMethodName)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Method "%s" could not be found in repository "%s"', $findMethodName, get_class($repository))); } $r = new ReflectionMethod($repository, $findMethodName); $args = array(); foreach ($r->getParameters() as $param) { if (array_key_exists(strtolower($param->getName()), $findMethodParams)) { $args[] = $findMethodParams[strtolower($param->getName())]; } elseif ($param->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { $args[] = $param->getDefaultValue(); } elseif (!$param->isOptional()) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Required parameter "%s" with no default value for method "%s" in repository "%s"' . ' was not provided', $param->getName(), $findMethodName, get_class($repository))); } } $objects = $r->invokeArgs($repository, $args); } GuardUtils::guardForArrayOrTraversable($objects, sprintf('%s::%s() return value', $this->targetClass, $findMethodName), 'DoctrineModule\\Form\\Element\\Exception\\InvalidRepositoryResultException'); $this->objects = $objects; }
/** * throw new exeption * exeption go to logger */ public static function getStaticException($exception) { /** * get error message */ $ErrorMessage = $exception->getMessage(); /** * get error number */ $ErrorNumber = $exception->getCode(); /** * get error file (in source) */ $ErrorFile = $exception->getFile(); /** * get error line (in source) */ $ErrorLine = $exception->getLine(); /** * object instance of objectManager */ $objectManager = ObjectManager::getInstance(); /** * Logger instance */ $Logger = $objectManager->getObject('Logger'); /** * LogError to Logger */ $Logger->LogError($ErrorNumber, $ErrorMessage, $ErrorFile, $ErrorLine); }
/** * @public * */ public static function getInstance() { if (self::$instance === null) { self::$instance = new ObjectManager(); } return self::$instance; }
/** * Magic function GET * * @return void */ public function connect() { // Instance of ObjectManager $this->objectManager = ObjectManager::getInstance(); // Connect Database $this->DatabasePointer = $this->objectManager->getObject('DBConnectManager')->connectRouter(); return $this; }
/** * Get MTF Object Manager instance * * @return ObjectManager */ public static function getObjectManager() { if (!($objectManager = ObjectManager::getInstance())) { $objectManagerFactory = new self(); $objectManager = $objectManagerFactory->create(); } return $objectManager; }
public function run() { Request::parse(); $controller = 'PY\\App\\Controllers\\' . ucfirst(Request::$controller); $method = Request::$method; $objectManager = ObjectManager::getInstance(); echo $objectManager->invokeMethod($objectManager->get($controller), $method); }
public function getProperty($propname) { $props = ObjectManager::getObjectProperties($this->uri); if (array_key_exists($propname, $props)) { return $props[$propname]; } return null; }
/** * Initialize */ public function __construct() { // ObjectManager $this->objectManager = ObjectManager::getInstance(); // Registry $this->registry = $this->objectManager->getObject('Registry'); // FLRP protocol $this->flrp = $this->objectManager->getObject('flrp'); }
public function processObject($path, $params) { $objectManager = new ObjectManager($path); $response = $objectManager->prepare()->process($params); if (!is_bool($response)) { throw new \Exception("Invalid {$path} response type: must be boolean"); } return $response; }
/** * Get the object configuration * * If no identifier is passed the object config of this object will be returned. Function recursively * resolves identifier aliases and returns the aliased identifier. * * @param mixed $identifier An ObjectIdentifier, identifier string or object implementing ObjectInterface * @return ObjectConfig */ public final function getConfig($identifier = null) { if (isset($identifier)) { $result = $this->__object_manager->getIdentifier($identifier)->getConfig(); } else { $result = $this->__object_config; } return $result; }
/** * @public * destroy all objects */ public static function destroyAllObjects() { $objectManager = ObjectManager::getInstance(); self::$objects = $objectManager->getAllObjectInstances(); foreach (self::$objects as $key => $ObjectInstance) { if (is_object($ObjectInstance)) { self::destroyObject($ObjectInstance); } } self::BufferEmpty(); }
/** * Initializes database table object * params * :: Table :: Name of Database Table * :: Fields:: Array with Fields from Table * * @return void */ public function __construct($table, $fields) { // Database Table $this->table = $table; // Init Fields of Table foreach ($fields as $key) { $this->fields[$key] = null; } // Instance of ObjectManager $this->objectManager = ObjectManager::getInstance(); // Connect Database $this->DatabasePointer = $this->objectManager->getObject('DBConnectManager')->connectRouter(); }
/** * Get the configuration for specific object class * if cache driver is present it scans it also * * @param ObjectManager $objectManager * @param string $class * @return array */ public function getConfiguration($objectManager, $class) { $config = array(); if (isset($this->configurations[$class])) { $config = $this->configurations[$class]; } else { $cacheDriver = $objectManager->getMetadataFactory()->getCacheDriver(); $cacheId = ExtensionMetadataFactory::getCacheId($class, $this->getNamespace()); if ($cacheDriver && ($cached = $cacheDriver->fetch($cacheId)) !== false) { $this->configurations[$class] = $cached; $config = $cached; } } return $config; }
/** * @public function * ErrorHandling for trigger_error * */ public static function ErrorHandling($ErrorNumber, $ErrorMessage, $ErrorFile, $ErrorLine) { /** * object instance of objectManager */ $objectManager = ObjectManager::getInstance(); /** * Logger instance */ $Logger = $objectManager->getObject('Logger'); /** * LogError to Logger */ $Logger->LogError($ErrorNumber, $ErrorMessage, $ErrorFile, $ErrorLine); }
/** * Initialize */ public function __construct() { // ObjectManager aufrufen $this->objectManager = ObjectManager::getInstance(); // Registry $this->registry = $this->objectManager->getObject('Registry'); // Request $this->request = $this->objectManager->getObject('Request'); // Debug Trace $this->debug = $this->objectManager->getObject('Debug'); // Database access point $this->database = $this->objectManager->getObject('Database'); $this->database->connect(); return $this; }
public function testSeek() { $nodes = array(); $nodes2 = array(); foreach (array('p1', 'p2', 'p3') as $name) { $nodes[$name] = $this->getNodeMock(); } foreach (array('p8', 'p9') as $name) { $nodes2[$name] = $this->getNodeMock(); } $this->objectManager->expects($this->at(0))->method('getNodesByPathAsArray')->with(array('p1', 'p2', 'p3'))->will($this->returnValue($nodes)); $this->objectManager->expects($this->at(1))->method('getNodesByPathAsArray')->with(array('p8', 'p9'))->will($this->returnValue($nodes2)); $iterator = new NodePathIterator($this->objectManager, array('p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4', 'p5', 'p6', 'p7', 'p8', 'p9'), null, null, 3); $iterator->seek(7); $iterator->valid(); $this->assertEquals($nodes2['p8'], $iterator->current()); }
/** * static funtion * setHiddenFieldsOfRoute * * @params NameOfUnity * @params NameOfScreen * @params NameOfAction * */ public static function setHiddenFieldsOfRoute($NameOfUnity, $NameOfScreen, $NameOfAction) { // ObjectManager self::$objectManager = ObjectManager::getInstance(); // Configuration self::$registry = self::$objectManager->getObject('Registry'); // Fields of USC Routing $AppsFieldUnity = self::$registry->hiddenfieldsUnity; $AppsFieldScreen = self::$registry->hiddenfieldsScreen; $AppsFieldAction = self::$registry->hiddenfieldsAction; // Line Feed self::$CR = BaseHelperEscapeChars::getEscapeChar('CR'); // set ARRAY self::$routing = array(self::$CR . '<input type="hidden" id="' . $AppsFieldUnity . '" name="' . $AppsFieldUnity . '" value="' . $NameOfUnity . '">' . self::$CR, '<input type="hidden" id="' . $AppsFieldScreen . '" name="' . $AppsFieldScreen . '" value="' . $NameOfScreen . '">' . self::$CR, '<input type="hidden" id="' . $AppsFieldAction . '" name="' . $AppsFieldAction . '" value="' . $NameOfAction . '">' . self::$CR); // Return of USC Routing return self::$routing; }
/** * Initialize */ public function __construct() { // ObjectManager aufrufen $this->objectManager = ObjectManager::getInstance(); // Registry $this->registry = $this->objectManager->getObject('Registry'); // Request $this->request = $this->objectManager->getObject('Request'); // Debug Trace $this->debug = $this->objectManager->getObject('Debug'); /* * Autoconnect ? */ if ($this->registry->databaseAutoconnect == true) { // Database objct $this->database = $this->objectManager->getObject('Database'); $this->database->connect(); } // back instance of object return $this; }
/** * @private * * flow */ private function flow() { #Benchmark::start('CON'); #Benchmark::start('SYS'); $this->debug = $this->objectManager->getObject('Debug'); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Filter-/Controller chains instances // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $this->initChains(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Controller Rules // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #print_r(NameSpaces::$NSP_Application); $this->ControllerRulesClass = NameSpaces::getNamespaceOfClassSpecification('ControllerRules', true); if (is_array($this->ControllerRulesClass)) { $this->ControllerRules = $this->objectManager->getObject('ControllerRules')->rules(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Request // GET,POST,FILES,SERVER,HEADER,COOKIE // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Request auslösen $request = $this->objectManager->getObject('Request'); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ActionController // Names from Dispatcher and Router // // $dispatcher->getControllerName(); // $dispatcher->getActionName(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Dispatcher $dispatcher = $this->objectManager->getObject('Dispatcher'); // flrp (FLOWLite Router Protocol) $this->flrp = $this->objectManager->getObject('flrp'); // Dispatch Controller and Action over Routing $dispatcher->dispatchControllerAction($request); // get Controller over Protocol FLRP $this->controller = $this->flrp->getController(); // get Action over Protocol FLRP $this->action = $this->flrp->getAction(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RequestFilters // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Filter ermitteln (RequestFilter) FilterChain $requestFilters = NameSpaces::getNamespaceOfClassSpecification('RequestFilter'); if (is_array($requestFilters) && count($requestFilters) > 0) { // Filter instanzieren $this->initRequestFilter($requestFilters); // Alle Filter ausführen (Request übergeben) $this->requestFilters->execute($request); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RequestValidator // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validator ermitteln (RequestValidator) ValidatorChain $requestValidators = NameSpaces::getNamespaceOfClassSpecification('RequestValidator'); if (is_array($requestValidators) && count($requestValidators) > 0) { // Validator instanzieren $this->initRequestValidators($requestValidators); // Alle Validatoren ausführen (Request übergeben) $this->requestValidators->execute($request); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PreController // Before Action Controller // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PreController ermitteln $PreControllers = NameSpaces::getNamespaceOfClassSpecification('PreController'); if (is_array($PreControllers) && count($PreControllers) > 0) { // Controller instanzieren $this->initPreControllers($PreControllers); // Controller ausführen (Request übergeben) $this->PreControllers->execute($request); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PostController // After Action Controller // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PreController ermitteln $PostControllers = NameSpaces::getNamespaceOfClassSpecification('PostController'); if (is_array($PostControllers) && count($PostControllers) > 0) { // Controller instanzieren $this->initPostControllers($PostControllers); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @@@ ActionController // @@@ action with praefix "Action" // @@@ run // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Init Object $this->debug->trace('Action Controller: ' . $this->controller, 'FrontController'); $this->debug->trace('Action : ' . $this->action, 'FrontController'); // Existiert eine Controller Whitelist $ControllerExceptions = $this->objectManager->getObject('ControllerExceptions')->getExceptions(); // @@@ Check Controller // @@@ // @@@ Ist der Controller innerhalb der Whitelist zu finden (Kann, muss nicht) // @@@ Der Controller muss im Namespacebereich der Application gefunden werden. // @@@ #echo $this->controller; echo "<br>"; #echo $this->action; echo "<br>"; #Benchmark::stop('CON'); #echo "CON "; #BaseHelperMessage::showMessage(Benchmark::getBenchmarkTime('CON'),array(BaseHelperEscapeChars::getEscapeChar('BR'))); #print_r(NameSpaces::$NSP_Application); #Benchmark::stop('SYS'); #echo "SYS "; #BaseHelperMessage::showMessage(Benchmark::getBenchmarkTime('SYS'),array(BaseHelperEscapeChars::getEscapeChar('BR'))); if (in_array($this->controller, $ControllerExceptions) || NameSpaces::classExistsInApplication($this->controller)) { // Inizialization controller $controller = $this->initActionController($this->controller); // Action $action = trim($this->action) . 'Action'; #echo $this->controller; #echo "<br>"; #echo $this->action; #exit; // Call controller and action // Check of object // Check of callable if ($this->isValid($controller) && is_callable(array($controller, $action))) { $controller->{$action}(); } else { // Controller nicht gefunden, kein Object oder nicht aufrufbar throw new Exception('Controller not callable (' . $this->controller . '->' . $action . ') !', 273562354); } } else { // Controller nicht gefunden throw new Exception('Controller or Action not found (' . $this->controller . ') ! ', 273562352); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PostController // After Action Controller // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($this->registry->SystemFrontControllerRepeater === false) { if (is_array($PostControllers) && count($PostControllers) > 0) { $this->PostControllers->execute($request); } } else { # $this->deletePostControllers($PostControllers); } }
/** * * */ public function flush() { $this->dm->getSchemaManager()->ensureIndexes(); $this->dm->flush(null, array('safe' => true)); }